Integrating Capacity IQ® with Location IQ® allows for efficient tracking of both staff and patients' locations. This is achieved by configuring badges that are linked to the individuals being monitored, ensuring accurate and real-time location data. Devices called beacons, which are installed throughout the hospital, are used to detect the location of patient and staff badges. Badging can help to make patient flow more efficient, to improve patient care, and to enable the hospital to react quickly and appropriately in emergencies.
The RTLS Badge column in list views of the Patient Tracking Portal or the Patient Badging page and Staff Badging page can be used for badging, unbadging, and rebadging patients and staff members.
How Badging Works
Configuring Badge and Bracelet Scanners
In order to utilize badging, the following requirements must be met:
Integration of Capacity IQ® with Location IQ®
Your organization must have a Patient Tracking license to badge, unbadge, or rebadge a patient.
The Patient Badging permission is required to access the Patient Badging page and to badge, unbadge, or rebadge a patient.
The Staff Badging permission is required to access the Staff Badging page, to search for a staff member, and to badge, unbadge, or rebadge a staff member.
Your organization must have a Staff Tracking license to badge, unbadge, or rebadge a staff member.
Patients and staff are given electronic devices, called patient badges, to wear that allow Location IQ® to keep track of where they are.
Badges are usually attached to the patients' identity bracelets (ID bracelets).
Badge's appearance varies by vendor.
In Capacity IQ®, there are three components of badging:
Badging a patient/staff member
Unbadging a patient/staff member
Rebadging a patient/staff member
Hand-held scanners can be used to badge patients/staff member.
The patient/staff member's identification bracelet and badge can be scanned so that the patient/staff member can be associated with the badge.
You will need to configure the scanner for the:
Visit Number ID number — Indicate 1) the point in the bar code number on the identification bracelet at which the visit number starts and 2) how many characters are in the visit number (string value).
Location IQ® badge ID — Indicate 1) the point in the bar code number on the identification bracelet at which the Location IQ® badge ID number starts, 2) how many characters are in the badge ID number (string value), and 3) the point in the bar code number on the identification bracelet at which the RTLS badge ID number ends.
Visit number on patient's identification bracelet: X0123456
Start Position: 2
String Length: 6
Result: The scanner will assume that this patient's visit number starts with 0 and ends with 5. It starts scanning the visit number at the second place in the patient identification number (in this example, 0) and stops scanning the visit number after 6 characters (in this example, 5).
There is a global setting that the administrator can configure so that the scanner will ignore leading and trailing zeroes, letters, and characters in the badge identification number.
For example, CenTrak badge T0123456 would become 123456. Impinj badge \A0180709A001000000009506\\ that was entered by a barcode scanner programmed for use with EPIC, would become A0180709A001000000009506.
If the administrator has configured the global setting, any leading and trailing zeroes, letters, or characters will be removed automatically, even if you enter them in the RTLS Badge box.
If you give a patient or staff member a badge or attach a badge to a patient's ID bracelet, you will need to associate the patient/staff member with the badge in the Capacity IQ® solution.
This is called "badging a patient/staff member."
You can use the "quick badge" method or the advanced method to badge a patient.
The RTLS Badge column can be displayed in list views.
The column is only available if the Location IQ® Integration Master Configuration setting is enabled.
A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting.
Patient badges work in conjunction with other hardware installed throughout the hospital to determine where a patient is currently.
If a patient who appears in a list view has a badge, then the badge number appears as a link in this column.
If you move your mouse over the column, a tooltip shows:
the location of the badge as configured in Location IQ®
the last time that the badge location was updated
the length of time that the badge has been in the location
(if your organization uses Centrak® hardware for real-time tracking) RF: <name>.
Devices called beacons, which are installed throughout the hospital, are used to detect the location of patient badges.
The name of the beacon that last detected the badge associated with this patient is shown after RF.
This information can provide a general idea of where the patient might have been last.
If your organization does not use Centrak, then RF: <name> does not appear.
If the location is not defined in Location IQ®, then "Unknown" appears in the tooltip.
If you click the badge number, an option appears to unbadge the patient (remove the badge) or rebadge the patient (replace the badge with a different one).
