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My Notifications
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago

My Notifications

Changing My Notifications and Selecting Notification and Alert Delivery Methods


  • If you have the Subscribe to Notifications permission and the Permission to Modify Notification Settings permission, you can select a delivery method for both alerts and notifications.

  • You can register to receive alerts and notifications by either paging device, email, or screen alert/hand-held device.

  • In addition, you can subscribe, or register, to receive notifications about the statuses, rescheduling, or rejection of transport jobs or the statuses of beds.

For example:

If you have access to the Capacity IQ® Transport application and you have the permissions listed above, you can select to receive an email when a transport job's origin is within your membership.


  • Notifications will not necessarily be sent immediately after an event occurs. Several notifications are grouped and sent at once.

  • There are some notifications that do not require a subscription. For example, a transporter whose status is Available automatically can receive a notification about a Pending transport job that he or she could accept.

  • If you register to receive notifications or alerts by paging device, you can only receive them if you currently have a valid device associated with your user profile.

  • You may select more than one delivery method for alerts and notifications (for example, email and paging devices).

  • Notifications about item transport jobs that have patients associated with them will include the patients' names and identification codes.

  • Post-dispatch pages and messages about new and canceled jobs cannot be sent through email.

  • Users with digital pagers cannot receive post-dispatch pages.

  • Here are a list of notifications that are sent automatically (subscription not required):

Capacity IQ® EVS Application

  • A new bed cleaning job becomes available or the status of a bed associated with an existing job changes. The bed cleaner is automatically notified.

  • A bed cleaning job is canceled or re-assigned to another employee. The employee who was previously assigned is notified that the job is cancelled and the newly assigned employee is notified about the job automatically.

  • After a bed has been assigned to a patient for a placement request, the bed size changes. If a bed cleaner has already been notified about the bed cleaning job associated with this bed, that bed cleaner is notified automatically about the bed size change. In addition, the user who adds or edits the placement request can select other users as recipients of this notification. If no recipients are selected, the message is sent to a default user.

Capacity IQ® Transport Application

  • A transport job enters a Pending status and a transporter is in Available status—The transporter is automatically notified about the job based on dispatch logic.

  • A transporter in a Dispatched status was changed to an Available status (for example, because the transport job was canceled or it was determined that fewer transporters were needed to complete the job)—The transporter is notified automatically.

  • A transporter accepts a job and the transporter's status becomes Dispatched—If Post Dispatch Paging is selected in the transporter's user profile, the transporter is notified automatically of the job details.

Permissions Required

  • The Subscribe to Notifications and the Permission to Modify Notification Settings permissions are required to view and edit the Delivery Methods section.

  • No permissions are needed to view and edit the Notification Groups section.

To Select Notification Groups, Delivery Methods for Alerts and Notifications, and Change Your Notifications

  • Select your username link (for example, csmith) on the upper-right of the page, and then select My Notifications.

  • In the Notification Groups > Temporary Groups section, select Edit to display the Group Selection dialog box. Type the name of a notification group to locate it in the dialog box. The groups that appear are associated with your role. In Select up to 5 groups, select the box(es) next to the notification group(s) to which you want to temporarily assign yourself. The groups that you select clear from the Select up to 5 Groups section and appear in the Selected Groups section. You will temporarily belong to these groups for the duration of your login. Select Confirm Selection to populate the Temporary Groups section with your selections.


  • The notification groups that appear in the Select up to 5 groups are determined by your role.

  • The Select up to 5 groups heading changes depending on how many groups you can select to total five.

  • The five notification groups that you can belong to is the sum of both the Temporary Groups and one Permanent Group from your membership if you are signed into the associated ward or cluster.


If you belong to a permanent notification group for the ward or cluster that you selected at login, you can only add four more temporary groups. In this case, the heading would say Select up to 4 groups.

  • The Notification Groups > Permanent Groups section displays the groups to which you belong permanently.

  • You cannot edit this section.

  • An asterisk appears next to the Floater Notification Group associated with the ward or cluster you are currently logged into.

  • In the Delivery Methods section, under Deliver My Notifications Via and Deliver My Alerts Via, select whether you will receive notifications and alerts by paging device (for example, pager or Vocera device), email, or screen alert.

  • If a gray Disabled button appears next to the delivery method that you want to select, click it so that it will become a green Enabled button.

  • If a green Enabled button appears next to a delivery method that you do not want to use (for example, Screen Alert), click it to make it a gray Disabled button.


  • If you are using a smartphone or handheld device to complete bed cleaning or transport tasks, you do not need to select any delivery method.

  • You will receive messages automatically on the smartphone or handheld device that you log into.

  • You may select Disabled for all delivery methods so that you do not receive any alerts or notifications.

  • You must have a paging device to receive notifications and alerts by paging device.

