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Capacity IQ® - Help Content (T)
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago



Managing and troubleshooting console tabs within the TeleTracking application involves ensuring that users have the correct settings and permissions to access necessary features. This process typically involves administrators or application support specialists addressing issues when users report missing or misordered tabs. These steps are usually undertaken during daily operations or when system updates cause unexpected changes.

Client would like to change the order of tabs showing in their console.

Client will need to be able to see the Console Settings button on their console.

  • They will then need to click on the "Console Settings" button.

  • Once they have clicked this button, the following should open up.

  • With this page, there is an "Order" column that allows the tabs to be changed around.

Missing Tabs

This article will show you a couple of different options when you are missing tabs within the TeleTracking application.


Make sure the user has the appropriate permissions needed to see the tabs that they are missing. Compare permissions for a user that is working with the user that isn’t.

For example, if they are missing the tabs within the console you would have them check the Console Settings window, in the Tabbed View row, make sure Enabled appears. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

Once we confirm that the user(s) have the appropriate permissions, see if they can log into another workstation to confirm that it is a workstation/browser-related issue.

After confirming that it is a workstation/browser issue, then we can clear the browser cache as our next steps.

Clear Cache & Cookies in Chrome

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.

  2. At the top right, click More.

  3. Click More tools > Clear browsing data.

  4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All Time.

  5. Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.

  6. Click Clear data.

Keyboard Shortcut to Clear Cache and Cookies

  1. Press the CTRL, Shift, and Delete keys to more quickly open the browsing data settings.

  2. A new window opens.

  3. Select the option temporary services and files.

  4. Confirm your selection by clicking on the delete button.

After clearing your cache and cookies, refresh the page or close the browser and open a new one.

Browser Policy Adjustments

Ensuring the correct browser policy settings is essential for accessing TeleTracking Capacity IQ® tabs. These adjustments primarily involve enabling the DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting, a setting required for proper display and function within the platform. This setting must now be configured via group policy due to recent browser updates removing the previous flag-based configuration option. Coordination with IT Administration teams is essential to implement these changes effectively.

Browser-Specific Configuration Details


Edge has a Group Policy available to disable or enable the required setting. For detailed information and instructions, refer to the official Microsoft documentation: Microsoft Edge Group Policy Information


Chrome Enterprise

If your organization uses Chrome Enterprise, the DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting can be controlled through Group Policies offered by Google. Visit the following site for the enterprise policy list: Google Chrome Enterprise Policy List

Non-Enterprise Chrome

If Chrome Enterprise is not in use, you can activate the setting by creating a registry entry. Detailed information for this registry setting can be found here: Google Chrome Policy Documentation

Verification Steps

To ensure the setting has been successfully deployed:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to <browser>://policy

  2. Search for "DefaultThirdParty" to review the current value.

  3. Restart the browser for the setting to take effect.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

Logout and Refresh

  1. Log out of the application (avoid clicking the red X, as this does not properly log out your session).

  2. Once logged out, press F5 to refresh.

Check Status Page

Visit the TeleTracking Status Page to check if there are any known issues under investigation.

Confirm Roles and Permissions

Coordinate with your internal Help Desk or supervisor to ensure your profile has the correct Active Directory roles. Missing or incorrect roles can restrict access to certain areas of the application.

Verify Capacity IQ® Account Status

Ask your internal application admin or Help Desk to check the status of your Capacity IQ® account. If it is deactivated, they will need to activate it.

Examples of Account Types:

  • IQ Account: If IQ is disabled, the user will be unable to log in.

Following these guidelines ensures proper browser policy configurations and access to TeleTracking Capacity IQ®, optimizing your workflow and minimizing disruptions.


Configuring Timer Settings

The Timer Settings in TeleTracking allow administrators to configure alerts and notifications for various operational events related to patient placement and discharge processes. You can set whether the assignment timer, Ready to Move timer, occupied timer, and discharge timer in list views have a red or yellow background based on the number of minutes between placement request activation time and bed assignment, between placement request activation time and Ready-to-Move time, and between Ready-to-Move time and the time the bed becomes occupied, and based on the number of hours and minutes between when a patient's Physician Order discharge milestone is set and when the patient is discharged.

To Configure Timer Settings:

  1. The timers can be configured to display red or yellow backgrounds based on predefined thresholds. These thresholds correspond to the number of minutes or hours between key events in the patient management process.

    To configure timer settings, follow these steps:

    1. Access the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab.

    2. Set the following timer configurations:

    Assignment Timer

    The assignment timer tracks the number of minutes between a patient placement request activation time and the bed assignment.

    • Yellow Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background of the assignment timer should turn yellow (e.g., 60 minutes) and trigger notifications.

    • Red Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background should turn red (e.g., 120 minutes) and trigger notifications.


    If the yellow threshold is set to 60 minutes and the red threshold to 120 minutes:

    • After 60 minutes without a bed assignment, the timer background turns yellow.

    • After 120 minutes without a bed assignment, the background turns red.

  • Ready-to-Move Timer

    The ready-to-move timer measures the number of minutes between a patient placement request activation time and the time the patient is marked as ready to move.

    • Yellow Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background should turn yellow (e.g., 90 minutes).

    • Red Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background should turn red (e.g., 180 minutes).


    If the yellow threshold is set to 90 minutes and the red threshold to 180 minutes:

    • After 90 minutes without marking the patient ready to move, the timer turns yellow.

    • After 180 minutes, the timer background changes to red.

  • Occupied timer

The occupied timer tracks the number of minutes between when a patient is marked ready to move and when the bed is occupied.

  • Yellow Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background should turn yellow (e.g., 60 minutes).

    • Red Threshold: Type the number of minutes at which the background should turn red (e.g., 120 minutes).

  • Example

    If the yellow threshold is set to 60 minutes and the red threshold to 120 minutes:

    • After 60 minutes without bed occupancy, the timer turns yellow.

    • After 120 minutes, the background changes to red.

  • Discharge timer

The discharge timer tracks the number of hours and minutes between when a physician's discharge order milestone is set and when the patient is discharged.

  • Threshold 1 (Yellow): Type the number of hours at which the background should become yellow (e.g., 2 hours).

    • Threshold 2 (Red): Type the number of hours at which the background should become red (e.g., 4 hours).

  • Example

    If Threshold 1 is set to 2 hours and Threshold 2 to 4 hours:

    • After 2 hours without patient discharge, the timer turns yellow.

    • After 4 hours without discharge, the timer background turns red.

    Important: The timer stops if:

    • The patient's status changes from Pending or Confirmed Discharge to any other status.

    • The discharge milestone is marked incomplete after being marked complete.

    • The discharge order is canceled.

  • After configuring the timer thresholds, click Save to apply the changes.

Discharge Timer

The discharge timer monitors the duration between two critical events for a patient: when the Physician Order discharge milestone is set and when the patient is officially discharged. This tracking mechanism is essential for healthcare administrators and clinical staff to ensure timely discharges, optimize patient flow, and monitor compliance with care timelines.

Timer Conditions: The timer stops under these conditions:

  1. The patient's status changes from Pending or Confirmed Discharge to any other status.

  2. The Physician Order discharge milestone is marked complete and later marked incomplete.

  3. The discharge order is canceled through the ADT system.

Threshold Configuration: Administrators can configure up to two discharge timer thresholds per unit in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. These thresholds are defined by a set number of hours and minutes after the Physician Order discharge milestone is set.

Threshold Notifications and Display:

  • First Threshold: When exceeded, the Discharge Timer column turns yellow, and notifications are sent to subscribing users.

  • Second Threshold: When exceeded, the column turns red, and additional notifications are sent.

Example: If the first threshold is set to 1 hour for the Blue Unit and the second threshold to 3 hours:

  • If a patient with a home location in the Blue Unit is not discharged within 1 hour of setting the Physician Order discharge milestone, the Discharge Timer column becomes yellow.

  • If the discharge has not occurred within 3 hours, the column turns red.

If only one threshold is set, the column becomes red when that threshold is exceeded.

Observation Timer

The Observation Timer can either show the remaining time until observation stops or the elapsed time since the observation started, based on the Observation Timer Direction setting in the Master Configuration.

Timer Display and Colors:

  • Green: Initial observation period.

