When requesters or transporters with the appropriate permissions cancel, reschedule, or delay transport jobs, they can select a reason code to indicate why the change was made (for example, the Patient became ill). In addition, bed cleaners, supervisors, or requesters with the appropriate permissions select reason codes for delaying, suspending, or canceling bed cleaning requests or jobs, for blocking beds, or for canceling daily cleaning jobs (rooms).
If you have the permission listed below, you can use the Admin Tool component or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management to add or edit the reason codes that can be selected.
Which permissions and memberships are needed to complete this task?
To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.
To complete this task, you must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Reason Codes permission.
You must have Edit rights to make changes. You must have Membership Type "All" and Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.
Note - Capacity IQ® Transport users will only be required to select reason codes on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system if, at least one of the following permissions is enabled: Reason Code Required for Cancel, Reason Code Required for Delay, or Reason Code Required for Reschedule. Additionally, if the Require Reason Code when the job destination is home location type setting is enabled, transport requesters will be prompted with the Home-type reason codes that have been defined for their organization. Capacity IQ® EVS users will only be required to select reason codes if they have at least one of the following permissions: Reason Code Required to Block Beds, Reason Code Required to Suspend Bed Cleaning, Reason Code Required to Delay Bed Cleaning, Reason Code Required to Cancel Cleaning Request, Reason Code Required to Cancel InProgress Bed Cleaning.
To add or edit reason codes:
Do one of the following:
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management.
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
In the Dictionary Name column, click the Reason Codes link.
Click one of the following tabs:
To add reason codes:
In the filtering field at the top right, select the campus for which you want to add or edit a reason code. The list refreshes to display only the reason codes used in the selected campus.
Click Add to create a new row at the bottom of the page.
In a blank row, in the Campus list, select the campus in which this reason code can be used.
Note - If you select a different campus than the campus selected in the dictionary page's filtering field, when you click Save, the reason code you added or edited clears from the current campus's dictionary page and appears on the page that is filtered by the other campus you selected. For example, you might select "East Campus" in the filtering field on the Reason Codes dictionary page (described in letter A above). All of the reason codes display "East Campus" in the Campus column. You change the campus for the "Stat Job" reason code to "West Campus." When you select Save on the dictionary page, the "Stat Job" reason code clears from the dictionary page that is filtered by "East Campus" and appears on the dictionary page that is filtered by "West Campus."
In the Name column, type the reason as it will be heard on the IVR (for example, Patient became ill or Patient still in the room).
Note About Stat Job - The Stat Job reason code appears on the BedTracking tab by default. The IVR ID number for this reason code is 0986751. The code cannot be edited or deleted. This reason code is used only when a bed cleaner is using a smart device, such as the Apple® iPhone or iPod touch, to accept, complete, and change the status of jobs. If a job is suspended automatically because the bed cleaner accepts another job for a bed with a status of STAT, then the Stat Job reason code is applied automatically to the action of suspending the bed. The bed cleaner does not have to select the reason code. The Stat Job reason code cannot be seen anywhere else in the Capacity Management Suite® solution user interface and is not used on the IVR. However, it can appear in reports.
In the Abbreviation column, type the abbreviation for the reason that will appear in the application.
In the IVR ID box, type the numeric code greater than 0 (IVR ID) that will be used to identify this reason code on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Note - There is a required minimum and maximum length for the IVR ID. The values entered in the IVR ID Min Char and IVR ID Max Char boxes on the Enterprise-Wide Settings page in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component determine the minimum and maximum number of characters that you must enter for the IVR ID. The maximum can be no longer than 10. See Configuring Login Settings.
Select the actions for which the reason code can be used.
(For the Capacity IQ® EVS application) in the Block, Cancel Request, Cancel Inprogress, Delay, Suspend, and Daily Cleans columns, select the check box if this reason code can be used for those actions.
For example, if it is appropriate for bed cleaners to select this reason code when suspending or delaying a bed, then select the checkboxes in the Delay and Suspend columns. Also, if a supervisor changes the status of a Daily Clean job, a dialog box prompts them to select a reason for the status change. Select the box in the Daily Cleans column to ensure that the reason code appears in the selection list.(For the Capacity IQ® Transport application) In the Cancel, Delay, Reschedule, and Home columns select the check boxes if this reason code can be used for those actions.
For example, if it is appropriate for a transporter to select this reason code when delaying or rescheduling a job, then select the checkboxes in the Delay and Reschedule columns. The Home column allows you to define reason codes for three situations: first when the transport job destination is the patient's home destination, but it is occupied; second, the destination is not the patient's home location; and third, the destination is not the patient's assigned location. In each case, if the Require Reason Code when the job destination is home location type setting is enabled, the transport requester is prompted to select from these reason codes when the Occupied Bed Override dialog appears.
Click Save.
To add more reason codes, repeat the above steps.
To edit existing reason codes, in the appropriate rows, change the information.
Click Save