  • You will only be able to select email as a delivery method if the administrator has entered a valid email address in your user profile.

  • If you click the gray Disabled button next to Email and it does not change to Enabled, ask the administrator to enter a valid email address for you in your user profile.

  • If you select Screen Alert, you will see alerts on screen, even if they apply to an application that you are not currently using.


If you have access to the Capacity IQ® Transport application and Capacity IQ® EVS application and can receive alerts for both, you will see Capacity IQ® Transport application screen alerts even if you are currently using the Capacity IQ® Transport application.

  • Select whether you will receive alerts and notifications only while you are signed in or only on specific days between specific times. In the Delivery Time list, do one of the following. To receive alerts and notifications:

    • Only while you are signed in, select When I Am Logged In.

    • On specific days between specific times, select Specific Time Range, then in the Delivery Times section, click the days so that they become green and available. In the Start and End lists for each day that you selected, enter a beginning and end time to receive alerts for each day in the appropriate boxes. For example, if you click Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and you should receive alerts and notifications starting 8:00 AM and ending at 5:00 PM on those days, then in the Start list enter 8:00 AM and in the End list enter 5:00 PM.


  • To receive alerts and notifications all day, select 12:00 AM in the Start list and in the End list.

  • Specific days and start and end times apply only to notifications that you subscribe to and to alerts. If you select specific days and time ranges, alerts and notifications will be sent to you during those times, even if you are signed out. Post-dispatch pages and messages about new and canceled jobs are sent regardless of the days and start and end times selected.

Complete the following:

For Capacity IQ® EVS application and Capacity IQ® Transport application

  • Select whether notifications are sent to you if they are associated with origins and/or destinations or beds that are within your assigned sections and zones or that are within your membership. Do one of the following. If you should receive notifications about jobs with origins and/or destinations or beds within:

    • Your assigned sections and zones, select Against My Assignment.

    • Your membership, select Against My Membership. Note: If you have access to both Capacity IQ® EVS application and Capacity IQ® Transport application, this selection will apply to notifications for both of those applications

For Capacity IQ® Transport application only

  • Select the job statuses for which you would like to receive notifications. On the TransportTracking tab, in the Status column, if the transport job status for which you would like to receive notifications (for example, Pending) is grayed out, click it to change the status to a color.


  • The rejected status appears on the My Notifications tab only if you have permission from the Supervisor Workflow Offering Managerial Statistics About Employees, etc. The transport job statuses for which you can set up notifications are: Appointment, Pending, Dispatched, Delay/Dispatched, In Progress, Delay/In Progress, Assist, Cancel, Complete, Rejected, and Rescheduled.

For Capacity IQ® Transport application only

  • On the TransportTracking tab, in the Recipient Qualification column for the statuses you selected, select one of the following:

  • Origin Match—If you want to be notified when a transport job with an origin that is within your zone and section assignment or membership is within this status.

  • Destination Match—If you want to be notified when a transport job with a destination that is within your zone and section assignment or membership is in this status.

  • Either Match—If you want to be notified when a transport job with either an origin or a destination that is within your zone and section assignment or membership is in this status.
    Important Note! The recipient’s qualifications do not apply to rejected jobs. If the base ward base location of the employee (transporter) who rejects the job is within your membership or assignment (depending on the selection made), then you will receive a notification about the rejection if Rejected is enabled in the Status column.

For the Capacity IQ® EVS application only

  • On the BedTracking tab, select the bed statuses for which you would like to receive notifications

  • Only if you have the Supervisor Call Flow permission

  • Select whether job alerts are sent to you if they have origins and/or destinations or beds that are within your assigned sections and zones or within your base ward. Do one of the following. If you should receive alerts about jobs with origins and/or destinations or beds within:

    • Your assigned sections and zones, select Against My Assignment.

    • Your base campus or the campus that includes your base ward, select Against My Base Campus.


  • Your selection will apply to job alerts for all applications that you have access to.

  • If you have access to both the BedTracking application and the Capacity IQ® Transport application, this selection will apply to job alerts for both of those applications.

For the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application

  • Set timer alerts

    • You can receive alerts when the following timers reach the first and/or second-time limit that has been set for them. The time limits are called thresholds. Discharge Timer, Occupied Timer, and Assigned Bed Timer thresholds are set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component for each ward. Observation Timer thresholds are set in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component with settings called Hours Before Observation End to Show Yellow and Hours Before Observation End to Show Red. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure these two observation-related settings.

  • Discharge Timer

    • The discharge timer shows the number of hours and minutes between

      • When the Medically Fit discharge milestone was set for a patient and

      • When the patient was discharged.

    • The discharge timer shows the number of hours and minutes between 1) when the Physician Order discharge milestone was set for a patient and 2) when the patient was discharged.

