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Capacity IQ® - Help Content (R 2)
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Efficient patient flow is crucial to all Procedural Areas within a hospital. These areas can quickly get backed up, causing procedures to be postponed and, in some circumstances, even canceled if patients are not able to move quickly and safely throughout the hospital. With the use of TeleTracking, Procedural Areas will be able to:

  • Efficiently enter bed requests for all admissions and internal transfers.

  • Use precision placement tools to ensure patients are always assigned the most appropriate beds.

  • Work collaboratively with Patient Placement and Nursing Units to ensure beds are available as needed.

  • Receive Real-Time notifications regarding bed assignment information.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for the functionality needed to complete the designed Patient Flow processes and workflows specific to the department.

Where you can find this feature: The clinical Operations menu under the PreAdmitTracking® option.


Logging In/Out

Variable User Logging In/Out

  • Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.

  • From the Clinical Operations menu, click the PreAdmitTracking® option.

  • From the Select Membership box, choose the unit you are working on. Click save.

  • You will now see the view for your designated unit.

To Log Out:

  • In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign out or end session link.

  • End session: If you are signed into more than one session or workstation, select end session to end the current session.

  • Sign out: If you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.

Fixed User Logging In/Out

  • Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.

  • From the Clinical Operations menu, click the PreAdmitTracking® option.

  • You will now see the view of your unit.

To Log Out:

  • In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign out or end session link.

  • End session: If you are signed into more than one session or workstation, select end session to end the current session.

  • Sign out: If you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.

The Anticipated Admits List

  • The Anticipated Admits list is used to populate procedural patients expected to be admitted post-procedure. This list allows Procedural Areas, Patient Placement, and Nursing Units to better plan for bed requests to ensure beds are available when they are needed.

  • Click on the Patient Search Icon.

  • In the Search Text field, type the patient’s Visit Number and select the appropriate search option from the drop-down menu. Click Search to see the results.

NOTE: Visit number is the preferred search method in order to ensure the correct patient record is always being used.

  • Click on the desired patient name to open their record.

  • Update and verify the appropriate fields below in the patient’s record based on your hospital’s process. Examples include:

  • Bed Custom Attributes

  • Level of Care

  • Isolation

  • Patient Custom Attributes

  • Origin Unit

  • Comments

  • Request Time

  • Save and close the record.

NOTE: Once the patient is added to the list, Patient Placement can now see the list and will Target the units that are planned to receive the patients.

Managing bed requests for procedural areas

Procedural Areas will primarily have three different bed request scenarios.

  • Anticipated Admissions: Planned surgical admissions

  • Unplanned Admissions: The patient was not a planned admission. An example of this would be an outpatient that now required an admission.

  • Internal Transfers: The patient is already admitted to the hospital but will need to move to a different bed after a procedure.

  • Although each situation will require a bed request to be entered in TeleTracking, how you enter the request will change depending on the scenario. This section provides instructions on how to appropriately request for Anticipated Admits, Unplanned Admissions, and Internal Transfers.

Requesting a Bed For An Anticipated Admission

  • When the patient arrives in the procedure area (ex. PACU), from Capacity IQ4 PreAdmit, click on the Anticipated Admits tab. Find the patient and click on their name.

  • Update/Verify the following data items below. Save and Close the record once completed.

    • Admit Diagnosis

    • Associated Physicians

    • Bed Custom Attributes

    • Level of Care

    • Isolation

    • Patient Custom Attributes

    • Origin Unit

    • Comments

    • Origin Unit

  • Activate the request by clicking the Red Date and Time. This will send a notification to Patient Placement that the patient is in the procedural area.

  • Once the request is activated, the record will disappear from the Anticipated Admits List and will now be available on the Request tab(ex. PACU, Cath Lab tab). The activated request will display a Green Date and Time and be time stamped with the time it was activated.

NOTE: Once activated, Patient Placement receives an alert notifying them that the patient has arrived in the procedure area.

The next step in the Bed Request process is Activating the RTM once the patient is clinically ready to move which is covered later in this reference guide.

Unplanned admissions (Add-On)

  • Click on the Patient Search Icon.

  • In the Search Text field, type the patient’s Visit Number and select the appropriate search option from the drop-down menu. Click Search to see the results.

NOTE: Visit number is the preferred search method in order to ensure the correct patient record is always being used.

  • Click on the desired patient name to open their record.

  • Update and verify the appropriate fields below in the patient’s record based on your hospital’s process. Examples include:

    • Bed Custom Attributes

    • Level of Care

    • Isolation

    • Patient Custom Attributes

    • Origin Unit

    • Comments

    • Request Time

  • Save and close the record.

  • IF and/or when the patient arrives in the procedural area, activate the request by clicking the Red Date and Time. This will send a notification to Patient Placement that the patient is in the procedural area.

  • Once the request is activated, the record will disappear from the Anticipated Admits List and will now be available on the Request tab(ex. PACU, Cath Lab tab). The activated request will display a Green Date and Time and be time-stamped with the time it was activated.

NOTE: Once activated, Patient Placement receives an alert notifying them that the patient has arrived in the procedure area.

The next step in the Bed Request process is Activating the RTM once the patient is clinically ready to move which is covered later in this reference guide.

Internal Transfers

  • Click on the Patient Search Icon.

  • In the Search Text field, type the patient’s Visit Number and select the appropriate search option from the drop-down menu. Click Search to see the results.

NOTE: Visit number is the preferred search method in order to ensure the correct patient record is always being used.

  • Click on the desired patient name to open their record.

  • From the Patient Action Drop-Down, select Create Bed Request. Once selected, you will then see a third column appear in the patient’s record.

  • Update and verify the appropriate fields below in the patient’s record based on your hospital’s process. Examples include:

    • Bed Custom Attributes

    • Level of Care

    • Isolation

    • Patient Custom Attributes

    • Origin Unit

    • Comments

    • Request Time

  • Save and close the record.


  • Because the patient is already InHouse, the request does not need to be activated. As soon as the request is saved, Patient Placement will get an alert notifying them of the Bed Request.

  • Depending on the facility settings, the patient's current bed status will change to dirty and page housekeeping. Arrangements may need to be made to retrieve the patient's personal belongings.

The next step in the Bed Request process is Activating the RTM once the patient is clinically ready to move which is covered later in this reference guide.