If a silver or blue plain button appears instead of a badge number, then the patient is not associated with a badge currently.
You can click the silver or blue plain button to display an option to "badge" the patient (associate the patient with their attached badge).
Quick Badging allows you to quickly badge a patient by either scanning the patient's ID bracelet and the badge with a handheld scanning device or by entering the patient's visit number and badge identification number on the Quick badge tab, then pressing ENTER.
Quick Badging is a good method to use when:
the patient’s record already exists in the Capacity IQ® Solution
The patient has a visit number that no other patient has.
The patient is not currently associated with a badge.
The badge you are going to associate with the patient is not currently associated with another patient.
You know the patient's visit number and the identification number of the badge that you want to give the patient.
You will be scanning the patient's ID bracelet to associate the patient with the badge.
Advanced Badging is used when you need to search for patient information or determine if a badge is already associated with another patient before badging
If you badge a patient/staff member and then give them a different badge, you must indicate that the patient/staff member has the new badge.
This is called "rebadging a patient/staff member."
For example, you might need to rebadge if you badge a patient/staff member and then realize that the badge you gave to the patient/staff member is damaged. You need to remove their association with the damaged badge and associate the patient/staff member with a different badge.
If you take away a badge from a patient/staff member, you will need to remove the association between the badge and the patient/staff member.
This is called "unbadging a patient/staff member."
You can use the "quick unbadge" method or the advanced method to unbadge a patient.
Use the Quick method when you know the identification number of the badge that you want to take away from the patient.
On the Quick badge tab, enter the Location IQ® badge identification number, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Use the Advanced method when you need to search for patient or badge information before you can unbadge the patient.
If it is not possible for a patient to be associated with the selected badge, then a confirmation message will not appear. If a confirmation message does not appear, then one of the following messages appears.
If this message appears... | Then... | To resolve... |
Patient not found | A patient associated with the visit number entered could not be found. | Make sure the visit number that has been entered matches the visit number associated with the patient. If it does not, then re-enter the visit number. |
Multiple patients found | More than one patient is associated with the visit number. |
Patient is already badged with Location IQ® badge <badge ID number> | The patient is already associated with another badge. | Unbadge the patient from the other badge then badge the patient with the new badge. Or, rebadge the patient with the new badge. |
Location IQ® badge ID is not valid | The Location IQ® badge ID that was entered is not valid and cannot be used. |
Badge is attached to a different patient | The badge is still associated with another patient. |
Badge is attached to an asset | The badge is associated with an asset such as a piece of equipment | Associate this patient with a different badge. |
Badge is attached to a staff member | The badge is associated with a staff member such as a nurse or assistant. | Associate this patient with a different badge. |
If a confirmation does not appear because it is not possible for the patient to be associated with the selected badge, associate the patient with a different badge to resolve the issue.
If it is not possible for the staff member to be associated with the selected badge, then a confirmation message will not appear. If a confirmation message does not appear, then one of the following messages appears.
If this message appears... | Then... | To resolve... |
Location IQ® badge ID is not valid | The Location IQ® badge ID that was entered is not valid and cannot be used |
Badge is attached to a different staff member | The badge is still associated with another staff member. |
Badge is attached to an asset | The badge is associated with an asset such as a piece of equipment | Associate this staff member with a different badge. |
Badge is in use by multiple staff members. | The badge number has been associated with more than one staff member. | Associate this staff member with a different badge. |
If Location IQ® is fully integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution and patients' badges are in use and a patient's badge is missing, the patient's last known current location appears in italics under the bed identifier.
Missing means that the badge is in an area where there is no hardware that can detect it.
Sometimes this means that the patient is in another area of the hospital where the hardware is not installed.
However, it could mean that the patient has left the building with a badge.
Quick Badging
On the Patient Badging page, click the Quick badge tab.
In the Visit# box, type the patient's visit number, then press the Enter key on your keyboard to move the cursor to the RTLS badge box.
In the RTLS badge box, type the identification number found on the white sticker on the badge.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The badge Patient dialog box appears.
Review the information on the badge Patient dialog box to ensure that you are badging the correct patient, and then Click OK.
