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Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated this week

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephone system that users sign in and out of for the workday. It allows users with the appropriate permissions to accept, change the status of, or update certain aspects of transport and bed cleaning jobs and indicate job assignments.Users with the appropriate permissions can use the IVR to change a patient’s status to Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, or Confirmed Discharge, or to cancel a patient’s pending or confirmed discharge or pending transfer status.

Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® EVS application, Capacity IQ® Transport application, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.

How Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Works


  • The IVR system can be used to complete a number of job-related and employee-related tasks in the Capacity IQ® EVS application and the Capacity IQ® Transport application.

  • In the Capacity IQ® Transport application, supervisors, requesters, and transporters use the IVR to complete transport-related tasks such as:

    • Accepting a transport job

    • Creating an outpatient transport job request

    • Listening to transport statistics

  • Requesters, Environmental Services Department supervisors, and employees use the IVR to complete bed-cleaning-related tasks such as:

    • Creating or cancelling bed cleaning job requests

    • Changing bed sizes

    • Assigning bed cleaning jobs

    • Accepting bed cleaning jobs

    • Suspending, delaying, or cancelling bed cleaning jobs

    • Resuming delayed or suspended jobs

  • Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application requesters can set or cancel a patient's Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Pending Transfer status using the IVR.

  • Your ability to perform tasks on the IVR depends on the permissions that you have been granted.

    • For example, some transporters might have permission to dispatch themselves to specific jobs, while others do not.

    • Some bed cleaners might have permission to block beds while others do not.

    • Additionally, some users have permission to perform maintenance functions on the IVR, such as recording voice files (VOX files) for the Capacity IQ® Transport application or recording VOX files for the Capacity IQ® EVS application.

  • Before setting up users and assigning user IDs and IVR IDs, configure login settings, such as determining and setting the parameters and limitations for user IDs and IVR IDs.

  • IVR PINs are used to ensure secure access to the IVR system and the Patient Tracking Portal interactive wall display by setting PIN requirements and expiration rules.

  • You can configure IVR PIN settings to:

    • Require or remove the requirement for IVR PINs.

    • Set the number of days after which users' IVR PINs expire.

    • Set a minimum number of characters for an IVR PIN.

Permissions and Memberships Required:

  • Admin Tool Menu permission to access the Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Enterprise Wide Settings permission to complete this task.

    • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help enable this permission.

  • Edit rights to change information; View rights to see information without changing it.

  • Membership Type "All" with administrative rights enabled, or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and administrative rights enabled for the campus.


Configuring Login Settings

  1. Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Wide Settings or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise-Wide Settings.

  2. Click the Enterprise Wide Settings tab.

  3. In the Login Settings section, complete the following to set parameters for user IDs and IVR IDs:

    • User ID Min Char: Type the minimum number of characters allowed for a user ID (e.g., 6).

    • User ID Max Char: Type the maximum number of characters allowed for a user ID (e.g., 10).

    • IVR ID Min Char: Type the minimum number of characters allowed for an IVR ID (e.g., 6).

    • IVR ID Max Char: Type the maximum number of characters allowed for an IVR ID (e.g., 4).

    Note: An IVR ID must be no more than 10 characters.

  4. User ID multiple login:

    • To allow multiple logins with the same user ID or IVR ID, click the gray Disabled button to change it to Enabled.

    • To prevent multiple logins with the same user ID or IVR ID, click the green Enabled button to change it to Disabled.

    Note: If you save and see a message, ensure all fields highlighted in red have been completed.

Configuring IVR PIN Settings:

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise-Wide Settings.

  2. Click the Enterprise Wide Settings tab.

  3. In the IVR PIN Settings section, complete the following:

    • IVR PIN: If the green Enabled button appears, IVR PINs are required. To require PINs, click the gray Disabled button to change it to Enabled. To remove the requirement, click the green Enabled button to change it to Disabled.

    • IVR PIN Expiration (days): (Only available if IVR PINs are enabled.) Enter the number of days after which IVR PINs expire (1 to 2,000,000 days).

      • Note: The first time users enter a new PIN, they are prompted to change it regardless of the expiration date set.

    • IVR PIN Minimum Characters: (Only available if IVR PINs are enabled.) Enter the minimum number of characters for an IVR PIN (greater than 0).

    Note: If you save and see a message, ensure all fields highlighted in red have been completed.

IVR Instructions For Capacity IQ® EVS Requesters

If you are a Requester, you may use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to complete various tasks. Your ability to perform tasks on the IVR depends on the permissions granted to you. This feature exists to streamline task management and is used whenever you need to interact with the Capacity IQ® EVS system via phone.

Where you can find this feature: The IVR system can be accessed by dialing the designated telephone number provided by your administrator.

How IVR Instructions For Capacity IQ® EVS Requesters Work


  • The administrator configures settings that determine the IVR ID number you use to log in.

  • Capacity IQ® EVS Requesters can sign in, create bed cleaning job requests, cancel cleaning requests, create bed spill requests, change bed sizes, enter block bed requests, and sign out using IVR.

    • Typically, a bed is blocked when maintenance activities, such as painting, occur in the room.

    • Users who attempt to assign a patient to a blocked bed will see a message indicating that the bed is in Blocked status but still will be able to assign the bed.

    • No EVS employee can be sent to the bed until the block is released.

    • You cannot block a bed while the bed's status is In Progress.

    • You must have the Block Beds permission to block a bed.

  • When signing in:

    • If you have a variable membership, log in to the Capacity IQ® EVS application on a computer to select your membership.

    • If prompted, enter the device ID number assigned to your paging device.

    • If using a Vocera paging device, ensure you have a Vocera user ID in your profile and log in to both the IVR and the Vocera device.

  • Employees cannot create a bed cleaning job request on a bed with a spill clean status.

  • You can change the size of a bed (whether a bed is for an adult, a child, or an infant) in the database.

    • You must have the Change Bed Size permission to change the size of a bed.


Signing In

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your numeric IVR ID code, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your Campus ID.

  4. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  5. Enter your IVR ID and new PIN as prompted.

Creating a Bed Cleaning Job Request

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code.

  5. Press 1 to enter a cleaning request.

  6. Enter the bed's IVR ID code.

    • You will be notified of the bed's status and directed to the corresponding menu options.