RTM@ (Ready To Move)

  • RTM is an important patient flow tool that allows Patient Placement to assign ‘Ready Beds to Ready Patients’

  • Once bed requests are entered into the system, Patient Placement will actively start looking for the most appropriate unit for the patient based on the information provided in the bed request

  • A final bed assignment will NOT be provided until the sending area identifies the patient as ‘Clinically Ready to Move’.

Activating The RTM@ (Ready To Move

  • From the Procedural (PACU, Cath Lab) tab, find the correct patient record and look for the column labeled RTM@.

  • Single click on the field to set the timer. You will now see a time display in the field.


  • Once the RTM is set, an Alert is sent to Patient Placement notifying them that they need to assign a bed. Once the Bed Assignment is set, the sending and receiving unit will also get a notification with the bed assignment details.

  • The RTM@ can be turned off by single clicking on the RTM@ field. This will send a notification to Patient Placement notifying them that the patient is not ready to move.

  • If the RTM@ is double clicked instead of single clicked it will turn on and off the RTM@ time stamp.

Activating The Projected RTM@ (Ready To Move)

  • From the Procedural (PACU, Cath Lab) tab, find the correct patient record and look for the column labeled RTM@.

  • Single click on the drop-down arrow in the field.

  • Select the appropriate time

  • You will now see the time display in the RTM@ field (ex. current time is 12pm and the selection was 1 hour. The time displayed will be 1pm)

  • Note: If you select ‘Now,’ a notification is sent to Patient Placement alerting them they need to assign a bed right now. If you select a future time, Patient Placement gets a notification to let them know when you will be ready; however, a bed assignment will not be provided. Once the actual RTM time arrives, Patient Placement gets a second notification to let them know to assign a bed now.

Requesting Patient Transport

  • To request Transport for a patient, find the appropriate patient and click on the Transport Status field.

NOTE: If the patient is not on your tab view, you can use Patient Search to find their record.

  • The Patient Transport History dialog displays. Click on the Add Patient Request button.

  • The Transport Request will open. The following fields will need to be addressed:

    • Origin

    • Destination

    • Mode of Travel

    • Isolation Type

    • Job Status

    • Travel Requirements

Setting Origin or Destination

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon, next to each field. The Find a Location box will appear

  • In the Search Text field, type the name/room # of the location.

  • Click in the Check All box to select all units.

  • Click the Click to Search button. You will see the search results in the Location Results box.

  • Click on the location and it will highlight Blue. Click on the Select Location Button. You will now see your location displayed in the Origin or Destination field.

Mode of Travel

  • Select the appropriate Mode of Travel from the drop-down menu

Isolation Type

  • Verify that the Isolation is correct

NOTE: If the patient has an isolation set in their record, this field will already display an Isolation.

Job Status

  • Pending – Job will be sent to the first available transporter

  • Appointment – The job is entered for a specific time. The system will release the job prior to the scheduled time to ensure the patient arrives on time.

  • Possible – The Job is entered in the system but will not be an active request until the job is manually released

Travel Requirements

  • To set, highlight requirements in the Available box

  • Use the arrow to move to the Selected box

  • This can also be done in reverse to remove items

  • Now that the fields are completed, click on Save to complete the request. At the top of the Transport Request box, you will now see the job displaying the Job Status you selected.

Other Patient Transport Functionality

Adding Jobs To Sequence

Allows you to add an additional stop in the transport request. For example, if a patient needs to go to CT and MRI before returning to their room.

  • Once the request is entered, click on the Add to Sequence button below the Job Status.

  • You will now be prompted to enter the additional destination.

  • Once completed, the second job will remain in a Possible status until it is Released.

Adding a Return Patient Job

Allows you to add a job in the system to return the patient to the Origin location of the first job. For example, if a patient goes to CT and they will be returning to their room once the CT is over. The second job will remain in a Possible status until it is Released.

  • Once the request is entered, click the Return Patient button

  • The Return Job will now display as a Possible job. (Need Image)

Canceling a Transport Job

Allows for the Transport job to be canceled and removed from the list of transport requests.

  • Click on the Cancel button in the Transport Request.

  • You will now be prompted to select a Reason Code to explain why the job needs to be canceled.

Item Transport Functionality

Request Item Transport

  • In Transport Tracking™ click on the Item Trans icon from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

  • The Item Transport Request box will display. Complete the following fields:

    • Item Type (choose from the drop-down menus

    • Origin

    • Destination

NOTE: Selecting Origins and Destinations for Items is the same as in a patient transport request.

  • Click Save. You will now see the job in a Pending Status.

Instant Notify Communication

Sending an Instant Notify

  • Click the Instant Notify icon to open the Instant Notify dialog box.

  • In the Search Users and Groups field, type a few letters of the User or Group to find the recipient. Repeat the process for additional recipients.

  • Type the contents in the Message section then click Send. You will see a notification at the top of the box that confirms the message has been sent.

  • Click cancel when finished to close the Instant Notify box.


  • Be careful not to hit the Send button multiple times. Each time you click the button, the message will resend.

  • If an Instant Notify is being sent to 25 or more users, you will get a pop-up message alerting you that you are sending the message to a large group of users. This is normal application behavior and you are OK to proceed.

  • These messages are reportable so be mindful of the message content.

  • If Patient Placement covers multiple hospitals, be sure to include a campus identifier in the message so Patient Placement staff sees the correct messages. For example, if I were sending a message from General Medical Hospital, I might compose a message: ‘GMH-please block bed 408 for maintenance.

Replying to a Instant Notify Message

  • Access the Screen Alerts dialog box by clicking on the Alerts icon at the top of the screen.

  • The Screen Alerts webpage opens. To the right of each received message are two columns, Reply and Reply All. Click the appropriate option.

  • Compose the message and click, Send.

Screen Alerts


  • From the home screen, click on the My Notifications tab to display the Delivery Methods section.

  • In the Deliver My Notifications Via section, click the gray Disabled button. It will now show Enabled and will be Green.

  • Click Save

  • Once saved, click Sign Out in the top right corner and Log back in.

  • You will now see the Alerts button at the top of your screen.

  • You will see the following potential Alert activity:


  • Screen Alerts only need to be enabled once per user. Alerts will continue to display unless disabled in My Notifications.

  • Alerts (messages) will stay in the Alerts box until you delete them. It is best to delete your alerts (messages) once you have read them.

  • If an alert or message is sent to more than one person, deleting the message in your account will NOT delete the message for other users.


