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Location Types - Capacity IQ®
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago


This article provides basic guidelines for location settings in Capacity IQ® and how they will affect patient flow and reports, including Census calculations.

Location Type and Holding Flag Values Defined



Registration area from which a patient is transported or admitted

  • Such as Emergency or Admitting



Virtual location in an admitting area

  • Admits will create a bed request

  • Processed exactly the same as a Home Holding location



Permanent location on a patient unit

Admits, transfers and transports to these locations will do the following:

  1. Change a patient home location

  2. Dirty any previous home location



Virtual holding location on a patient unit

Admits, transfers and transports to these locations will do the following:

  1. Change a patient home location

  2. Dirty any previous home location

  3. Create a new bed request for the patient



Pre-procedure, procedure or Post-procedure location

  • Transfers and transports to these locations will not change a patient's home location

  • Patient's specialty location will be set

  • Patient's Home location on the BedBoard may show "Prod/Spec"

  • No bed request is created if patient is admitted



Pre-procedure, procedure or Post-procedure area

  • Transfers and transports to these locations will not change a patient's home location

  • Patient's specialty location will be set

  • BedBoard may show "Prod/Spec"

  • A bed request is created if patient is admitted


Holding not supported

Transport location only that never shows on the BedBoard

  • Patients can be transported to an exam/treatment location, but cannot be assigned to one.

  • When a patient is transported to an exam location, home location will not change.



Lobby or other discharge location to which a patient is transported when discharged

  • Transport to a discharge non-holding location will set the patient's status to Discharged

  • The Capacity IQ® discharge date and the discharge date sent from ADT are both maintained on the patient record



Temporary location or area to which a patient is transferred or transported while waiting to be officially discharged

  • Transport to a discharge holding location will set the patient's status to Confirmed Discharged

If there is a chance that a patient may be transported to or from a location, make sure that the location is set as a "Transport Location" by assigning at least one transport zone to the location. Otherwise, a transport job requestor may select the closest available location as a destination, which could result in a change in a patient's home location.

Admits, Transfers and Transport Jobs to Holding Type Locations

When a patient is admitted or transferred to any Holding type location, Capacity IQ® will do the following:

  1. Create a bed request for the patient

  2. Set any previous home location for the patient to dirty status


  • If a patient is in a home bed and is transferred to a Specialty Holding location

    • No bed request is created

    • Patient's home bed remains assigned to patient

  • If a patient is transferred to a Discharge Holding location

    • No bed request will be created

    • Patient's previous Home location will be set to dirty

Admits, Transfers and Transport Jobs to Non-Holding Type Locations

When a patient is admitted or transferred to any Non-Holding type location, Capacity IQ® will do the following:

  1. No bed request will be generated for the patient

  2. Set any previous home location for the patient to dirty status


  • If a patient is in a home bed and is transferred to a Specialty Non-Holding location

    • No bed request is created

    • Patient's home bed remains assigned to patient

One of the most common ways that a patient may disappear from the BedBoard or appear in the wrong location is because of an incorrect destination was selected for a transport job request.

Other Important Location Settings Defined

EVS Service

  • Enabled for beds that EVS cleans upon discharge

  • Enabled if a cleaning request should be created when a patient vacates the location

  • Disabled if location should be set to Clean status when a patients vacates the location

  • Only locations with EVS Service Enabled will appear in the Capacity IQ® EVS application console

Show on BedBoard

  • If Enabled, the location will show on the Electronic BedBoard®

  • Has no impact on whether or not this location is considered an EVS location

  • Exam type locations will never show up on the Electronic BedBoard®

Allow Bed Stacking

Should almost always Disabled

  • Normally, this should be Disabled so that one and only one patient is admitted to the location

  • If it is Enabled, multiple patients can be admitted to the same bed.

  • Exceptions:

    • May be Enabled when the ADT system does not accurately reflect separate locations for each admission or transfer

    • May be Enabled for Discharge or nursery type locations


  • If Enabled, the location will continue to show as occupied as long as there is at least one patient in the location

  • Will only show as a single cell on the Electronic BedBoard® regardless of the number of patients occupying the location

  • If Enabled, Count as Permanent flag cannot also be Enabled

  • If Enabled, EVS flag cannot also be Enabled

  • Stacking cannot be enabled for Home Non-Holding locations

Count in Census

  • Used by the Census List view only

  • Must be Enabled for a location to be counted in the "Occupied Permanent" or "Occupied Other" columns of the Census List view, or counted in the Census RTKI

  • Specialty locations with Count in Census Enabled will only be counted when it contains a patient that was admitted and that patient does not have a home location assigned

Count as Permanent Bed

  • Used by the Census List view only

  • Must be Enabled for a location to be counted in the "Occupied Permanent" or "Occupied Other" columns of the Census List view, or counted in the Census RTKI

  • Normally is Enabled if Count in Census is also Enabled

Location Settings and Census Calculations

  • The Capacity IQ® EVS application census counts occupied EVS locations (Counts Locations).

  • The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application counts patients occupying locations (Counts Patients).

  • Capacity IQ® will count each patient only once. Patients with a Home location and a current Specialty location will only be counted in the patient's Home location unit.

When would BedTracking census count be different from PreAdmitTracking census count?

  • When a stacking location contains more than one patient.

  • When Count in Census is set to True for a non-EVS location.

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