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Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report Description
Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report Description


You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate the Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report.


The Patient/Staff Location Movement History report allows charge nurses and other administrative staff to view the movements of badged patients and staff, over a specifically defined time period, as recorded by the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. When generated for patients, this report is useful for determining where a patient might have gone, or how long a patient remained in a holding area. When generated for staff, the report, in addition to tracking movement around the hospital, can serve as the foundation for additional reporting on staff travel patterns or average time spent in specific locations.

Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

This report is available only if the Capacity IQ® solution is fully integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The report shows only movements and location data that are captured by the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

  • If you upgraded to version 3.1 or later from a version earlier than 3.1, then only data about movements that took place after the upgrade can appear on the report. Historical movement data does not appear.

  • The report includes movements either for staff or for patients, depending on the Group By selection.

  • The report includes the movements only of badged patients or staff.

  • Only movements that occurred within the selected campus are included.

  • The report includes all patient or staff movements that took place within the specified time range, regardless of when the movement began or ended. For example, if the time range was 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and a staff member was detected at one TeleTracking RTLS location (A) at 6:55 AM, and a second location (B) at 7:10 AM, this movement is included on the report, even though the entry time is outside of the report parameters. Similarly, if a staff member was detected in TeleTracking RTLS location B at 2:30 PM, and then at TeleTracking RTLS location C at 3:15 PM, the movement is included on the report. The report always displays the actual times recorded by the TeleTracking RTLS system.

Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears on the report.

PDF File Output



Staff or Patient Name

Depending on the Group By selection, either a patient or a staff member name is shown as a group heading. If a patient is shown, the patient's medical record number and visit number are also shown. If a staff member is shown, the staff member's staff type is also shown. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

Entry Date Time

The actual date and time when the staff member or patient entered the location. Dates and times are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Exit Date Time

The actual date and time when the staff member or patient exited the location. Dates and times are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Duration (d hh:mm:ss)

The duration, in d hh:mm:ss format, that the patient or staff member was detected in the location. For example, a patient in Location A for 24 hours, 30 minutes, and ten seconds would display as 1d 00:30:10.


The abbreviation used to represent the location where the interaction occurred (for example, B122A for Bed 122A). This is the abbreviation for location as it has been configured in Capacity IQ® solution rather than in TeleTracking RTLS.


The abbreviation of the unit associated with the location, as defined in the Capacity IQ® solution.


The TeleTracking RTLS badge associated with the patient or staff member.


The event that caused the patient or staff member to be detected at the location. The report displays the following events: Attach Badge, Detach Badge, Missing Badge, and Missing Badge Return. Note that the column does not display Location Change, the most common event. When the event is a Location Change, the Event column is blank.

Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output

The Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output includes the identical information as the PDF file output. It differs only in that:

  • If Patient is selected as the Group By option, the patient's name, MRN, and visit number are individual columns rather than part of the group heading.

  • If Staff is selected as the Group By option, the staff member's name and staff type are individual columns rather than part of the group heading. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

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