Menu Options for Bed Status:

  • Cancel the cleaning request: Press 1

  • Dirty: Press 3

  • Clean Next: Press 4

  • Stat: Press 5

  • UDEF 8: Press 8

  • UDEF 9: Press 9

  • Return to the main menu: Press *

  • End the call: Press #

The system will prompt you to confirm the status:

  • Accept: Press 1

  • Change status: Press 2

  • Return to the main menu: Press *

  • End the call without requesting the status change: Press #

Canceling a Cleaning Request

  1. If you pressed 1 in Step 6 of "To Create a Bed Cleaning Job Request" and you have reason codes enabled, you will be prompted to enter a reason code.

  2. Enter a reason code. The system confirms the Bed ID and the reason for cancellation.

Menu Options:

  • To accept: Press 1

  • To change the reason: Press 2

  • To hear again: Press 8

  • To return to the main menu: Press *

  • To end the call without cancelling the cleaning request: Press #

Creating a Bed Spill Clean Request

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code.

  5. Press 3 to enter a spill cleaning request.

  6. Enter the bed's IVR ID code.

    • You will be notified of the bed's status and directed to the corresponding menu options.

Menu Options

  • Accept: Press 1

  • Change Spill Type: Press 2

  • Hear Again: Press 8

  • Return to the main menu: Press *

  • End the call: Press #

Changing a Bed Size

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code, and then press #.

  5. Press 1 to perform requester functions.

  6. Press 4.

  7. Enter the IVR ID number for the bed that is receiving the bed size change.

  8. Enter the new size code for the bed, followed by #.

Menu Options

  • To accept: Press 1

  • To enter a different bed ID: Press 2

  • To change the bed size: Press 3

  • To cancel and return to the previous menu: Press *

  • To end the call: Press #

Entering a Block Bed Request

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code, and then press #.

  5. Press 1 to perform requester functions.

  6. Press 5. You are prompted to enter the bed's IVR ID number.

Menu Options

  • To block the bed: Press 1

  • To enter a different bed: Press 2

  • To release a blocked bed: Press 3

  • To update a reason for a blocked bed (if reason codes are enabled): Press 4

  • To hear again: Press 8

  • To return to the main menu: Press *

  • To end the call: Press #


  • If the bed is already blocked, you will hear the option to unblock the bed.

Menu Options After Confirmation

  • To accept: Press 1

  • To update the bed block reason: Press 2

  • To hear again: Press 8

  • To return to the previous menu: Press *

  • To end the call: Press #

Singing Out

  1. To sign out of the IVR, sign in to the Capacity IQ® EVS application on a computer.

  2. Sign out.

IVR Instructions for EVS Supervisors

Environmental Services (EVS) supervisors with the appropriate permissions may use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to perform tasks such as assigning bed cleaning jobs. Supervisors can also complete tasks performed by EVS employees (e.g., delaying a bed cleaning job) and requesters (e.g., requesting a bed cleaning job). Additionally, supervisors with the appropriate permissions can perform IVR maintenance tasks (e.g., recording VOX files). EVS supervisors use this feature to manage and assign bed cleaning tasks efficiently. It is used when supervisors need to oversee and delegate cleaning tasks, ensuring timely and effective cleaning operations.

Where you can find this feature: This feature is accessible via the IVR system and the Capacity IQ® EVS application.

How IVR Instructions for EVS Supervisors Work


  • EVS supervisors can use the IVR system to perform various tasks based on their permissions.

  • The administrator configures settings that determine the IVR ID code used to sign in.

  • To access the Supervisor menu, you need the permission called Supervisor Workflow.

  • Supervisors can use the IVR to assign bed cleaning jobs.


Signing In

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your numeric IVR ID code, then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your Campus ID and PIN, then press #.

  4. If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  5. If prompted, enter the IVR ID for the campus you are working with, then press #.

  6. If prompted, enter the device ID number or press #.

Menu Selection

  • Requester: Press 1

  • Supervisor: Press 2

  • Employee: Press 3

  • Maintenance: Press 4

Assigning a Bed Cleaning Job

  1. Sign in and select the Supervisor menu (press 2).

  2. Enter campus IVR ID code if prompted, then press #.

  3. Enter pager ID code if prompted, then press #.

  4. Enter section and zone IVR ID codes if prompted, then press #.

  5. On the Supervisor menu, press 1.

  6. Enter bed ID number, then press #.

  7. Select an employee (press 1) and enter the employee's ID followed by #.

  8. Follow the prompts to accept, change, or hear the notification again.

Signing Out

  1. Log in to the Capacity IQ® EVS application on a computer.

  2. Immediately sign out.

IVR Instructions for EVS Employees

Environmental Services (EVS) employees use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to complete various tasks. Permissions determine the tasks you can perform. This feature is used by EVS employees to manage job assignments and statuses.

Where you can find this feature: IVR system via telephone.

How IVR Instructions for EVS Employees Work


  • The administrator configures settings that determine:

    • The IVR ID code for sign-in.

    • Whether you have a fixed or variable paging device.

    • Job assignments:

      • Fixed assignment: Always in the same sections and zones, with potential bed cleaning jobs in other areas.

      • Variable assignment: Select sections and zones each time you sign in, as directed by your supervisor.

      • None: No assignments.

  • EVS Employees can sign in; take a lunch/break; delay, suspend, resume, or cancel a bed cleaning job; change a bed’s status; and sign out using IVR.


To Sign In

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your numeric IVR ID code.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. (If prompted) Enter the device ID number.

    • Skip this step if you have a fixed device.

    • For Vocera devices, ensure you have a Vocera user ID in your profile.

Resuming a Suspended Bed Cleaning Job

  1. Sign in.

  2. When prompted about a suspended bed, choose:

    • Press 1 to resume cleaning (status changes to Dispatched).

    • Press * to return to the main menu.

    • Press 8 to hear job details again.

Hearing About and Accepting a New Job

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Choose an option:

    • Press 1 to pick up a new job.

      • The IVR system describes the bed size. Press 1 to accept.

    • Press 2 to take an authorized break.

    • Press 3 to sign out for the day.

    • Press 4 to change bed size (special permission required).

    • Press 5 to block a bed (special permission required).

    • Press 7 to resume employee function (if not acting as a bed cleaner).

    • Press 8 to repeat the menu.

    • End the call.

Changing the Bed Status to In Progress or Clean

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 1 to pick up a new job.

  5. Enter a dirty bed ID.

  6. Press 1 to accept.

Delaying a Bed Cleaning Job

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 1 to pick up a new job.

  5. When prompted, enter a bed ID that is not In Progress, Blocked, or Delayed.

  6. Press 3.

    • If required, enter a reason code for the delay.

