Physicians are associated with patients on the Patient/Placement Detail form in the PreAdmitTracking application. The admitting physician's unit preferences and restrictions are used in the advanced bed search to locate an optimal bed for a patient. For example, a patient whose admitting physician is a pediatrician might want to restrict units that are for adult patients only and might prefer units that are primarily for children. In bed search results, stars next to unit abbreviations indicate the admitting physician's first, second, and third choices for preferred units. The admitting physician's restricted units do not appear in bed search results.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
How Physician Works
To configure physician details, preferences, and restrictions, you need the following permissions:
Admin Tool Menu: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Physicians: To configure physician details, restrictions, and preferences. You must have Edit rights to make changes. View rights allow you to see, but not change, physician information.
Accessing the Physician Details Page
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
In the Dictionary Name column, click the Physicians link.
Deleting a Physician Record
Note: Physician records that are currently associated with patients cannot be deleted.
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
In the Name column, click the Physicians link.
To narrow the list of physicians, use the Physician Attribute list, Filter String box, and Campus list.
Select the checkbox corresponding to the physician or select the checkbox at the top to delete all Physicians on the list.
Click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Adding or Editing Physician Details
Access the Physician Details page.
Fill in the required fields: First Name, Last Name, and ADT ID.
Optionally, fill in MI (middle initial), Suffix, Phone, and Mobile.
Select the service that this physician provides from the Service list.
Click Save.
Select the physician's preferred and restricted units.
Selecting a Physician's Preferred and Restricted Units
Add or edit physician details.
In the Physician Campus/Preferences section, associate the physician with a campus by clicking the Disabled button to change it to Enabled.
Click the Edit link in the Unit Preferences column to display the Physician Unit Preferences/Restrictions dialog box.
Select the physician's first, second, and third choices for preferred units.
Select the checkboxes for the units that should NOT be available in a bed search when this physician is the patient's admitting physician.
Click Select to save and close the dialog box.
On the Physician Details page, click Save.
Associating a Patient with a Physician
Permissions Required
Maintain Patient/Placement Details: View rights allow access to the Patient/Placement Details form. Edit rights are required to make changes.
Create New PreAdmits: Required to create new preadmit records.
Edit Patient Associated Physicians: Required to associate a patient with a physician.
Adding a Physician to the Patient Record and Selecting the Physician Association
Access the Patient/Placement Details form on the electronic bedboard.
In a patient row in the Name column, click the patient's name to display the form.
Under Associated Physicians, click the plus sign (+) to add a blank row.
In the blank row, begin to type the physician's last name and select the name from the list.
Repeat for each physician you want to add.
In the Association column, select the type of association for each physician.
Click Save.
Removing a Physician Name from a Patient Record
Access the Patient/Placement Details form on the electronic bedboard.
In a patient row in the Name column, click the patient's name to display the form.
Under Associated Physicians, click the X at the end of the row corresponding to the physician you want to remove.
Click Save.
Physician Roles
Admitting Physician
Physician who ordered the patient to be admitted. If you have the Edit Patient Associated Physicians permission, you may change the physician and/or the association with the patient.
Attending Physician
Physician responsible for the patient's care while in the hospital. If you have the Edit Patient Associated Physicians permission, you may change the physician and/or the association with the patient.
Consulting Physician
The attending physician confers with the consulting physician about the patient's care. If you have the Edit Patient Associated Physicians permission, you may change the physician and/or the association with the patient.
PCP Physician
The patient's primary care physician. If you have the Edit Patient Associated Physicians permission, you may change the physician and/or the association with the patient.
Referring Physician
The physician who referred the patient for care. If you have the Edit Patient Associated Physicians permission, you may change the physician and/or the association with the patient.
See Also
Creating a Patient Placement Request
Setting Bed and Patient Attributes