You might have arrived at the Location page by clicking a location name on the Room Information page, by clicking a location name or IVR ID on the Locations tab, or by clicking Add Location on the Locations tab or Room Information page.
On the Location page you:
Add information (such as name, abbreviation, cost center, description, ADT IDs, and intake codes) for a new location or edit the existing information about the location that you selected on the Locations tab.
Associate the location with a unit and a room. For example, if the location is Bed 1234A, associate it with Room 1234 in Unit A. Each location must be associated with an existing room.
(For Capacity IQ® Transport) Associate the location with a zone and configure transport settings (such as lead time) for the location. The location cannot be selected as an origin or destination in a transport job request until transport settings are configured.
(For Capacity IQ® EVS application and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application) Associate the location with a zone and configure the bed settings for the Capacity IQ® EVS application, such as Prevent Time and Allow Bed Stacking.
(For Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application) Associate the location with custom bed attributes (such as Near Nurses's Station). Bed attributes assist in finding an optimal bed for a patient in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application bed search.
Before Using The Location Page
Before using the Location page, make sure the following tasks have been completed:
Adding a Room to a Floor
Adding Cost Centers
Adding Zones
Adding Units
General Steps for Using The Location Page
The following are the general steps for adding or editing locations. Click the links for detailed instructions.
Add or edit the location information (such as name, abbreviation, cost center, and location type).
Associate a unit and room with this location.
(For the Capacity IQ® Transport application) Select a zone and configure the transport settings for this location.
(For the Capacity IQ® EVS application and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application) Select a zone and configure the bed settings for this location.
(For the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application) Associate the location with bed attributes.
Click Save.
Creating a New Location by Copying This Existing One
If you have accessed the Location information for an existing location and you want to copy this location to create a new one, complete the steps below.
The following information will be copied:
Location type
Cost center
Transport settings and zone
Bed settings and zone
Bed attributes
To create a new location by copying this one:
With the location that you want to copy displayed, click Copy.
A new page appears with the following information copied from the other location.Location type
Cost center
Transport settings and zone
Bed settings and zone
Bed attributes
Complete the remaining information, following the steps in Adding or Editing the Location Information.
Click Save or Save and Close.
Adding or Editing the Location Information
Add the general information about the location, such as name, abbreviation, cost center, intake location code, and IVR ID.
Note - Fields on the page marked with a red * are required.
To Add or Edit Location Information:
In the Location Name box, type a name for the location (for example, Bed 1234B).
Maximum characters that you can type: 50.Notes
The abbreviation rather than the full name will appear on the Capacity IQ® Transport console.
The location name must be different from the names of other locations associated with the same room.
Location Abbr box, type an abbreviation for the location that will appear in short text notifications for dispatch confirmations (for example, B1234B). The abbreviation may also appear in Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit applications, depending on global settings.
Maximum characters that you can type: 15In the Location Description box, type additional text to identify the location.
Maximum characters that you can type: 100.In the IVR ID box, type a numeric code greater than 0 that will be used for this location on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Note: Requesters use IVR ID codes to request transport and bed cleaning jobs. It is very important to enter the correct IVR ID code so that requesters can select the appropriate locations for jobs.In the Cost Center list, select the cost center associated with this location.
Cost centers are added in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. All cost centers that have been added to the enterprise appear in this list. (For instructions about adding cost centers, See Adding or Editing Cost Centers.)
In the Location Type list, select the type of location (for example, Home, Discharge, Specialty, or Exam/Treatment). Click the following links to learn about the location types:
Home (Capacity IQ® EVS application or Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application)or Home (Capacity IQ® Transport application)
The options in the Location Type list were entered when the Capacity Management Suite® solution was installed and cannot be edited.
Virtual locations where patients are moved temporarily before the ADT discharge is finalized should have a location type of Discharge.
If you select Discharge, then this location is noted as a discharge location.
Locations to which patients in Inhouse status can be transported without losing their home locations should have location types of Exam/Treatment or Specialty.
Virtual locations where a patient is admitted or transferred before a placement in a physical bed occurs should have a location type of Home and have the Holding Bed bed setting enabled.