  7. Press 1 to accept.

Resuming a Delayed Bed Cleaning Job

  1. When the bed's status is Delayed, dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 1 to pick up a new job.

  5. Enter the delayed bed ID.

  6. Press 1 to start the job (status changes to In Progress).

Suspending a Bed Cleaning Job

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2 to suspend a bed.

  5. Enter the suspend reason code, then press #.

  6. Choose an option:

    • Press 1 to accept the suspension.

    • Press 2 to change the reason code.

    • Press 8 to hear again.

    • Press * to return to the previous menu.

Cancelling an In Progress Bed Cleaning Job

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 3.

  5. Enter the Cancel In Progress reason code, then press #.

  6. Choose an option:

    • Press 1 to accept the cancellation.

    • Press 2 to enter a different reason code.

    • Press 8 to hear again.

    • Press * to cancel the cancellation and return to the previous menu.

Taking a Lunch Period or Scheduled Break

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2.

  5. Choose an option:

    • Press 1 to take a lunch period.

    • Press 2 to take a scheduled break.

    • Press * to return to the main menu.

Signing Out of Work for the Day

  1. Dial the IVR system telephone number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 3

IVR Instructions For Transport Requesters

If you are a transport requester (have permission to request transport jobs), you may use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to complete the following tasks. Your ability to perform tasks on the IVR depends on the permissions that you have been granted.

Where you can find this feature: The administrator configures settings that determine the IVR ID number that you use to log in.

How IVR Instructions for Transport Requesters Work


  • Transport Requesters can sign in, add patient or patient transport job requests, inquire about patients, request an Outpatient Transport Job, track mini tasks, and sign out using IVR.

  • Transport Requesters can add a request to transport an item from one location to another and associate a patient with an item transport job.

  • Transport Requesters may listen to information about a patient's latest transport job and also hear information about other transport jobs for this patient.

  • Transport Requesters might be asked to complete non-transport related tasks, or mini tasks, that have to be tracked.

  • Permissions Required:

    • You can create patient transport job requests if you have the User May Edit Patient Transports permission.

    • You must have the User May Edit Item/Equipment Transports permission to request an item.

    • You must have the Inquiry Menu-Inquire About Current Jobs and Patients permission.

    • You must have the Permit Outpatient Requests permission to request an outpatient transport job.

    • If you have the Task Tracking permission, you may track the mini tasks that you complete so that information about them appears in reports.

      • You will need to know the IVR identification code for the mini task that you are tracking.

        • These codes are set up in the Dictionary Management section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management application.


Signing In

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system. A message prompts you to enter your IVR ID.

  2. Enter your numeric IVR ID code, and then press #. If your membership includes multiple campuses, a message prompts you to enter the identification code for the campus you are working with (called Campus ID).

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. (If prompted) Enter the IVR ID for the campus that you are working with, and then press #.

    • Note: If you have a variable membership, you are prompted to log in to Capacity Management Suite® Solution on a computer and access the Capacity IQ® Transport application to select your membership.

  5. If you are prompted to establish or activate your membership on the user interface, hang up, sign in to Capacity IQ® solution on a computer, click the TransportTracking™ menu or go to Care Support > TransportTracking™, and then select a membership. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > , and then select a membership.

Adding an Item Transport Job Request

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    1. Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code, and then press #.

  5. Press 2.

  6. Enter the IVR ID of the item to be transported. Press #.

  7. If prompted, enter the IVR ID for the origin of the item followed by #, or press # to have the origin be your base location. If the item already has a pre-selected origin location, you are not prompted to enter an origin. Skip this step and go to Step 9.

  8. If prompted, enter the IVR ID of the destination for the item, followed by #, or press # to have the destination be your base location. If the item already has a pre-selected destination location, you are not prompted to enter a destination. Skip this step and go to Step 9.

  9. If prompted, press 1 to record any special instructions for this request. (You must have the Record Special Instructions permission.) Record any special instructions after the tone, and then press # to finish. To skip this step, press 2.

  10. If prompted to associate a patient with the request, do one of the following:

    1. To locate the patient by patient identification code, enter the identification code, and then press #.

    2. To locate the patient by last name, press 1, press #, enter at least the first few letters of the last name, and then press #.

    3. Note: If after pressing 1, you decide that you want to locate the patient by identification code, press 1 and then # again. The patient's identification number plays.

  11. If prompted, do one of the following:

    1. To accept this patient, press 1.

    2. To skip to the next patient on the list, press 2. The identification number of the next patient on the list plays.

    3. To enter a new patient, press 3. You are prompted to spell the name of the new patient.

  12. After you have identified the correct patient, the patient's name plays.

  13. The IVR system confirms the request.

    1. To accept the request, press 1. You receive a confirmation number.

    2. To start over, press 2.

  14. Do one of the following:

    1. To add another request, press 1.

    2. To start over, press 2.

Adding a Patient Transport Job Request

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code for the campus you are working with.

  5. Press 1. You are prompted to enter the patient's identification code.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To locate the patient by patient identification code, enter the identification code, and then press #.

    • To locate the patient by last name, press 1, press #, enter at least the first few letters of the last name, and then press #.

      • Note: If after pressing 1, you decide that you want to locate the patient by identification code, press 1 and then # again. The patient's identification number plays.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • To accept this patient, press 1.

    • To skip to the next patient on the list, press 2. The identification number of the next patient on the list plays.

    • To enter another patient, press 3. You are prompted again to locate the patient by patient identification code or last name.

  8. If Require Patient VOX Recording is enabled, you are prompted to record a voice file for the patient. Record the name after the tone, then press # to finish. Then do one of the following:

    • To accept, press 1. You receive a confirmation that the voice file was successfully saved.

    • To hear again, press 2.

    • To record again, press 3.

  9. The IVR system checks to see if the patient has a valid current location. If so, the location plays. If not, you are prompted to set the current location.

    • To set the current location, press 1, and then do one of the following:

      • To make the patient's current location the same as your base location, press 1.

      • To enter a specific current location, press 2. When you are prompted, enter the IVR ID of the patient's current location, and then press #.

      • To return to the main menu, press *.

  10. After you select a valid current location, the IVR system checks to see if the patient has any pending requests. If not, the current location plays.

    • Note: If there are any pending requests for this patient, the IVR system will inform you of this and hang up.

  11. Do one of the following:

    • If the patient's current location is their home location, press 1 to bring the patient to your base location. The patient will be transported from their home location (origin) to the requester's base location (destination). If the patient's current location is not their home location, press 1 to send the patient back to their room. The patient will be transported from their current location (origin) to the patient's home location (destination). You are then prompted to choose a mode of travel.

