Bed Details
Bed Details provide comprehensive information about a bed's status and history. This feature is used by healthcare staff to manage bed assignments and track bed status changes. It is essential for ensuring efficient patient flow and bed utilization.
Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console, electronic bedboard® view.
How Bed Details Work
You can access bed details by clicking a bed within your membership on a bed or employee list, or on the Employee Detail page. The Bed Detail window provides information on:
Bed Information: Includes details such as EVS Service, Specialty, bed size, accommodation type, and the user who last changed the status.
Status History: Shows the date and time of status changes, the patient associated with the bed, and reasons for bed cleaning job cancellations.
Permissions Required:
Access Employee List View
Access All Beds List View
Access Occupied Beds List View
Access Placement List Views
Employee Workflow
View Another EVS Employee's History
Access Bed Information
Accessing Bed Details
From an electronic bedboard® view:
Click a cell containing a bed that is not occupied or assigned to display the Bed Detail window.
If a bed is occupied or assigned, move your cursor over the bed, press and hold the Shift key, and then click to display a menu. Select Bed Information.
From a list view:
Access a list view and select a unit.
Membership and Bed Visibility
Fixed Membership: You can see information only about specific units included in your membership.
Variable Membership (Floater): You select units each time you sign in, and these units appear automatically on list views.
Bed Dashboard
The Bed Dashboard provides an overview of the number of beds within your membership in each status for each campus, building, floor, unit, cluster, section, or zone. You can access bed lists for each status and for each area from the Bed Dashboard.
Permissions Required:
Access Bed Dashboard
Using the Bed Dashboard:
Filter by Unit: Select units to display specific bed information.
View Number of Beds per Status for an Area: Shows the number of beds in each status for a selected area.
View an Area's Bed List per Status: Displays a list of beds in a specific status for a selected area.
Bed Dashboard Columns and Descriptions
Area: The first column displays the area where the beds are located (e.g., campus, building, floor, zone).
Discharge and Spill Clean:
In Progress: Beds with cleaning jobs currently in progress.
Delayed: Beds with cleaning jobs that have been delayed.
Suspended: Beds with cleaning jobs that have been suspended.
Spill: Beds with spill cleaning jobs (if enabled).
Dirty: Beds that are dirty.
Clean Next: Beds scheduled to be cleaned next.
Stat: Beds marked for immediate cleaning.
UDEF8: Custom, user-defined status.
UDEF9: Custom, user-defined status.
Clean: Beds that are clean.
Occupied: Beds that are occupied.
Blocked: Beds that are blocked.
Daily Clean:
To Do: Beds scheduled for daily cleaning.
Clean: Beds that have been cleaned.
In Progress: Beds with daily cleaning jobs in progress.
Accessing Bed Details
From an electronic bedboard® view:
Access and configure an electronic bedboard® view.
Click a cell containing a bed that is not occupied or assigned to display the Bed Detail window.
If a bed is occupied or assigned, move your cursor over the bed, press and hold the Shift key, and then click to display a menu. Select Bed Information.
From a list view:
Access a list view and select a unit.
Click the bed identifier in the Assgd Bed or Bed column, then select Bed Information from the menu.
Filtering and Searching
Filtering a List View:
Select an option to filter by (e.g., Last Name, Bed, Social Security Number, or MRN).
Type the first few characters of the search text.
Click Search to filter the records.
Searching for a Patient:
Click the Patient Search icon or go to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.
Select an option to search by (e.g., Last Name, Bed, or MRN).
Type the first few characters of the search text.
Click Search to display the results.
Viewing Bed Information
Bed Status: Current cleaning status (e.g., Dirty, Occupied, Blocked).
User: The user responsible for the last bed status change.
Source: Whether the status was changed in the Capacity IQ® EVS application or through the IVR.
Date/Time: The date and time of the status change.
Accom Type: Accommodation type (private or semi-private).
Bed Size: Bed size (adult, child, or infant).
Specialty Bed: Whether the bed is a Specialty Bed.
EVS Service: Whether the bed is noted as an EVS Service Bed.
Viewing Bed History
Date/Time: The date and time of the status change.
User: The user responsible for the last bed status change.
Status: The cleaning status of the bed.
Source: Whether the status was changed through the Capacity IQ® EVS application or through the IVR.
Type: Transaction type (e.g., job completion, job creation, block location).
Reason: The reason for a bed being blocked or a cleaning job being cancelled or delayed.
Patient: The patient associated with the bed.
To close the Bed Detail window, click Close.