Bed Cleaning Request
Environmental Services (EVS) play a crucial role in Patient Flow. They ensure that as patients are discharged, beds are quickly and safely turned over for the next patients. Without an automated system, busy unit staff must communicate bed cleaning needs verbally. Capacity IQ® EVS automates Bed Cleaning functionality. As patients are discharged, EVS staff are notified in real-time that beds are empty and ready to be cleaned. Both EVS and Patient Placement can see vacated beds, allowing for transparency in bed capacity. Patient Placement primarily uses the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application but also utilizes Capacity IQ® EVS for better patient flow.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.
How Bed Cleaning Request Works
Bed Cleaning Requests are managed through Capacity IQ® EVS. Beds automatically dirty upon patient discharge, notifying EVS staff. Occasionally, beds may need to be dirtied manually.
Required Bed Statuses
Create Cleaning Jobs: Clean, Occupied
Change Priority: Dirty, Stat, UDEF-8, UDEF-9
Cancel Requests: Dirty, Stat, Clean Next, In Progress, Suspended, UDEF-8, UDEF-9
Permissions Required
Create Request: Requester Workflow or Employee Workflow, Transition Bed to Dirty, Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, UDEF-9
Change Priority: Requester Workflow, Transition Bed to Dirty, Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, UDEF-9
Cancel Request: Cancel Cleaning Request, Cancel In Progress Bed Cleaning
Accessing the Bed Details Window
From an electronic bedboard® view:
Click a cell with a bed not occupied or assigned, then click to display the Bed Detail window.
If occupied or assigned, move the cursor over the bed, press Shift, click to display a menu, and select Bed Information.
From a list view:
Access a list view and select a unit.
Creating a Bed Cleaning Request
Display the Change Bed Status dialog box by clicking a bed identifier on a list view.
Select Bed Information to display the Bed Detail window.
Under Bed Information, next to Bed Status, click the status name.
In the Action list, select Create Cleaning Request.
In the New Status list, select a status priority (e.g., Dirty, Stat).
Click Submit.
Changing the Priority of a Bed Cleaning Request
Display the Change Bed Status dialog box by clicking a bed identifier on a list view.
Select Bed Information to display the Bed Detail window.
Under Bed Information, next to Bed Status, click the status name.
In the Action list, select Change Cleaning Request Priority.
In the New Status list, select a status priority (e.g., Dirty, Stat).
Click Submit.
Cancelling a Bed Cleaning Request
Display the Change Bed Status dialog box by clicking a bed identifier on a list view.
Select Bed Information to display the Bed Detail window.
Under Bed Information, next to Bed Status, click the status name.
In the Action list, select Cancel Cleaning Request.
(If required) In the Reason Code list, select a reason for the cancellation.
Click Submit.
Requesting a Bed Clean Manually
Click on the electronic bedboard® icon.
Identify the bed that needs to be dirty. Hold Shift and click on the bed.
Select Bed Information to open the Bed Detail screen.
Click on the colored Bed Status.
In the Action drop-down, select Create Cleaning Request.
In the New Status column, select the appropriate status and click Submit.
Upgrading a Cleaning Status Priority
Click on the electronic bedboard® icon.
Identify the bed that needs upgrading and click on the Bed.
Click on the Bed Status button.
In the Action drop-down, select Change Cleaning Request Priority.
In the New Status column, select the appropriate status (Stat or Clean Next) and click Submit.