Transport Requests

Transport Requests are used to manage the movement of patients and items within a healthcare facility. They are essential for ensuring timely and efficient transport services. This feature is used by healthcare staff to request, track, and manage transport jobs.

Where you can find this feature: TransportTracking™ console, Care Support > TransportTracking™, and various tabs and dashboards within the Capacity IQ® Transport application.

How Transport Requests Work


  • Transport Requests can be created for both patients and items. The process involves selecting an origin and destination, specifying the mode of travel, and setting the priority and status of the job. Permissions and memberships are required to access and manage transport requests.

Permissions and Membership Required

  • Users must have the Capacity IQ® Transport application > User may edit patient transports permission.

    • Access to the Patient Transports tab or Patient Transport Dashboard requires Global TransportTracking™ permissions > Console View permissions and controls, with the console Patient Transports tab or Patient Transport Dashboard menu command enabled.

    • To access the Item Transports tab or Item Transport Dashboard menu command, you need Global TransportTracking™ permissions > Console View permissions and controls, with the console Item Transports tab or Item Transport Dashboard menu command enabled.

    • Only records within the user's membership scope are visible.

To Access Information About Patient or Item Transport Job Requests or Equipment Return Tasks

  1. To access the TransportTracking™ console, do one of the following:

    • Go to Capacity IQ® Transport

    • Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™.

    • If your health system has more than one instance of the Capacity IQ®® Solution, then go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > <Instance Name>.

  2. On the TransportTracking™ console, do one of the following:

    • To access information about patient transport job requests, click the Patient Transports tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient Transport Dashboard.

    • To access information about item transport job requests, click the Item Transports tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Item Transport Dashboard.

  3. Filtering Transport Jobs

    To filter transport jobs:

    1. Select the Membership Filter to view jobs within your membership.

    2. Use the Location Filter to narrow down jobs by specific locations.

    3. Adjust the Date Range Filter to change the duration of displayed jobs.

    4. Use the first column to select areas (e.g., Campus, Building) to display transport jobs.

Detailed Filtering Instructions

  1. Membership Filter: Select whether you want to view transport jobs with origins or destinations within your membership. Note: Destination is selected by default.

  2. Location Filter:

    • Click Browse.

    • In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name.

    • In the Campus list, select the campus containing the location.

    • To select all units and clusters, select the Check All check box. Otherwise, select specific units or clusters.

    • Click Click to Search to display matching locations.

    • Click the ... next to the Location Results box to display location names, select the desired locations, and click Done.

    • Click a location in the Location Results box and then click Select Location.

    • Note: Your filtering selections remain until changed.

  3. Date Range Filter:

    • By default, the tab displays transport jobs from the last two days.

    • To change the duration, click each calendar icon, select a different month and date.

    • Click Filter to apply the changes.

    • Click Clear Filters to reset to default settings.

  4. Area Selection:

    • In the first column, select whether to view transport jobs for each campus, building, floor, cluster, section, unit, or zone.

    • Click the arrow beside the heading Campus.

    • Select an area (e.g., Campus or Building) to display transport jobs with origins and destinations in that area.

    • To view sub-areas, click the arrow beside an area and select an option (e.g., Floor).

    • Click the name of the area (e.g., campus, building, or zone) to list transport jobs associated with that area.

Viewing Transport Job Details

Transport job details include:

  • Job #: Identification code of the transport job. Click the job number to see the transport request.

  • Status: Current status of the transport job. See Request Status Definitions.

  • Alerts: Level of alert received.

  • Item Type: Type of item being transported (for item transport jobs).

  • Patient#/Name: Patient being transported. Depending on settings, this may display the identification code and full name, last name with first initial, identification code only, or be blank.

  • Empl ID: User who last changed the transport job status. If the user has the Transporter Workflow permission, their name appears as a link.

  • Origin: Location where the transport job begins.

  • Destination: Location where the transport job ends.

  • Priority: Priority of the transport job.

  • Apt/Pending Time: Time the job status became Pending or the scheduled appointment time.

  • Status Time: Time the job entered its current status.

  • Travel Requirements: Items that must accompany the patient during transport.

  • Mode of Travel: Equipment used for transport (e.g., Wheelchair, Stretcher).


Creating a Bed Cleaning Job Request

To create a bed cleaning request:

  1. Click a bed identifier on a list view.

  2. Select Bed Information to display the Bed Detail window.

  3. Under Bed Information, next to Bed Status, click the status name.

  4. In the Action list, select Create Cleaning Request.

  5. In the New Status list, select a status priority (e.g., Dirty, Stat).

  6. Click Submit.

Changing the Priority of a Bed Cleaning Job Request

To change the priority:

  1. In the Bed Status column, click the status name.

  2. In the Action list, select Change Cleaning Request Priority.

  3. In the New Status list, select a status priority (e.g., Dirty, Stat).

  4. Click Submit.

Cancelling a Bed Cleaning Job Request

To cancel a bed cleaning request:

  1. In the Bed Status column, click the status name.

  2. In the Action list, select Cancel Cleaning Request.

  3. If required, select a reason for cancellation.

  4. Click Submit.

Resuming Delayed Transport Job Requests

To resume a delayed transport job:

  1. Access the transport request.

  2. Near the delayed job information, click Resume Job.

  3. Follow the steps in Changing the Status of a Transport Job and select Resume from the list.

Cancelling Transport Job Requests

To cancel a transport job request:

  1. Access the Patient Transports tab or Patient Transport Dashboard.

  2. Select the transport job status icon to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  3. Select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  4. Under Transport Summary, select Cancel.

  5. If required, select a reason for cancellation.

  6. Click Submit.

Viewing the Status of Transport Job Requests

To view the status:

  1. Access the TransportTracking™ console.

  2. View the Status column to see the current status of each transport job.

  3. For definitions of statuses, see Transport Job Request Status Definitions.

Viewing the Time That a Transport Job Status Changed

To view the time:

  1. Access the TransportTracking™ console.

  2. View the Status Time column to see the date and time the status went into effect.

Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job

To add or edit a transport request:

  1. Search for the patient.

  2. Click the patient's name in search results to access the Transport Request page.

  3. Complete the required fields (Origin, Destination, Mode of Travel, etc.).

  4. Click Save.

Creating a Possible Job to Return a Patient to the Home Location

To create a possible job:

  1. Click Return Patient.

  2. Complete the required fields.

  3. Click Save.

Adding a Sequential Transport Job

To add a sequential job:

  1. Save the initial request.

  2. Under Transport Summary, select the transport job request.

  3. Click Add to Sequence.

  4. Select the destination of the next transport job.

  5. Click Save.

Closing the Transport Request Dialog Box

To close the dialog box:

  1. Click Close.

About Creating, Changing, or Cancelling a Bed Cleaning Job Request

If you have the permissions listed below, you can:

  • Create a cleaning request for a clean or occupied bed.