    • The timer stops if:

      • The patient's status changes from Pending or Confirmed Discharge to any other status,

      • The patient's Medically Fit discharge milestone was marked as completed and then later marked incomplete,

      • The patient's Physician Order discharge milestone was marked as completed and then later marked incomplete,

      • The patient's discharge order is canceled through the ADT system.

  • Assigned Bed Timer

    • Number of minutes between placement request activation time and bed assignment.

  • Observation Timer

    • Shows either the amount of time left until the observation stops or the amount of time that has elapsed since the observation started. A setting in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called Observation Timer Direction determines whether elapsed time or time remaining is the observation time.

    • The Observation Timer background appears either green, yellow, red, or gray. Settings in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component determine how many hours before the scheduled end time for the observation that the background becomes yellow, and then red.

    • A red background indicates that it is almost the end of the scheduled observation period. If the Observation Timer column has a gray background, then the observation has stopped.

    • If the Resume Observation Timer on the Patient Readmission Master Configuration setting is enabled, then the observation timer will stop automatically if a patient's status is changed to Discharged.

    • If the patient is then readmitted, the observation timer will start again and the patient's observation time will include the time that the patient was in Discharged status.

    • A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to configure Master Configuration settings.

  • Occupied Timer

    • Number of minutes between Ready-to-Move time and the time the bed becomes occupied.

    • On the PreAdmitTracking tab, in the first column, for each timer, select whether you want to receive an alert when the first and/or second-time limit (threshold) has been reached.

    • To receive an alert when the first time limit is reached, select the Threshold 1 or Threshold 2 check box.

    • For the Discharge Timer, select the wards for which you want to receive alerts.


If you want to receive alerts when patients with home locations in Ward 2 have exceeded the first and/or second-time limit (threshold), select Ward 2. Click the magnifying glass icon, select the check boxes for the wards, and then click Select.

Assignment + Observation Timer

Assignment Timer

  • For the Assigned Bed Timer, select whether you want to receive alerts about patients with certain admit sources, origin wards, target wards OR either origin or target ward.

  • In the Send Alerts for Patients Whose list, select Admit Source, Origin Ward, Target Ward, or Origin/Ward or Target Ward.

  • Select the admit source or the wards for which you want to receive alerts.

  • Click the magnifying glass icon, select the check boxes for the admit sources or wards, and then click Select.

  • Your selection narrows the list of patients about whom you will receive notifications.

  • However, it does not determine the timing of the notifications.

  • The thresholds for the patient's origin ward are examined to determine the timing of the notifications.


If you select Target Ward A, you will only receive notifications about patients whose target ward is Target Ward A. However, the timing of the notifications will NOT be based on the assigned timer thresholds for Target Ward A (unless that ward is also the patients' origin ward). The timing of the notifications will be based on the thresholds set for the patients' origin wards. If 5 patients' target ward is Target Ward A, but all 5 have different origin wards, the timing of the notifications about these patients will be based on the thresholds set for the 5 different origin wards.

Observation Timer

  • For the Observation Timer, select whether you want to receive alerts about patients with selected admit sources. Select the admit source for which you want to receive alerts Click the magnifying glass icon, select the check boxes for the admit sources, and then click Select.

  • For the Occupied Timer, select whether you want to receive alerts about patients with certain admit sources, origin wards, assigned bed wards, OR either origin or assigned bed ward.

  • In the Send Alerts for Patients Whose list, select Admit Source, Origin Ward, Assigned Bed Ward, or Origin Ward or Assigned Bed Ward. Select the admit source or the wards for which you want to receive alerts Click the magnifying glass icon, select the check boxes for the admit sources or wards, and then click Select.

  • Your selection narrows the list of patients about whom you will receive notifications. However, it does not determine the timing of the notifications.

  • The thresholds for the patient's origin ward are examined to determine the timing of the notifications.


  • If you select Assigned Bed Ward A, you will only receive notifications about patients whose assigned bed ward is Assigned Bed Ward A. However, the timing of the notifications will NOT be based on the occupied timer thresholds for Assigned Bed Ward A (unless that ward is also the patients' origin ward). The timing of the notifications will be based on the thresholds set for the patients' origin wards. If 5 patients' assigned bed ward is Assigned Bed Ward A, but all 5 have different origin wards, the timing of the notifications about these patients will be based on the thresholds set for the 5 different origin ward.

Change Notifications

  • Set Patient Discharge and Patient Location Change Notifications

  • Send Notifications for Patient Discharges in Campus

    • When a patient is discharged from a ward to which you have membership in one of the selected campuses, you will receive a notification by the delivery method that you selected under Deliver My Notifications Via. Select the campuses for which you want to receive notifications.

