Employee Details
Employee Details (Statistics and History) are used by supervisors and employees to track and review work statistics and history. This feature exists to provide insights into employee performance and work patterns. It is used when detailed information about an employee's work activities is needed.
Where you can find this feature: Employee list, All Beds list, Daily Clean list.
How Employee Details Work
From an Employee list or the All Beds list, you can access statistics about individual employees within your membership.
Employees whose user accounts have been deactivated do not appear on the list.
If the employee is a supervisor and is not signed in, then it is not possible to click the employee's name to view details.
You can select a date range in the Date Range Filter section to view statistics such as time spent in Available status, at lunch, on breaks, number of beds cleaned, and average cleaning time.
You can also view the history of the employee's statuses (Available, Lunch, Break, Logged In, Logged Out) and the statuses of the beds cleaned for a selected date range. The history includes start and stop times for each bed or status, duration of the employee status, and associated bed and job numbers.
You may also view your own statistics and history.
By default, the employee's statistics and status history for today only appear.
Only beds that the employee received credit for cleaning are included in employee statistics and status history.
If an employee is currently associated with a bed (e.g., the employee is currently in the In Progress status with a bed cleaning), the bed number, name, or abbreviation appears in the Bed column.
You can access bed details (bed information and bed history) from a bed or employee list or from the Employee Detail page.
If you accessed the Employee Detail page by clicking a number in the Adjusted column on the Employee list, then only the employee's adjusted bed cleaning jobs appear.
Permissions Required
Access Employee List View
Access All Beds List View
Employee Workflow (to view own details)
View Another EVS Employee's History (to view another employee's details)
Put Spill Clean in Progress permission (to view Spills Cleaned data)
EVS Employee Statistics Descriptions
The EVS Employee Statistics section at the top of the Employee Detail page displays the following information about the employee.
EVS Employee: Employee whose statistics and status history are displayed.
Spills Cleaned: Number of spill cleaning jobs completed within the selected date range.
Beds Cleaned: Number of beds cleaned during the selected date range.
Adjusted Beds: Number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning that 1) were completed in more than the maximum clean time or less than the minimum clean time that was set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or 2) whose original response time was greater than the maximum response time set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Only beds that the employee received credit for cleaning during the date range selected in the Status History section appear.
Current Status: Employee's current status (Available status appears only if the employee has been in Available status for at least two minutes).
Total Avail Time: Total time spent in Available status during the selected date range.
Average Spill Clean Time: The duration between when the employee put the spill cleaning jobs in progress and when they were marked completed divided by the count of spill cleans. To be included in the count of spill cleans, a spill cleaning job must have been 1) placed in progress and marled as completed by this employee 2) in the In Progress status for at least some time (the time spent in the In Progress status is greater than 0), and 3) associated with this employee at any time during the selected date range.
Total Break and Lunch Time: Total time spent on breaks or at lunch during the selected date range.
Average STAT Clean Time: The average time that the employee took to complete cleaning jobs during the date range selected in the Status History section. The time appears in minutes and seconds.
Calculation: The total In Progress status to Clean status time for beds that the employee received credit for cleaning / the number of bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for completing.Average Clean Time: The average time that the employee took to complete cleaning jobs during the date range selected in the Status History section. The time appears in minutes and seconds.
Calculation: The total In Progress status to Clean status time for beds that the employee received credit for cleaning / the number of bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for completing. .Average Room Turn Time: The average time in hh:mm format that the employee took to perform a daily clean during the selected date range.
Rooms Cleaned: The total number of rooms for which the employee performed a daily clean during the selected date range.
You may hide or show the Statistics section.
An employee worked on 6 bed cleaning jobs so far today, but only 5 appear in the Beds Cleaned total.
The employee did not receive credit for the 6th bed cleaning job. Possible reasons include another employee completing the job or a supervisor marking it Clean instead.
Sometimes the Status column displays an unclean bed status, such as Clean Next, and sometimes it displays In Progress, Suspended, or an employee status.
The Status column displays the employee's status when they did not have a job in progress, the In Progress status, or the status of the bed when the employee began to clean it.
Explain the Time Started and Time Completed columns.
If a bed appears in the Bed column, these columns show when the employee started and stopped working on the bed. If an employee status appears in the Status column, they show when the employee started and ended that status.
Only the employee's adjusted bed cleaning jobs appear.
If you accessed the Employee Detail page by clicking a number in the Adjusted column on the Employee list, only the employee's adjusted bed cleaning jobs appear.
Accessing Employee Detail
Access one of the following:
Employee list (See Accessing Employee Lists in Accessing EVS Employee Information)
All Beds list (See Accessing Bed Lists in Accessing Bed Information)
In the Employee column, click the link for the employee's name to display the employee's details.
Note: To view details about an employee's adjusted bed cleaning jobs, click a number in the Adjusted column of the Employee list. This will show only adjusted bed cleaning jobs.
On the Daily Clean list, select the name of an employee in the In Progress columns.
The employee's details page appears.
Viewing Employee Detail
On the Employee list, click the employee's name.
Hiding or Showing Employee Statistics
To hide the statistics at the top of the Employee Detail page, click Hide.
To display hidden statistics, click Show.
Filtering Employee Statistics or Status History by Date
To view employee statistics or status history for a specific date range:
In the Date Range Filter section, for both the beginning and ending dates, click the calendar icon, scroll to the appropriate month, and then click a date.
Click Filter to display statistics and history only for the selected date range.
To display the statistics and history for today only again, click Clear Filters.