  • Change the priority of an existing bed cleaning job to CleanNext, Stat, UDEF-8, or UDEF-9.

  • Cancel a bed cleaning job that has not been started yet.

Required Bed Statuses

You can create cleaning jobs for beds that are in the following statuses:

  • Clean

  • Occupied

You can change the priority of a cleaning request for beds that are in the following statuses:

  • Dirty

  • Stat

  • UDEF-8

  • UDEF-9

You can cancel cleaning requests for beds that are in the following statuses:

  • Dirty

  • Stat

  • Clean Next

  • In Progress

  • Suspended

  • UDEF-8

  • UDEF-9

Permissions Required

To Create a Bed Cleaning Request:

  • Requester Workflow or Employee Workflow (for a Found Bed) permission.

  • Transition Bed to Dirty

  • Transition Bed to Clean Next

  • Transition Bed to Stat

  • Transition Bed to User Defined Status 8

  • Transition Bed to User Defined Status 9

To Change the Priority of a Bed Cleaning Request:

  • Requester Workflow permission.

  • Transition Bed to Dirty

  • Transition Bed to Clean Next

  • Transition Bed to Stat

  • Transition Bed to User Defined Status 8 (if Multi-Stage Cleans are enabled, this status is automatically assigned by the BedTracking® application).

  • Transition Bed to User Defined Status 9 (if Multi-Stage Cleans are enabled, this status is automatically assigned by the BedTracking® application).

To Cancel a Bed Cleaning Request:

  • Cancel Cleaning Request or Cancel In Progress Bed Cleaning (if the current bed status is In Progress) permission.

Accessing a Bed or Employee List

Do one of the following:

  • Click the All Beds,

Resuming Delayed Transport Job Requests

If a transporter has delayed a transport job that was in Dispatched or In Progress status, the job will be in Delayed/In Progress or Delayed/Dispatched status. Only the original or primary transporter on the job may resume a delayed job. However, see the definition of original or primary transporter to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job.

Permissions and Membership Required

  • Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the Transporter Workflow permission.

To Resume a Delayed Transport Job Request

Do one of the following:

Resume from the transport job request:

  1. Access the transport request following the instructions in Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job or Adding or Editing a Request for an Item Transport Job.

  2. At the top of the transport request, near the delayed job information, click Resume Job.

    • Note: You might have to click the status name in the Status column to make the Resume Job button appear. The job status changes from Dispatched/Delayed to Dispatched or In Progress/Delayed to In Progress. When the application refreshes, the new status is displayed on the console.

  3. Follow the steps in Changing the Status of a Transport Job and select Resume from the list.

To Access the Transport Request Page

Do one of the following:

From the console:

  1. Follow the instructions in Accessing Information About Transport Job Requests.

  2. In the Job# column, click the number of the job to which you want to add a job to return the patient to the home location automatically. The request (the Transport Summary page) opens.

  3. When the Transport Request page appears, click Save.

Add a new patient request:

  1. Follow the instructions in Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job.

  2. Click Save.

  3. In the Job# column, click the number of the job to which you want to add a sequential job request to display the Transport Request page.

  4. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [Instance Name] > [list view name] tab to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient.

  5. To begin adding a new patient transport request, click Add Patient Request in the upper-right corner.

  6. To edit an existing transport request, in the Job# column, click the transport job number.

    • Note: If the job is in Dispatched status or later, the View Request Details menu appears. Click View Request Details.

To Access the Transport Request Page for a Patient in Search Results:

  1. After you have searched for the patient, when the patient name appears in the list below the search fields, click it to display the Transport Request page.

  2. If the Patient Transport History page appears instead, then a transport job was already requested for this patient during this hospital stay. If the patient has no active jobs currently, click Add Patient Request to open the Transport Request page and start a new request. If the patient has active transport jobs already, then you cannot request another job until the active jobs are completed or cancelled.

Cancelling Transport Job Requests

About Cancelling Transport Job Requests

Sometimes, it is necessary to cancel a transport request that has been submitted (for example, if the patient becomes too ill to be moved). You can cancel transport job requests if you have the appropriate permissions and your membership includes the origin or destination of the transport jobs.

You can cancel a transport job request from the console or from the request itself.

Important Note:
If a transport job is in a status later than Dispatched, then only the original transporter on the job may cancel it. However, see the definition of original or primary transporter to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job.

If you cancel the first job in a sequence of jobs, then all jobs in that sequence will be canceled.

Permissions and Membership Required

To access the Patient Transports tab or Patient Transport Dashboard menu command, you need the Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions-TransportTracking™ Application Functions-Console Patient Transports Tab (Console Requests Tab) permission. Only records that are included in your membership scope appear.

Requesters must be designated roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™ Functions-User May Edit Patient transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.

The User Can Cancel Job Permission is also required. The User May Edit Patient Transports permission is also required.

To Cancel a Patient Transport Job in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Application

  1. Access a list view that includes the Transport Status column.

  2. In the transport status column, select the transport job status icon to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  3. In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  4. Under Transport Summary, in the row that corresponds to the job, select Cancel.

  5. When the Cancel Request dialog box appears, if you are required to select a reason, then the Reason for Cancel list appears. Select a reason for cancelling from the list.

    • Note: If unit staff move a transport patient before the transporter arrives to move the patient, then the job requester or the person moving the patient should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department. If the transporter arrives to move the patient and the patient has already been moved, then the transporter should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department.

  6. If this is a sequential job and the rest of the jobs in the sequence also should be cancelled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box. If this is the first job in the sequence, then all remaining jobs will be cancelled automatically and you do not have the option to select the check box.

  7. If the patient should be sent back to their bed (home location), then select the Return Patient to Home check box.

  8. Select Submit to close the Cancel Request dialog, and then Close to close the transport request, and then Close to close the Patient Transport History dialog.