    • To send the patient to a discharge location, press 2. If there is only one discharge location, you will be prompted to choose a mode of travel. If there is more than one discharge location, you are prompted to enter the IVR ID for the discharge location. You are then prompted to enter a mode of travel.

    • To select another destination location, press 3. You are prompted to enter the IVR ID of the destination location followed by #. You are then prompted to enter the mode of travel.

      • Note: You cannot select a destination location that is already occupied by another patient. If you select an already-occupied location, a message plays indicating that you must either select another location or sign in to the Capacity IQ® Transport application on the workstation to select an occupied location.

  12. Enter the IVR ID for the mode of travel. If the IVR ID is invalid, you will be prompted to try again.

Inquiring About a Patient

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    1. Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code, and then press #.
    Press 3. You are prompted to enter the patient's identification code.

  5. Do one of the following:

  6. To locate the patient by patient identification code, enter the identification code, and then press #.

  7. To locate the patient by last name, press 1, press #, enter at least the first few letters of the last name, and then press #.

    1. Note: If after pressing 1, you decide that you want to locate the patient by identification code, press 1 and then # again. The patient's identification number plays.

  8. Do one of the following:

    1. To hear about this patient, press 1. The latest information about the patient's most recent transport job plays (for example, A transporter was dispatched at 8:23 PM.)

    2. To select another patient, press 3. You are prompted again to locate the patient by patient identification code or last name.

Requesting an Outpatient Transport Job

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    1. Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code, and then press #.
    Press 4. You are prompted to say the outpatient's name, travel requirements, and other necessary information.

  5. Say the outpatient's name, travel requirements, and other information, and then press #. You are prompted to enter the IVR ID code for the destination of the transport job.

  6. Enter the IVR ID code of the destination, and then press #. The origin of the transport job plays.

    1. Note: You cannot select a destination location that is already occupied by another patient. If you select an already-occupied location, a message plays indicating that you must either select another location or sign in to the Capacity IQ® Transport application on the workstation to select an occupied location.

  7. To create another request, press 1.

Tracking a Mini Task

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, and then press #.

  3. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    1. Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters). Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #. Enter your IVR ID, and then #. Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. If prompted, enter the campus IVR ID code for the campus you are working with.
    To enter a mini task, press 5.

  5. Enter the IVR identification code of the mini task that you are tracking.

  6. Press #. If a valid task IVR identification code has been entered, a message indicating that the task has been accepted plays.

Signing Out

To sign out of the IVR, sign in to Capacity IQ® on a computer, and then immediately sign out.

IVR Instructions for Transporters

Transporters use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to complete transport-related tasks. Permissions determine the tasks you can perform, such as accepting transport jobs, self-dispatching, or doing round trips.

Where you can find this feature: IVR system via telephone, Capacity IQ® Transport Mobile

How IVR Instructions for Transporters Work


  • Transporters can sign in, ,and sign out using IVR.

  • The administrator configures settings that determine:

    • The IVR ID code for signing in.

    • Whether you have a fixed or variable paging device.

    • Your transport job assignments:

      • Fixed assignment: Always in the same sections and zones, but can be offered jobs in other sections and zones if necessary.

      • Fixed and exclusive assignment: Always in the same sections and zones, with no jobs offered in other sections and zones.

      • Variable assignment: Select sections and zones each time you sign in. Supervisor assigns sections and zones before sign-in.

      • None: No assignments.

  • Your ability to perform tasks on the IVR depends on the permissions that you have been granted.

    • For example, while most transporters have the option to accept transport jobs that are offered to them, some might have permission to select specific jobs and dispatch themselves (self-dispatch).

    • One transporter might have permission to do a round trip while another does not.

  • The equipment that a Transporter has on hand can help determine the next transport job that they will be prompted to accept.

    • For specific equipment, you will need to know mode of travel codes.

      • Mode of travel codes are configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • If there is an appropriate transport job available for you when you sign in for the day, you will be notified of the details and prompted to accept the job.

    • Note: You must have the Job By-Pass permission to bypass a job.

  • Hanging up while the job details are playing is the equivalent of rejecting a job.

    • It will be noted in reports as a job rejection.

    • If you do not respond after three attempts are made to offer you the job, the job will be considered rejected.

  • If you are already signed in for the day and your status is Available, you can hear about and accept a new transport job, take a break, sign out for the day, self-dispatch, or record a mini task.

  • If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and gives the minimum required length for your new PIN (for example, 4 characters).

  • If you have accepted a transport job, your status and the transport job's status are both Dispatched.

    • When you arrive at the transport job's origin and you are about to begin transporting, change the job's status to In Progress.

    • In addition, if the job is in In Progress/Delayed status, you may change its status to In Progress when the delay is over.

    • Only the original transporter on a job can change a dispatched job's status to In Progress.

  • If you are in Dispatched status, you can call in to the IVR to review the details of your job.

  • If you have the User Can Cancel Job permission, you may cancel a transport job that is in Dispatched, In Progress, any assist status, or any delay status (for example, if the patient becomes ill).

    • You may be required to enter a reason for canceling the job.

  • If you are assisting on a transport job, you may only cancel it if it is still in Dispatched status.

    • Only the original or primary transporter may cancel a transport job in a status later than Dispatched.

    • If you are required to enter a reason for cancelling, you will need to know the reason codes that are in the Dictionary Management section of Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

    • Sequential transport jobs can only be canceled by the original transporter.

      • If the first job in the sequence is canceled, all remaining jobs will be canceled automatically.

      • If there are possible jobs later in the sequence, you will hear a warning indicating that all subsequent jobs in the sequence will be canceled if this job is canceled.

  • If you have the User Can Reschedule permission, you may reschedule a transport job that is in Dispatched, Dispatch/Assist, or any delay status (for example, if the patient becomes ill or is not ready).

    • You may be required to enter a reason for rescheduling.

      • If you are required to enter a reason for rescheduling, you will need to know the reason codes that are in the Dictionary Management section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

      • If you are assisting on a transport job, you may not reschedule it.

      • Only the original or primary transporter on a job may reschedule.

  • You may delay a transport job that is in Dispatched or In Progress status (for example, if the patient is not ready). You may be required to enter a reason for delaying the job.

    • If you are assisting on a transport job, you may not delay it. Only the original or primary transporter on a job may delay it.

