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Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Columns are used by healthcare professionals to display and manage patient information efficiently. They exist to provide a structured view of patient data, which is crucial for patient tracking and care management. Columns are used whenever patient information needs to be viewed or updated.

Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal application.

How Columns Work


Columns can display various types of patient information, including custom columns configured by administrators. Custom columns can show specialized patient information not available in standard list view columns, such as Early Warning Sign scores (EWS), Waterlow or Braden scores, and MRSA dates. Administrators can configure these columns to display text, numeric values, or date selection lists.

Columns That Can Appear on List Views

  • With the correct permission, you may customize the columns and layouts on the list views.

  • You may use the View Options button on the list views to add or remove columns and determine the order.

  • Column configuration changes will be in place until you end your current session or sign out. To save them permanently, save the console view.

  • Columns can be resized by dragging the Column Header.

    • Only columns that have a gray right edge can be resized.

  • TeleTracking cannot complete any user column maintenance.

    • Reach out to your admin or helpdesk for any changes.

  • If information in a column is not fully visible, hover over the cell to display additional text.

  • Not all columns are available on every list view.

  • Unless you save the console, your customizations are only in effect for the current session.

  • Column names are categorized in groups. You add a group and then add column names to the group.

  • Each group can have a maximum of two rows of column names.

  • If there are two rows of column names, one row can have multiple column names and the other row can have only one column name.

  • When you add a group, it will always be placed to the right of the previous column.

  • You can move column names between groups, provided you do not exceed the maximum column names allowed in a row.

  • List views can include the columns listed below:

    • Accommodation: Whether the bed is private or semi-private.

    • Acuity: The measurement of the intensity of care the patient requires. This information is received from Kronos® OptiLink® when Capacity IQ® is integrated with Kronos® OptiLink®. In the View Options > Configure Columns dialog, this column is called tele_acuity.

    • Admit Date/Time: Date and time that the patient was admitted, formatted according to Date Time Settings in the Enterprise-Wide Settings section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

    • Admit Source: How the patient was admitted (e.g., through the Emergency Room or physician referral).

    • Admit Type: Why the patient was admitted (e.g., for surgery, emergency, or testing).

    • Admitting Physician: Physician who ordered the patient to be admitted.

    • Age: The patient's age. A blue background indicates a male patient, pink indicates a female patient. Hover over the age to see the patient's date of birth.

    • Assigned Bed Status: Status of the assigned bed (e.g., Dirty).

    • Assigned Bed: Bed to which the patient has been assigned.

    • Assigned by User: User who assigned the bed to the patient. If blank, the patient does not have an open placement.

    • Assigned Date Time: Date and time that the patient was assigned to the bed, formatted according to Date Time Settings in the Enterprise-Wide Settings section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. If blank, the patient does not have an open placement.

    • Assignment Timer: Displays the number of hours and minutes between when the patient was assigned to a bed and one of the following (depending on the Assignment Timer Start Time selected in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component):

      • When the patient's placement request was activated

      • When the patient became ready to move

      • The target unit time.

    • Attending Physician: Physician responsible for the patient's care while in the hospital.

    • Attending Physician Service: The service or specialty provided by the attending physician (e.g., Hematology), associated with the physician in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

    • Bed: Displays the bed name, IVR ID, or abbreviation in a patient row showing a patient occupying or assigned to the bed or in a bed row.

    • Bed Attributes: Displays any special bed characteristics required by a patient (e.g., Negative Air Flow Bed or Isolation).

    • Bed Delayed: The hours and minutes that a bed cleaning job for the assigned bed has been delayed.

    • Bed Size: The bed size of the patient's home location (in a patient row) or of the location shown in the Bed column (in a bed row).

    • Bed Size Requested: The bed size requested for the patient in the Bed Size Needed list on the Patient/Placement Details form.

    • Bed Status Reason: Displays a reason code when changing a bed's status, if required (e.g., Maintenance).

    • Campus—The campus with which the patient is associated. For example, the enterprise might consist of the ABC Hospital-Women's campus and the ABC Hospital-Children's campus, this column lists the campus that the patient is currently associated with.

    • Care Progression: Allows unit staff to indicate whether each care type within a care progression group has been ordered, is in progress, is delayed (with reason), or has been completed.

    • CH (Caregiver History): If you have the Access Staff Assignment History permission, click the medicine bag icon in a patient row to view a history of all staff members who have cared for the patient during the current visit.

    • Comments: Any notes entered in the Comments box on the Patient Placement/Details form or in the Comments column of a list view for this patient.