  • Yellow: Approaching the scheduled observation end.

  • Red: Close to the end of the scheduled observation period.

  • Gray: Observation has stopped.

Configuration: The Default Observation Duration and the background color change times are configured in Master Configuration and apply to the entire enterprise. To ensure proper color flow (Green → Yellow → Red), the value for Yellow must be higher than the value for Red.

Behavior Rules:

  • If the Red value is higher than the Yellow value, the background will transition directly from Green to Red.

  • If the Resume Observation Timer on Patient Readmission setting is enabled, the timer will stop upon discharge and resume upon readmission, including the discharged period.

Observation Timer Settings: TeleTracking representatives can assist with Master Configuration settings for tailored observation timer configurations.

Obs @

If observation time has been set already for the patient, this column shows the date and time that observation started. If not, then the column displays - -. If you have the Set Observation Start permission, you may enter or select the date and time that observation for the patient should start and how many hours it should last (duration). The time that the observation should stop will be calculated automatically based on the start time and the duration. If you have the Set Observation Stop permission, you may enter or select the date and time that the patient's observation actually stopped.

Setting Observation Start Time

(Not available for patients in Discharged or VisitCancelled statuses)

  1. Click the Obs@ box to open the Observation dialog box.

  2. In the Start Time box, type the date (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy format) or use the calendar icon.

  3. Enter the time (##:## AM/PM format) or click Set Now for immediate start.

  4. In the Duration box, enter the number of observation hours.

  5. Click Apply.

Setting Observation Stop Time

(Not available for patients in Discharged or VisitCancelled statuses)

  1. Click the Obs@ box to open the Observation dialog box.

  2. In the Actual Stop Time box, type the date or use the calendar icon.

  3. Enter the time (##:## AM/PM format) or click Set Now for current time.

  4. Ensure the stop time is after the start time and before or equal to the current time.

  5. Click Apply.

Note: Time selection is only available if the observation has already started.

  1. Click Apply.

Selecting a Patient's Observation Start and End Time or Cancelling an Observation

About Selecting Observation Start and End Time

If you have the permissions listed below, you may set the time that a patient's observation is to start and the duration of the observation period. If the observation ends before the time that is calculated based on the duration, then (if you have the permission listed below) you may select the time that the observation ended.

You may select observation start and end times from the Observation dialog box which you may access from a list view or from the Patient/Placement Details form.

You may NOT select observation start and stop times for patients whose statuses are VisitCancelled or Discharged.

Permission Required

  • To set the observation start time and duration, the Set Observation Start permission is required.

  • To select the observation stop time, the Set Observation End permission is required.

Accessing the Observation Dialog Box

Do one of the following:

  • Search for the patient, and then in the Obs@ column in the search results, click the time or the --.

  • On a list view, in the Obs@ column in a patient row, click the silver or blue plain button or the date and time that appears.

  • On a list view, click the patient's name to display the Patient/Placement Details window. In the Observation box on the Patient/Placement Details window, click the silver or blue plain button or the date and time.

To Set the Observation Start Time on the Observation Dialog Box:

  1. Access the Observation dialog box.

  2. In the Start Time box, type the date that observation should begin in the format shown (for example, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) OR click the calendar icon and select a month and a date.

    • Note: You may enter a past, current, or future date. The date can be changed after observation starts. You may clear the date and time to indicate that the patient is not in observation.

  3. In the box to the right of the calendar icon, type the time that observation should begin in the following format \##:## AM or PM (for example, 06:00 AM) OR click Set Now if observation should begin immediately. You may choose a past, current, or future time. The time can be changed after observation starts. You may clear the date and time to indicate that the patient is not in observation.

  4. In the Duration box, type the number of hours that the patient should be under observation (for example, 12). Remaining Time and Calculated Stop Time will be determined automatically based on the Start Time and Duration entered.

  5. Click Apply.

To Cancel an Observation:

  1. Access the Observation dialog box.

  2. Click Cancel Observation.

  3. Click Apply.

To Select the Time That Observation Ended on the Observation Dialog Box:

  1. Access the Observation dialog box.

  2. In the Actual Stop Time box, type the date that observation stopped in the format shown (for example, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) OR click the calendar icon and select a month and a date.

  3. In the box to the right of the calendar icon, type the time that observation stopped in the following format \##:## AM or PM (for example, 06:00 PM) OR click Set Now if observation stopped at the current time.

    • Note: You must choose an Actual Stop Time that is after the Start Time and earlier than or equal to the current time. The option to select times or click Set Now is only available if the observation has already started.

  4. Click Apply.

Occupied Timer

  • Definition: Tracks the time between:

    1. When a patient is marked ready to move and a bed is assigned and cleaned.

    2. When the patient physically begins occupying the bed.

  • Display Format: hh:mm (e.g., 00:30 for a 30-minute wait).

  • Example: If the bed was assigned and cleaned at 10:00 AM, but the patient didn’t occupy it until 10:30 AM, the timer shows 00:30.

  • Color Indicators:

    • Green: Within acceptable time.

    • Yellow: Delay beyond the first threshold.

    • Red: Delay beyond the second threshold.

  • Notes:

    • Timer background colors change based on thresholds defined in the Capacity Management Admin Settings or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management Component.

    • Unavailable: In the Pending/Confirmed Discharges List view.

Assignment Timer

Setting the Assignment Timer Start Type

  • Definition: Tracks the duration of a bed assignment, starting from a configurable event.

  • Start Options:

    1. Activation Time: When the placement request is activated.

    2. Unit Targeted Time: The later of:

    • When a target unit is selected and saved on the Patient/Placement Details form.

    • The activation time.

    1. Ready to Move Time: When the patient is marked ready to move.

How to Set the Assignment Timer Start Type:

  1. Access the PreAdmitTracking® Global Settings page.

  2. Go to the General Information section.

  3. In the PAT Assignment Timer Start Time Type list, choose one of the following:

    • Activation Time

    • Unit Targeted Time

    • Ready to Move Time

  4. Click Save.

Ready to Move Timer

Displays (in a patient row) the number of hours and minutes between when the patient's placement request was activated and when the patient was marked "ready to move" to a bed. If the patient is not marked ready to move to a bed within a pre-determined amount of time set in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then the Ready to Move Timer background color changes from green to yellow. If the background color changes to yellow and then another pre-determined amount of time passes and the patient is still not marked ready to move, the background color changes to red. If the patient does not have an open placement request, the column is blank.

  • The Ready to Move timer and information are not available in the Pending/Confirmed Discharges List view.

Prevent Timer (BedTracking)

Sweep Timer

The BedTracking idle sweep timer uses the Time interval between available sweeps (minutes) found under the Transport Tracking section of Master Configuration.

EVS Triggers

Triggers for Cleaning/Spill Requests in BedTracking:

  • Create cleaning request: Triggers for new bed cleaning requests.

  • Create spill request: Notifies for new spill cleaning jobs.

  • Status transition to dirty: Indicates a bed has transitioned to dirty status.

  • Remove bed delay: Clears any bed delays.

  • Remove bed block: Lifts restrictions preventing bed usage.

  • Bed cleaner log-off for the day: Logs off bed cleaners.

  • BT Idle Sweep Timer: Automatically detects pending cleaning or spill jobs after idle time.


  • The number of minutes the BT Idle Sweep Timer waits before running is set under Transport Tracking in Master Configuration.


Adding or Editing Titles

When you are adding or editing user information, you must select a job title for each user (for example, Registered Nurse). The job title called a title, must be added to the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Permissions Required

To access the Capacity Management Administration page menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management:

  • Access Dictionary Management: Capacity Management Administration page Menu permission.

  • Administrative Groups Access: Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls- User Management permission.

  • Edit User Information: Edit rights. (View rights allow viewing only.)

  • Membership Type: "All" with Administrative Rights enabled, OR "Fixed" with campus-, cluster-, or unit-level membership and Administrative Membership rights enabled. You can only manage user information for users within your membership.

