Behavioral Health
Behavioral health holds require accurate timing to ensure proper management and compliance. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can set the start time and duration for a patient's behavioral health hold. If the hold ends before the calculated duration, you can adjust the end time if you have the necessary permissions.
Where you can find this feature: Hold Timer dialog box, accessible from a list view or from the Patient/Placement Details form.
How Behavioral Health Works
Permissions Required
Users must belong to a group with the following permissions enabled:
Allow to start Hold: Allows users to select the behavioral health hold start time.
Allow to stop Hold: Allows users to select the behavioral health hold stop time.
Accessing the Hold Timer Dialog Box
Patient/Placement Details Form: Click the Hold Timer box.
Search Results: Click the hold type name or "--" in the Hold Type column.
PreAdmitTracking® or Clinical Operations: Go to PreAdmitTracking® > List Views, or Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking®. Select the instance name and placement tab to filter the list and display the patient.
Filtering List Views
Filter by Criteria: Select an option like Last Name, Bed, Social Security Number, or MRN. Enter the search text and click Search. Click Clear to return to the default display. Advanced filters can also be used.
Setting the Behavioral Health Hold Start Time
Access the Dialog Box: Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
Entering Start Time: Enter the date in the format (e.g., mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) or use the calendar icon. Enter the observation start time in the format (e.g., ##:## AM or PM) or click Set Now.
Selecting Hold Type: Choose the hold type from the list. The Duration box will display the default number of hours for the selected hold type. The Remaining Time and Calculated Stop Time are automatically determined.
Applying Settings: Click Apply to save and return to the list view.
Selecting the Time That Behavioral Health Hold Ended
Access the Dialog Box: Open the Hold Timer dialog box.
Entering Stop Time: Enter the date and time in the specified format or use the calendar icon and Set Now button.
Applying Settings: Click Apply. The hold timer stops counting the patient's behavioral health hold time.
Hold Timer Color Coding
Green: Timer starts green, counting from zero to the total hold time or counting down to zero.
Yellow: Timer turns yellow as an alert a configured number of hours before the calculated stop time.
Red: Timer turns red when it reaches another configured number of hours before the calculated stop time.
Post-Stop Time: If the hold timer reaches the calculated stop time without ending, it continues counting additional time over the stop time.
Managing Behavioral Health Hold Timers
Accessing the Hold Timer and Hold Type Columns: Ensure they are added to any applicable consoles in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal® applications.
Hold Timer Column: Displays elapsed or remaining time for the patient's hold.
Hold Type Column: Refers to a special type of timer for Behavioral Health holds.
Configuring Hold Types
Permission Required: Admin Tool Menu permission and Hold Type administrative permission.
Adding or Editing Hold Types:
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Click the Hold Type link to display the Hold Type dictionary list.
Select Add to display the New Hold Type page and complete the required fields.
Click Save.
Activating or Deactivating a Hold Type
Access the Dictionary Management: Go to the Dictionary Management > Hold Type list.
Select the Hold Type: Select the checkbox next to the row for the hold type that you want to activate or deactivate.
Activate: Select Activate to enable the hold type. The hold type's row becomes enabled, and you can select it.
Deactivate: Select Deactivate to disable the hold type. The hold type's row turns gray and becomes disabled.
Extending and Cancelling a Behavioral Health Hold Timer
Access the Hold Timer Dialog Box.
Select a different hold type with a longer duration.
The Duration and Calculated Stop Time will update.
Access the Hold Timer Dialog Box.
Click Cancel Hold and Apply.
Allowing Use of the Behavioral Health Timer
Configuring for a Campus:
Access the PreAdmitTracking® Global Settings page.
Enable the Behavioral Health Timer.
Configure Timer Start ADTID, Timer End ADTID, Resume Timer on Patient Readmission, Bedboard Character, and Timer Direction.
Click Save.