To Cancel from the Patient Transport History Dialog Box

  1. Do one of the following to display the patient's name in the list view:

    • Click a placement tab OR go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > List Views and select a list view OR go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [placement tab name] to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [Instance Name] > [placement tab name] to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient.

  2. Search for the patient.

  3. In the row for the patient, in the Transport Status column, click the transport job request status (for example, Pending) to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  4. In the Status column of the Patient Transport History dialog box, in the row corresponding to the job, click the status name (for example, Poss for Possible) to display the Transport Job Status dialog box.

  5. In the Change Status list, select Cancel.

  6. If the administrator has configured your permissions so that you are required to select a reason for cancellation, then in the Reason Code list, select a reason code.

    • Note: The reason codes listed were configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool component or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  7. To view the history of status changes for the job, see the Transport History section.

  8. Click Submit.

To Cancel a Patient Transport Job in the Patient Tracking Portal Application

  1. Access a list view that includes the Transport Status column.

    • Are There Restrictions on the Beds That You Can See? Only beds that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component can appear in list views.

    • How Does Membership Affect What You See? When your user profile was set up, you were given membership. If you were given fixed membership, then you can see information only about certain units that were specified in your user profile. You can choose only units that are included in your membership to display on list views. If you have variable membership, then you select the units where you are going to work each time that you sign in.

    • What If You Have Variable Membership (Floater)? If you have variable membership, then you select units each time you sign in. This is sometimes called being a "floater." If you are a "floater," then the units you selected when you signed in will appear automatically on list views.

    • What If You Have Fixed Membership? If you have fixed membership, then you can see information only about specific units that were included in your membership when your user profile was set up. You will be able to choose only units that are within your membership to display on the list view. For example, if your membership includes 4 units, you can choose to display 2 of those 4 units on a list view at once. The units that appear automatically when you first access a list view depend on how your fixed membership was set up in your user profile.

      • If your fixed membership was set to...

        • One individual unit: The unit to which you have fixed membership.

        • Multiple units that are not in a cluster: Your base unit.

        • Multiple units that are in the same cluster, but not every unit in that cluster: Your base unit.

        • One individual cluster: All units in that cluster.

        • Multiple clusters: Your base unit.

  2. How to Access the List View:

    • Go to Patient Tracking Portal > List Views > [name of a list view] to display it.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > [list view tab name] OR Custom Views icon > [list view name].

    • Click the tab for the list view.

    • Click the Custom Views icon > [list view name].

    • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    • Click Save.

  3. In the transport status column, select the transport job status icon to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  4. In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  5. Select Cancel Job at the bottom of the transport request:

    • When the Cancel Request dialog box appears, if you are required to select a reason, then the Reason for Cancel list appears. Select a reason for canceling from the list.

      • Note: If unit staff move a transport patient before the transporter arrives to move the patient, then the job requester or the person moving the patient should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department. If the transporter arrives to move the patient and the patient has already been moved, then the transporter should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department.

    • If this is a sequential job and the rest of the jobs in the sequence also should be canceled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box. If this is the first job in the sequence, then all remaining jobs will be canceled automatically, and you do not have the option to select the check box.

    • If the patient should be sent back to their bed (home location), then select the Return Patient to Home check box.

    • Select Submit to close the Cancel Request dialog, and then Close to close the transport request, and then Close to close the Patient Transport History dialog.

To Cancel from the Transport Job Request

  1. Do one of the following to display the patient's name in the list view:

    • Click a placement tab OR go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > List Views and select a list view OR go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [placement tab name] to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [Instance Name] > [placement tab name] to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient.

  2. Search for the patient.

  3. Click for filtering instructions:

    • You may filter the Placement, Admits Today, and Pending/Confirmed Discharges list views to display records for specific patients or beds. You may also filter to display records that have requested dates, admit dates, or projected discharge dates within a certain date range.

  4. To Filter a List View:

    • At the top of the tab, in the list next to Search Text, select an option to filter by (for example, Last Name, Bed, Social Security Number, or Medical Record Number [MRN]).

    • In the Search Text box, type the first few characters (unless you are searching by social security number) of text to search for. For example, if you selected Last Name in the list, type the first few characters of the patient's last name.

      • Notes:

        • If you search by social security number, you must type the entire number exactly as it appears in your hospital's database. For example, if the number appears in your hospital's database with hyphens (such as 123-456-7890), then you must type the entire number exactly in that format.

        • If you select Bed, the records displayed in the view will be filtered by the patient's home, current, and specialty bed location. In addition, if a patient placement has a status of Assigned, records in the Patient Search List and Placement List views will be filtered by patients' assigned locations. If a patient no longer has a home location, then records on the Admits Today List and Patient Search List views are filtered by the patient's prior home location.

        • (Not applicable to Patient Search List) To display only records with requested dates, admit dates, or projected discharge dates within a certain date range, in the Date section, click the calendar icons and, then select a month and year and date for both the beginning and end of the range.

        • Note: The Placement List views will display only records with requested dates within the range selected. The Admits Today List view will display only records with admit dates within the range selected. The Pending/Confirmed Discharges List view will display only records with projected discharge dates within the range selected and those with no projected discharge dates.

    • Click Search.

    • To return to the default display, click Clear.

      • Note: You may also use the Adv. Filters button to select advanced filtering options.

  5. In the row for the patient, in the Transport Status column, click the transport job request status or icon (for example, Pending) to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  6. On the Patient Transport History dialog box, in the row corresponding to the job you want to cancel, click the job number in the Job # column to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  7. At the top of the Transport Request dialog box, click the Cancel button that corresponds to the job.

  8. If the administrator has configured your permissions so that you are required to select a reason for cancellation, then when the Cancel Request dialog box appears, in the Cancel Reason list, select a reason code.

    • Note: The reason codes listed were configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool component or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  9. The Cancel Request dialog appears. Click on a list item to select the Reason for Cancel and do the following:

    • If the request is for sequential jobs and all of the remaining jobs in the sequence should be cancelled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box.

      • Note: This check box cannot be selected if this is the first job in a sequence. If you cancel the first job in a sequence, all remaining jobs will be cancelled automatically.

    • If the patient should be returned to the home location after the job is canceled, then select the Return Patient to Home check box.

      • Note: This check box cannot be selected if the job prior to the one you are cancelling places the patient in the home location.

