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Capacity IQ® Helpful Hints for Location Setup and Validation
Capacity IQ® Helpful Hints for Location Setup and Validation
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago


Helpful hints for location setup and validation.


1: Make sure that all locations have a valid ADTID

  • The LOCATION table contains 4 columns that MUST match the HL7 PV1:3 values:




PV1 Field 3 Subfield 4


PV1 Field 3 Subfield 1


PV1 Field 3 Subfield 2


PV1 Field 3 Subfield 3

  • If appropriate these ADT IDs could include leading zeroes, but must match exactly what will be received from ADT.

    • Look for missing components or all blank values in each component.

    • Attempt to get a list of these values from the hospital registration system to compare to the Capacity IQ® locations.

    • Attempt to get a list of these values from the legacy bed management suite system to compare to the Capacity IQ locations.

2: Make sure that the appropriate location TYPE and HOLDING flag values are set


    • Usually a registration area FROM which a patient will be transported or admitted.


    • A holding bed area in an admitting area such as ED. Admits to a holding area will create a bed request. Admit Holding and Home Holding locations are processed exactly the same in Capacity IQ.


    • Permanent beds on a patient unit. Admits, Transfers and Transports to these locations will change a patient home location and “dirty” any previous home location.


    • Holding beds on a patient unit or “virtual” beds. Admits, Transfers and Transports to these locations will change a patient home location and “dirty” any previous location and create a bed request.


    • Pre-procedure, Procedure and Post-procedure areas where a bed request IS NOT usually needed (Outpatient Surgery). Transfers and Transports to these locations will NOT change a patient home location if it exists. It will set a patient “spec” location and may be shown on the Bedboard as “PROC/SPEC”.


    • Pre-procedure, Procedure and Post-procedure areas where a bed request IS usually needed. Transfers and Transports to these locations will NOT change a patient home location if it exists. It will set a patient “spec” location and may be shown on the BB as “PROC/SPEC”. It will also create a bed request on ADMIT when no patient home location exists.

  • EXAM

    • Transport ONLY location that never shows on the Bedboard and to which a patient is never admitted. Holding is an unsupported setting on EXAM location types.


    • A lobby of other discharge area to which a patient is transported upon discharge. Transport to a discharge non-holding area will mark the patient status as “Discharged”. Both the Capacity IQ® discharge date and the actual ADT discharge date is maintained on the patient record.


    • A discharge holding area is a temporary holding area to which a patient may be transferred or transported while waiting to be discharged. Transport to a discharge holding area will mark the patient status as “Confirmed Discharge”.

3: Make sure that all locations are set as transport locations

  • If there is a chance that patients may be transported from or to them, this is important! Otherwise, a transport job requestor may select the closest available location as the destination which could change the patient’s home location on the bed board.

    • A location is considered a transport location if at least one transport ZONE is assigned to the location.

  • Keep these things in mind:

    • Transports to EXAM or SPECIALTY locations will NOT dirty the patient home location and will NOT change the patient’s home location.

    • Transports to any other type of location WILL dirty the patient home location and WILL change the patient’s home location.

    • One of the most common ways that a patient may disappear from the bed board or appear in the wrong bed is because an incorrect destination location was selected for a transport job request.

    • Transports are processed exactly like ADT transfers.

4: Settings to keep in mind

  • An admit/transfer to a holding bed will create a bed request and will dirty any previous home bed.

    • EXCEPTION: If a patient is in a HOME bed and is transferred to a SPECIALTY bed (PROC/SPEC), we will not create a new bed request and will not unoccupy the home bed.

    • EXCEPTION: If a transfer to a DISCHARGE holding area occurs, we will NOT create a bed request.

  • An admit/transfer to a non-holding bed will not create a bed request but will dirty any previous home bed.

    • EXCEPTION: If a patient is in a HOME bed and is transferred to a SPECIALTY bed (PROC/SPEC), we will not unoccupy the home bed.

  • Make sure that all locations are set as bed tracking locations if they are EVS clean beds.

    • A location is considered a bed tracking location if at least one BedTracking ZONE is assigned to the location AND the EVS flag is set to True.

  • Other location settings that matter:

    • EVS FLAG

      • Set to TRUE for beds that the EVS department cleans upon discharge.

      • Set to TRUE if when the patient vacates the bed you will want the bed to become dirty and create a cleaning request.