    • If you are required to enter a reason for delaying, you will need to know the reason codes that are in the Dictionary Management section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • If a job was delayed while in Dispatched status, you can resume it so that its status changes to Dispatched again.

    • If you are assisting on a delayed transport job, you cannot resume it. Only the original or primary transporter on a delayed job can resume it

  • If you need additional transporters to help you with a transport job, you may request assistance. You will need to enter the total number of transporters, including you, who are needed to complete the job.

    • You may only request assistance if you are the original or primary transporter on the job.

    • You may request assistance with an equipment return task.

      • The number of assisting transporters cannot exceed the number of existing transporters who were on the patient transport job where the equipment was used.

  • You may release yourself from a transport job if you have the Release Self from Job permission, and:

    • At least one other transporter is assisting you with the transport job and is in the In Progress status.

    • Your status for the transport job is In Progress (you selected to put the job In Progress), but there are more transporters than required on the job.

    • You are the original or primary transporter on the job OR the original transporter has already been released from the job, you and at least one other transporter were assisting, and you accepted the job before the remaining assisting transporters.

    • Note: You may not release yourself from an item transport job as item transport jobs cannot have assisting transporters.

  • If you have the Round Trip permission, you may make a patient transport job that is in In Progress or In Progress/Delay status a round trip.

    • You make a job a round trip when you are asked to wait for a patient during a procedure, so that you can return the patient to the origin of the transport job.

    • Only the original or primary transporter on a job may set a round trip.

    • Once a round trip is set, the current transport job enters Completed status and a sequential transport job will be created.

      • Both the sequential transport job and the transporters assigned to the original job will then have an employee status of Dispatched.

      • When the transporter assigned to the original job dials into the IVR, they will see that they have been dispatched to the new job.

  • After you have completed a patient transport job, you might have to return the equipment that you used to transport the patient to the location from which the patient was transported (origin) or to another location.

  • You can create an equipment return task so that the time used to return the equipment is calculated separately from the time used to transport the patient and the job details are recorded separately.

  • The patient transport job must be in the In Progress status before you can create the equipment return task.

  • You must have the permission called User May Create Equipment Return Task After Completing Patient Transport Job.

  • To delay, cancel, or release yourself from an equipment return task, you must have the same permissions required to complete these actions for a patient transport job.

  • You can request assistance for an equipment return task. However, the number of assisting transporters cannot exceed the number of assisting transporters who were on the patient transport job.

  • Only the original or primary transporter on the patient transport job may create the equipment return task.

  • Once an equipment return task is created, the current patient transport job enters Completed status and a sequential transport job will be created.

    • Both the sequential transport job and the transporters assigned to the original patient transport job will then have an employee status of Dispatched.

    • When the transporter assigned to the original patient transport job dials into the IVR, they will see that they have been dispatched to the new job.

  • You may take a lunch period, a scheduled break, or an unscheduled (other) break.

  • Unscheduled (other) breaks are for situations when you need to stop working for a few minutes, but it is not time for your scheduled break (for example, you receive an emergency personal call, you are attending a meeting, or you become ill).

  • When you are on break or out for lunch, your employee status is set to Out of Service.

  • All transporters can select a transport job from the ones that are offered to them and then be dispatched to that job.

  • If you have the Self Dispatch permission, you may enter a job number and be dispatched to that specific job. (You are not limited to the list of jobs that are offered to you.)

  • If you have the Self-Dispatch permission, you may self-dispatch to a specific transport job when your status is Available or you have just logged in for the day. (For example, you may self-dispatch to an urgent transport job.)

  • When you do not have transport jobs to complete, you might be asked to complete non-transport related tasks, or mini tasks.

  • If you have the Mini Task Tracking permission, you may track the mini tasks that you complete so that information about them appears in reports.

  • If you have the Mini Task permission, you may record and track the time that you spend on a mini task (a small, non-transport-related task).

    • You will need to know the IVR identification code for the mini task that you are tracking.

    • These codes are set up in the Dictionary Management section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • After a mini task is complete, you may update the task status or return to work (available).

  • When you are finished with your shift, log out of work for the day. Signing out changes your status to Out.


Signing In

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your numeric IVR ID code.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. (If prompted) Enter your device ID number.

    1. The device ID number is a numeric code that the administrator assigned to the paging device. It is not necessarily a pager or device telephone number.

    2. Press # to log in without a paging device.

    3. Skip this step if you have a fixed device.

    4. For Vocera devices, ensure you have a Vocera user ID.

    5. Complete Variable Assignment Prompts if applicable.

    6. A message indicates that you are signed in for work.

    7. If an appropriate transport job is available, the job details play and you are prompted to accept the job, to repeat the information, to bypass the job (skip to information about the next available job), to accept the job and set the number of transporters (request assistance), self-dispatch, take a break, or sign out for the day.

Variable Assignment Prompts

  1. Select whether to work exclusively in selected zones and sections:

    • Press 1 for Yes.

    • Press 2 for No.

  2. Enter section numbers:

    • Enter the IVR ID code for each section, then press #.

  3. Enter zone numbers:

    • Enter the IVR ID code for each zone, then press #.

Indicating Equipment

  1. When prompted, indicate the equipment you have:

    • Press # for no equipment.

    • Press * for access to all types of equipment.

    • Enter the Mode of Travel code for specific equipment, then press #.

Accepting or Bypassing a Transport Job

  1. Sign in.

  2. When prompted to accept the job:

    • Press 1 to accept the job (status changes to Dispatched).

    • Press 2 to hear job details again.

    • Press 3 to bypass the job (special permission required).

    • Press 4 to request assistance (status changes to Assist).

    • Press 5 to self-dispatch (special permission required).

    • Press 6 to take a break.

    • Press 7 to sign out for the day.

    • Press # to end the call without accepting the job.

Hearing About a New Job and Accepting or Bypassing It During a Shift

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

      • Enter a new PIN number, and then press #.

      • When you are prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it.

      • When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #.

      • Enter your IVR ID, and then #.

      • Then, enter your new PIN, and then #.

  4. Choose an option:

    • Press 1 to pick up a new job (press 1 to accept, press 3 to bypass).

    • Press 2 to take an authorized break.

    • Press 3 to sign out for the day.

    • Press 4 to self-dispatch (special permission required).

    • Press 5 to record a mini task.

Changing a Transport Job's Status to In Progress

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 1 to change the job status to In Progress.

Checking Job Details

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 8 to review job details.

Cancelling a Transport Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 4 to cancel the job.