    • Consulting Physician: The physician that the attending physician confers with about the patient’s care while the patient is in the hospital.

    • Current Location: The bed that the patient is currently associated with. For example, if the patient is currently in a specialty bed having a procedure but has a different home location (bed), then the Current Location column displays the specialty bed.

    • Custom Columns: In the Patient Tracking Portal application, custom columns can display specialized patient information that does not appear already in standard list view columns.

    • DOB: Displays the patient's date of birth, if available. If not available, a blank cell appears. The background color indicates the patient's gender: pink for female, blue for male, white for unknown.

    • Diagnosis: If you have the View Patient Diagnosis and Name permission, you may view the patient's diagnosis in this column. Hover over the cell to view additional text.

    • Diet: Displays the patient's required diet (e.g., Nothing by Mouth).

    • Discharge Timer: Shows the number of hours and minutes between when the Physician Order discharge milestone was set for a patient and when the patient was discharged.

    • Gender: Displays only the patient's gender. A blue cell with the letter M indicates a male patient, a pink cell with the letter F indicates a female patient, and a white cell with the letter U indicates that the patient's gender is unknown.

    • Home Location: The bed that the patient is assigned to for this hospital stay.

    • Hand Hygiene Index (HHI): If your hospital campus has a license for the Hand Hygiene feature, the administrator has configured unit hand hygiene settings, and the administrator has enabled the Hand Hygiene settings for individual locations within the unit, then you can add the HHI (Hand Hygiene Index) column to a list view. For each patient location that has the Hand Hygiene setting enabled, this column displays a value called the Hand Hygiene Index or HHI.

    • Hold Timer—If behavioral health hold time has been started already for the patient, this column shows the elapsed or remaining time for this patient's hold. If the hold timer has not already started, then the column displays - -.

    • Hold Type — Hold Types refer to a special type of timer that is for Behavioral Health holds. These kinds of holds often concern the patient's mental health or drug abuse. Usually the state where the campus is located determines the length of time a patient must be held to allow caregivers to decide the appropriate and most effective treatment plan. Sometimes, there are multiple different kinds of Behavioral Health holds each requiring a different amount of time. Administrators may configure different kinds of Behavioral Health holds in the Admin Tool > Dictionaries and in the Admin Tool > Enterprise > Campus sections. Hold Types are set for a campus, and each campus can have a maximum of three active hold types.

    • Hospital Service: The type of treatment or surgery that the patient is or will be receiving (e.g., Oncology, Obstetrics, or Cardiology).

    • Isolation Indicator: If this column is included in the list view, the heading will appear as a shield icon. For every patient in isolation, a shield icon will appear in the column. This is a way to see at a glance which patients are in isolation.

    • Iso Type: The patient's isolation type (e.g., Airborne or Contact).

    • LOS (Length of Stay): Shows how long the patient has been in the hospital. This is NOT the patient's estimated length of stay (based on the length-of-stay value associated with the unit or the enterprise). It is the actual number of days since the patient was admitted to the hospital, rounded to one decimal place. If a discharged patient appears in search results, then the LOS value will be the number of days from the patient's admit date to discharge date. If there is no admit date for this patient, then the column is blank.

    • LS (Last Seen): Helps nursing unit staff to see if a Location IQ® badged staff member is currently with a Location IQ® badged patient in the patient's home location, or how long it has been since a staff member was last in a patient's home location.

    • Level of Care: The degree of care that the patient requires (e.g., Critical, Intermediate).

    • Med Rec #: The patient's medical record number.

    • Milestones (Discharge or Transfer) and "M": Allows users to track the completion status of key milestones, such as discharge or transfer, for patients. The M column shows icons representing the status of milestones for quick reference.

    • Misc (Miscellaneous): Any notes that were entered in the Misc. box on the Patient/Placement Details form for the patient.

    • Obs @: If observation time has been set already for the patient, this column shows the date and time that observation started. If not, then the column displays - -.

    • Observation Timer: If observation time has been set already for the patient, then the Observation Timer shows either the amount of time left until the observation stops or the amount of time that has elapsed since the observation started.

    • Occpd Date Time—The time that the patient began to occupy the bed. To view the month, year, day, and time, move your cursor over the time. This information is not available in the Pending/Confirmed Discharges List view. The date and time are in the format selected for Date Time Settings in the Enterprise-Wide Settings section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

    • Occpd Timer: The amount of time between when the patient was marked ready to move and a bed was assigned and cleaned AND when the patient began to occupy the bed. Time is displayed in hh:mm format.