To add or edit titles:

  1. Navigation: Access the Dictionary Management page through either:

    • Capacity Management Administration page > Dictionary Management

    • Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management

  2. Select Titles: Click the "Titles" link in the Dictionary Name column.

  3. Add New Title: Click "Add" to create a new row.

  4. Enter Title Name: In the Title Name column, type the job title (max 50 characters).

  5. Enter Description (Optional): In the Description column, type a description (max 100 characters).

  6. Save: Click "Save".

  7. Repeat: Repeat steps 3-6 for additional titles.

Permissions Required

To access the Capacity Management Administration page menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management

  • Accessing the Capacity Management Administration Page: Requires the "Capacity Management Administration page Menu" permission. This is the basic permission to even see the administration area.

  • Accessing Administrative Groups: Requires the "Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls- User Management" permission. This is likely for managing the overall structure of users and their groupings.

  • Changing User Information (Adding, Editing): Requires "Edit" rights. This is the permission to actually make changes to user data.

  • Viewing User Information: "View" rights allow you to see user information, but you cannot make any changes.

  • Membership Type and Administrative Rights: There are two ways to have the necessary permissions:

    • "All" Membership: Your membership type must be "All," and you must have "Administrative Rights" enabled for that membership. This likely means you have system-wide administrative access.

    • "Fixed" Membership: Your membership type can be "Fixed," but it must be at the campus, cluster, or unit level. You must also have "Administrative Membership rights" enabled. This likely means you have administrative access within a specific scope. Regardless of your other permissions, you can only see, add, or edit user information for users who are within your assigned membership (campus, cluster, unit, or all). Your administrative rights are limited to your scope.

Deleting Titles

If you have the appropriate permissions, you may delete job titles (titles).

  1. Do one of the following to display the Dictionary Management page:

    • Go to Capacity Management Administration page > Dictionary Management.

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, click the Titles link.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select the checkboxes for the titles that you want to delete.

    • To select all titles, select the checkbox in the title bar.

  4. Click Delete Selected Records.

  5. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

Transport Destinations

Auto-completion Issues: If transport destinations aren't auto-completing, it's likely because the "Show on Bedboard" setting is disabled for those beds in the Capacity Management Administration page (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management). Only beds with this setting enabled will appear in the destination list.

Manual Entry: If the desired destination doesn't appear in the auto-populated dropdown menu, it must be entered manually. This is done after selecting the wheelchair icon for the patient and clicking "Add Patient Request."

Different Workflow: TransportTracking uses a different method. After selecting the "Patient Trans" icon, you click a magnifying glass icon. This opens a location selection tool, which is used to choose the destination. It doesn't rely on a dropdown with auto-completion.

Transport Job

About Requests for Transport Jobs and Equipment Return Tasks

The Transport Job and Equipment Return Task system streamlines the process of moving patients and items within a healthcare facility. Healthcare staff, known as requesters, initiate these transport requests through the application, specifying the origin and destination. Transporters, who carry out the jobs, primarily use the IVR system but can also access the TransportTracking™ application. These transports occur whenever a patient or item needs relocation, ranging from scheduled procedures to urgent needs, and span various locations within the facility, such as patient rooms, X-ray, and labs.

Types of Transport Jobs

There are two types of requests for transport jobs: a request for a patient transport job and a request for an item transport job. A patient transport job might be one in which a patient is being taken from a patient room to X-ray. An item transport job might be one in which an item, such as a blood sample, is being taken from a patient unit to the lab.

About Transport-Related Permissions

To add or edit requests, a requester must be assigned to a role that is associated with a group with the following permissions:

  • To add or edit a request for an item transport job: User may edit item/equipment transports.

  • To add or edit a request for a patient transport: User may edit patient transports.

  • To view, but not edit, requests for item transports on the TransportTracking™ console: User may view item/equipment transports.

  • To view, but not edit, requests for patient transports: User may view patient transports.

Transporters can be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have specific transport-related permissions as well. Examples of these permissions are the permission to self-dispatch to a transport job or permissions to delay or cancel a transport job if necessary.

To Edit Transport Job Priority

  1. In the TransportTracking™ application console, select the Patient Transports or Item Transports tab to display the Patient Transport Job List or Item Transport Job List.

  2. Select the number in the Pending column to display the transport jobs that have a Pending status. Each row displays information for one job.

  3. In the job that you want to edit, select the number in the Priority column to display the Transport Job Priority Dialog box.

  4. In the Priority field, select a different number to assign that priority to the job.

To Cancel a Patient Transport Job

  1. On the Patients tab, search for the patient.

  2. In the Patient Name column, select the patient's name to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  3. In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  4. Under Transport Summary, in the row that corresponds to the job, select Cancel.

  5. When the Cancel Request dialog box appears, if you are required to select a reason, then the Reason for Cancel list appears. Select a reason for canceling from the list.

    • Note: If unit staff move a transport patient before the transporter arrives to move the patient, then the job requester or the person moving the patient should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department. If the transporter arrives to move the patient and the patient has already been moved, then the transporter should cancel the transport job using a cancel reason of Taken by Department.

  6. If this is a sequential job and the rest of the jobs in the sequence also should be canceled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box. If this is the first job in the sequence, then all remaining jobs will be canceled automatically and you do not have the option to select the check box.

  7. If the patient should be sent back to their bed (home location), then select the Return Patient to Home check box.

  8. Select Submit to close the Cancel Request dialog, and then Close to close the transport request, and then Close to close the Patient Transport History dialog.

Important Note

If a transport job is in a status later than Dispatched, then only the original transporter on the job may cancel it. However, see the definition of original or primary transporter to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job.

Releasing a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Patient Transport Job Request

About Releasing a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Transport Job

  • If a possible transport job has been created for a patient or item and it is time to place it in Pending status, you may use the Release Job button on the transport request to place the job in the queue for dispatching.

  • You may release a sequential job only if all the jobs before it in the sequence are in Completed or Cancelled status. If the previous jobs in the sequence are not completed or cancelled, then the Release Job button appears gray and unavailable.

  • Appointments are released to Pending status automatically, depending on the lead time that has been set for the destination location. However, you may release an appointment manually using the Release Job button.

Permissions and Membership Required

To perform tasks related to patient and item transports, specific permissions and memberships within the TransportTracking™ system are required. For accessing the Patient Transports tab or Dashboard, users need "Global TransportTracking™ application permissions > Console View permissions and controls," with the "Patient Transports" tab or "Patient Transport Dashboard" menu command specifically enabled. Similarly, accessing the Item Transports section requires the same global permissions, but with the "Item Transports" tab or "Item Transport Dashboard" enabled. Critically, users must also have the "User May Edit Patient Transports" or "User may edit item transports" permission, respectively, to actually create or modify transport requests. Finally, the displayed records are filtered by membership scope; only records within a user's membership will be visible. If a requester's membership grants access to a specific patient, that requester can then request transport for that patient from any origin to any destination.

To Release a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Transport Job:

  1. Do one of the following to display the patient's name in the list view:

    1. Click a placement tab.

    2. Go to PreAdmitTracking® application > List Views > <list view name> to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient for whom you want to release the job.

    3. Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > List Views > <placement list view name> tab to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient for whom you want to release the job.

  2. In the row for the patient, in the Transport Status column, click to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  3. On the Patient Transport History dialog box, in the row corresponding to the job you want to release, click the job number in the Job # column to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  4. At the top of the Transport Request dialog box, click the Release Job button that appears in the row corresponding to the job that you want to release.

The Status column for the trip displays Pending and the job is placed in the queue for dispatching.

  • Click Save, and then Close.

To Release a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Transport Job:

Bed Visibility: Only beds with the "Show on Bedboard" setting enabled in Capacity Management (Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) will appear in list views.

  1. Membership Impact: User membership (fixed or variable) determines which units and their associated data are visible.

  2. Variable Membership (Floater): Users with variable membership select their working units each time they log in. These selected units are then automatically displayed in list views.

    • Fixed Membership: Users with fixed membership are assigned specific units in their user profile. They can only see information related to these pre-assigned units. While they can choose a subset of their assigned units to display in a list view, they cannot see units outside of their fixed membership.

  3. Fixed Membership Display Rules: The initial units displayed in a list view for users with fixed membership depend on their profile setup:

    • One Unit: The single assigned unit is displayed.

    • Multiple Units (Not in a Cluster): The user's "base unit" is displayed.

