This application is currently named TeleTracking Nurse in the app stores but we will refer to it as the Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile app.
About the Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile App
Capacity IQ® Nurse is a mobile application that supplements Capacity IQ®. This application provides in-house/ floor nurses quick access to information and alerts, which were previously only available on workstations, to facilitate their workflow. Users need to have a Variable membership or a Fixed membership to a unit to use the Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile app. If a user has campus level membership or higher, the application will display the following screen. No other functionality will be available.
Key Benefits for Nurses
See the details about patients and beds on your unit or filter to see those patients / beds associated in the Staff Assignment feature.
Receive notifications in a timely manner without using a pager.
Set and edit Bed Assignment Priority to allow the bed to be assigned based on the facility's definition of the priority.
View the Bed Status and the time that it was set.
Set Ready to Move without returning to the desktop application.
Current Versions
To see the Current Mobile Application Versions (In Store and In App) go Mobile Software Versions
Sign In
Tap the app on your phone to open the Sign in page.
A TeleTracking Home Screen will request sign on using your user- name and password. This would have been provided to you by your system administrator.
Enter your Capacity IQ® username and password.
The Select Membership page appears.
Select your assigned unit(s) or clusters under your campus name.
You can use the drop-down arrows to select specific units.
You do not have to sign in or select membership more than once a day.
Signing in via your phone to the mobile app also signs you into the desktop application and vice versa.
View Dashboard Patient Overview
After you sign in, the Dashboard appears for the cluster or unit that you signed into.
The Patient Overview section appears at the top.
Possible statuses are:
Pre Admit (green)
Pending Transfer (gray)
In House (orange)
Pending Discharge (blue)
Confirmed Discharge (red)
Filter the Dashboard
This functionality will be available in a later release.
Change the Dashboard Chart
On the Dashboard > Patient Overview section, tap the type of chart field.
From the list, tap Pie or Bar.
The chart changes to the type of chart that you selected.
View Patient Information
Go to the Patients page, by doing one of the following:
On the Dashboard - Patient Overview, tap the chart.
Tap the Patients tab at the bottom of any page.
The All Patients page appears.
The total number of patients appears next to the All Patients title.
By default, the patients are listed by units, then by status, and then alphabetically.
Patient Overview Card Information
An overview about each patient appears in a card. The information displayed depends on the patient's status: In House, Pending Discharge, PreAdmit, or Pending Transfer. Double dashes (--) appear if the information is not available.
In House, Pending Discharge, and Confirmed Discharge Patient Overview Information
The displayed information includes:
Patient Name
Status – In House, Pending Discharge, or Confirmed Discharge. In House status appears in a gold bar. Pending Discharge status appears in a blue bar. Confirmed Discharge appears in a red bar.
Length of Stay – The amount of time the patient has been in the facility with any status.
Timers – Timers that are assigned to the patient appear below the patient's name. For more information, see View Timers.
Home Location – The bed to which the patient was admitted.
Current Location – The patient's current location, such as In Bed (Home Location), XRay, MRI, PACU, etc.
Isolation – Type of isolation that applies to the patient.
Projected Discharge – The patient's expected discharge date and time.
DOB – Date of birth.
Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires.
PreAdmit and Pending Transfer Patient Overview Information
The displayed information includes:
Patient Name
Status – PreAdmit or Pending Transfer followed by an indication if the transfer is In to or Out of the current unit. PreAdmit appears in a green bar. Pending Transfer appears in a gray bar.
Time In Status – The amount of time the patient has been in a Pending Transfer status.
Placement Status – The status of the patient’s bed request, such as Requested with a red circle or Assigned with a green circle.
Ready to Move – The amount of time until the patient will be ready to move. A checkmark indicates the ready to move time has been met.
Requested Time – Time when the bed request was submitted with a green check mark for an activated placement request.
Assigned Time – Time when a bed was assigned to the patient.
Target Unit – Unit in which it is preferred that the patient be placed. If the patient has been assigned a bed, the Target Unit is the unit associated with the assigned bed.
Assigned Bed – Identifier of the bed that was assigned to the patient.
Origin Unit – Unit associated with the request to place the patient.
Isolation – Type of isolation that applies to the patient.
