Behavioral Health Hold Timer
Behavioral Health Hold Timer is used by healthcare professionals to manage and track the duration of behavioral health holds for patients. This feature ensures accurate timing and documentation of holds, which is crucial for patient care and compliance. It is used when initiating, extending, or ending a behavioral health hold.
Where you can find this feature: Behavioral Health Timer can be accessed within the patient management system under the Hold Timer dialog box.
How the Behavioral Health Hold Timer Works
You can set a Behavioral Health Hold and Hold Start Time
Permission Required: "Allow to start Hold" (Not available for patients in Discharged or Visit Cancelled statuses).
Note: The Remaining time and calculated stop time are determined automatically based on the start time and duration.
You can extend or cancel a Behavioral Health Hold Timer
Note: The Duration and Calculated Stop Time update based on the new hold type. The Start Time does not change, and Elapsed Time continues without starting over.
You can select the time that Behavioral Health Hold Ended
Permission Required: "Allow to stop Hold" (Not available for patients in Discharged or Visit Cancelled statuses).
Note: You must choose an Actual Stop Time that is after the Start Time and earlier than or equal to the current time. The option to select times or click Set Now is only available if observation has already started.
Setting a Behavioral Health Hold
Ensure you have "Allow to start Hold" permission.
Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
Enter Start Time and select Hold Type.
Confirm Duration and click Apply.
Set the Hold Start Time
Click the Hold Type box to display the Hold Timer dialog box.
In the Start Time box, type the date that observation should begin or click the calendar icon to select a date.
In the box to the right of the calendar icon, type the time that the behavioral health hold should begin in the format ##:## AM or PM, or click Set Now if it should begin immediately.
In Hold Type, select the name of the type of hold from the list.
The Duration box automatically displays the number of hours for the hold (associated with the hold type).
Click Apply.
Extending a Behavioral Health Hold
Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
Select a new Hold Type with a different duration.
Confirm updated Duration and Calculated Stop Time.
Cancelling a Behavioral Health Hold
Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
Click Cancel Hold.
Click Apply.
Ending a Behavioral Health Hold
Select the time that the Behavioral Health Hold Ended
Ensure you have "Allow to stop Hold" permission.
Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
In the Actual Stop Time box, type the date that hold stopped or click the calendar icon to select a date.
In the box to the right of the calendar icon, type the time that hold stopped in the format ##:## AM or PM, or click Set Now if it stopped at the current time.
Click Apply.