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Employee List
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Employee List

Employee List is a feature used by supervisors and administrators to monitor and manage employee statuses, assignments, and activities. It is essential for ensuring efficient workflow and resource allocation. This feature is used whenever there is a need to track employee activities, statuses, and assignments in real-time.

Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® EVS, Capacity IQ® Transport.

How Employee List Works


  • The Employee List displays various columns with specific information about each employee:

    • Status: Displays the employee's current status (e.g., Available, In Progress, or Logged Out). An 'S' in a yellow circle next to 'In Progress' indicates the employee is working on a spill cleaning job.

    • Status Time: Shows the date and time the employee entered the current status. An orange background indicates a level-one alert, while a red background indicates a higher-level alert.

    • Bed: Displays the name, abbreviation, or IVR ID code of the bed associated with the employee. Hover over the cell to see additional identifiers. Click to display the Bed Detail window.

    • Employee: Shows the employee's name. A green background with white text indicates the employee has more than one suspended bed, which is not allowed. Click the name to view detailed information.

    • Adjust: Indicates the number of bed cleanings completed outside the predefined acceptable time or with a response time greater than the maximum set in the Admin Tool.

    • Device ID: Displays the IVR ID of the paging device used by the employee. Click to assign a different device or log the employee in or out. A red background indicates a supervisor-assigned device without selection.

    • Zones: Shows the zones where the employee is currently assigned. Click to change zones or log the employee in or out. Hover over the cell to see additional zones. A red background indicates zones were not selected.

    • Sections: Displays the sections where the employee is currently assigned. Click to change sections or log the employee in or out. Hover over the cell to see additional sections. A red background indicates sections were not selected.

  • Employees with deactivated user accounts do not appear on the employee

  • With the proper permissions, you may do the following for a supervisor on the Employees list. In addition, supervisors who have the permission may perform these tasks for themselves:

    • Change zone and section assignment

    • Change assigned notification device

    • Sign out

      • Note: You cannot sign out an employee who currently has an active session on the Interactive Voice Response system (IVR).

  • Sometimes employees (transporters) leave for the day without signing out or need someone else to sign in for them.

  • If an employee has a variable assignment, someone might need to change the sections and zones to which the employee is currently assigned so they can work elsewhere during their shifts.

  • If there are problems with employees' paging devices while they are signed in, supervisors might need to assign different devices to them.

Permissions Required

  • The Access Employee List View permission is required to access the employee list.

  • To access employee lists from the Employee Dashboard, the Access Employee Dashboard permission is required.

  • If you have the Modify User Status/Assignment permission and the Access Employee List View permission, you can sign an employee whose membership is within your membership in or out of the Capacity IQ® EVS application from an Employee list.

    • You can also change the sections and zones to which the employee is assigned to work (change assignment) and change the device for a signed-in employee.

  • Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions - Capacity IQ® Transport Application Functions - Console Transporters Tab: Required to access the Transporters tab or Transporter Dashboard menu command.

    • Only records included in your membership scope


Accessing Employee Lists

  1. Display all employees within your membership:

    1. Click the Employee List icon.

    2. Go to Capacity IQ® EVS > List Views > Employees.

    3. Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Employee List icon.

    4. If your health system has more than one instance of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Employee List icon.

  2. Display all employees within a certain status in a certain area:

    1. On the Employees Dashboard, in the first column, click the arrow next to a campus to display a list of areas, and then click an area (e.g., Building).

    2. Click a number under a status that corresponds to an area in the first column.

    Example: To see all employees within your membership who have membership to the Main Campus and are in Available status, click the number that corresponds to the Avail (Available) status (listed at the top) and the Main Campus (listed in the first column).

  3. View a list of all employees within a certain campus, building, floor, unit, cluster, section, or zone:

    1. On the Employees Dashboard, in the first column, click the arrow to display a list of areas, click an area, and then click the name of that area.

    Example: To see all employees within your membership who have membership in a building in the Main Campus called Building 1, click the arrow next to Main Campus in the first column on the Employees Dashboard, click Building, then when the column displays building names, click Building 1.

  4. View Transporter Employee List

    1. Click the Transporters tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Transporter Dashboard or go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > Transporters tab.

