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Employee Performance Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Employee Performance Report


The Employee Performance Report provides information on transport job performance for all transporters over a selected time period. The data provided is inclusive of all job's transporters complete, including patient and item jobs. This report is a great way to compare the performance of transporters with similar shifts and assignments to ensure they are all as productive as possible to meet the demands of your department.

Best Practice Metrics Captured in Employee Performance Report


Best Practice Goal

Transporter Trips Per Hour


Delay Time

< 5 Minutes

Transport Time on Task Dispatched to Complete

< 20 Minutes


The report displays only records associated with employees or transporters selected in the report criteria whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report. If the user who generated the report has a variable membership, then the user's current membership is used to determine the employee (or transporter) list.

If no individual employees or transporters, or employee categories were selected in report criteria, then the report displays records associated with all employees or transporters whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report.

Only employees or transporters who meet the membership criteria listed above and who meet the following criteria appear on the report:

  • If the employees or transporters have variable membership (or no membership has been designated for them), then their base unit must be within the membership of the user who is generating the report.

  • Employees or transporters must have:

    • A base location base unit that is associated with the campus selected in the report criteria.

    • The Transporter Call Flow (Responsible for Executing Transport Jobs) permission. Supervisors who have the Transporter Call Flow permission may be included.

    • A valid, saved TransportTracking™ assignment type (fixed, fixed & exclusive, variable, all, or none).

    • Performed an action through the IVR or the TransportTracking™ application during the date range selected in the report criteria (for example, signing in or signing out of the IVR or TransportTracking™ application).

The following information is displayed on the report for each selected employee. For descriptions of transporter employee status definitions (such as Dispatched)

  • Notes:

    • Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).

    • Sometimes, transporters with variable assignment types sign in, but hang up before selecting their assigned sections and zones. These transporters are in a pre-logged-in state. Transporters with fixed assignment types and variable notification device assignments could also experience a pre-logged-in state. Time spent in this pre-logged-in state is not included in calculations on the Employee Performance Report. Only time spent in Break, Lunch, Other (unscheduled break), Available, or an active transport job status (such as Dispatched, In Progress, Assist, Delay/Dispatch, or Delay/In Progress) is included in calculations on this report. Transporters with fixed assignment types and fixed notification device assignments or transporters with variable assignment types who select their assigned sections and zones before hanging up will not encounter the pre-logged-in state.



No. of Dispatches

Total number of times that the employee entered Dispatched status during the selected date and time range.

Dispatches per Hour

The number of times the employee entered any Dispatched status each hour that he or she was signed in. Time spent on break or at lunch is not included in the calculation used to determine the dispatches per hour. The calculation is: Number of Dispatches / (Hours Logged In minus number of minutes spent on break or at lunch).

Dispatched Hours

Total time in hours that the employee was in any Dispatched status during the selected date and time range.

In Progress Hours

Total time in hours that the employee was in any In Progress status during the selected date and time range.

Productive Hours

Sum of Dispatched Hours + In Progress Hours.

Product Hours %

Productive Hours / (Productive Hours + Hours spent in Available status)

No. Breaks

The number of times that the employee entered the Break, Unscheduled Break, or Lunch status during the selected date and time range.

Break/Lunch/Avail Hrs

Total time in hours that the employee was in Break, Unscheduled Break, Lunch, or Available status during the selected date and time range.

Break/Lunch Hours

Total time in hours that the employee was in Break, Unscheduled Break, or Lunch status during the selected date and time range.

Avail Hours

Total time in hours that the employee was in Available status during the selected date and time range.

Avail Hours %

Avail Hours / (Productive Hours + Avail Hours)

Delay Count

The number of times the employee entered Dispatched/Delayed or In Progress/Delayed status during the selected date and time range.

Hours of Delay

Total time in hours that the employee entered Dispatched/Delayed or In Progress/Delayed status during the selected date and time range.

Average Minutes Dispatched Per Call

Total number of minutes the employee spent in Dispatched and Dispatched-Delayed status / Number of dispatches.

Hours Logged in (less Break/Lunch)

Total time in hours that the employee was signed in to the TransportTracking™ application or to the IVR during the selected date and time range (excluding Lunch, Unscheduled Break, and Break status).

Average Minutes-Dispatched to Completed

Dispatched Hours + Dispatched-Delayed Hours + In Progress Hours + In Progress-Delayed Hours / Number of dispatches.

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