Origin Unit
The Origin feature is used by healthcare staff to identify the starting location for a transport job, such as moving a patient from one department to another. It is essential for tracking and managing patient movements within a healthcare facility.
Where you can find this feature: This feature can be found in the Patient/Placement Details form and is integrated with the ADT system and Transfer IQ® application.
How Origin Works
The Origin is the location where an item or patient is to be picked up for a transport job. For example, if a patient is to be picked up at X-Ray and taken to Physical Therapy, then X-Ray is the origin and Physical Therapy is the destination.
Origin Unit
The Origin Unit is associated with the request to place the patient. If the patient is being transferred, this could be the unit the patient is being transferred from. If there is no open placement request, this column remains blank. The Origin Unit is set by the placement requester if no information is available from the ADT system. However, it is not formally associated with the patient until the Patient/Placement Details form is saved. Origin unit information from the Transfer IQ® application will overwrite information from the Capacity IQ® solution.
Origin Priority
Details on the priority of the origin unit.
Origin Unit Logic
ADT Population of Origin Unit: If an A05 message or Bed Request order lacks specific fields, the bed request will be created with a blank Origin Unit. Capacity IQ® PreAdmit attempts to populate this field based on various criteria:
Specialty location
Home location
User's base location (fixed membership)
Patient's current location
User's membership at login (variable membership)
If the origin unit is updated via an interface transaction and both EVN.5 and ORC.10 are blank, special processing may be in place.
Edit Origin Unit on a Placement
To change the current location back to another option, such as ER, in bed placement:
Ensure the "Edit Origin Unit on a Placement" permission is enabled in the PreAdmitTracking Group.
Add the group to the user's Role.