    2. If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > Transporters tab.

    3. On the tab or dashboard, click a number under a status to display a list of all employees (transporters) within your membership who are in that status.

    4. On the tab or dashboard, in the first column, click the name of the campus, building, floor, unit, cluster, section, or zone that is displayed to view a list of all employees (transporters) within your membership who have membership in that area.

Viewing an Area's Employee List

To display a list of employees within your membership for the campus, building, floor, cluster, unit, section, or zone that appears in the first column:

  • Click the area name.

    Example: If Building A appears in the first column, click the link for Building A to display a list of all employees whose membership includes Building A and are also within your membership.

Viewing an Area's Employee List per Status

To display a list of employees whose membership is within your membership and who are in a status shown in the top row and a campus, building, floor, cluster, unit, section, or zone shown in the first column:

  • Click the number in the cell that corresponds to the area and the status.

    Example: If there are 3 employees within your membership in Available status in Building A, the number 3 appears in the cell that corresponds to Building A (listed in the first column) and Avail (listed at the top). Click the number 3 to see a list of the employees.

Viewing an Employee List per Status for a Campus

To display a list of employees who are in the same status in the same campus (within your membership):

  • Click the column heading that displays the status name (e.g., Available, Break, or Lunch).

  • When the employee list appears, in the Campus list in the upper-right corner, select a campus.

    Example: To view all employees within your membership who are in the Main Campus, in the In Progress status, click the column heading that displays In Progress. When the employee list appears, select Main Campus.

Access the Supervisor Login/Logout Dialog Box

  1. On the Employee list, click the employee's or supervisor's device ID, zones, or sections or click the dashes in the Device ID, Zones, or Sections column.

Sign Out an Employee or Supervisor

  1. Click the employee or supervisor's device ID or zones or click the dashes in the Device or Zones column to display the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box.

  2. Click Logout for the Day. A confirmation message appears at the top of the dialog box.

  3. To close the dialog box, click Close.

Sign In an Employee or Supervisor

  1. Click the employee's device ID or zones or click the dashes in the Device ID or Zones column to display the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box.

  2. (Optional) If Variable appears in the Device section and you want to select the employee's paging device, select an available device for the employee.

    • Notes:

      • Do not select a device that has a \* next to it. Those devices are already assigned and are not available.

      • If an Invalid Device Method message appears when you attempt to select a device, then the administrator must select a device method (such as Variable) in the employee's user profile before you can continue.

      • You may only assign Vocera devices to employees who have Vocera user IDs assigned in their user profiles.

  3. Click Login for the Day. If the employee has a variable assignment, then the Change Assignment dialog box appears. If this dialog box does NOT appear, skip to Step 5.

    • Note: If the employee's user account has been deactivated, then a message stating that appears at the top and the Login for the Day button is grayed out and unavailable.

  4. If the Change Assignment dialog box appears, select the check boxes for the sections and zones to which the employee should be assigned to work, and then click Submit. A confirmation message appears at the top of the dialog box.

  5. To close the dialog box, click Close.

Change Employee or Supervisor Section and Zone Assignments

  1. Click Change Assignment to display the Change Assignment dialog box.

    1. The employee must have a variable section and zone assignment and be signed in currently.

    2. You cannot change section and zone assignments for employees who currently have bed cleaning jobs in progress.

  2. Click the employee's device ID or zones or click the dashes in the Device ID or Zones column to display the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box.

  3. Click Change Assignment to display the Change Assignment dialog box.

  4. On the Change Assignment dialog box, select the check boxes for the zones and sections to which the employee should be assigned and clear those that should no longer be assigned.

  5. Click Submit. A confirmation message appears at the top of the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box.

  6. To close the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box, click Close.

  7. If the employee's status was Logged Out and the employee did not have an assignment, then the employee's status will be changed to Logged In.

  8. If the employee's status was Logged In, it will be changed to Available.

  9. If the employee was at lunch or on a break and the employee had an assignment, then after the break or lunch status ends, the employee's status will become Available.

  10. If the employee is in progress with a job and then completes the job after the assignment change, then if the employee had an assignment, the employee's status will be changed to Available.

  11. If an employee with a variable assignment is in a status of Logged In, then after new sections and zones are assigned, the employee will have a status of Available.

  12. If the employee's status was Available, it will remain Available after the assignment is changed.

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