      • If set to FALSE, then when the bed is vacated it will show as CLEAN. Only locations with EVS set to TRUE will show up in the Capacity IQ® EVS application console. Home Non-Holding locations are typically always EVS beds.

    • DISPLAY ON Bedboard

      • Only locations with this flag set to TRUE will show up on the Bed Board. EXAM location types never show up on the BedBoard.

      • This flag has NO impact on whether or not a bed is an EVS bed. Home Non-Holding locations are typically always shown on the Bed Board.


      • Avoid setting this flag to TRUE if you can. 99% of the time this flag should be set to FALSE. Only in cases where the ADT system does not accurately reflect separate locations for each ADMIT/TRANSFER bed should this be used.

      • If stacking is set to TRUE, then multiple patients can be admitted to the same bed. Normally. This flag is set to FALSE so that one and only one patient is admitted to a bed.

      • A discharge lounge or nursery could be a stacking area. A stacked location will continue to show as occupied as long as there is at least one patient in this location and will only show as a single cell on the Bed Board regardless of the number of patients occupying the stacked location.

      • Stacking beds do not allow the EVS flag to be TRUE. STACKING beds do not allow the COUNT AS PERMANENT flag to be TRUE. Stacking beds do not allow the location type to be HOME NON-HOLDING.


      • This flag is used by the census list view only.

      • In order for a bed to be counted in the “OCCUPIED PERMANENT” or “OCCUPIED OTHER” columns of the census list view OR counted in the BedTracking census RTKI, this flag must be set to TRUE.


      • This flag is used by the census list view only.

      • In order for a bed to be counted in the “OCCUPIED PERMANENT” column of the census list view, this flag must be set to TRUE. Normally, if this flag is set to TRUE, the COUNT IN CENSUS flag is also set to TRUE. This flag is similar to the legacy physical bed flag.

      • Nursery beds may be an example where you may mark as a permanent bed but not count in census.

    • If a location is set to both STACKING and COUNT IN CENSUS, the census count will be incremented for each patient in the location.

    • The census calculation in the Capacity IQ® EVS application counts EVS BEDS occupied. The census calculation in the PreAdmit Tracking application counts PATIENTS occupying a bed. One counts beds, the other counts patients. So, when could these counts be different? When a stacking bed contains more than one patient or when a COUNT IN CENSUS bed is not an EVS bed.

    • SPECIALTY beds marked COUNT IN CENSUS will only be counted when the patient is ADMITTED to a SPEC bed and does not have a HOME bed. We count patients only once. So, a Proc/Spec patient will only be counted once – in their HOME bed unit.

5: Rooms are used to group beds

  • This feature replaces the legacy location mapping feature. Beds assigned to the same room are considered when determining what gender color (pink/blue, light pink/light blue) to display for a bed on the BedBoard.

  • Locations assigned to the same room should normally have the same location type and the same location settings.

6: Location IVR IDs must be accurate

  • Requestors of transport jobs and bed cleaning jobs via the IVR must have accurate and unique IVR IDs for each location.

7: Watch out for these

  • Transport Jobs will affect the BedBoard. Requestors need to be careful when selecting the destination location for a job.

  • Almost all locations should be set as transport locations.

  • Make sure that HOME HOLDING beds are really HOME HOLDING and not SPECIALTY HOLDING. Areas that In House patients can be transported to without losing their home bed should be EXAM or SPECIALTY.

  • PERMANENT, COUNT IN CENSUS, EVS are normally all set the same way. These are usually all set to TRUE for HOME NON-HOLDING BEDS and are usually all set to FALSE for HOME HOLDING, SPECIALTY HOLDING and SPECIALTY NON HOLDING beds. (There are exceptions)

  • Almost all HOME NON-HOLDING locations should be set as BedTracking and EVS locations.

  • If beds are never showing up on the Bed Board, make sure the DISPLAY ON BB flag is turned on at both the location and unit levels.

  • All locations should have a valid set of ADTIDs (Facility, Nurse Station, Room, Bed)

  • Virtual beds used to temporarily move patients to a Discharge location before ADT discharge should be set up as DISCHARGE type locations.

  • Virtual beds used to temporarily admit/transfer patients before an actual placement to a permanent bed should be set up as HOME HOLDING locations.

  • Check the HOLDING flag carefully. If this flag is set to TRUE on a HOME or SPEC bed, then admits and transfers to these locations will NOT close bed requests and patients will continue to appear on PreAdmit lists.

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