  • Send Notifications for Patient Location Changes in Campus

    • When a patient changes locations in a ward to which you have membership in one of the selected campuses (for example, patient is sent to a procedure or is transferred to another home location), you will receive a notification by the delivery method that you selected under Delivery My Notifications Via. Select the campuses for which you want to receive notifications.

Click Save.

Managing Screen Alerts and Notifications


In My Notifications, if you selected the Screen Alert option under Deliver My Alerts Via or Deliver My Notifications Via, then you may view your alerts and notifications on screen in Capacity IQ® Solution. An Alerts button appears at the top of each page. The Alerts button gives you access to the Screen Alerts dialog box which displays all alerts and notifications that you have received, that you have not yet deleted, and that were created within the time period specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your administrator to set this time period.

If you are eligible to receive alerts and notifications related to multiple applications (such as the BedTracking® application and the TransportTracking™ application), you will be able to view those alerts and notifications regardless of which application you are using currently. For example, if you click the Alerts button while you are using the BedTracking® console, you can also see your alerts and notifications related to the TransportTracking™ application.

The Alerts button is displayed at the top of the page only if you selected the Screen Alert option in My Notifications. The appearance of the Alerts button indicates whether you have new or unread messages.

If the Alerts button...


Displays an exclamation point and is blinking

At least one message has been sent since the last time you viewed messages.

Is highlighted

There is at least one unread message. However, no new messages have been sent since the last time you signed in.

Is gray

You have no new or unread messages.

Note: There is a setting in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (Hours). A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure this setting. If you have no screen messages for the number of hours entered for this setting, then the button will not blink.

If you have already viewed alerts and notifications through a smartphone or mobile device, then those alerts and notifications will be marked as "Read."

When a new alert arrives, the text "New TeleTracking Alert" scrolls across the title bar of the browser window.

Viewing Alerts and Notifications On Screen

  1. Click the Alerts button to display the Screen Alerts dialog box.

  2. If the list of messages spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows at the top of the dialog box to display additional alerts.

  3. Read the text in the Message column.

Sorting Alerts and Notifications by Date or Message Text

  • On the Screen Alerts dialog box, click the Date or Message column header. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.

Marking Alerts and Notifications as Read or Unread

Until you manually mark an alert or notification as read, it appears as unread.

To mark an alert or notification as read:

  • On the Screen Alerts dialog box, select the check boxes for the messages that you want to mark as read, or to select all messages, select the check box in the title bar, and then click Mark as Read.

Note: If your messages span multiple pages, you must repeat this step on each page. Click the arrows to display subsequent pages, and then repeat this step on each page.

To mark an alert or notification as unread:

  • On the Screen Alerts dialog box, select the check boxes for the already-read messages that you want to mark as unread, or to select all messages, select the check box in the title bar, and then click Mark as Unread.

Note: If your messages span multiple pages, you must repeat this step on each page. Click the arrows to display subsequent pages, and then repeat this step on each page.

Deleting Alerts and Notifications

Until you manually delete an alert or notification, it appears on the Screen Alerts dialog box until it has been displayed for the time period specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your administrator to set this time period.

To delete alerts and notifications:

  1. On the Screen Alerts dialog box, do one of the following:

    • Select the check boxes corresponding to the individual messages that you want to delete

    • To delete all messages, select the check box in the title bar.

  2. Click Delete.

Note: If your messages span multiple pages, you must repeat this step on each page. Click the arrows to display subsequent pages, and then repeat this step on each page.

Closing the Screen Alerts Dialog Box

  • Click Close.

Placement Activated Notifications

The placement activated notification (which is subscription-based) triggers when a user clicks the date in the 'Requested' column of a list view to activate the placement or a placement is activated through your ADT system.

  • You may subscribe to receive notifications about the events. Notifications are only sent for activated placements that appear in the list views that you selected when you subscribed and that are in the console that you have loaded currently.

Notification not received

If there is a situation where a notification was not received by unit that a patient notification was not received, you will need to check the following:

  • Ensure that you have the correct console.

    • If the console is unknown, it can be found within the users profile.

  • Once you have the console name you will need to go to PreAdmitTracking

  • Click on Notification Settings

  • Confirm that the Bed Assigned, Unit Targeted are enabled (note that Placement Activated might need to be turned on as well.)

  • Once you have confirmed that the events are enabled you will need to click on Adv. Filters

  • Within advanced filters, you will need to check the following:

    • Confirm that Placement Status is populated

    • Confirm that the Combine above filters by is set to AND

    • Under PreAdmit and Pending Transfers:

      • Incoming/Outgoing Patients - is set to Incoming or Outgoing

      • Requests - is set to Activated.

  • Select save if needed.

  • You will need to make sure the preadmit patient is activated for the notification to be sent.

  • You can tell if the patient has been activated by looking in the Patient Audit for the activation.

PRO TIP: In the patient audit report you can press Control F to find the placement activated faster.

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