    • Multiple Units (Same Cluster, Not All): The user's "base unit" is displayed.

    • One Cluster: All units within that cluster are displayed.

    • Multiple Clusters: The user's "base unit" is displayed.

    In essence, fixed membership provides a defined scope, while variable membership allows for dynamic unit selection at login. The "base unit" acts as a default view when multiple non-clustered units are part of a fixed membership.

How to Access the List View

  • Do one of the following to access the list view:

    • Go to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Click the tab for the list view.

    • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    • Click Save.

  1. In the patient row for the patient, click in the Transport Status column to display the Patient Transport History dialog box.

  2. In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog box, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.

  3. Click Release Job at the bottom of the Transport Request. Then, click Save, and then Close. The job is placed in the queue for dispatch.

  4. Click Close to close the Patient Transport History dialog box.

Viewing Whether Transport Jobs Have Active Alerts

You can use the Current View Scope page to see which jobs have active alerts if you have the appropriate permissions and your membership includes the origin or destination of the transport jobs.

Permissions and Membership Required

Which permissions and memberships are required to complete this task? To access the Patient Transports tab or Patient Transport Dashboard menu command, you need the Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions-TransportTracking™ Application Functions-Console Patient Transports Tab (Console Requests Tab) permission. Only records that are included in your membership scope appear.

To View Whether a Transport Job Has Active Alerts

  1. Follow the steps in Accessing Information About Transport Job Requests.

  2. When the Current View Scope page appears displaying the list of transport jobs, view the ! column. The level of alert that the transport job has received appears. For example, if alerts are configured so that they are sent to supervisors at level 3, and an alert has been sent to a level 3 supervisor, then 3 appears in this column.

  3. To return to the Patient Transports dashboard, click the Patient Transports tab or go to TransportTracking™ > Patient Transport Dashboard.

Equipment Return Job

About Equipment Return Jobs

Transporters who have just completed patient transport jobs can now create separate equipment return tasks, and then take the equipment used to transport the patients back to the job origins or to other selected locations. The option to create the equipment return task becomes available when the primary transporter places the patient transport job in the In Progress status. The number of transporters required, the time required to return the equipment, and other job details are tracked as part of the equipment return task, not the patient transport job. As with other transport jobs, transporters can cancel, delay, or release themselves from equipment return tasks and can request assisting transporters. However, the number of assisting transporters on an equipment return task cannot exceed the number on the patient transport job. Equipment return tasks can be created through the IVR or through the TeleTracking XT mobile app on a smart phone or mobile device. Requesters and supervisors can view information about the jobs through the Item Transport Job List tab on the TransportTracking™ console. A special permission is required to create an equipment return task.

To Update the Priority of a Pending Patient Transport Job

Creating a Possible Job to Return a Patient to the Home Location


When you are creating or editing a request for a patient transport job, you may select an option to create a possible transport job request for the patient to be returned to the home location. For example, if there is a request for a transport job to take a patient to X-Ray, you can select an option to create a possible job to have the patient returned to the patient room after the X-Ray procedure. This adds a sequential transport job with a status of Possible to the request that has the destination of the previous job as the origin and the patient's home location as the destination.

Permissions Required

Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™ > User may edit patient transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.

To Access the Transport Request Page:

  1. Do one of the following to display the patient's name in the list view

  • Search for the patient.

  • Click a placement tab or go to PreAdmitTracking® application > List Views > <placement list view name> or go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > List Views > <placement list view name> tab to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient for whom you want to create the request. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > <Instance Name> > List Views > <placement list view name> tab to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient for whom you want to create the request.

To Filter a List View:

  • At the top of the tab, in the list next to Search Text, select an option to filter by (for example, Last Name, Bed, Social Security Number, or Medical Record Number [MRN]).

  • In the Search Text box, type the first few characters (unless you are searching by social security number) of text to search for. For example, if you selected Last Name in the list, type the first few characters of the patient's last name.

  • If you search by social security number, you must type the entire number exactly as it appears in your hospital's database. For example, if the number appears in your hospital's database with hyphens (such as 123-456-7890), then you must type the entire number exactly in that format.

  • If you select Bed, the records displayed in the view will be filtered by the patient's home, current, and specialty bed location. In addition, if a patient placement has a status of Assigned, records in the Patient Search List and Placement List views will be filtered by patients' assigned locations. If a patient no longer has a home location, then records on the Admits Today List and Patient Search List views are filtered by the patient's prior home location.

  • (Not applicable to Patient Search List) To display only records with requested dates, admit dates, or projected discharge dates within a certain date range, in the Date section, click the calendar icons and, then select a month and year and date for both the beginning and end of the range.

  • The Placement List views will display only records with requested dates within the range selected. The Admits Today List view will display only records with admit dates within the range selected. The Pending/Confirmed Discharges List view will display only records with projected discharge dates within the range selected and those with no projected discharge dates.

  • Click Search.

  • To return to the default display, click Clear.

  • You may also use the Adv. Filters button to select advanced filtering options.

  1. In the row for the patient who is to be transported, in the Transport Status column, click the -- in the cell or click the transport job status name (for example, Completed) or icon.

  2. When the Patient Transport History dialog box appears do one of the following:

  • To begin adding a new patient transport request, click Add Patient Request in the upper-right corner.

  • To edit an existing transport request, in the Job # column, click the transport job number.
    Note: If the job is in Dispatched status or later, the View Request Details menu appears. Click View Request Details. You may view, but not change, the request.

To Access the Transport Request Page:

  1. Access a list view that has a Transport Status column, and then select a unit:

Are There Restrictions on the Beds That You Can See?

Only beds that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component can appear in list views.

How Does Membership Affect What You See?

When your user profile was set up, you were given membership. If you were given fixed membership, then you can see information only about certain units that were specified in your user profile. You can choose only units that are included in your membership to display on list views. If you have variable membership, then you select the units where you are going to work each time that you sign in.

What If You Have Variable Membership (Floater)?

If you have variable membership, then you select units each time you sign in. This is sometimes called being a "floater." If you are a "floater," then the units you selected when you signed in will appear automatically on list views.

What If You Have Fixed Membership?

If you have fixed membership, then you can see information only about specific units that were included in your membership when your user profile was set up. You will be able to choose only units that are within your membership to display on the list view. For example, if your membership includes 4 units, you can choose to display 2 of those 4 units on a list view at once. The units that appear automatically when you first access a list view depend on how your fixed membership was set up in your user profile.

If your fixed membership was set to . . .

This appears automatically on a list view . . .

One individual unit

The unit to which you have fixed membership

Multiple units that are not in a cluster

Your base unit

Multiple units that are in the same cluster, but not every unit in that cluster

Your base unit

One individual cluster

All units in that cluster

Multiple clusters

Your base unit

How to Access the List View

  • Do one of the following to access the list view:

    • Go to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Click the tab for the list view.

    • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    • Click Save.

  1. In the patient row for the patient who is to be transported, in the Transport Status column, click the silver or blue plain button or click the transport job status (for example, Completed) or icon.

  2. When the Patient Transport History dialog box appears do one of the following:

    • To begin adding a new patient transport request, click Add Patient Request in the upper-right corner.

    • To edit an existing transport request, in the Job # column, click the transport job number.

    Note: If the job is in Dispatched status or later, the View Request Details menu appears. Click View Request Details.

Configuring Automatic Transport Job Creation


Automatic transport job creation is managed by system administrators or clinical operations personnel with the appropriate permissions. It occurs whenever eligible patients meet predefined criteria, such as having current locations, assigned clean beds, and a Ready-to-Move status. This process is configured within the TransportTracking™ system and typically applies facility-wide. Automating transport job creation streamlines workflows, reduces administrative tasks, and ensures timely and efficient patient transportation between origin and destination units, ultimately enhancing the overall patient care experience.

Are There Any Restrictions Related to Automatic Transport Jobs?

ADT Order Restriction

  • If an automatic transport job is in progress and an ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) order to cancel the Ready-to-Move status is received, the ADT order will not be processed, and the patient will remain Ready-to-Move.

In Progress Restriction

  • If an automatic transport job is in progress, the RTM (Ready-to-Move) button becomes unavailable. The patient's Ready-to-Move status cannot be removed while the job status is In Progress.

