Last Seen
The Last Seen/Care in Progress feature is used by nursing unit staff to monitor the presence of staff members with patients in their home locations. This feature is available only if the Capacity IQ® solution is fully integrated with TeleTracking RTLS, starting from version 2017.1. Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses are required to use this feature. A TeleTracking representative can assist with obtaining these licenses.
You can find this feature on PatientTracking Portal®.
How Last Seen Works
The LS column in PatientTracking Portal® helps nursing unit staff to see if a TeleTracking RTLS badged staff member is currently with a TeleTracking RTLS badged patient in the patient's home location, or how long it has been since a staff member was last in a patient's home location. The following can appear in the LS column:
Care in Progress Icon: Indicates that a staff member wearing a badge is currently in the patient's home location with the patient, who also has a badge. Alternatively, it may mean the staff member left the home location but left the badge in the room or in an area where the TeleTracking RTLS hardware cannot detect it (e.g., in a jacket pocket in a drawer or locker). The icon remains until the time limit set in the Duration to Reset Care in Progress Master Configuration setting is exceeded. The default value for this setting is 30 days (or 43200 minutes). After this period, the icon disappears, and the Last Seen timer resets to 0, starting to count the number of minutes since another staff member was in the home location with the patient.
Number of Minutes: Displays the number of minutes since a staff member wearing a badge was last with the patient in the patient's home location. Initially shown in black, the number turns red after a certain number of minutes, configured in the Patient Last Seen Threshold unit setting in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. This setting can vary for each unit. Hovering over the value shows a tooltip with the full number of minutes since the patient was last seen.
Missing Badge Icon: This indicates that the TeleTracking RTLS hardware cannot detect the patient's badge, suggesting it may be missing, malfunctioned, or have a depleted battery.
Blank: Indicates that the patient's badge has been detached, either by a drop-box or through the application.