DOB – Date of birth.
Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires.
View Patient Details
On the Patients page, tap View Details at the bottom of one patient’s card.
The patient’s expanded card appears and displays additional patient details that depend on the patient's status and information entered at the time the record was created. Scroll down to see detail information in addition to the overview information.
In House, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge Patient Detail Information
The displayed information includes:
Medical Record Number – The patient's unique identifier.
Visit Number – The identifier for the patient's visit to the facility.
Patient Attributes – The patient's characteristics that are important for the care team to know.
Assigned Nurse and Phone Number
Origin Nurse and Phone Number
Physicians – Name of the patient's physician with the physician's role, such as Admitting, Attending, Consulting, PCP, Referring.
Transports – A maximum of the next two transports for the patient appears.
PreAdmit and Pending Transfer Patient Detail Information
The displayed information includes:
Home Location – The bed to which the patient was admitted.
Current Location – The patient's current location, such as In Bed (Home Location), XRay, MRI, PACU, etc.
Isolation – Type of isolation that applies to the patient.
Patient Attributes – The patient's characteristics that are important for the care team to know.
Transports – A maximum of the next two transports for the patient appears.
View My Patients
Go to Patients, by doing one of the following:
On the Dashboard - Patient Overview, tap the chart.
Tap the Patients tab at the bottom of any page.
The All Patients page appears.
Tap the All Patients title.
Tap My Patients in the list that appears.
The page title changes to My Patients and displays the patients who are occupying the beds that are assigned to you within the unit or cluster.
View Timers
About Timers
Timers that are assigned to the patient appear below the patient's name. The timer includes the following information:
The displayed information includes:
The name of the type of timer.
A colored icon that displays the timer status based on preset thresholds.
The amount of time that the patient's timer has run.
Icon Colors
The icons are colored coded as described below:
Green - Indicates a Good status based on the preset thresholds.
Yellow - Indicates a Caution status based on the preset thresholds.
Red - Indicates a Warning status based on the preset thresholds.
Types of Timers
Any or several of the following types of timers may appear:
Observation Timer - Length of time that the patient has been in observation.
Occupied Timer - Length of time that the patient has occupied the bed.
Behavioral Hold Timer – Length of time since the patient has been in a behavioral health hold, which is a specialized timer that is for mental health or drug related problems. The duration of hold time is a state legal requirement and is associated with the name of the timer. The Behavioral Hold Timer displays minutes up to three days, and then dis- plays days any additional time as days (d), minutes (m), followed by hours (h).
Filter and Sort Patients
On the Patients page, tap Filter.
The Filter page appears.
In Sort Patient By tap one of the following:
A to Z - Sort on the patient's last name.
Z to A - Sort on the patient's last name.
Select Apply.
The order of the patients updates to match your selection.
On the Patients page, tap Filter.
In Filter Patients By, tap the drop-down arrows next to one of the following:
Patient Status
The options for the selected filter appear.
In Location and Bed Status, select one or more of the following:
Specific location(s) or bed status(es)
Select All – All listed locations or bed statuses
Clear All – Clear the location or bed status selections
In Show Observation Patient Only – Tap the toggle switch to show or hide only observation patients.
In Show Hold Patients Only – Tap the toggle switch to show or hide only behavioral health hold patients.
Select Apply
Only the patients that match your selections appear. The number of filters you applied appears next to Filter. The names of the filters appear below the Bed ID search box. The total number of beds displayed by the filter appears below the Bed ID search box.
Search for Patients
On the All Patients page, tap Enter Patient Name.
A keyboard appears.
Enter the patient’s name as an abbreviation, text, and/or numbers.
The card for the patient whose name you entered appears.
Set Patients' Ready To Move
Tap Patients in the navigation bar.
The All Patients or My Patients list appears.
When a patient is in a PreAdmit or Pending Transfer status, the Ready to Move field appears on the patient's card.
The field displays double dashes if a value has not yet been selected or if a value has been removed because the patient is not yet ready to move.
Tap View Details in a patient's card.
Tap Actions at the bottom of the card, and then tap Edit Ready to Move in the list that appears.
The Ready to Move edit page appears.