  10. Click Submit.

To Cancel from the Transport Job Request (Transport Summary Page)

  1. Follow the instructions in Accessing Information About Transport Job Requests.

  2. In the Job# column, click the job number for the transport job request that you want to cancel to display the Transport Summary page. The top of the page lists the trips related to the transport job request. For example, the request might be for a sequential job, so there might be three trips listed (Room 102-Bed B--->X-Ray, X-Ray--->Physical Therapy, and Physical Therapy to Room 102-Bed B). Each trip (or job) listed has a Cancel button next to it.

  3. Click the Cancel button for the trip (transport job) that you want to cancel. The Cancel Request dialog box appears.

  4. In the Reason for Cancel list on the Cancel Request Dialog box, select the reason for cancelling the job (for example, Patient became ill).

    • Note: If unit staff move a transport patient before the transporter arrives to move the patient, then the job requester or the person moving the patient should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department. If the transporter arrives to move the patient and the patient has already been moved, then the transporter should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department.

  5. (For patient transport jobs only) If the request is for sequential jobs and all of the remaining jobs in the sequence should be canceled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box.

    • Note: This check box cannot be selected if this is the first job in a sequence. If you cancel the first job in a sequence, all remaining jobs will be cancelled automatically. A job cannot be cancelled if the cancellation will cause the origin and destination of the next job to become the same location.

  6. If the patient should be returned to the home location after the job is canceled, then select the Return Patient to Home check box.

    • Note: This check box cannot be selected if the job prior to the one you are cancelling places the patient in the home location.

  7. Click Submit.

  8. To close the request (Transport Summary page) click the X in the upper-right corner.

Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job

Before you begin, you might want to review About Requests for Transport Jobs.

About Adding and Editing

If you have the appropriate permissions, you may add a request for a patient transport job or edit an existing request.

To add or edit a transport request, you need to search for the patient first, and then click the patient's name in search results to access the Transport Request page. There are a few ways to search for a patient. Click the links below to see instructions for each method.

By last name or identification code:

  • Through the Patient Trans icon or Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient Transport or Care Support > TransportTracking > Patient Trans icon. Or, if your health system has more than one instance of the Capacity IQ® Solution, then go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > [Instance Name] Patient Trans icon.

  • Through the Patients tab or Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient List or Care Support > TransportTracking > Patients tab. Or, if your health system has more than one instance of the Capacity IQ® Solution, then go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > [Instance Name] Patients tab.

By current location:

  • Through the Patients tab or the Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient List or Care Support > TransportTracking > Patients tab. Or, if your health system has more than one instance of the Capacity IQ® Solution, then go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ [Instance Name] Patients tab.

When the patient appears in search results, you can access the Transport Request page.

Details About Completing the Patient Transport Request Form

To Add or Edit a Patient Transport Request:

List or Box


Required or Optional?

To do this

Complete this procedure...


The origin is where the patient is being picked up. The Origin list displays the patient's current location or the destination of the patient's previous transport job (This depends on whether the Use Last Transport Location to Set Job Locations Master Configuration setting is enabled. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting.)

Required if the patient should be picked up at a location other than the one shown.

Select a location, other than the one shown, where the patient should be picked up.

In the Origin/Destination Finder at the upper-right corner of the page, click the Origin link, click the Recent or Favorites tab, click a location, and then click Select to place the location in the origin box.

Click to see a tip about the Recent and Favorites tabs. The Recent tab displays locations that you recently selected as origins and destinations. To add a location from the Recent tab to the Favorites tab, select the location, and then click Add to Favorites. To remove a location from the Favorites tab, select it, and then click Remove Favorites.

In the Origin list, click the arrow and then select the location where the patient will be picked up. Or, click the Origin box, and then begin to type the location.

If you start typing, the list displays up to 50 of the top matching locations.

If you do not type anything, the list displays your recent locations.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Origin box to display the Location Finder dialog box, then do the following:

In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name. The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for "out" could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type "s%" to find all location names that include the letter S. Note: You cannot change the campus displayed in the Campus list. This is the campus that includes the patient's home location. The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership in the campus that includes the patient's home location.

To select the check boxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All check box.

If you did not select the Check All check box, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search. If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list.

Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria.

In the list of possible locations in the Location Results box, click a location. (Locations listed are all within the selected units and clusters.)

Click Select Location.


Location to which the patient will be transported. This could be another home location (if the patient is being transferred) or a location such as an X-Ray room, a physical therapy room, or a testing room.


Select the destination location to which the patient will be transported.

Repeat the procedure for selecting an origin, but either select the magnifying glass icon next to Destination box, or click the Destination link on the Origin/Destination finder, and then select the destination from there. In the Destination list, click the arrow and then select the location to which the patient will be taken. Or, click the Destination box, and type the location name.

If you start typing, the list displays up to 50 of the top matching locations.

If you do not type anything, the list displays your recent locations.

Notes: The destination selected affects the beds that appear on the electronic bedboard® view in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application. For example, if an incorrect destination is selected inadvertently, the patient's home location could be changed automatically, and the patient might not appear on the electronic bedboard® view or might appear in an incorrect home location.

If the origin location is the home location, the Destination box is blank. You must select a destination manually. This is to prevent the home location from being selected as both the origin and the destination.

Occupied Bed Override

Selecting an already-occupied bed as a transport job destination can displace the patient who was occupying that bed and make the transported patient the occupant of that bed. If you selected an already-occupied bed as a destination in the previous step, you might be prompted to select a reason code and enter comments about your selection.

Required only if you selected an occupied bed as a destination and you are prompted to select a reason code.

Continue to select an occupied bed as a destination and provide a reason for selecting it.

If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box appears, do the following. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box does not appear, skip this step.

In the Reason Code list, select a reason code for choosing the already-occupied bed (for example, Patient Issue).

In the Comments box, type information about why the already-occupied bed was chosen.

Click Select.

Mode of travel

Mode of travel is the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher). Note: If there was a previous transport job for this patient, the mode of travel from the previous job might be selected already. You can change it if needed.


Select the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher).

Click the arrow and select the mode of travel.

Patient Has

Indicate whether the patient already has the mode of travel that will be used in the transport job. For example: The patient was recently transported to the origin location in a wheelchair and the wheelchair is still with the patient. The option that you select under Patient Has will help to determine which transporter is notified about the transport job. For more information, see Equipment Matching. If your campus does not use equipment matching, then this option will not be available.

Required. If you do not know if the patient has the equipment, select Unknown.

Select whether the patient already has the mode of travel that will be used in the transport job.