Can Automatic Transport Jobs Be Cancelled Automatically?

1. Assigned Bed

Automatic transport jobs in Pending or Dispatched status will be canceled, and transporters notified if:

  • Bed Status Change: The assigned bed's status is changed to non-clean.

    • Cancellation Reason Code: AT BED DIRTY

  • Bed Assignment Removal: The patient's bed assignment is removed.

    • Cancellation Reason Code: AT NO BED ASSIGN

2. Ready-to-Move

  • If the Ready-to-Move designation is removed, automatic transport jobs in Pending or Dispatched status will be canceled, and transporters will be notified.

    • Cancellation Reason Code: AT NOT RTM

3. Occupied Bed

  • Automatic transport jobs will not be canceled if an occupying event occurs (e.g., admission to a home location).

  • This ensures transporter credit for completed jobs and prevents discrepancies between Transport Audit and Patient Audit reports.

Permissions Required

To configure automatic transport job creation, you need:


  • Capacity Management Administration Menu Permission: Required to access the relevant settings

  • TransportTracking™ Campus Settings Permission: Required to make changes

Access Rights:

  • Edit Rights: Necessary for configuration

  • Membership Type:

    • All: With administrative rights enabled

    • Fixed: Campus-level membership with administrative rights enabled

Steps to Configure Automatic Transport Job Creation

1. Navigate to Settings:

  • Go to Capacity Management Administration Page Menu > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information, or

  • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information

2. Select Campus:

  • On the Enterprise Information tab, click the campus name in the Campus column of the Campuses in this Enterprise list.

3. Access TransportTracking Settings:

  • Click the Global Settings tab, then select TransportTracking.

4. Configure Settings:

  • Enable Automatic Transport Job Creation:

    • Ensure the green Enabled button is visible. If the Disabled button is gray, click it to enable.

  • Default Mode of Travel:

    • Choose the mode of travel for transport jobs (e.g., Wheelchair or Stretcher).

    • If the patient had a previous transport job, that mode will appear by default.

  • Included Origin Units:

    • Select the units from which patients can originate for automatic transport jobs.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon, then + next to a campus, and select the desired units.

    • Click Select.

  • Included Destination Units:

    • Select the units to which patients can be transported for automatic jobs.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon, then + next to a campus, and select the desired units.

    • Click Select.

5. Save the Configuration:

  • Click Save to apply the changes.

Accessing Transport Job Details


Accessing transport job details is typically performed by transport coordinators, dispatchers, or other authorized healthcare staff responsible for managing patient transport logistics. This task is carried out when there is a need to review job history, check the job's priority, or identify the employee who last modified it. These details are accessed through the TransportTracking™ application, ensuring staff can efficiently track and manage transport operations. Reviewing this information helps maintain accountability, improve workflow efficiency, and resolve issues related to patient movement.

Patient Transport Jobs

Understanding Patient Transport Jobs

To access transport job details, ensure that your view includes the Patient Transport Status column and displays units where the job originates or concludes.

Viewing Restrictions Based on Bed Settings

  • Only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component appear in list views.

Membership-Based Viewing Restrictions

Fixed Membership

  • You can view only information from specific units configured in your user profile.

  • Only those units will be available for selection in list views.

Fixed Membership Setting

Default List View Appearance

One individual unit

That specific unit

Multiple non-cluster units

Your base unit

Partial cluster membership

Your base unit

One entire cluster

All units in the cluster

Multiple clusters

Your base unit

Variable Membership (Floater)

  • Select units to view each time you sign in.

  • Units chosen at sign-in will automatically populate the list views.

Accessing List Views

  1. Navigate to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > [List View Name] or:

    • Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal®.

    • Select the instance name and the relevant list view tab OR choose a list from Custom Views.

  2. Select units where the desired beds are located:

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to view associated units.

    • Select unit names and click Add > to include them in the list.

    • Adjust unit order as needed and click Save.

Viewing Transport Job Details

  1. In the Transport Status column, click the cell corresponding to a transport job.

  2. The following details will be displayed:



Job #

Unique identification code for the job. Click to view the transport request (if not an equipment return task).


Current job status.

Alert (!) Level

Alert level assigned to the job, if configured.


Patient information (display based on system settings).

Empl ID

Username of the last person who made changes to the job.


Transport job starting location.


Transport job ending location.


Priority assigned to the transport job.

Apt/Pending Time

Time when the job status became Pending or scheduled appointment time (if applicable).

Status Time

Time the job entered the current status.

Trv Reqs

Travel requirements (IVR IDs). Hover to see full names.


Mode of travel for the job.

Adding or Editing a Request for a Patient Transport Job

About Adding and Editing

Users with the appropriate permissions can add a request for a patient transport job or edit an existing one through the system's interface. This functionality is essential for managing patient transport logistics efficiently and ensuring that transport requests are up-to-date. Editing or adding requests allows healthcare staff to maintain accurate transport schedules and accommodate changes as needed.


Permissions Required

Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™ application >User may edit patient transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.

Tips for Adding and Editing Requests

Patient Search Results

  • Search results include only patients whose admit dates or expected admit dates are the current date and time or earlier, plus the number of hours configured for the Master Configuration setting in the Capacity Management Administration page or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management called Number of Hours Before Admit/Expected Admit to Include Patients for Transport.

  • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization configure this setting.


  • Requests for outpatient transport jobs must be added through the IVR.

  • An outpatient transport request is one where no patient record is available (the ADT system may not have sent the patient record).

  • The requester must record the patient's name on the IVR and select an origin and destination for the transport job.

  • Outpatient transport jobs cannot be edited. If changes are required, you must cancel the job and add a new request.

Patients with Active Jobs

  • If a patient already has a transport job in one of the following statuses, a new pending transport job cannot be created until the current job is completed or canceled: Pending, Dispatched, Delayed/Dispatched, Delayed/In Progress, In Progress, or any Assist status.

  • An appointment job will change to Pending status at the appropriate time based on the lead time configured for the appointment’s destination location.

  • ADT orders can also create additional pending jobs for the patient.

Dispatched Jobs

  • You cannot edit jobs that are in Dispatched status or later.

  • However, you can view the transport request details for those jobs until they are canceled or completed.

  • Requesters with the appropriate permissions may cancel Dispatched, Dispatched/Delayed, or Dispatched/Assist jobs.

Licensing Requirements

  • To create a transport job in the PatientTracking Portal® or PreAdmitTracking® application, the campus where the job is located must have a TransportTracking™ application license.

Permissions Required

  • Users must be assigned to roles associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™ application > User may edit patient transports permission.

  • If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, they may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.

To Access the Transport Request Page:

Bed Restrictions

  • Only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management can appear in list views.

Membership Restrictions

Variable Membership (Floater)

  • If you have variable membership, you select units each time you sign in.

  • The units you selected at sign-in will appear automatically in list views.

Fixed Membership

  • Fixed membership restricts you to information about specific units included in your user profile.

  • You can display only units within your membership on list views.

If your fixed membership was set to . . .

This appears automatically on a list view . . .

One individual unit

The unit to which you have fixed membership

Multiple units that are not in a cluster

Your base unit

Multiple units that are in the same cluster, but not every unit in that cluster

Your base unit

One individual cluster

All units in that cluster

Multiple clusters

Your base unit

How to Access the List View

  • Steps to Access

    1. Go to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > [name of list view].

    2. Alternatively, go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal®.

      • If configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name and then choose the appropriate list view tab name or Custom Views icon.

    3. Click the tab for the list view or select Custom Views > [list view name].

    4. Select the units where the beds you want to view are located.

      • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

      • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

      • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

      • Click the Add > button to place selected units in the right list.

      • Rearrange the order by clicking, holding, and dragging a unit to a new position.

      • Click Save.

Adding or Editing a Transport Request

  1. In the patient row for the patient to be transported, click in the Transport Status column or on the transport job status icon.

  2. When the Patient Transport History dialog box appears:

    • To add a new request: Click Add Patient Request in the upper-right corner.

    • To edit an existing request: In the Job # column, click the transport job number.

      • Note: If the job is in Dispatched status or later, the View Request Details menu appears. Click View Request Details to view, but not change, the request.