If you selected Exam/Treatment as the location type, you CANNOT select Holding Bed, Show on Bedboard, Include in Census, and EVS Bed on the Bed Settings tab.
If a location (bed) is assigned or in Dirty status, the location type cannot be changed.
In the Facility ADT ID, Nurse Station ADT ID, Room ADT ID, and Bed ADT ID boxes, type the code that your hospital's ADT system uses to identify the facility, nurse station, room, and bed associated with this location.
These four ADT ID codes concatenated together make up the ADT ID code for the location and map the Capacity Management Suite® solution location to this location in your hospital's ADT system.
A valid ADT ID code is REQUIRED for all locations.
In earlier versions of the Capacity IQ® EVS application, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application, and Capacity IQ® Transport application that were not web-based, the ADT ID for the location and the location abbreviation were usually the same. If you used an earlier version, then the ADT ID might be the same as the location abbreviation.
The ADT ID for the location must be alphanumeric. Each HL7 ADT ID code can be no longer than 20 characters.
The location ADT ID cannot be the same as the ADT ID of any other location in the enterprise.
Check with the person who is in charge of your ADT system to determine how to identify each of the ADT ID codes.
The values to be entered in the location ADT ID boxes must match exactly the corresponding values for this location in the following HL7 fields.
| Location ADT IDs and HL7 Fields |
Value in this Location Box . . . | Must Match this HL7 Field Value . . . |
Facility ADT ID | PV1 Field 3 Subfield 4 |
Nurse Station ADT ID | PV1 Field 3 Subfield 1 |
Room ADT ID | PV1 Field 3 Subfield 2 |
Bed ADT ID | PV1 Field 3 Subfield 3 |
ADT IDs may include leading zeroes, if appropriate. However, the values must match the values that will be received from the ADT system exactly.
Check for missing components in the ADT ID (for example, a missing Room ADT ID). Within each component, check for all blank values.
If possible, get a list of ADT ID values from the hospital registration system and from earlier, non-Web-based versions of the Capacity IQ® EVS application and the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application, and compare the values on those lists to the locations entered in the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
If floor plans will be used at your hospital, a TeleTracking representative will select the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ location that is associated with this location. The TeleTracking RTLS location appears in the Floor Plan Location box. Only a TeleTracking representative can change it
(For the PatientTracking Portal® application only) If the campus that contains this location has a Hand Hygiene license from TeleTracking, then you can enable a setting so that staff and physician hand hygiene compliance for this location can be monitored through the PatientTracking Portal®. This location must be associated with a TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ for the Hand Hygiene setting to be enabled. If you enable this setting and Hand Hygiene settings for the unit that contains this location have been configured, then the Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) for this location can be shown in the Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) column in PatientTracking Portal® list views. This setting should be enabled for locations where staff and physicians will come into contact with patients (such as patient home locations). It does not need to be enabled for locations where there is no staff and patient interaction. For more information about the Hand Hygiene Index see Overview, Prerequisites, and How is the Hand Hygiene Index Calculated? in Configuring Unit Hand Hygiene Settings. To enable the setting, click the gray Disabled button under Hand Hygiene to change it to a green Enabled button.
(For the PatientTracking Portal® application only) If the Capacity Management Suite® solution is integrated with the TeleTracking RTLS system and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then it is possible to have Isolated Location Alarms. If a badged patient is in an isolated location, such as a bathroom, for a certain period of time, an alarm will sound and staff members will see a warning on their computer screens in PatientTracking Portal®. The alarm indicates to staff members that they should check on the patient in the isolated location to ensure that they have not fallen or experienced other problems. If this location is associated with a TeleTracking RTLS, if your hospital will use isolated location alarms, and if this location is considered isolated (for example, is a bathroom), then under Isolated Location, click the gray Disabled button to change it to a green Enabled button. If the Capacity Management Suite® solution is NOT integrated with the TeleTracking RTLS system, then this option is not available.
(For the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Application) If this location will be used as an intake location for preadmitted patients, specify the intake codes that will be associated with this location.
Only locations associated with intake codes can be selected as intake locations in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application. Home and Discharge locations cannot be intake locations. For more information, see About Intake Locations and Codes.
Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Intake Codes dialog box.
Click the plus sign (+) to add a box for typing a code.
In the box, type the intake code that is associated with this location.
To add more codes for this location, repeat Steps b and c.
Click Select.
To Select a Unit and Room
Every location must be associated with an existing unit and room. For example, if you add a location called Bed 1234A, it must be associated with Room 1234 on Unit A. Select a unit and room to associate with this location.
If you use the Add Location button on the Room Information page to add a location to a room, the information about that room appears automatically in the Physical Position section. You may change it.
If you used the Copy button on the Location Details page to add a location by copying an existing one, the unit and room information associated with the copied location is associated with the new location. You may change it.
The locations associated with a single room typically should have the same location type (for example, Home or Specialty).
Beds associated with the same room are considered when determining which gender color indicator (pink or blue) to display for a bed on the electronic bedboard® view in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.
To Select a Unit and Room:
In the Unit list, select the unit where the room is located.
Do one of the following to select a room:
In the Room list, select a room within the unit to associate the bed with.
Select the magnifying glass icon to display a dialog box, select a building, and then a floor. Click the plus sign (+) beside the floor to display a list of rooms. Select the check box for a room, and then click Add Selected Room to close the dialog box.
To add a new or edit an existing building, floor, or room, click the links for each in the Physical Position section to access the appropriate pages.
(For Capacity IQ® Transport) Selecting a Zone and Configuring Transport Settings for the Location
Transport settings must be configured before a location can be selected as an origin or destination in a transport job request.
Important Note!
Configuring transport settings for a patient's transport location is crucial, as it allows requesters to select the location as an origin or destination in a transport job request. Without these settings, the electronic bedboard® view in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application may incorrectly change the patient's home location.
To Select a Zone and Configure Transport Settings for the Location:
Click the Transport Settings tab.
In the Logical Position section, in the Zone list, select the zone that should be associated with the location.
Zones marked as item override zones are not available to select. For more information, see About Item Override Zones.
In the Transport Settings section, type a number for each of the following. Click the links below for more details.
Origin Priority (0 through 9)
Destination Priority (0 through 9)
Lead Time (0 through 60 minutes)
Auto Return (for specialty and exam/treatment location types) (0 through 1440 minutes)
(For the Capacity IQ® EVS Application and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application Application) Selecting a Zone and Configuring Bed Settings for the Location
Permission Required: The Capacity IQ® EVS Location Settings permission is required to perform this task.
You must configure bed settings so that the bed (location) can be used in the Capacity IQ® EVS application and in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application application to locate and assign a bed for a patient.
Important Note!
It is very important to configure bed settings for any location that the Environmental Services (EVS) department cleans (Capacity IQ® EVS application location). A location is considered a Capacity IQ® EVS application location if at least one Capacity IQ® EVS-related zone is associated with it and the EVS Service bed setting is enabled. A location's bed settings can determine whether a bed is displayed on the electronic bedboard® view in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmitapplication, whether a bed is displayed on the Capacity IQ® EVS console, whether a bed is counted in the Occupied Permanent or Occupied Other columns on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmitapplication Census list view, and whether it is counted in the Current Census Real-Time Key Indicator (RTKI) statistics in the Capacity IQ® EVS console.
To Select a Zone and Configure Bed Settings for a Location:
Click the Bed Settings tab.
In the Logical Position section, in the Zone list, select the zone that should be associated with the location.
In the Bed Size list, select the bed size (for example, Adult or Crib).
In the Prevent Time box, type a number of minutes after which the location (bed) can be marked Dirty again through the IVR (telephone), the Capacity IQ® EVS application (Console user interface), or the ADT system (ADT interface) after it has been marked clean or blocked. For example, if you enter and save 240, then once the location is marked Clean it cannot be marked Dirty again for 240 minutes. For more details, see the Prevent Time definition.
The Prevent Until section shows the date and time that the location (bed) can be marked Dirty again. The time and date are calculated based on the time that the bed was marked Clean and the number of minutes entered in the Prevent Time box.