Tap the Ready to Move field.
Tap an option for the time that the patient will be ready to move. You can select Now or a number of minutes in the future. Tapping Not Ready to Move will replace a current value in the Ready to Move field with double dashes (--). Tap Cancel to exit the selection list without making a selection.
Tap Yes, Update Ready To Move to display your selection in the Patient Details page and the All Patients card.
A push notification message appears at the top of the page to indicate that the desktop versions of Capacity IQ®
Bed placement staff now know to assign a bed to the patient. If the bed is clean when assigned, an automatic patient trans- port request may be generated.
If you selected a time in the future, when the time arrives, a green check mark appears next to the time in the Patient card.
Cancel Patients' Ready To Move
Tap Patients in the navigation bar. The All Patients list appears.
Tap View Details in a patient's card. The Patient Details page appears.
Tap Edit Ready to Move at the bottom of the card.
The Ready to Move edit page appears.
Tap the Ready to Move field.
Select Not Ready to Move in the option list that appears.
Select Yes, Update Ready To Move.
Double dashes replace any value in the Ready To Move field in the Patient Details page and the All Patients card.
A push notification message appears at the top of the page to indicate that the desktop versions of Capacity IQ® has been updated.
View the Dashboard Bed Overview
After you sign in, the Dashboard appears for the cluster or unit that you signed into.
Scroll to the Bed Overview section.
A chart displays the total count of beds and their statuses.
Membership name – The name of cluster or unit that you logged into appears below the Bed Overview title.
A chart displays the total count of beds and their statuses. Possible statuses are:
Clean (green)
Occupied (orange)
Cleaning Requests (brown)
In Progress (yellow)
Delayed (tan)
Suspended (dark green)
Filter the Dashboard
This functionality will be available in a later release.
Change the Dashboard Chart
On the Dashboard > Bed Overview section, tap the type of chart field.
From the list, tap Pie or Bar.
The chart changes to the type of chart that you selected.
View the Bed Information
Go to the Patients page, by doing one of the following:
On the Dashboard - Bed Overview, tap the chart.
Tap the Beds tab at the bottom of any page.
The All Beds page appears.
Information about each bed appears in a card on the All Beds page.
For beds in a Clean status, the cards display:
Bed ID
Time In Status
Bed Size
Bed Assignment Priority
Patient Assignment
Ready to Move
Occupied Timer
For beds in an Occupied status, the cards display:
Bed ID
Time In Status
Bed Size
Patient name
Patient status
Placement Status – The status of the patient’s bed request.
Ready to Move – The Ready to Move status assigned currently to the patient.
Requested Time – Time when the bed request was submitted.
Assigned Time – Time when a bed was assigned to the patient
Target Unit – Unit in which it is preferred that the patient be placed.
Assigned Bed – Identifier of the bed that was assigned to the patient.
Origin Unit – Unit associated with the request to place the patient.
Isolation – Type of isolation that applies to the patient.
DOB – Date of birth.
View Bed Details
In a bed’s card, tap View Details.
The bed details page appears and displays the above information and the following as appropriate for the bed's status:
Medical Record Number – The patient's medical record number.
Visit Number – The patient's visit number.
Diagnosis – The patient's diagnosis.
Assigned Nurse – The nurse who is assigned to the bed where the patient is being transferred to.
Phone Number – The assigned nurse's phone number
Origin Nurse – The nurse who is currently assigned to the patient in their current home bed
Phone Number – The origin nurse's phone number
View My Beds
Go to the Beds page, by doing one of the following:
On the Dashboard - Bed Overview, tap the chart.
Tap the Beds tab at the bottom of any page.
The All Beds page appears.
Tap the All Beds title.
Tap My Beds in the list that appears.
The page title changes to My Beds, and the staffed beds that are assigned to you within the unit or cluster appear.
The total number of beds assigned to you appears next to the My Beds title.
By default, the beds are listed by units, then by status, and then alphabetically.
View All Beds
Go to the Beds page, by doing one of the following:
On the Dashboard - Bed Overview, tap the chart.
Tap the Beds tab at the bottom of any page.
The All Beds page appears.
The total number of beds appears next to the All Beds title.