Details About Completing the Form

List or Box


Required or Optional?

To do this

Complete this procedure . . .


The origin is where the patient is being picked up. The Origin list displays the patient's current location or the destination of the patient's previous transport job (This depends on whether the Use Last Transport Location to Set Job Locations Master Configuration setting is enabled. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting.)

Required if the patient should be picked up at a location other than the one shown.

Select a location, other than the one shown, where the patient should be picked up.

Do one of the following: * In the Origin/Destination Finder at the upper-right corner of the page, click the Origin link, click the Recent or Favorites tab, click a location, and then click Select to place the location in the origin box. Click to see a tip about the Recent and Favorites tabs <sup>1</sup> * Click the magnifying glass next to the Origin box to display the Location Finder dialog box, then do the following: * In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name. The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for out could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type s% to find all location names that include the letter S. Note: You cannot change the campus displayed in the Campus list. This is the campus that includes the patient's home location. The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership in the campus that includes the patient's home location. * To select the check boxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All check box. * If you did not select the Check All check box, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search. If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list. * Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria. * In the list of possible locations in the Location Results box, click a location. (Locations listed are all within the selected units and clusters.) * Click Select Location.


Location to which the patient will be transported. This could be another home location (if the patient is being transferred) or a location such as an X-Ray room, a physical therapy room, or a testing room.


Select the destination location to which the patient will be transported.

  • Repeat the procedure for selecting an origin, but either select the magnifying glass icon next to Destination box, or click the Destination link on the Origin/Destination Finder, and then select the destination from there. Notes: * The destination selected affects the beds that appear on the electronic bedboard® view in the PreAdmitTracking® application. For example, if an incorrect destination is selected inadvertently, the patient's home location could be changed automatically, and the patient might not appear on the electronic bedboard® view or might appear in an incorrect home location. * If the origin location is the home location, the Destination box is blank. You must select a destination manually. This is to prevent the home location from being selected as both the origin and the destination.

Occupied Bed Override

Selecting an already-occupied bed as a transport job destination can displace the patient who was occupying that bed and make the transported patient the occupant of that bed. If you selected an already-occupied bed as a destination in the previous step, you might be prompted to select a reason code and enter comments about your selection.

Required only if you selected an occupied bed as a destination and you are prompted to select a reason code.

Continue to select an occupied bed as a destination and provide a reason for selecting it.

  • If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box appears, do the following. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box does not appear, skip this step. * In the Reason Code list, select a reason code for choosing the already-occupied bed (for example, Patient Issue). * In the Comments box, type information about why the already-occupied bed was chosen. * Click Select.

Mode of travel

Mode of travel is the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher). Note: If there was a previous transport job for this patient, the mode of travel from the previous job might be selected already. You can change it if needed.


Select the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher).

Click the arrow and select the mode of travel.

Patient Has

Indicate whether the patient already has the mode of travel that will be used in the transport job. For example: The patient was recently transported to the origin location in a wheelchair and the wheelchair is still with the patient. The option that you select under Patient Has will help to determine which transporter is notified about the transport job. For more information, see Equipment Matching. If your campus does not use equipment matching, then this option will not be available.

Required. If you do not know if the patient has the equipment, select Unknown.

Select whether the patient already has the mode of travel that will be used in the transport job.

Click the arrow, and then click Yes, No, or Unknown.

Isolation Type

If the transporter should take special precautions when transporting this patient (for example, if the patient has a contagious condition), then select the appropriate isolation type. The color code for the selected isolation type will appear on the request on the console. If another user has already selected an isolation type for this patient, it might already appear. You may change it if needed.

Required only if transporters must take precautions because the patient has an infectious condition.

Select the isolation type that applies to the patient (for example, Airborne).

In the Isolation Type list, click the arrow and then select an option.

Job Status

Select whether the job is: * Pending —To be completed as soon as possible. * Appointment—Patient must be taken to the destination at a certain date and time. * Possible—The job should not be sent to the queue to be dispatched with other jobs. Someone will have to manually indicate at a later time that the job should be placed in the queue for dispatching. These types of jobs are sometimes requested in situations where the requester is waiting to hear that another department currently has time or availability to perform a procedure or administer a test for a patient. At the time when the patient can be sent to the destination, the requester or another user must release the job manually so that it can be dispatched and a transporter can come to take the patient to the destination.


Select the type of transport job.

Click the arrow to display a list, and then click Pending, Appointment, or Possible.

Date and Time

If Appointment was selected for Job Status, then select the date and time of the appointment.

Required if Appointment was selected in the Job Status list.

Select the date and time of the appointment

  • Click the calendar icon next to the Date box, select a month, and then click a date. * Type the appointment time in the format that the administrator selected for your hospital (for example, 13:30 for 1:30 PM). Important Note! To ensure that the patient reaches the destination on time, the job status will become Pending automatically based on the lead time configured for the destination in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. There is no need to change the status manually to Pending. If you select the current date and time, then the request will have a status of Pending and will be considered an "on-demand" job. If you select a future date and time, the request will have a status of Appointment.

Recurring Appt Settings

If this is an Appointment transport job and there will be multiple trips to take the patient to the appointment at the same time on different days, then select the days, time, and frequency of the appointment (for example, daily at 9:00 AM until the last appointment on a certain date or weekly on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM until the last appointment on a certain date).

Required if this is a transport request for a recurring appointment. Available only of you selected Appointment under Job Status,

Select the days, time, and frequency of the appointment.

  1. In the Type list, select Daily or Weekly. 1. If you selected Daily, then in the Frequency list, select the appropriate interval (for example, Every or Every Third Day), and then click the calendar icon next to the Last Occurrence box to select the date of the last appointment. 1. If you selected Weekly, then click the button for the day of the week that the appointment should occur (for example, W for Wednesday), and then click the calendar icon next to the Last Occurrence box to select the date of the last appointment.

Travel Requirements

Travel requirements are items that must accompany the patient during transport (for example, Oxygen, IV).

Optional unless there are items that must accompany the patient during transport.

Select the travel requirements that apply to this transport job for this patient.

  • In the Available list, select the requirement. If you cannot see the full travel requirement name, click the requirement to display a tooltip. * Click the right-arrow to place it in the Selected list. * To remove a requirement, select it in the Selected list, and then click the left-arrow. Important Note! If this is a sequential request, the travel requirements that were selected in a previous request in the sequence appear. If this is not the patient's first transport job, then travel requirements from the patient's previous transport job might appear. You may change them if needed.


You must save your selections before continuing.

Required to continue.

Save your selections.

  • Click Save. * At the top of the page, the following information about the transport job that you have requested appears. * A grid with job information appears. If the request is for a sequential job, then the job identification number appears with a dash (for example, 1000-1). Otherwise, the job identification number will be displayed as an individual number (for example, 1000). * The job's origin and destination appear under Start/Dest. * And the status (for example, Pending or Possible) appears.

Return Patient

You can create a possible job to have the patient who has been taken to a destination location returned to the home location later.

Optional. The Return Patient feature is only available if the destination of the previous job is not the patient's home location

Create a possible job to have this patient returned to the home location later.

Click Return Patient. At the top of the page, the information about the transport job to return the patient to the home location appears under the information about the original request. See Creating a Possible Job to Return a Patient to the Home Location.

Add to Sequence

Sometimes patients need to be taken to multiple locations in sequence. For example, the patient needs to be taken to have a blood test, and then taken to have physical therapy immediately afterward. You can create a sequential transport job to have this patient taken to multiple destinations, one right after the other. Note: You can only add a job to a sequence if the previous job in the sequence and the remaining jobs in the sequence are in Possible, Pending, Completed, or Canceled status. You cannot add a sequential job to a recurring appointment job.


Add a sequential transport job to this request so that the patient will be taken to another destination afterward.

  • After saving the initial request, under Transport Summary, select the transport job request that should be prior to the one you want to add. * Click Add to Sequence to add another row which displays the destination of the previous job as the origin of the next job. * Select the destination of the next transport job in the sequence for this patient, following the steps described above. * Information about the sequential job appears at the top of the page. The original job identification number is displayed with a dash and a number (for example, 1360-2). The number represents where the job is in a sequence. See


You must save your selections.


Save your selections.