    • Ordered Discharge Date—The date when the patient was discharged, if available. If no discharge date was ordered, then -- appears.

    • Ordered Discharge Time—The time that the patient was discharged, if available. If no discharge time was ordered, then -- appears.

    • Orders: Columns for four types of orders can appear in Patient Tracking Portal list views: Lab, Radiology, Medication, or Other. "Other" means any clinical order that is not a lab or radiology order (e.g., EKG or Pain Assessment).

    • Origin Unit: The unit associated with the request to place the patient.

    • Patient Attributes: Displays any special bed characteristics that a patient has (e.g., MRSA).

    • Patient Attribute Icons and Attribute Category Icons: Icons that represent individual patient attributes, such as Fall Risk, Hard of Hearing,

    • Patient Name: If you have the View Patient Diagnosis and Name permission, you may view the patient's name in the Patient Name column in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and Patient Tracking Portal application. If an alias was entered and the Confidentiality check box was selected on the Patient/Placement Details form, and the Display Alias for Patients setting under Console Settings is enabled, then the alias appears instead of the patient's name.

    • Patient Status or Pt Status: This column displays the patient status such as PendT for Pending Transfer or ConfD for Confirmed Discharge.

    • Patient Type: The Patient Type column in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and Patient Tracking Portal application displays the patient type.

    • Placement Source—Where the patient came from to this bed (for example, from a different unit or an emergency room).

    • Placement (Plc) Status: This column displays the patient placement status such as Assgd for Assigned or Rqstd for Requested.

    • Patient Placement Status or ST - This column displays a combination of the patient status (such as PreAdmit or Pending Transfer) and placement status (such as Assigned or Requested). It also indicates whether the patient is incoming or outgoing. You may also see whether the patient is in a status of Inhouse, or Outpatient.

    • PCP Physician - The patient's primary care physician.

    • PPI (Patient Placement Indicators): The PPI column displays bed and patient attributes, and isolation types associated with a patient's placement request.

    • PreAdmitTimer—The PreAdmit Timer column shows the number of hours and minutes that have elapsed since the placement request was created for a patient who is in Pending Placement status. The timer stops automatically if 1) the patient's status changes from Pending Placement to any other status or 2) the placement request is cancelled through the ADT system. In the Admin Tool or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, the administrator can set up to two time limits, called placement timer thresholds, for each unit. The placement timer thresholds represent a number of hours and minutes after the placement request is created (such as 01:30 for 1 hour and 30 minutes). If a patient is not placed before these time limits expire, notifications are sent to subscribing users and the PreAdmit Timer column becomes yellow (when the first time limit is exceeded, if two time limits were set) and then red (when the final time limit is exceeded). For example, the administrator could set the first placement timer threshold to 1 hour for the Blue Unit. If a patient with a home location in the Blue Unit is not placed within one hour of the placement request being created, then the PreAdmit Timer column for that patient on the Pending/Confirmed Discharge list view becomes yellow. Notifications about the placement timer threshold being exceeded are sent to users who subscribed to them. If the administrator set 3 hours as the second placement timer threshold, then if a patient is not placed within 3 hours after the placement request is created, then the PreAdmit Timer column for that patient becomes red and notifications are sent to users who subscribe to them. If only one placement timer threshold was set, then the column becomes red when that threshold is exceeded.

    • Procedure: Any notes that were entered in the Procedures/Precautions box on the Patient Placement/Details form or in the Procedure column of a list view for this patient.

    • Procedure Status: If Capacity IQ® integrates with the Clinical Workflow® suite, then the Procedure Status column displays a link to a report about patient procedure information.

    • Proj. Discharge: The projected discharge date or date and time appear in the Proj. Discharge column.

    • Projected Discharge Date—The patient's projected discharge date. You may click the date in the list view to change it. The patient's discharge milestones are displayed in the Milestones column.

    • Projected Discharge Time—The patient's projected discharge time.

    • RTLS Badge: The column is only available if the RTLS Integration Master Configuration setting is enabled. If a patient who appears in a list view has a badge, then the badge number appears as a link in this column.

    • RTM@ (Ready to Move): The RTM@ column in a patient row can display the Ready to Move button (- -). If the RTM@ field displays a time, then the patient was marked "ready to move" at that time.

    • Ready to Move (RTM) Timer: Displays (in a patient row) the number of hours and minutes between when the patient's placement request was activated and when the patient was marked "ready to move" to a bed.

    • Referring Physician: The physician who referred the patient for care.

    • Requested: This column displays the date and time that a bed is needed for the patient. If the column is blank, then the patient does not have an open placement request.