By default, the beds are listed by units, then by status, and then alphabetically.
Switch to All Beds View
Tap the My Beds title.
Tap All Beds in the list that appears.
The page title changes to All Beds, and the staffed beds that are in the selected unit or cluster appear.
Filter and Sort Beds Page
On the Beds page, tap Filter.
The Filter page appears.
In Sort Patient By tap one of the following:
Status – Select one or more statuses to display on the Beds page.
Priority – Select the bed assignment priority for the beds you want to appear in the Beds page.
Ascending – Alphanumeric sort on the bed abbreviation starting with A and/or 1.
Descending - Alphanumeric sort on the bed abbreviation ending with A and/or 1.
Select Apply.
The order of the beds updates to match your selection.
On the Beds page, tap Filter at the top.
The Filter page appears.
Tap one of the Filter Beds By options:
Unit – Select one or more units to display their beds on the Beds page.
Bed Status – Select one or more statuses to display on the Beds page.
Bed Size – Select one or more bed sizes to display those beds on the Beds page.
Remove Filters on the Beds Page
Select Clear Filters under the Filter button. All the filters clear and all beds appear on the Beds page.
To remove only one filter of several, select the name of the filter that appears under the Beds page title.
Search for Beds
On the All Beds page, tap Enter Bed ID.
Enter the bed abbreviation in text and/or numbers.
The card for the bed whose abbreviation you entered appears.
Set Bed Assignment Priority
Tap Beds in the navigation bar.
The All Beds page appears.
Select Details in a bed's card.
Tap Bed Assignment Priority.
Tap the Bed Assign. Priority field to view the Bed Assn. Priority number options from one through nine. Tap a number in the list.
The bed will be assigned based on the facility's definition of the priority.
Tap Yes, Update Bed Priority to display your selection in the Bed Details page and the All Beds card.
About Notifications
Notifications concern events such as a status change for a bed cleaning or transport job, the patient's placement is activated, or the patient is marked Ready to Move. The event can trigger a notification that is automatically sent to you depending on how the system has been configured. A notification banner briefly appears at the top of your screen when you receive a new notification. A sound plays to alert you that you received the notification. To change from the default to another sound for notifications, see View and Set Notification Sounds
After the notification clears, you can view it again by swiping down from the top of the screen. If the notification concerns a job for you, after you sign into the mobile application the job automatically appears on your Patients or Beds tab.
If the notification does not concern a job, the bell icon in the top right displays a red dot(🔴) indicating you have unread notifications.
View Notifications
Go to the Notifications page by tapping the bell icon.
The first few lines of the notification appear along with the number of minutes since the notification was received. New notifications appear at the top.Earlier notifications appear below the new notifications section. Blue dots appear next to notifications that you have not read.
View Full Notification Text
Go to the Notifications page.
Tap the arrow next to the first lines of the notification.
Tap the double drop-down arrow in the header to view the full list of recipients.
Tap View Patient to go to the card for the patient associated with the notification.
Tap Dismiss to exit the notification.
Mark All Notifications Read
On the Notifications page, tap Actions at the top left.
Tap Mark all as read to remove the blue dot next to all notifications.
Delete Notifications
Delete Individual Notifications
On the Notifications page, tap the x next to a notification that you want to delete.
The notification that you selected clears from the Notifications list.
Delete All Notifications
On the Notifications page, tap Actions at the top left of the screen.
The Actions options appear.
Tap Dismiss all.
All notifications clear from the Notifications list.
About Messages
Signed-in desktop Capacity IQ® solution and Capacity IQ® Nurse users can create Instant Notify messages and send message replies to each other. The message is delivered if the user’s profile has the Screen Alerts notification delivery method enabled through My Notifications.
For example, if you send an Instant Notify message to a user who has Screen Alert enabled as a notification delivery method, the user will receive a Push notification. A message banner notifying of receipt briefly appears at the top of your screen. The contents of the message appears in the mobile application Message Center.
After the message clears, you can view it again by swiping down from the top of the screen.If the message concerns a job for you, after you sign into the mobile app the job automatically appears on your Patients or Beds tab. On your device's home screen, a red dot appears next to the mobile application icon. The number in the dot indicates how many unread messages you have in the mobile application. If the message does not concern a job, the message tab at the bottom displays a red dot (🔴) indicating you have unread messages.