  • Click Save.


Close the Transport Request dialog box.


Close the dialog box.

  • Click Close.

  1. The Recent tab displays locations that you recently selected as origins and destinations. To add a location from the Recent tab to the Favorites tab, select the location, and then click Add to Favorites. To remove a location from the Favorites tab, select it, and then click Remove Favorites.

Canceling a Transport Request

When a patient's circumstances change, such as becoming unavailable for transport, it becomes necessary to cancel the associated transport request. Additionally, there are automatic system rules that govern the creation and cancellation of transport jobs.

Steps to Cancel a Request

  • Access the Transport Request: Navigate to the transport request for the patient needing cancellation.

  • Click the Cancel Button: Locate and click the Cancel button in the Transport Request interface.

  • Select a Reason Code: Choose an appropriate Reason Code to document why the job is being canceled.

Automatic Transport Jobs

In some health systems, administrators may configure automatic transport jobs for patients who meet certain conditions, such as:

  • Patients with current locations.

  • Patients with assigned, clean beds.

  • Patients marked as Ready-to-Move (RTM).

  • Patients transferring between specific units.

Benefits: These settings streamline workflow, reduce manual job creation, and help transport patients efficiently.

Restrictions Related to Automatic Transport Jobs

  • ADT Order Conflicts:
    If an automatic transport job is already in progress when an ADT order cancels the Ready-to-Move designation, the system will ignore the ADT order, and the patient will remain marked as Ready-to-Move.

  • Ready-to-Move Button Restrictions:
    The RTM button is unavailable for patients with transport jobs that are In Progress. Users cannot remove the Ready-to-Move designation during this status.

System Automatic Cancellations to Automatic Transport Jobs

The system may automatically cancel transport jobs under specific conditions:

  1. Assigned Bed Changes:
    If a transport job is in Pending or Dispatched status:

    • Bed Changed to Non-Clean Status: The job is canceled, and the transporter receives a cancellation notification.

      • Reason Code: AT BED DIRTY

    • Bed Assignment Removed: The job is canceled with a transporter notification.

      • Reason Code: AT NO BED ASSIGN

  2. Ready-to-Move Designation Removed:

    • If the patient's RTM designation is removed, any Pending or Dispatched transport jobs are automatically canceled.

    • Reason Code: AT NOT RTM

    • Transporters receive a cancellation notification if already dispatched.

  3. Occupied Bed:

    • An automatic transport job in any status will not be canceled if an occupying event occurs (such as admission to a home location). This ensures transporters receive proper credit for completing jobs and prevents discrepancies in audit reports.

Sequential Transport Jobs: Guide and Instructions


Sequential transport job requests are used by healthcare staff, particularly patient flow coordinators and transport dispatchers, when a patient requires transport to multiple locations in a specific order. These requests are created during patient care planning or when a complex transport need arises. Managed within the TransportTracking™ application, this process ensures that each job in the sequence is efficiently assigned, potentially involving different transporters for each leg of the journey. This functionality is essential for maintaining seamless patient movement, reducing delays, and ensuring that in-patient care services like X-rays or physical therapy are completed in a coordinated manner.

Permissions Required

Users must have the following to manage sequential transport jobs:

  • Permission: "TransportTracking™ > User May Edit Patient Transports"

  • Membership: Access to the selected patient’s information based on user membership, allowing requests for transport from any origin to any destination.

To Access the Transport Request Page:

  1. Access a list view that has a Transport Status column, and then select a unit:

Are There Restrictions on the Beds That You Can See?

Only beds that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component can appear in list views.

How Does Membership Affect What You See?

When your user profile was set up, you were given a membership. If you were given a fixed membership, then you can see information only about certain units that were specified in your user profile. You can choose only units that are included in your membership to display on list views. If you have variable membership, then you select the units where you are going to work each time that you sign in.

What If You Have Variable Membership (Floater)?

If you have variable membership, then you select units each time you sign in. This is sometimes called being a "floater." If you are a "floater," then the units you selected when you signed in will appear automatically on list views.

What If You Have Fixed Membership?

If you have fixed membership, then you can see information only about specific units that were included in your membership when your user profile was set up. You will be able to choose only units that are within your membership to display on the list view. For example, if your membership includes 4 units, you can choose to display 2 of those 4 units on a list view at once. The units that appear automatically when you first access a list view depend on how your fixed membership was set up in your user profile.

If your fixed membership was set to . . .

This appears automatically on a list view . . .

One individual unit

The unit to which you have fixed membership

Multiple units that are not in a cluster

Your base unit

Multiple units that are in the same cluster, but not every unit in that cluster

Your base unit

One individual cluster

All units in that cluster

Multiple clusters

Your base unit

How to Access the List View

  • Do one of the following to access the list view:

    • Go to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Click the tab for the list view.

    • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    • Click Save.

  1. In the patient row for the patient who is to be transported, in the Transport Status column, click the silver or blue plain button or click the transport job status (for example, Completed) or icon.

  2. When the Patient Transport History dialog box appears do one of the following:

    • To begin adding a new patient transport request, click Add Patient Request in the upper-right corner.

    • To edit an existing transport request, in the Job # column, click the transport job number.

    Note: If the job is in Dispatched status or later, the View Request Details menu appears. Click View Request Details.

Key Rules for Sequential Transport Job Requests

  • Jobs can only be added if the previous and remaining jobs in the sequence have one of the following statuses:

    • Possible

    • Pending

    • Completed

    • Cancelled

  • Sequential jobs cannot be added to recurring appointment jobs.

  • Selecting an already-occupied bed as a destination may displace the current occupant.

Permissions and Membership Requirements

To manage sequential transport jobs, users must have the following:

  • Permission: "TransportTracking™ > User May Edit Patient Transports"

  • Membership: Access to the selected patient’s information based on user membership.

Accessing the Transport Request Page

From List View

  1. Navigate to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > [List View Name]
    Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > Select Instance Name > [List View Tab Name].

  2. Click the tab for the list view or click the Custom Views icon to select a specific list view.

  3. Select Units:

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to open the Unit dialog box.

    • Select a campus and unit(s), then click Add >.

    • Arrange units in the preferred order if necessary.

    • Click Save.

  4. In the patient row for the desired patient, click the transport status or transport job number.

Adding a Job to a Sequential Transport Job Request

  1. On the Transport Request Page, under Transport Summary, click the transport job that should come before the new job to highlight it.

  2. Click Add to Sequence.

    • The destination of the previous job becomes the origin for the new job.

    • The destination is marked with a "?".

  3. Select a Destination:

    • Choose the destination to replace the "?".

    • If prompted by the Occupied Bed Override dialog box, follow these steps:

      • Select a Reason Code for choosing an occupied bed.

      • Enter comments explaining the reason.

      • Click Select.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Close the Transport Request page by clicking the Close button or the "X" in the upper-right corner.

How to Access the List View

  • Do one of the following to access the list view:

    • Go to PatientTracking Portal® > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Click the tab for the list view.

    • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

    • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    • Click Save.

  1. In the patient row for the patient who is to be transported, in the Transport Status column, click in the cell or click the transport job status name (for example, Completed) or icon.

    Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > <Instance Name> > <list view name> tab to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient.

  2. When the Patient Transport History dialog box appears, in the Job # column, click the transport job number to display the Transport Request page.

To Add a Job to a Sequential Transport Job Request

  1. At the top of the Transport Request page under Transport Summary, click the transport job that should come BEFORE the one that you are adding to highlight it.

  2. Click Add to Sequence.

    • The new job is added to the sequence after the highlighted job. The new job status is Possible (or Poss). The destination of the previous job appears in the Origin column. There is a "?" in the Destination column, indicating that the destination has not been selected yet. To select a destination, go to Step 3. When you access the console again, the number of the job will be the original job number, plus a dash, plus the number listed for this job under Ser# on the Transport Summary page (for example, 1750-3).

    • Note: If a message appears stating that the origin and destination cannot be the same, check the origin and destination that were selected. If they are the same, change them. Then click Save.

  3. Selecting an already-occupied bed as a destination can displace the patient who was occupying that bed and make the transported patient the occupant of that bed. If you selected an already-occupied bed as a destination in the previous step, you might be prompted to select a reason code and enter comments about your selection. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box appears, do the following. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box does not appear, skip this step.

