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ADT Intercept
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

ADT Intercept

The ADT Intercept Tool is used when making changes to a patient record in the ADT System that prevents changes from impacting other patient records in TeleTracking. For example, if you need to make a billing change to a discharged patient and it requires readmitting the discharged patient back into their inpatient bed. ADT Intercepts are used by administrative staff, such as Patient Placement Specialists, admitting staff, or system administrators, who need to temporarily pause automated patient record updates in the ADT system.

Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > ADT Intercept.

How ADT Intercept Works


ADT Intercepts can be added, blocking patient ADT transactions from occurring, or resumed, allowing patient ADT transactions to resume.

  • You can add multiple records if needed.

  • Once you have completed all the changes in the ADT System, you can either let the messages resume on their own once the Intercepted time expires, or you can manually resume the ADT feed.

  • Resuming ADT transactions for an intercepted patient will remove their record from the ADT Intercept list.

  • The Intercept Minutes of an existing Intercepted patient record can be edited and saved.

  • Clicking the Refresh button on the ADT Intercept page will refresh the ADT Intercept list and remove any records of patients whose ADT transactions are no longer being intercepted.

  • If this tool is not used appropriately, it will negatively impact Patient Placement and Nursing Unit views in Capacity IQ® by discharging current patients.

  • 15 minutes is the default time set for Intercept Minutes when configuring ADT Intercept settings.

Permissions Required

To suspend or resume patient records, you must have the administrative permission called ADT Intercept. You must have Edit rights to make changes. If you have View rights, you may see, but not change, the ADT Intercept page in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.


Blocking Patient ADT Transactions

  1. Go to Admin Menu > Settings > Capacity Management.

  2. Select ADT Intercept in section Miscellaneous.

  3. Click on the Add button in the upper right corner.

  4. Enter the patient Visit Number in the Patient ID column.

    • Depending on how settings are configured at your organization, the patient ID might be either the patient's visit number or medical record number.

    • If the patient ID number that you enter begins with zeroes and your organization's configuration settings do not permit patient IDs with leading zeroes, then a message appears when you attempt to save. Re-enter the patient ID without the zeroes at the beginning.

  5. Choose the amount of time to intercept the record.

  6. Click Save when complete.

    • After you save, the Intercepted Until column will show the time until which the record will be suspended automatically, and all transactions will be blocked. You may manually resume the patient record before this time.

    • If the patient is currently admitted to the hospital, then the patient's name and home location (assigned bed) appear in the Patient Name and Location columns after you click Save. If the patient is not currently admitted, these columns are blank.

  7. You will now see the time messages will resume, the patient’s name, and the bed in the row of the Intercepted patients table containing the information that you entered.

  8. You can now make changes in the ADT System up until the time has expired.

Resuming Patient ADT Transactions

  1. Go to Admin Menu > Settings > Capacity Management.

  2. Select ADT Intercept in section Miscellaneous.

  3. Select the check box next to the patient’s record.

    • To resume ADT transactions for multiple intercepted patients simultaneously, select the checkboxes corresponding to their records in the ADT Intercept list.

  4. Click on Resume ADT.

    • The patient record(s) will be removed from the ADT Intercept list.

  5. To ensure that all currently suspended patient records appear on the page, click Refresh.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To resume all suspended patient records, click the check box at the top of the first column, and then click Resume ADT.

    • To resume individual suspended patient records, select the check boxes for those records, and then click Resume ADT.

Suspending a Patient Record

  1. Go to Admin Tool > ADT Intercept or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > ADT Intercept.

  2. Click Add to add a row to the page.

  3. In the Patient ID column of the new row, type the patient identification code.

    • Depending on how settings are configured at your organization, the patient ID might be either the patient's visit number or medical record number.

    • If the patient ID number that you enter begins with zeroes and your organization's configuration settings do not permit patient IDs with leading zeroes, then a message appears when you attempt to save. Re-enter the patient ID without the zeroes at the beginning.

  4. In the Intercept Minutes column, type the number of minutes for which the patient's record should be suspended and transactions in the Capacity IQ® EVS application for this patient should be suspended.

    • After you save, the Intercepted Until column will show the time until which the record will be suspended automatically, and all transactions will be blocked. You may manually resume the patient record before this time.

  5. Click Save.

    • If the patient is currently admitted to the hospital, then the patient's name and home location (assigned bed) appear in the Patient Name and Location columns after you click Save. If the patient is not currently admitted, these columns are blank.

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