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Patient Type
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient Type

Patient Types categorize patients within the system, such as A for Adult or I for Infant. This feature is used by healthcare administrators to organize and manage patient information effectively.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

How Patient Types Work


Patient Types are configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Users with the appropriate permissions can associate patient types with patients on the Patient/Placement Details form in the PreAdmitTracking application. These types also appear in list views within the application.

Permissions Required

  • Admin Tool Menu permission: Required to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Patient Type permission: Required to configure patient types. Edit rights are needed to make changes, while View rights allow viewing without making changes.

Configuring Patient Types

  1. Access Dictionary Management:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management.

    • Or go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

    • Click the Patient Type link in the Dictionary Name column.

  2. Add Patient Types:

    • Click Add to create a new row.

    • Enter the patient type name (e.g., A for Adult) in the Name column.

    • Enter the ADT ID code in the ADT ID column.

    • Click Save. The new patient type will appear in the list.

  3. Edit Patient Types:

    • Modify the necessary information in the appropriate rows and columns.

    • Click Save to apply changes.

  4. Delete Patient Types:

    • To delete all patient types, select the checkbox in the first row and first column.

    • To delete individual patient types, select the checkboxes for the specific types.

    • Click Delete Selected Records and confirm by clicking OK.

Note on ADT Transactions

If an incoming ADT transaction has an ADT ID for a patient type that matches a patient type ADT ID entered through Dictionary Management and the patient type in Dictionary Management is associated with patient records, then those patient records will be updated with the patient type information from the ADT system. If a patient type ADT ID that matches the one in the ADT transaction message cannot be found in Dictionary Management, then patient records will NOT be updated with patient type information from the ADT transaction message.


  1. Adding Patient Types:

    • Access Dictionary Management.

    • Click Add.

    • Enter the patient type name and ADT ID.

    • Click Save.

  2. Editing Patient Types:

    • Access Dictionary Management.

    • Modify the patient type details.

    • Click Save.

  3. Deleting Patient Types:

    • Access Dictionary Management.

    • Select the patient types to delete.

    • Click Delete Selected Records and confirm.

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