    • If prompted, enter the reason code for cancellation.

  5. A confirmation message will play, including the reason code if applicable.

  6. If there is another available job for you, information about that job plays.

Rescheduling a Transport Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 5 to reschedule the job.

    • Enter the number of minutes to reschedule.

    • If prompted, enter the reason code for rescheduling.

  5. A confirmation message will play, including the reason code if applicable.

  6. If there is another available job for you, information about that job plays.

Delaying a Transport Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 3 to delay the job.

    • If prompted, enter the reason code for delaying.

  5. A confirmation message will play, including the reason code if applicable.

  6. If there is another available job for you, information about that job plays.

Resuming a Delayed Dispatched Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2 to resume the job.

Requesting Assistance

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 6 to request assistance.

    1. If you hear "Unable to set the number of transporters," then the job is a batched item transport job. Although you can request assistance for item transport jobs, it is not possible to request assistance for batched jobs at this time.

  5. Enter the total number of transporters needed, including yourself, then press #.

Releasing Yourself from a Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 7 to release yourself from the job.

Making a Patient Transport Job a Round Trip

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2 to make the job a round trip.

Example: Chris Smith makes Job 1000 a round trip. Job 1000 becomes Job 1000-1. The status of Job 1000-1 changes to Completed and Chris Smith is dispatched to Job 1000-2. If assistance has been requested for Job 1000-1, all assisting transporters will be dispatched to Job 1000-2.

Creating an Equipment Return Task

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2.

Starting an Equipment Return Task

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 9 to start the equipment return task.

  5. Select whether you are returning the equipment to the origin or another location.

    • If another location, enter the IVR ID of the location, then press #.

Taking a Lunch Period or a Break

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 2 to take a lunch period or break.

    • If there are pending transport jobs, choose whether to take the break now or later:

      • Press 2 to take the break now.

      • Press 1 to wait until later.

    • Choose the type of break:

      • Press 1 for a lunch period.

      • Press 2 for a scheduled break.

      • Press 3 for an unscheduled break (state the reason after the tone).

Dispatching Yourself to a Specific Transport Job

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 4 to dispatch yourself to a specific job.

  5. Enter the job identification number, then press #.

  6. The system determines whether you can be dispatched to the job that you entered.

  7. You will be dispatched to the job if it is available.

  8. If the transport job is not available, you hear a message that states why you cannot be dispatched to the job.

Tracking a Mini Task

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 5 to track a mini task.

  5. Enter the IVR identification code of the mini task, then press #.

  6. You will hear a confirmation message.

  7. A mini task is created. The transporter's status becomes Mini Task.

Signing Out of Work for the Day

  1. Dial the IVR system number.

  2. Enter your IVR ID number, then press #.

  3. (If prompted) Enter your PIN, then press #.

    • If your PIN has expired, follow the prompts to change it.

  4. Press 7 to sign out of work for the day.

IVR Instructions For Transport Supervisors

Transport supervisors with the appropriate permissions may use the Capacity IQ® Transport application Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to perform tasks such as listening to transport-related statistics and upgrading the priority of transport jobs. Supervisors can also complete tasks performed by transporters (such as delaying a transport job) and requesters (such as inquiring about a patient transport job). Additionally, supervisors with the appropriate permissions can perform IVR maintenance tasks (such as recording VOX files).

Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® Transport

How IVR Instructions For Transport Supervisors Work


  • Transport supervisors can use the IVR system to perform various tasks based on their permissions.

  • The administrator configures settings that determine the IVR ID code used to sign in.

  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you may perform requester, transporter, and maintenance tasks.

  • To access the Supervisor menu, you need the permission called Supervisor Workflow, Offering Managerial Statistics About Employees, Etc. Permissions to upgrade the priority of a transport job and to inquire about a transport job can be granted individually.

  • Transporter, Zone, and Section statistics are referred to as a type of Real-Time Key Indicator, or RTKI.

    • Statistics include both patient transport and item transport jobs.

  • You may set a higher priority for an existing transport job that is currently in one of the following statuses:

    • Pending

    • Dispatched/Assist

    • In Progress/Assist

    • Note: To upgrade to 0, you must have the Priority 0 Upgrades permission.

  • If you have the Inquiry Menu-Inquire About Current Jobs and Patients permission, you may inquire about the status of a transport job.


Signing In:

  1. Dial the telephone number for the IVR system.

  2. A message prompts you to enter your IVR ID.

  3. Enter your numeric IVR ID code, and then press #.

  4. If your membership includes multiple campuses, a message prompts you to enter the identification code for the campus you are working with (Campus ID).

  5. If prompted, enter your PIN, and then press #.

    • Note: If your PIN has expired, a message prompts you to change it and provides the minimum required length for your new PIN. Enter a new PIN number, and then press #. When prompted, enter your PIN again, and then press # to confirm it. When the new PIN is accepted, you are prompted to enter your IVR ID plus # again, and then to enter your new PIN plus #.

  6. If prompted, enter the IVR ID for the campus you are working with, and then press #.

    • Note: If you have a variable membership, you are prompted to sign in to Capacity IQ® on a computer and access Capacity IQ® Transport to select your membership. If you have a variable assignment, select your assigned zones and sections after selecting a membership.

Menu Selection:

After signing in, you are prompted to select a menu based on your permissions:

  • Requester: Press 1

  • Supervisor: Press 2

  • Transporter: Press 3

  • Maintenance: Press 4

Selecting the Supervisor Menu:

  1. Sign in.

  2. On the main menu, press 2.

    • If your membership includes multiple campuses, you are prompted to enter a campus IVR ID code.

  3. If prompted for a campus ID code, enter the appropriate campus IVR ID code, and then press #.

Listening to Transporter Statistics:

  1. Select the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 1.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To hear statistics for all transporters whose base units are within your membership, press 1.

      • You hear the number of transporters in each employee status.

    • To hear statistics for a specific transporter whose base unit is within your membership, press 2. Enter the transporter's IVR ID code, and then press #.

      • You hear the number of jobs sent to the specific transporter today. To hear the number of breaks the transporter has taken today, press 2.

Listening to Department Statistics:

  1. Select the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 4.

  3. You hear the:

    • Number of transport jobs in each status that have an origin and/or destination within your membership (Completed, Cancelled, Appointment, Pending, Dispatched, and In Progress transport jobs).

    • Average time from transport job request to transport job In Progress status.

    • Average response time for the last hour.

    • Average completed trip time for today.