    • Requested by User (Req User): The user who created the placement request for this patient. If the column is blank, then the patient does not have an open placement request.

    • Requested Date/Time—The date and time that the placement was requested. The date and time are in the format selected for Date Time Settings in the Enterprise-Wide Settings section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

    • Spec Location: If the patient currently has a procedure in progress, this is the bed that the patient is assigned to for the procedure. Depending on selections made in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, the column displays either the bed's IVR ID code, the bed's abbreviation, or the bed's name.

    • Specialty Unit—The specialty unit associated with the patient (for example, CCU, ICU). If the patient is associated with multiple specialties (for example, Neurology and Cardiovascular), then multiple entries appear. Specialty units are configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

    • Staff Type: You can display staff assignments for each bed row and patient row based on staff type. The staff member information that displays in the column for each bed or location will be based on whether or not your organization has shifts assigned.

    • Target—The patient attribute that is selected on the Patient/Placement Details form. Patient attributes are used in conjunction with bed attributes to match a patient with an appropriate bed. For example, a patient with a MRSA patient attribute could be placed in a bed that has an Isolation bed attribute. (Some patient attributes appear in the Bed Attributes column.)

    • Target Unit: The preferred unit in which to place the patient. A target unit is selected when a placement request is created or edited or from the Patient Status or Placement Status column in the Patient Tracking Portal application. If the patient does not have an open placement request, this column is blank.

    • Transport Status: If a patient who appears in a patient row of the list view has an active transport job, the status of the patient's earliest active job appears in the Transport Status column.

    • Unit—The unit that the patient is or will be admitted to. The list of units is configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

    • Visit Number: Visit Numbers are codes that identify each of the patient's hospital stays. The visit number is used in conjunction with the medical record number to identify the patient. If you have the View Patient/Placement Details or Edit Patient/Placement Details permission, you may click the visit number on a list view in the Patient Tracking Portal application to access the Patient/Placement Details form for this patient. Either the visit number or the medical record number (MRN or Med Rec #) must be unique for each patient visit.

  • The following columns cannot be resized:

    • Patient Placement Indicators (PPI)

    • Lab

    • Staff Assignment History

    • Patient/Placement Status (ST)

    • Radiology

  • The following columns are available in search results by default:

    • Patient Name

    • Med Rec #

    • Visit Number

    • Age

    • Patient Status or Pt Status

    • Diagnosis

    • Current Location


  • Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns Permission

    • Required to customize columns and layouts on list views.

    • Allows users to add, remove, and reorder columns.

  • Access Bed Info Permission

    • Allows users to view bed details by clicking the bed identifier.

  • Access Staff Assignment History Permission

    • Allows users to view the history of all staff members who have cared for a patient during the current visit by clicking the medicine bag icon in the CH column.

  • Activate Placement Permission

    • Allows users to activate a patient's placement request by clicking the red date and time.

  • Deactivate Placement Permission

    • Allows users to deactivate a patient's placement request by clicking the green date and time.

  • Edit Patient Associated Physicians Permission

    • Allows users to change the physician and/or the association with the patient, add a physician, or delete a physician by clicking the physician's name or alias in the Admitting Physician or Attending Physician columns.

  • View Patient Diagnosis and Name Permission

    • Allows users to view the patient's diagnosis and name in the Diagnosis and Patient Name columns.

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details Permission

    • Allows users to add or change text in the Comments, Procedure, and Misc columns.

  • Set Observation Start Permission

    • Allows users to enter or select the date and time that observation for the patient should start and how many hours it should last.

  • Set Observation Stop Permission

    • Allows users to enter or select the date and time that the patient's observation actually stopped.

  • User May Edit Isolation Type Permission

    • Allows users to edit the isolation type by clicking the isolation type or -- to display a menu.

  • User May Edit Patient Transports Permission

    • Allows users to create a transport job request for the patient by clicking in the Transport Status column.

  • User May View Patient Transports Permission

    • Allows users to view transport job details by clicking the transport status name or icon.

  • Edit Discharge Milestone Permission

    • Allows users to mark discharge milestones as completed or delayed, enter comments, or change the projected discharge time.

  • Edit Transfer Milestone Permission

    • Allows users to mark transfer milestones as completed or delayed, enter comments, or change the projected discharge time.

  • Badge Patient Ready to Move Permission

    • Allows users to mark the patient "ready to move" by clicking the Ready to Move button (--) in the RTM@ column.

  • Edit Target Unit on a Placement Permission

    • Allows users to select a new or change an existing target unit by clicking the placement status.