A confirmation message stating that the patient was badged successfully appears at the bottom of the badge Patient dialog box.
Click Close to close the badge Patient dialog box.
Advanced Badging
On the Patient Badging page, click the Advanced tab.
In the list next to the Search Text box, select the criteria by which you want to search for the patient.
You can search by first or last name, medical record number or visit number, bed identifier of the bed in the patient's current location, assigned location (if patient has a placement request with a status of Assigned), home location, (or prior home location if the patient does not have a home location currently), or specialty location, age, or the badge number on a Location IQ® badge.
In the Search Text box, type text that corresponds to the selection you made in the list.
For example, if you selected Last Name, type the patient's last name, if you selected RTLS badge, type the number on the white label of the patient badge.
Click Search.
Search results appear, displaying patient information.
In the row that corresponds to the patient, click the -- in the RTLS badge column to display the badge Patient menu.
Note: If you move your mouse over the cell, a tooltip shows the Location IQ® location of the patient's badge, how long-ago information about the badge was updated, and how long the badge has been in the location.
If the badge cannot be detected in a Location IQ® location (for example, it is in an area where there is no equipment set up to detect it), then Unknown appears.
If your organization uses Centrak® hardware for real-time tracking, then the tooltip also shows RF: <name>.
The name of the beacon that last detected the badge associated with this patient is shown after RF.
This information can provide a general idea of where the patient might have been last.
If your organization does not use Centrak, then RF: <name> does not appear.
Click the badge Patient menu to display the badge Patient dialog box.
In the RTLS badge box, type the identification number on the Location IQ® badge.
Click OK.
The badge Patient window appears.Review the information on the window to make sure you are associating the badge with the correct patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
Badging a Patient from a List View
On the list view, make sure the RTLS Badge column is displayed.
In the RTLS Badge column that corresponds to the patient, click the silver or blue plain button to display a menu.
On the menu, click Badge Patient to display the Badge Patient dialog box.
In the RTLS Badge box, type the identification number found on the white sticker on the Location IQ® badge.
Click OK.
The Badge Patient dialog box appears.
Review the information on the Badge Patient dialog box to ensure that you are badging the correct patient, and then Click OK
Click Close to close the Badge Patient dialog box.
Rebadging a Patient from the Patient Badging Page
On the Patient Badging page, click the Advanced tab.
In the list next to the Search Text box, select the criteria by which you want to search for the patient.
You can search by first or last name, medical record number or visit number, bed identifier of the bed in the patient's current location, home location, or specialty location, age, or the badge number on a Location IQ® badge.
In the Search Text box, type text that corresponds to the selection you made in the list.
For example, if you selected Last Name, type the patient's last name, if you selected RTLS badge, type the number on the white label of the patient.
Click Search.
Search results appear, displaying patient information.
In the row that corresponds to the patient, click the number in the RTLS badge column to display the Untag Patient menu and the Rebadge Patient menu.
Click the Rebadge Patient menu to display the Rebadge Patient window.
Review the information on the window to make sure you are associating the correct badge with the appropriate patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
Rebadge a Patient from a List View:
On the list view, make sure the RTLS Badge column is displayed.
In the RTLS Badge column that corresponds to the patient, click the badge number to display a menu.
Click Rebadge Patient to display the Rebadge Patient window.
In the RTLS Badge box, type the new badge number, and then click OK to display the Rebadge Patient window.
Review the information on the window to make sure you are associating the correct badge with the appropriate patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
Quick Unbadging
On the Patient Badging page, click the Quick badge tab.
In the RTLS badge box, type the identification number of the badge that you want to remove from the patient, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The badge Patient window appears.
Review the patient's information on the badge Patient window to ensure that you are removing the correct badge number from the appropriate patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the window.Click Close.
Advanced Unbadging
On the Patient Badging page, click the Advanced tab.
In the list next to the Search Text box, select the criteria by which you want to search for the patient.
You can search by first or last name, medical record number or visit number, bed identifier of the bed in the patient's current location, home location, or specialty location, age, or the badge number on a Location IQ® badge.
In the Search Text box, type text that corresponds to the selection you made in the list.
For example, if you selected Last Name, type the patient's last name, If you selected RTLS badge, type the number on the white label of the patient badge.