  4. After listening to the statistics, do one of the following:

    • To listen to the statistics again, press 1.

    • To return to the Supervisor menu, press 2.

Listening to Zone Statistics:

  1. Select the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 5.

  3. Enter the IVR ID number of the appropriate zone, and then press #.

  4. You hear the following for the selected zone:

    • Number of transport jobs in each status that have an origin and/or destination within your membership (Completed, Cancelled, Appointment, Pending, Dispatched, and In Progress transport jobs).

    • Average time from transport job request to transport job In Progress status.

    • Average response time for the last hour.

    • Average completed trip time for today.

  5. After listening to the statistics, do one of the following:

    • To listen to the statistics again, press 1.

    • To return to the Supervisor menu, press 2.

    • To end the call, press #.

Listening to Section Statistics:

  1. Access the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 6.

  3. Enter the IVR ID number of the appropriate section, and then press #.

  4. You hear the following for the selected section:

    • Number of transport jobs in each status that have an origin and/or destination within your membership (Completed, Cancelled, Appointment, Pending, Dispatched, and In Progress transport jobs).

    • Average time from transport job request to transport job In Progress status.

    • Average response time for the last hour.

    • Average completed trip time for today.

  5. After listening to the statistics, do one of the following:

    • To listen to the statistics again, press 1.

    • To return to the Supervisor menu, press 2.

    • To end the call, press #.

Upgrading the Priority of a Transport Job:

  1. Select the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 2.

  3. When prompted for a confirmation number, enter the transport job identification number, and then press #.

  4. Enter a number from 0 through 9 as the new priority for the job.

    • Note: The highest priority is 0. The lowest is 9. A priority of 0 means a job is extremely important or urgent. A priority of 9 means it is less important than all other jobs.

  5. The priority that you entered plays. The Supervisor menu plays.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • Select another option on the Supervisor menu.

    • To end the call, press #.

Inquiring About a Transport Job (Special Permission Required):

  1. Select the Supervisor menu.

  2. On the Supervisor menu, press 3.

  3. When prompted for a confirmation number, enter the transport job identification number, and then press #.

    • The job's current status with the time the status went into effect plays.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To hear details about the job, press 1.

    • To reschedule the job (only if you are the original transporter on the job and have the necessary permissions), press 2.

    • To cancel the job (only available if the job is in Pending status and you have the necessary permissions), press 3.

    • To hear about another job, press 4.

    • To end the call, press #.

Signing Out:

To sign out of the IVR, sign in to Capacity IQ® on a computer, and then immediately sign out.

IVR Maintenance Instructions for the Capacity IQ® EVS Application

These instructions are for users with the Maintenance Workflow permission in the Capacity IQ® EVS application. This feature allows users to perform IVR maintenance tasks, such as listening to and recording VOX files. It is used when maintenance of IVR voice files is required.

Where you can find this feature: Access the IVR Maintenance menu within the Capacity IQ® EVS application.

How IVR Maintenance Works


Users with the Maintenance Workflow permission can access the IVR Maintenance menu to perform tasks such as listening to and recording VOX files. Permissions for recording and listening to voice files may be granted individually.


Accessing the Maintenance Menu

  1. Sign in to the IVR system.

  2. To select the Maintenance menu, press 4.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • To listen to a voice file, press 4.

    • To record a voice file by number, press 5.

    • To return to the Main Menu, press *.

    • To end the call, press #.

Signing Out

To sign out of the IVR:

  1. Sign in to the Capacity IQ® EVS application on a computer.

  2. Immediately sign out.

IVR Maintenance Instructions for the Capacity IQ® Transport Application

If you have the Maintenance Workflow, Responsible for Maintenance Functions permission for the Capacity IQ® Transport application, you may perform IVR maintenance tasks, such as listening to and recording VOX files. This permission gives you access to the IVR Maintenance menu. Permissions for device maintenance and maintaining, recording, and listening to voice files may be granted individually. You might have permission to do some or all of those tasks.

Where you can find this feature:
This feature is accessible through the IVR Maintenance menu in the Capacity IQ® Transport application.

How IVR Maintenance Works


  • The IVR Maintenance menu allows users to perform various maintenance tasks, including deactivating or changing paging devices, maintaining patient voice files (VOX files), listening to voice files, and recording voice files by number.

  • You may deactivate the paging device that you are using (for example, if you are leaving for the day) or change the device that you are using.

  • You may record voice files for entities such as campuses, locations, zones, or sections.

  • To record a voice file, you will need to know the voice file type code for the entity type, plus the IVR ID code of the entity.

    • The IVR ID codes for each entity are configured in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • Voice files for break reasons and patients do not have file type codes.

  • To gain access to a voice file (VOX file) so that you can listen to it, you will need to know the voice file type code for the entity type, plus the IVR ID code of the entity.

    • The IVR ID codes for each entity are configured in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

      • For example, if you want to hear a voice file for a campus that has an IVR ID code of 1111, you will need to enter 110 (the voice file type code for campus) and 1111 (the IVR ID code for the specific campus).

  • If you have permission to listen to or record Capacity IQ® Transport application-related IVR voice files (VOX files), you will need to know the following voice file type codes.

    • You will be prompted to enter them when recording or listening to IVR voice files for Capacity IQ® Transport.

    • Each voice file type (for example, campus, employee, item type, or section) has a different file type code.

Voice File Type Codes

File Type Codes:

  • 1: Locations

  • 2: Employees

  • 3: Transport

Specific File Type Codes:

  • Campus: 110

  • Employee: 200

  • Isolation Type: 310

  • Item Type: 320

  • Location: 120

  • Mini Task: 330

  • Mode of Travel: 340

  • Reason Code: 350

  • Section: 140

  • Travel Requirement: 370

  • Zone: 130


Signing In and Selecting the Maintenance Menu:

  1. Sign in as a Transport Supervisor.

  2. To select the Maintenance menu, press 4.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    • Deactivate or change your paging device (device maintenance): Press 1

    • Inquire about transport jobs: Press 2

    • Maintain patient voice files (VOX files): Press 3

    • Listen to voice files: Press 4

    • Record voice files by number: Press 5

To Perform Device Maintenance:

  1. Sign in and select the maintenance menu

  2. Press 1.

  3. Follow the prompts based on your membership, zone, and section assignment type.

    1. Deactivate your paging device: Press 1

    2. Change your assignment after deactivating your paging device (zones and sections):

      1. To keep your current assignment, press 1.

      2. To change your assignment, press 2.

      3. Enter section and zone IVR ID codes as prompted.

    3. Enter your device ID number (if you have a variable device): Enter the IVR ID code for the device and press #.

      1. You may enter only an IVR ID code for a device that is NOT currently in use. If you are using a Vocera paging device, you must be assigned a Vocera user ID in your user profile. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the Vocera device IVR ID. If you hear a message stating that you do not have a Vocera user ID, contact your administrator.