  • Set Bed Assignment Permission

    • Allows users to select an assigned bed by clicking the Requested placement status.

  • Change Bed Assignment Permission

    • Allows users to change the assigned bed by clicking the Assigned placement status.

  • Remove Bed Assignment Permission

    • Allows users to remove the assigned bed by clicking the Assigned placement status.

  • Access Placement List Views Permission

    • Required to access the list view for performing tasks such as customizing columns and layouts.

  • View Patient/Placement Details Permission

    • Allows users to view the Patient/Placement Details form by clicking the patient name, medical record number, or visit number in a list view.

  • Edit Patient/Placement Details Permission

    • Allows users to edit the Patient/Placement Details form by clicking the patient name, medical record number, or visit number in a list view.


Configuring Columns

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box by clicking View Options > Configure Columns.

  2. To add a column, drag it from Available Columns to Selected Columns.

  3. To remove a column, drag it from Selected Columns to Available Columns.

  4. To reorder columns, drag them to the desired position within Selected Columns.

  5. Click Save to apply changes.

Resizing Columns

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box by clicking View Options > Configure Columns.

  2. Place your cursor on the vertical bar to the right of a column so that the cursor becomes a double arrow.

  3. Press and hold the mouse button, then move the cursor to the left or right to adjust the column width.

  4. Release the mouse button when the column is the appropriate width.

  5. Click Save to apply changes.

Adding or Removing a Group

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box.

  2. To add a group, select the arrow to the right of an existing group and choose Add.

  3. To remove a group, select the arrow to the right of the group and choose Remove.

  4. Click Save to apply changes.

Moving a Column to a Different Group

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box.

  2. In Selected Columns, drag a column name from one group to another.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Changing the Order of a Column in a Group

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box.

  2. In Selected Columns, select the column name and drag it to a different location in the group.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Removing a Column Name

  1. Access the List View Columns dialog box.

  2. Drag the column name from Selected Columns to Available Columns.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Saving Your Work

  1. Click Save.

  2. To save the selections permanently, save the console view when prompted.

Custom Columns

In the Patient Tracking Portal application, custom columns display specialized patient information not included in standard list view columns. This feature is used by administrators and nursing unit staff to track specific patient data such as Early Warning Sign (EWS) scores, Waterlow or Braden scores, and MRSA dates. Custom columns are configured to display text, numeric values, or dates, and are used to enhance patient tracking and care.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

How Custom Columns Work


Custom columns can be configured to display text, numeric values, or dates. Examples include numeric columns for EWS scores and date columns for MRSA dates. Nursing unit staff can edit information in these columns directly in the list view without special permissions. Custom columns can also display information transferred from the hospital ADT system, with settings to either replace or add to existing data.

If data from the ADT system does not match the column format, the column will appear blank. Administrators can set color thresholds for numeric values to provide visual cues for specific ranges (e.g., values from 1 to 3 appear blue, values from 4 to 7 appear red). Date columns can be formatted as needed (e.g., mm/dd/yyyy).

Configuration Steps

  1. Adding, Editing, or Deleting Custom Columns:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

    • Click the Custom Columns link in the Dictionary Name column.

    • To add, click Add to display the Custom Column > New Column page.

    • To edit, click the name of a custom column to display the Custom Column > [Name of Column] page.

    • To delete, select the checkboxes for the columns and click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion.

  2. Setting Up Custom Columns:

    • Numeric Columns: Select Numeric in the Column Type list. Enter the Column Name, List View Header Text, and ADT ID. Enable editing and scoring if needed. Set color thresholds for numeric ranges.

    • Date and Time Columns: Select Date Time in the Column Type list. Enter the Column Name, List View Header Text, and ADT ID. Enable editing and scoring if needed. Choose the date and time display format.

    • Text Columns: Select Text in the Column Type list. Enter the Column Name, List View Header Text, and ADT ID. Enable editing and scoring if needed. Set the update method to either Overwrite or Append.


Editing a Patient's Custom Columns

  1. Permission Required:

    • No special permission is needed to edit text in a custom column.

    • Administrative permission called Custom Columns is required to configure custom columns.

    • Edit rights are needed to make changes; View rights allow viewing but not editing.

  2. Steps to Add, Edit, or Delete Custom Columns:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

    • Click the Custom Columns link in the Dictionary Name column.

    • To add, click Add to display the Custom Column > New Column page.

    • To edit, click the name of a custom column to display the Custom Column > [Name of Column] page.

    • To delete, select the checkboxes for the columns and click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion.

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