Hospital Service
Hospital Services refer to the type of treatment or surgery that a patient is or will be receiving (e.g., Oncology, Obstetrics, Cardiology). These services are configured in the Dictionary. Hospital Services are used by healthcare administrators and staff to categorize and manage patient treatments and surgeries. They are essential for organizing patient care and ensuring appropriate resource allocation. This feature is used during patient admission, placement, and throughout their stay.
Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management.
How Hospital Services Work
Hospital Services and Level of Care can be used in the bed search within the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application to locate an appropriate bed for a patient.
Each unit must have associated hospital services and levels of care.
For example, if a unit provides Oncology services and can offer critical care, Oncology should be associated with Critical Care for that unit.
Hospital services can be added, edited, or deleted in the dictionary.
Hospital services appear in alphabetical order in the dictionary.
ADT System integration is available for Hospital Services.
Hospital services associated with units cannot be deleted.
Permissions required:
Admin Tool Menu permission: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Hospital Service administrative permission: To configure hospital services.
Edit rights: To make changes.
View rights: To view but not change hospital services.
Access the Hospital Service Dictionary
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Click the Hospital Service link in the Dictionary Name column.
Adding Hospital Services:
Navigate to the Hospital Service Dictionary.
Click Add.
Enter the hospital service name (e.g., Oncology) and ADT ID.
Click Save.
Editing Hospital Services:
Navigate to the Hospital Service Dictionary.
Modify the desired fields.
Click Save.
Deleting Hospital Services:
Navigate to the Hospital Service Dictionary.
Select the check boxes of the services to delete.
To delete all services, select the checkbox in the first row and column.
Click Delete Selected Records.
Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.