    4. Change devices: Press 2 and follow the prompts for assignment changes.

    5. Establish or activate your membership on the user interface:

      1. Sign in to Capacity IQ® on a computer.

      2. Access the Capacity IQ® Transport application to select your membership and assigned zones and sections.

Maintaining Patient Voice Files (VOX files)

  1. Sign in and select the Maintenance menu. (See instructions)

  2. On the Maintenance menu, press 3.

  3. Enter the patient identification number or name as prompted.

  4. Follow the prompts to record, listen to, or re-record the patient name.

  5. To end the call, press #.

Recording Voice Files (VOX files)

  1. Sign in and select the Maintenance menu.

  2. On the Maintenance menu, press 5.

  3. After the voice file for the entity is recorded, do one of the following:

    • To accept, press 1, and then #. You are prompted for another file type code and IVR ID code. To record additional voice files, repeat Steps 3 and 4.

    • To listen to the recorded voice file, press 2, and then #.

    • To record the voice file again, press 3, and then #.

    • To end the call, press #.

Listening to Voice Files (VOX files)

  1. Sign in and select the Maintenance menu.

  2. On the Maintenance menu, press 4.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To hear the voice file of another entity, repeat Step 3.

    • To end the call, press #.

Signing Out

To sign out of the IVR, log in to Capacity IQ® on a computer, and then immediately sign out.

Cannot Pick Up Round-Trip Jobs through the IVR

If transporters cannot pick up round-trip jobs, this is caused by the "Round Trips" permission in the user's Capacity IQ® Transport not bring enabled.

How to Verify Status of Round Trips Permission

  1. Go to Admin Tool, User Management, then search for the affected user. Click on the user's profile.

  2. In the user's profile, note the name of the role that the user has.

  3. Go to Admin Tool, User Management, then Role Management. Note the groups that are within the user's role.

  4. Next, go to Admin Tool, User Management, then Group Management. Select the group that appeared under the user's role.

  5. Under the heading titled "IVR Controls," note the status of the "Round Trips" permission. If it is disabled, the user will not be able to pick up round-trip jobs, given that they already have the "Transporter Workflow" permission under the "TransportTracking Functions" heading.

Configuring Capacity IQ® Transport Application IVR Settings

You can configure settings for the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and Capacity IQ® Transport application to manage various functionalities such as patient identification, confirmation messages, response times, job completion, and VOX file requirements.

Where you can find this feature: This feature is accessible through Admin > Settings > Capacity Management in the Capacity IQ® Transport application.

How to Configure Capacity IQ® Transport Application IVR Settings


  • You can set:

    • Whether transporters and requesters will enter patients' identification numbers or names on the telephone keypad.

    • Whether patient names, patient identification numbers, both patient names and identification numbers, or both patient names and dates-of-birth will be read in confirmation messages over the IVR.

    • Whether callers will hear average response times for transport job requests when entering requests or patient inquiries.

    • Whether active transport jobs that are NOT in statuses of Pending, Appointment, Cancelled, or Completed will be marked as completed automatically after a certain number of minutes and the employees associated with them will be signed out automatically. (This feature is helpful when employees forget to indicate that a job is completed.)

    • Whether requesters with the appropriate permissions are required to create VOX files for patients who do not have them.

Permissions and Memberships Required

  • Admin Tool Menu permission

  • TransportTracking™ Campus Settings permission

  • Edit rights

  • Membership Type "All" with administrative rights enabled, or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and administrative rights enabled for the campus.


Configuring IVR Settings:

  1. Access the TransportTracking™ section of the Global Settings tab.

  2. In the IVR Settings section, complete the following:

    • Patient: Select whether transporters and requesters will enter patients' identification numbers (ID numbers) or patients' names on the telephone keypad.

    • Patient Confirmation: Select whether patients' names, identification numbers (ID numbers), both, or names and dates-of-birtSelect whether patients' names, identification numbers (ID numbers), both, or names and dates-of-birth (DOB) will be read back to the transporters and requesters in confirmation messages over the IVR. This selection also affects notifications that users have subscribed to and the post-dispatch page. If you select Name and DOB, the patient's name and date-of-birth will appear in notifications and the post-dispatch page. If you select any other option, the patient's name and ID number will appear in notifications and the post-dispatch page.

    • REQ Response Stats: If callers should hear average response times for requests when a request or a patient inquiry is entered, click the gray Disabled button. The button becomes a green Enabled button. If callers should not hear average response times, click Enabled. If you click Disabled, callers who are entering requests will hear average response times for requests with the same priority as the one they are entering. Callers entering patient inquiries for patients with pending transports will hear average response times for the last hour.

    • Auto Closeout: Sometimes, transporters forget to indicate that they have finished a transport job before taking a break or lunch period or leaving for the day. To prevent jobs that have been completed, but are not marked as completed, from appearing incomplete, you can set an Auto Closeout time. If a transporter is associated with an active job that does not have a status of Pending, Dispatched, Cancelled, Completed, or Appointment, and a number of minutes is entered in the Auto Closeout box, then after that number of minutes the transport job status will change to Completed and the transporter will be signed out automatically. If transport job statuses should never change to Completed automatically and users should not be signed out automatically afterward, type 0. If a transporter was dispatched to a job but never put the job in progress, the transporter cannot be signed out automatically. If a transporter is signed in, but is not attached to any job and has had no activity in the amount of time specified in the Interval to Run Auto Logout Process (Seconds) Master Configuration setting, then the transporter can be signed out automatically.

    • Max Review Jobs: This setting helps to prevent excessive replaying of job details and to prevent delays in accepting a job. The Max Review Jobs setting is the maximum number of times that one transporter can listen to the details of one job on the IVR. If the transporter requests to have the details replayed more than this number of times, the job will be considered rejected. The job will be included in Real-Time Key Indicator (RTKI) statistics as a rejected job for the transporter.

    • Require Patient VOX Recording: If this setting is enabled, users who have the Requester Workflow, the User Can Create Voice Files, and the User Can Review Voice Files permissions will be prompted on the IVR to create VOX files for patients who do not have them.

  3. Click Save.

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