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Hold Compliance Report Description - PreAdmit
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Hold Compliance Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Hold Compliance Report provides information about patients who were previously in a behavioral health hold. Only patients whose holds have ended can be included in the report.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • The report displays only patients whose holds started when they were associated with current locations in the selected unit(s). If no units are selected, then the report includes all units that are within the selected campus and within the membership of the user who generated the report.

  • The report displays only behavioral health holds with start dates and times that are within the date and time range selected when the report was generated.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display either the patients' names or medical record numbers (MRNs) in the Patient column on the detailed view of the report.

  • If No is selected in Include Only Patients with Hold Exceeded?, then all patients in the selected campus and units with an ended behavioral hold timer appear in the report. If Yes is selected, then only patients in the selected campus and units whose hold timer durations exceeded the hold type duration appear in the report.

  • All patients who meet the report criteria are included, regardless of patient status.

Hold Compliance Report Column Descriptions

Detailed Report




Patient's last and first name or medical record number. Patients are listed if they have a behavioral health hold start time earlier than the time that the report was generated, they have a set behavioral health hold stop time, and the observation has ended.

Hold Type

The hold type associated with each patient. Hold types can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Hold Start Date Time

The date and time that was selected for the patient's hold to start. Hold start dates and times can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Hold End Date Time

The actual hold stop date and time. This is not necessarily the same as the calculated stop date and time (calculated based on hold start time and the set duration).

Intended Hold Duration

The scheduled duration of the patient's hold in hours and minutes (for example, 06:30 means that hold should last 6 hours and 30 minutes). Intended hold duration is associated with the hold type in the Hold Type dictionary. Intended hold duration can be set on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Actual Hold Duration

The hours and minutes that the hold actually lasted. This might not necessarily match the intended hold duration.

Duration Exceeded

If the actual duration was longer than the intended hold duration, the hours and minutes by which the intended hold duration was exceeded appears in this column. Otherwise, this column is blank.

Unit Summary



Total Hold Patients

Total number of patients in a behavioral health hold for the selected units (for example, Hold Type A is 4 patients have a behavioral health hold).

Holds Exceeded

The count of patients whose hold exceeded the hold type duration.

Report Summary



Total Hold Patients

Total number of patients in a behavioral health hold for the selected units (for example, Hold Type A is 4 patients have a behavioral health hold).

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