View Messages
Tap the messages icon in the bottom navigation bar.
View Full Message Text
Go to the Messages page.
Tap the arrow next to the first lines of the message.
Tap the double down arrows in the To box to see the names of all the recipients.
Create New Messages
Tap the Messages icon in the bottom navigation bar to go to the Messages page.
On the Messages page, tap the new message icon in the top right ( 📝).
Tap the To box and tap the name of a recipient in the list that appears.
You can add multiple recipients.
Tap the Enter Text... box to display a keyboard.
Use the keyboard to type a short message.
Tap the enter icon (⏎) to insert the text you typed into your message.
Tap Send to send your message.
Reply to Messages
While viewing the message details, tap Reply or Reply All at the bottom of the message.
Tap in the Enter Text... box to display a keyboard.
Type your reply.
Tap the return button to accept the text that you typed and to display the Send button.
Tap Send to send the reply to the recipients in the To box.
Create Patient Transports
Tap Patients in the navigation bar.
The All Patients or My Patients list appears.
Tap View Details in a patient's card.
The Patient Details page for the selected patient appears.
Tap Actions at the bottom of the page to display the action menu.
Tap Request Transport.
On the Transport Request page that appears, select the arrows next to the transport request details to enter related information.
Origin – (Required) Tap the arrow next to Origin to select the location where the transport begins. This information is automatically populated.
Destination – (Required) Tap the arrow next to Destination to display the Select Destination page.
Tap a filter. Tap Recent or Favorites to display a list of destinations that corresponds to the filter. Tap Other to type a destination name in the Search bar that appears.
Tap the destination that you want. The Transport Request
page appears where your selection is saved.
Mode of Travel – (Required) Tap the arrow next to Mode of Travel to display the Select Mode of Travel list.
Type the name of a mode of travel in the Search bar.
Tap the means of transporting the patient that you want.
A green check mark appears on your selection. The Transport Request page appears where your selection is saved.
Isolation Type – (Required) Tap the arrow next to Isolation Type to display the Isolation list.
Type the name of an isolation type in the Search bar.
Tap the type of isolation that the patient needs. Tap None if the patient does not require isolation.
A green check mark appears on your selection. The Transport Request page appears where your selection is saved.
Travel Requirements – If the patient has other transportation requirements, tap the arrow next to Travel Requirements to display the Select Travel Requirements page.
Type the name of a travel requirement in the Search bar.
Tap one or multiple travel requirement in the list. The requirement(s) appears below the Search bar.
Tap the x next to the selected travel requirement to remove it.
Tap the arrow next to the page title to return to the Transport Request page.
Job Type – Tap the arrow next to Job Type to display the Appointment Details page.
Tap the Job Type that you want.
Tap Pending for jobs that may occur immediately but do not yet have a date and time. Tap Possible for jobs that can occur sometime in the future but do not yet have a date and time.
Tap Appointment for jobs that have a date and time.
If you selected Appointment in Job Type, additional required fields become active for you to fill out. Tap Date (required) to select a date from the calendar and tap Time (required) to enter a time of day.
In Frequency, if the appointment will repeat in the future, select Daily, Monthly, or Yearly. If the appointment does not repeat in the future, select None.
Tap Submit at the bottom of the page if it is active.
View Scheduled Patient Transports
You can view scheduled patient transports in the following two ways.
Patient Details
The patient's details page displays the next two scheduled transports.
Tap Patients in the navigation bar.
The All Patients or My Patients list appears.
Tap View Details in a patient's card.
The Patient Details page for the selected patient appears.
Scroll down to view the Transports section. A maximum of the two next transports for the patient appears.
Scheduled Jobs Page
The Scheduled Jobs page displays the selected patient's transport jobs for the current week and the two following weeks.
Tap Patients in the navigation bar.
The All Patients or My Patients list appears.
Tap View Details in a patient's card.
The Patient Details page for the selected patient appears.
Tap Actions at the bottom of the page to display the action menu.
Tap View Transport Schedule.
Tap the arrows at the bottom of the calendar to see the current week and three additional weeks of transport jobs for the patient.