Click the arrow, and then click Yes, No, or Unknown.

Isolation Type

If the transporter should take special precautions when transporting this patient (for example, if the patient has a contagious condition), then select the appropriate isolation type. The color code for the selected isolation type will appear on the request on the console. If another user has already selected an isolation type for this patient, it might already appear. You may change it if needed.

Required only if transporters must take precautions because the patient has an infectious condition.

Select the isolation type that applies to the patient (for example, Airborne).

In the Isolation Type list, click the arrow and then select an option.

Job Status

Select whether the job is: Pending —To be completed as soon as possible. Appointment—Patient must be taken to the destination at a certain date and time. Possible—The job should not be sent to the queue to be dispatched with other jobs. Someone will have to manually indicate at a later time that the job should be placed in the queue for dispatching. These types of jobs are sometimes requested in situations where the requester is waiting to hear that another department currently has time or availability to perform a procedure or administer a test for a patient. At the time when the patient can be sent to the destination, the requester or another user must release

Editing Transport Job Requests


You can edit transport job requests if you have the appropriate permissions and your membership includes the origin or destination of the transport jobs.

Permissions Required

Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the Capacity IQ® Transport application > User may edit patient transports permission or the Capacity IQ® Transport > User may edit item transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.

To change the priority of a pending patient or pending item transport job from the job list, the user must belong to a group that has the U/I Priority 1-9 Changes and/or U/I Priority 0 Upgrades permissions.

Important Notes

  • Outpatient transport jobs cannot be edited. If you need to change an outpatient job, you must cancel it and then add the outpatient job again.

  • For item transport jobs, you cannot change the item type and campus that were selected when the job request was created and saved.

  • You cannot edit jobs that are in Dispatched status or later. However, you can view the transport request details for those jobs unless they are cancelled or completed.

  • Requesters with the appropriate permissions may cancel dispatched, dispatched/delayed, or dispatched/assist jobs.

To Edit a Transport Job Request

  1. Follow the instructions in Accessing Information About Transport Job Requests or Steps 1 and 2 in Viewing a Patient's Transport Schedule.

  2. For an item transport job, go to Patient Tracking Portal > Item Trans > View Item Requests or click the Item Trans icon > View Item Requests. Or, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > [Instance Name] > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

  3. Select units.

  4. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

  5. In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

  6. Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

  7. Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

  8. If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

  9. Click Save.

  10. After you have selected all units, in the list next to the Unit list, select the unit where the transport job starts (origin) or ends (destination).

  11. In the Job# column of the transport job listing, do one of the following:

    • If the transport job is in Pending or appointment status, click the identification number for the transport job request that you want to change to open the transport job request.

    • If the transport job is in the In Progress, Dispatched, Delayed/In Progress, Delayed/Dispatched, or Assist status, you may view (but not edit) request details. Click the identification number for the transport request that you want to view, and then click View Request Details to open the patient transport job request.

    • Note: If a transport job is in Cancelled or Completed status, you cannot open the request.

  12. Follow the steps under To Add or Edit a Transport Job Request in Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job or in Adding a Request for an Item Transport Job.


Roles link individual users to groups, granting them permissions for specific applications and areas included in their membership. Roles are used by administrators to manage user permissions efficiently. They exist to streamline access control and ensure users have the appropriate permissions for their tasks. Roles are assigned when setting up or modifying user access.

Roles can be managed in the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

How Roles Work


  • Role Definition: A role links individual users to groups, granting them all the permissions of the associated group for a specific application and areas within their membership.

  • Scope: Each user is assigned one role. Permissions are role-based, so users with the same role have the same abilities. There can be only one group per role and one role per application. An application is not required to have a role associated with it.

  • Example: The Requester 1 role might be associated with a group that includes permissions to create and edit transport requests in the Capacity IQ® Transport application. Users assigned to the Requester 1 role will have these permissions within their designated areas (e.g., Unit 1 Floor 3, Building J).

Permissions Required

  • Admin Tool Menu permission: Required to access Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Role Management permission: Required to access administrative groups and manage roles.

  • Edit rights: Required to change any information accessible from the Roles tab.

  • View rights: Allows viewing but not changing information on the Roles tab.

Adding a Role

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Click Add role in the upper-right area to display the Roles page.

  3. Enter Role Details:

    • Role name: Type a name for the role (up to 50 characters).

    • Role description: Type descriptive text about the role (up to 100 characters).

  4. Select Groups: In the Group column, select a group for each application listed.

  5. Click Save. A confirmation message will appear.

Editing or Copying a Role

  • Edit a Role:

    1. Access the Roles tab.

    2. Click the role name to edit.

    3. Modify the role name, description, and associated groups as needed.

    4. Click Save.

  • Copy a Role:

    1. Access the Roles tab.

    2. Click the role name to copy.

    3. Click Copy in the upper-right corner.

    4. Enter a new Role Name and Role Description.

    5. Associate the role with groups for each application.

    6. Click Save.

Deleting Roles

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Select roles to delete: Check the boxes for the roles you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete Selected Records.

  4. Confirm deletion: Click OK when the confirmation message appears.


Adding a Role

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Click Add role.

  3. Enter the role name and description.

  4. Select groups for each application.

  5. Click Save.

Editing a Role

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Click the role name to edit.

  3. Modify the role details.

  4. Click Save.

Copying a Role

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Click the role name to copy.

  3. Click Copy.

  4. Enter the new role details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Role

  1. Access the Roles tab.

  2. Select the roles to delete.

  3. Click Delete Selected Records.

  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.


Rooms are specific areas within a floor of a building on a campus. They can be added or edited to reflect changes in room type, name, or associated unit.

  • Who: Administrators with the necessary permissions.

  • Why: To manage and update room information for accurate capacity and location management.

  • When: When adding new rooms, editing existing room details, or deleting rooms.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.

How Room Works


Adding or Editing a Room

To add a room to a floor or edit existing room information:

  1. Ensure you have the necessary permissions:

    • Admin Tool Menu permission.

    • Global Admin - Administrative Controls - Physical Location Information permission.

    • Edit rights (View rights allow viewing but not editing).

    • Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

  2. Navigate to:

    • Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.

    • Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.

