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Admit Source
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

An admit source shows how the patient was admitted (for example, through the Emergency Room or through physician referral). Admit Sources have a name and an ADT ID that can be configured in the Admit Source dictionary. Admitting staff can associate admit sources with patients.

Admit Sources appear on the Patient/Placement Details form in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or Patient Tracking Portal. Admit sources can also appear as columns in list views.

How Admit Sources Work


  • The following permissions are required to utilize Admit Sources:

    • To access the Capacity Management Administration page, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.

    • To configure admit sources, you must have the administrative permission called Admit Source.

    • You must have Edit rights to make changes.

    • If you have View rights, you may see, but not change, admit sources on the Capacity Management Administration page.

  • Admit sources can be associated with a patient from the Patient/Placement Details form or in a list view.

  • Admit source names and ADT IDs are used to identify the admit sources in the ADT system.

  • Admit Source names and ADT IDs can be customized on the Capacity Management Administration page.

  • List Views can be filtered by Admit Source.

  • Admit Sources can be associated with patients by selecting a value from the Admit Source drop-down menu on the Patient/Placement Details form.

To Add, Edit, or Delete Admit Sources:

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, click the Admit Source link.

  3. To add admit sources:

    1. Click Add to add a new row at the bottom of the page.

    2. In a blank row in the Name column, type an admit source (for example, Emergency Room).

    3. In the same row in the ADT ID column, type the code used to identify this admit source in the ADT system.

    4. Click Save. The admit source appears in the list.

    5. To add more admit sources, repeat Steps 3a-3d.

  4. To edit existing admit sources, in the appropriate rows and columns, change the information, and then click Save.

  5. To delete admit sources:

    1. To delete all admit sources, select the checkbox in the first row and first column of the page.

    2. To delete individual admit sources, select the checkboxes for them.

    3. Click Delete Selected Records.

    4. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

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