The dates that you select appear in the list below the calendar. Under each date is a card for each transport job scheduled for that day.
Tap the down arrows in a transport job card to see more information.
Edit Patient Transports
Go to the Scheduled Jobs page.
Tap the down arrows in a transport job card to display more information.
Tap Edit at the bottom of the card.
The Transport Request page appears.
Make your changes as described in the Create Patient Transports section of this page.
If the transport job type is Possible, you can select Release Job. When the Transport Request page appears, you can change the Job Type to Appointment.
Tap Submit.
Cancel Patient Transports
Go to the Scheduled Jobs page. See the View Scheduled Patient Transports section of this page for steps to get to this page.
Tap the down arrows in a transport job card to display more information.
Tap Cancel Job at the bottom of the card.
The Cancel Job page appears.
Reason for Cancellation – (Required) Tap a reason that you are canceling the job.
Tap Confirm.
Change Color Theme
Tap the Settings tab at the bottom of any page.
In Color Theme, tap Light Theme or Dark Theme.
The color theme changes for the entire app. Your selection remains after you sign out until you change the setting.
View Legal Information
Tap the Settings tabs at the bottom of any screen.
The Settings page appears.
Tap About.
The About page appears.
Tap the following to see the related information:
Legal Information
App Version – build number
Settings Actions
Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.
Select the links below to learn more about what you can do on this page:
Message Groups: View your permanent notification group membership. View and select your temporary notification group memberships.
Notification Sounds: View your current notification sound that your phone plays. Preview and change the notification sound.
Color Theme: Choose a light or dark color theme based off the time of day for better visibility.
Sign Out: Sign out of the app and return to the Sign-In screen.
View and Set Message Groups
The functionality described below for viewing and setting Message Groups on a Mobile device is temporarily only available on iOS mobile devices.
Temporary Groups
To temporarily assign yourself to notification groups for the duration of your login:
Tap the Settings tab.
Tap Temporary Groups.
Select a notification group from the list.
To remove a group, select the x next to its name at the top of the page.
Permanent Groups
To view the notification groups that you belong to permanently:
Tap the Settings tab.
Tap Permanent Groups.
A list appears of all the permanent notification groups that are associated with you.
A message always appears on the Permanent Groups page stating: "Contact an admin to change what group(s) you belong to" because the page is view-only. Only administrators can change your permanent notification group membership.
If you are a floater and the unit or cluster that you selected when you logged in is associated with a floater notification group, that group's name appears first in the list. You automatically receive the floater notification group's messages for the duration of your login. In addition, a message follows the group name stating, "You belong to this group due to your unit or cluster selection when you logged in."
View and Set Notification Sounds
You can choose a different sound to replace the default tone that plays when receiving notifications. Follow the steps below for the kind of device that you have.
iOS Devices
Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.
Tap Notification Settings to display the Notification Sound page with descriptions of the current and available sounds.
A check mark in a blue circle appears next to the description of the current notification sound.
Tap the arrow next to the sound to hear its preview. The Device Default sound does not offer a preview.
The sounds have a variety of length, volume, and number of repetitions.
The preview arrow changes to a square. When the sound preview stops playing the square changes back to an arrow.
Tap the circle next to a sound to choose it as the notification sound that your device will play.
Tap Submit to save your selection.
Your sound selection is associated with your user credentials and will play for notifications on any iOS device on which you are logged in.
Android Devices
Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.
Tap Notification Settings to display your device's Notification Sound library.
Select a sound.
Your sound selection will play for notifications for all users on this Android device until a user changes it on this device.
Set Color Theme
To change the Color Theme:
Tap the Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.
Select the option button next to either Light Theme or Dark Theme. The theme will automatically change upon selection. Your selection remains after you sign out until you change the setting.
Sign Out
Tap the Settings tab at the bottom of any screen.
Tap Sign Out.
A confirmation prompt will appear, tap Ok.
Closing the app while you are logged in will log you out automatically, requiring you to sign in when launching the app again.
Automatic Sign Out When Charging
If your healthcare system has the Logout mobile user on charge setting enabled, mobile application users who plug in their phones are automatically logged out of the Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile application.