Bed Settings
Bed Settings are configurations that manage various aspects of bed usage and status within a healthcare facility. These settings are used by administrators and staff to ensure efficient bed management and patient flow. They are crucial for maintaining accurate bed status and optimizing the use of resources.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management
How Bed Settings Work
Blocking a Bed Without EVS Service
To block a bed without allowing EVS (Environmental Services) to receive dirty bed notifications:
Purpose: This feature is used when a unit does not want EVS to get dirty bed notifications but still needs the ability to block the bed.
Solution: Remove the chosen location from any Capacity IQ® EVS zone but leave EVS enabled. This prevents EVS personnel from being notified of dirty beds for the unit while allowing the bed to be blocked.
Unable to Search for Specific Location for a Bed Request
To make a bed/room selectable for a PreAdmit patient:
Ensure the unit has "Allow as Target Unit" enabled.
Ensure the room has "Show on Bedboard" enabled.
Once these features are verified, the bed should be selectable.
Dirty Bed on Intra-Room Transfer Setting
To manage bed status changes when a patient is moved within the same room:
Symptoms: Beds may not change to dirty or clean status correctly when a patient is moved within the same room.
Solution: Adjust the "Dirty Bed on Intra-Room Transfer" setting.
Location: Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units > Select the Unit.
Setting: The 'enabled' button is in the third column and third row.
Disable: If transfers within the same room should set the location to clean.
Enable: If transfers within the same room should set the location to dirty.
Blocking a Bed Without EVS Service
Navigate to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management.
Select the unit.
Remove the location from any Capacity IQ® EVS zone.
Ensure EVS is enabled.
Making a Bed Selectable for PreAdmit Patients
Verify "Allow as Target Unit" is enabled for the unit.
Verify "Show on Bedboard" is enabled for the room.
Adjusting Dirty Bed on Intra-Room Transfer Setting
Navigate to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units.
Select the unit.
Locate the "Dirty Bed on Intra-Room Transfer" setting.
Enable or disable the setting based on the desired outcome for bed status changes within the same room.
Bed Stacking
Allow Bed Stacking is a feature that enables multiple patients to be assigned to the same bed location sequentially. This setting is particularly useful in high-turnover areas such as treatment or specialty locations.
Where you can find this feature: Bed Stacking settings can be found in the Platform Dictionary under Bed Configuration.
How Bed Stacking Works
Definition: Allow Bed Stacking is a bed setting that permits more than one patient to be assigned to the same location. One patient is assigned to the bed and will occupy it once the current patient is moved or discharged.
Example: This feature is commonly used in treatment locations or specialty locations.
Display: Beds with parentheses (e.g., [example]) indicate that bed stacking is enabled.
Auto Return
Auto Return automatically updates a patient's location after a set period if they are moved back to their room without a transport request. Administrators can set an Auto Return time for each specialty or exam/treatment location, so if a patient appears to be in that location beyond the set time, the system assumes they have returned to their room and updates their location accordingly. This feature helps patient placement teams, nursing staff, and hospital administrators maintain accurate patient location records (especially when manual updates are not made), reduce administrative tasks, and ensure optimal resource allocation and operational efficiency.
Auto Return is a feature in the Capacity IQ® Transport application. Auto Return settings can be configured from the Transport Settings of a Location/bed.
How Auto Return Works
The Need for Auto Return
Sometimes, patients are moved from a certain location back to their rooms without a request for those transport jobs through the Capacity IQ® Transport application. Therefore, it looks as if a given patient is still in another location (such as an X-Ray room) even though they are actually in their room.
An administrator can set an Auto Return time (in minutes) for each specialty location and exam/treatment location so the application will assume, after a certain number of minutes in that location, that patients have been returned to their rooms.
If the following are true, then Auto Return functionality with not be used:
Capacity IQ® and Location IQ® are integrated
the patient is wearing a patient badge
and both the home location and the exam/treatment or specialty location to which the patient was taken are wired to use Location IQ®
If the Master Configuration setting called Completed Transport Job Causes Patient to Occupy Destination is enabled, and if a transport job results in a patient being in an area that is not covered by Location IQ®, then the patient's location will not be updated automatically by the completion of the transport job.
A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable or disable this setting.
Example: An administrator can set 120 minutes as the Auto Return time for an X-Ray location. If it appears that a patient is still in that X-Ray location after 120 minutes, the application will assume that the patient has been returned to his or her room and will update the patient's current location. To do this, type a number of minutes in the Auto Return box on the Location page. Lower values will update the patient's record sooner, while higher values will retain the patient's current location longer.