Click Search.
Search results appear, displaying patient information.
In the row that corresponds to the patient, click the number in the RTLS badge column to display the Untag Patient menu and the Rebadge Patient menu.
Click the Untag Patient menu to display the Untag Patient window.
Review the information on the window to make sure you are removing the badge from the correct patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
Unbadging a Patient from a List View
On the list view, make sure the RTLS Badge column is displayed.
In the RTLS Badge column that corresponds to the patient, click the badge number to display a menu.
Click Badge Patient to display the Badge Patient window.
Review the information on the window to make sure you are removing the badge from the correct patient, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
Accessing the Patient Badging Page
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > RTLS > Patient Tagging.
Accessing the Staff Badging Page
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > RTLS > Staff Tagging.
Badge a Staff Member from a List View
Search for the staff member.
In the RTLS badge column of the search results, click the -- to display a badge Staff menu.
Click the badge Staff menu to display the badge Staff dialog box.
In the Staff Type list, select a staff type to associate with this physician or user (such as Charge Nurse or Attending Physician).
This staff type will be used to identify the physician or user on the floor plan.
For example, if you select Charge Nurse, then when the staff member is wearing the badge identified in the RTLS badge box, "Charge Nurse" will appear on the floor plan at the staff member's location.
In the RTLS badge box, type the identification number of the staff badge WITHOUT the numbers, zeroes, and letters at the beginning. Type only the numbers at the end.
Click OK.
The badge Staff dialog box appears.
Review the information on the badge Staff dialog box to ensure that you are badging the correct staff member with the appropriate badge, and then click OK.
A confirmation message stating that the staff member was badged successfully appears at the bottom of the badge Staff dialog box.
Click Close to close the dialog box.
Unbadging a Staff Member from a List View
Search for the staff member
In the search results, in the RTLS badge column, click the badge number to display an Untag Staff and Rebadge Staff menu.
In the RTLS badge box, type the identification number of the badge that you want to remove from the staff member WITHOUT the letters and zeroes at the beginning, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The badge Staff window appears.
Review the staff member's information on the Untag Staff window to ensure that you are removing the correct badge number from the appropriate person, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the window.
Click Close.
Rebadging a Staff Member from a List View
In the row that corresponds to the staff member, click the number in the RTLS badge column to display the Untag Staff menu and the Rebadge Staff menu.
Click the Rebadge Staff menu to display the Rebadge Staff window.
Review the information on the window to make sure you are associating the correct badge with the appropriate staff member, and then click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
To Configure the Scanners for Visit ID
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Information.
On the Enterprise Information tab in the Campus column, click the campus for which you want to configure the scanners.
Click the Global Settings tab, and then click RTLS to display the RTLS Global Settings page.
Under Scanner Configuration for Visit ID, in the Start Position box, type the number that represents that place in the bracelet identification number where the visit number starts. For example, if the visit number starts at the second character in the bracelet identification number, then type 2.
In the String Length box, type the number of characters that are in a visit number. For example, if a visit number always has 6 characters, then type 6.
If this box is blank, the scanner will include in the visit number all of the characters in the bracelet identification number from the start position on.
Click Save.
To Configure the Scanners for RTLS Tag ID
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Information.
On the Enterprise Information tab in the Campus column, click the campus for which you want to configure the scanners.
Click the Global Settings tab, and then click RTLS to display the RTLS Global Settings page.
Under Scanner Configuration for RTLS badge ID in the Start Position box, type the number that represents that place in the bracelet identification number where the badge number starts.
For example, if the number on the bracelet is shown as /A1000/ and it should be A1000, then type 2 in Start Position because the true number starts at the second position.
In the String Length box, type the number of characters that are in a badge identification number.
The End Position is calculated automatically based on the start position and string length.
For example, if a badge identification number always has 5 characters, then type 5.
Note: If this box is blank, the scanner will include in the badge all of the characters in the bracelet identification number from the start position on.
Click Save.
To Test the Scanner Configuration
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > RTLS > Patient Badging.
Scan a patient's identification bracelet.
Check to see if the Visit# and RTLS badge Number boxes populate correctly.