Enable or disable each of the following options. To enable, click the gray Disabled button so that it becomes a green Enabled button. To disable it, click the green Enabled button.
Option | Description | If enabled . . . | If disabled . . . |
EVS Service
Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Exam/Treatment or Other |
Count in Census
Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Exam/Treatment or Other. |
| Bed should NOT be included in the census count |
Holding Bed. Cannot be enabled for a location with a location type of Other. | A holding bed is considered a temporary location for the patient. |
| No placement request is created automatically when a patient is admitted or transferred to this bed. |
Allow Bed Stacking
Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Home that do not have the Holding Bed setting enabled. Cannot be enabled if EVS Service and Count as Permanent are enabled. This is the only bed setting that can be applied to a location with a location type of Other. | Although multiple patients may occupy this location at once, the ADT system has only one ADT ID for it. Only enable this setting when the ADT system does not accurately reflect separate locations for each admit or transfer bed. In most cases, this setting will be disabled. Examples of stacking locations are discharge lounges and nurseries. |
| This bed is NOT considered one location that can be occupied by multiple patients at once. |
Show On Bedboard
Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Exam/Treatment or Other | Bed should appear on the electronic bedboard® view in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application. Usually, home locations that are not marked as holding beds (home non-holding locations) have EVS Service enabled. | Bed will appear on the electronic bedboard® view IF the unit associated with this bed is also designated to appear on the electronic bedboard® view. | Bed will not appear in list views or on the electronic bedboard® view view. |
Count as Physical Bed
Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Other |
| Bed is NOT counted as a regular home location within a nursing unit. |
Count in Census and Count as Physical Bed
If. . . | Count in Census Should Be | Count as Physical Bed Should Be |
(Typical configuration) This bed (location) should be counted in the census | Enabled | Enabled |
Patients in holding beds should be INCLUDED in census counts (regardless of whether this bed is marked as a holding bed). (This is only a suggested use of this feature.) | Enabled | Disabled |
Patients in holding beds should be EXCLUDED from census counts (regardless of whether this bed is marked as a holding bed). (This is only a suggested use of this feature.) | Disabled | Enabled |
Bed should NOT be counted in census | Disabled | Disabled |
(For Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application Only) Associating Custom Bed Attributes with the Location
Bed attributes are used in conjunction with patient attributes in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application to search for and assign an appropriate bed for a patient. An example of a custom bed attribute is Near Nurses's Station. An example of a patient attribute is Fall Risk. A patient with an attribute of Fall Risk might need to have a bed with an attribute of Near Nurses' Station in case the patient should fall.
You may select the custom bed attributes that apply to this location. The bed attributes that you can select are entered in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
Standard bed attributes such as hospital service and level of care, discipline, room accommodation type, and bed size cannot be selected on the Bed Attributes tab. Bed size is selected on the Bed Settings tab. Hospital service and level of care are selected for units on the Unit Attributes tab. Disciplines are selected for units on the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab. Accommodation types are selected for the room that is associated with the location.
To Associate Custom Bed Attributes with the Location:
Click the Bed Attributes tab to display the Choose Location Attributes dialog box.
To add bed attributes to the list, click Add, click the plus sign (+) next to the custom attribute category that is associated with the bed attribute you want to select to display a list of attributes, select the checkboxes for the attributes, and then click Select.
Only custom attribute categories that have Bed Matching enabled in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component appear.
To remove attributes from the Bed Attributes tab:
Select the checkboxes corresponding to the attributes and then click Delete.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Saving a Location
Click Save or Save and Close.
(For PatientTracking Portal® Only) Mapping Third-party Staff Assignment Systems with a Location
When using third-party staff assignment systems, site administrators must map locations in the Capacity Management Suite® solution to the equivalent locations in the third-party staff assignment system.
To Map Locations:
Click the Ext. Identifier tab to display the list of available third-party staff assignment systems.
In the Identifier column for the appropriate third-party staff assignment system vendor, enter a unique identifier for the third-party staff assignment system that needs to be mapped. The identifier maps the location in the Capacity Management Suite® solution with the equivalent location in the third-party staff assignment system.
Click Save.