  3. On the Enterprise Information tab, click the campus name in the Campus column.

  4. On the Campus Information tab, click the building name in the Building Name column.

  5. On the Building page, click the floor name in the Floors in This Building list.

  6. To add a new room, click Add Room. To edit an existing room, click the room name in the Rooms on This Floor list.

  7. To change the unit associated with a room, select a unit from the list in the Unit column.

Deleting a Room

To delete a room from a floor:

  1. Ensure you have the necessary permissions:

    • Admin Tool Menu permission.

    • Global Admin - Administrative Controls - Physical Location Information permission.

    • Edit rights (View rights allow viewing but not editing).

    • Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

  2. Navigate to:

    • Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.

    • Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.

  3. On the Enterprise Information tab, click the campus name link in the Campus column.

  4. On the Campus Information tab, click the building name in the Building Name column.

  5. On the Building page, click the floor name in the Floors in This Building list.

  6. In the Rooms on This Floor list, select the rooms to delete by:

    • Selecting the check box in the title bar to select all rooms.

    • Selecting individual check boxes for specific rooms.

  7. Click Delete Selected and confirm the deletion.

Note: You cannot delete a room if it has associated locations. To remove the association, delete the location first.


Adding or Editing a Room

  1. Navigate to the appropriate menu based on your permissions.

  2. Select the campus, building, and floor.

  3. Add or edit room details as needed.

  4. Save changes.

Deleting a Room

  1. Navigate to the appropriate menu based on your permissions.

  2. Select the campus, building, and floor.

  3. Select the rooms to delete.

  4. Confirm the deletion.

Room Accommodations

Room Accommodations are used to designate the type of room (e.g., semi-private) for each room in the system. They appear on bed lists in the Capacity IQ® EVS application, placement list views, and bed search results in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application. This feature is used by administrators to manage room types and ensure accurate room assignments.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

How Room Accommodations Work


Room Accommodations are configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. The Capacity IQ® solution provides some default room accommodations that cannot be deleted.

Permissions Required

  • Admin Tool Menu permission: Required to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Room Accommodation Types permission: Required to add, edit, or delete room accommodations.

  • Edit rights: Required to make changes.

  • View rights: Allows viewing but not changing room accommodation types.

  • Membership Type "All": Required with Administrative Rights enabled.

  • Enterprise-level or campus-level membership: Required.

Adding, Editing, or Deleting Room Accommodations

  1. Display the Dictionary Management page:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management.

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, click Room Accommodation.

To Add a Room Accommodation:

  1. Click the Add button to add a row.

  2. In the Name column, type the name of the room accommodation.

  3. (For the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application) In the Bedboard Character column, type the text character that will represent this room accommodation on the electronic bedboard view (e.g., P for Private).

  4. In the ADT ID column, type the code that the hospital's ADT system submits for this room accommodation. Obtain this code from the ADT administrator.

  5. Click Save.

Repeat steps 1-5 to add more room accommodations.

To Edit an Existing Room Accommodation:

  1. Make the appropriate changes in each column.

  2. Click Save.

To Delete a Room Accommodation:

Note: Room accommodations that are already in use cannot be deleted.

  1. To delete all room accommodations, select the checkbox in the first row and first column of the page.

  2. To delete individual room accommodations, select the checkboxes for them.

  3. Click Delete Selected Records.

  4. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

Room Types

Room types are descriptive categories into which rooms within a hospital are placed. For example, one room type might be Room/Bed, another might be Exam, and another might be Discharge. Room types are used by hospital administrators to categorize and manage different types of rooms within the hospital. This feature exists to ensure that each room is appropriately categorized for better management and utilization. It is used when setting up or modifying the hospital's room configurations.

Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

How Room Types Work


Room types can be added, edited, or deleted by users with the appropriate permissions. Each room type can have a name, description, and a default number of locations associated with it. When the hospital's physical structure is uploaded to the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, the appropriate number of logical locations will be created for each room based on its room type and the default number of locations.

Adding Room Types

Permissions Required: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool menu permission. To complete this task, you must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls- Room Type permission. To change information, you must have Edit rights. Users with View rights may see, but not change, information. You must have the Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

  1. Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, click the Room Types link.

  3. Click Add to add a blank row.

  4. In the Room Type Name column, type a name (maximum 50 characters).

  5. In the Description column, type a description for the room type (maximum 50 characters).

  6. In the Default Number of Locations column, type the number of locations (from 1 through 10) that can be within this room type.

  7. Click Save.

Editing Room Types

Permissions Required: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool menu permission. To complete this task, you must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls- Room Type permission. To change information, you must have Edit rights. Users with View rights may see, but not change, information. You must have the Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

  1. Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Table Name column, click the Room Types link.

  3. Edit the Room Type Name (maximum 15 characters), Description (maximum 50 characters), and Default Number of Locations (from 1 through 10).

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Room Types

Permissions Required: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool menu permission. To complete this task, you must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls- Room Type permission. To change information, you must have Edit rights. Users with View rights may see, but not change, information. You must have the Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

  1. Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, click the Room Types link.

  3. Select the checkboxes for the room types you want to delete or select the checkbox in the title bar to select all room types.

  4. Click Delete Selected Records.

  5. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.


Adding Room Types

  1. Navigate to the Dictionary Management page.

  2. Click the Room Types link.

  3. Add a new room type by filling in the required fields.

  4. Save the new room type.

Editing Room Types

  1. Navigate to the Dictionary Management page.

  2. Click the Room Types link.

  3. Edit the existing room type details.

  4. Save the changes.

Deleting Room Types

  1. Navigate to the Dictionary Management page.

  2. Click the Room Types link.

  3. Select the room types to delete.

  4. Confirm the deletion.

Round Trips

Round Trips are used by transporters to wait at the destination while the patient is treated and then return the patient to the original location. This feature is used by transporters with the appropriate permissions to streamline patient transport processes.

Where you can find this feature: IVR menu options and the TransportTracking™ console.

How Round Trips Work


  • Definition: A round trip allows a transporter to wait at the destination and then return the patient to the original location.

  • Permissions: Only the original or primary transporter on the job with the appropriate permissions can select the Round Trip option.

  • IVR Menu: The transporter can select the Round Trip menu option instead of the Complete menu option on the IVR.

  • TransportTracking™ Console: If the transporter has access to the TransportTracking™ console, they can:

    1. Click the transport job's status to display the Transport Job Status dialog box.

    2. Select "Create Round Trip" from the list.

    3. Click "Submit".

Selecting the round trip option will complete the initial request and create a new request for the same patient, with the origin and destination reversed.

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