    1. In the Reason Code list, select a reason code for choosing the already-occupied bed (for example, Patient Issue).

    2. In the Comments box, type information about why the already-occupied bed was chosen.

    3. Click Select.

  4. Click Save.

  5. To close the Transport Request page, click the Close button or the X in the upper-right corner.

Re-ordering Jobs in a Sequential Transport Job Request

  • Permissions: Users need roles associated with groups that have the "TransportTracking™ Functions - User may edit patient transports" permission. Requester access to the patient allows them to request moves from any origin to any destination.

  • Notes:

    • Only "Possible" status jobs can be re-ordered.

    • The second job can only be moved up if the first is "Possible."

    • Re-ordering changes origins and destinations, affecting travel requirements, mode of travel, and equipment matching.

  • Procedure:

    • From Console: Access transport job requests (see documentation on accessing information about transport job requests), click the job number to open the Transport Request page, and proceed to re-ordering.

    • From Patient Schedule: View the patient's transport schedule, click the job number to open the Transport Request page.

    • Re-ordering: On the Transport Request page, in the Transport Summary section, use the up/down arrows to re-order the job. Changes are saved automatically. Close the Transport Request page when finished.

Automatic Transport Jobs Are Not Creating After Meeting the Requirements

  • Problem: Auto transport jobs are not generating as expected.

  • Cause: Missing transport zone for either the origin or destination location.

  • Solution: Configure a transport zone for the necessary location(s).

  • Details: Transport zones are required for automatic transport jobs, a detail not always clearly documented in global settings or online help.

  • Tip: Check for missing transport zones by navigating to Capacity Management Administration > Unit Management > [Unit] and reviewing the Transport Zone column.

Exclusive transport jobs not dropping into the general pool

  • Problem: Pending jobs in an exclusive zone are not moving to the general pool when no transporters are available in the exclusive zone.

  • Clarification: "Unavailable" transporters (e.g., on lunch/break) are still considered logged in. Exclusive jobs will not move to the general pool if transporters are logged in but unavailable. The job will remain pending until an available transporter logs into the exclusive zone.

Auto Transport Job has Same Origin and Destination on Transport Job Audit

  • Problem: Auto transport job shows the same origin and destination in the Transport Job Audit.

  • Cause: An A02 (Transfer) ADT message processed before the transport job was marked "in progress."

  • Solution: Ensure the transport job is "In Progress" before sending an A02 (Transfer) message.

  • Verification: Use a Patient Audit to confirm the job is "In Progress." This locks the origin, preventing the A02 message from changing it.

  • Troubleshooting: Check the Transport Notification History for origin/destination statuses at job creation to confirm this sequence of events.

Transport Job canceled by Interface XT Transport Tracking Timer Service

Problem: Transport Job Status Dialog shows the job canceled by the interface, but no corresponding HL7 message is found. The Transport Job Audit shows the cancellation source as "Windows Service - XT Transport Tracking Timer Service."

The transport job audit report shows the job was canceled by the Interface and the source is the Windows Service - XT Transport Tracking Timer Service.

  • Cause: The patient was discharged, and the time difference between discharge and the future appointment exceeds the "Future Appointment Cancel Window" global setting.

  • Solution: The system automatically cancels future appointments if the patient is discharged and the time difference exceeds the configured window.


The value in this box is 24 hours.

A patient has a transport job appointment for 10:18 AM on Friday. The patient is discharged at 10:26 AM on Wednesday.

Because the patient was discharged 24 hours before the appointment and the Future Appointment Cancel Window value is 24 hours, the transport job appointment will be canceled automatically.

Troubleshooting Transport Job Issues

This document provides a detailed breakdown of common transport job issues, their causes, and solutions.

  1. Unable to Schedule Transport Jobs Due to Error

  • Problem: When scheduling a transport job, the error "An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator" appears, and the transport window locks until refreshed.

  • Cause: An invalid character exists in the location name, causing the system to crash when that location is used as either the origin or destination.

  • Solution:

    1. Have the client identify and remove the invalid character from the location name.

    2. Ask the client to replicate the issue to confirm the resolution.

  1. No Jobs Available While Jobs Are Pending

  • Problem: Transporters receive a "no jobs available" message even when jobs are in pending status.

  • Possible Causes:

    • Transporter Rejections: Transporters might be rejecting jobs through the IVR phone system. These rejections can be tracked in the Employee Audit report (filter by "Rejects Only"). Rejected jobs are locked for a period of time (default 3 minutes).

    • Job Locking: When a job is offered to a transporter, it is locked to them for a specific duration (default 3 minutes, configurable in Master Config: "Interval to keep a dispatchable job locked during assignment (minutes)"). This prevents other transporters from being offered the job during the lock period.

  • Example Scenario:

    1. Three transporters (A, B, and C) and two pending jobs.

    2. Job 1 is offered to Transporter A (locked).

    3. Transporter A rejects Job 1.

    4. Job 2 is offered to Transporter B (locked).

    5. Transporter B rejects Job 2.

    6. Transporters A, B, and C call the IVR but are not offered any jobs.

    7. After 3 minutes (the lock duration), Job 1 becomes available again and is dispatched.

  • Solution:

    • Monitor transporters for rejections using the Employee Audit report. This helps identify patterns of rejection and address underlying issues with the job offers (e.g., inappropriate job types, incorrect locations). There is no direct technical solution other than this monitoring and addressing.

  1. Scheduled Transport Jobs Aren't Releasing

  • Problem: Transport jobs remain in "appt" (appointment/scheduled) status, instead of moving to "pending" status.

  • Possible Causes:

    • XT TransportTracking Timer & Queue Services Hung: These services might be malfunctioning.

    • Incorrect Lead Time: The client may not be considering the lead time setting for the location.

  • Solution:

    1. Check Lead Time:

      • Navigate to Capacity Management Administration > Unit Management > [Unit] > [Location] > Transport Settings > Lead time.

      • Lead time is the time (in minutes) before the appointment time that a job transitions to pending status.

    2. Check if Services Need to be Recycled:

      • Scenario 1 (Working as Expected): Appointment: 1:00 PM, Current Time: 12:25 PM, Lead Time: 30 minutes. Job should be pending at 12:30 PM. No service recycle needed.

      • Scenario 2 (Services Likely Need Recycle): Appointment: 1:00 PM, Current Time: 12:45 PM, Lead Time: 20 minutes. Job should have been pending at 12:40 PM. Recycle services.

    3. Recycle XT TransportTracking Timer & Queue Services (if necessary). This is a system administration task.

  1. Auto Transport Job Has the Same Origin and Destination

  • Problem: Transport jobs cannot be completed because the origin and destination are identical. This is usually found in the Transport Job Audit Report.

  • Cause: An A02 ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) message was sent from the client to update the patient's location before the transport job was marked "in progress" by a transporter.

  • Solution:

    1. Run a Transport Job Audit Report to verify the job status.

    2. Ensure that the job status is changed to "in progress" before sending any A02 HL7 messages that might change the patient's location.

    3. Troubleshooting Step: Check the Transport Notification History to see the original origin and destination locations recorded when the Transport Job Audit was created. This can help understand the sequence of events.

Transport Status


The Transport Status column in the patient list view displays the status of the patient's earliest or most relevant transport job. The column heading features a transport icon that indicates job status.

Status Display Rules

  1. Active Transport Job:

    • Shows the status of the patient's earliest active job, including:

      • Pending

      • Dispatched

      • In Progress (including Assist and Delayed)

  2. Additional Status Scenarios:

    • Transport Appointments: Displays the earliest appointment job status for the current day.

    • Leaving the Unit:

      • If the patient has left the unit and has a cancelled or completed job today, the status of the most recent transport job will appear.

      • If the patient is no longer in their home location, the most recent cancelled or completed job will not appear.

    • Possible Status:

      • A blank cell appears if the transport job is in Possible status.

    • No Active Jobs:

      • If the column is blank:

        • The patient has no active, completed, or cancelled jobs and no appointments for the day.

        • Note: If the campus does not have a TransportTracking™ license, the column will always be blank.

Icon Meanings

Clicking the transport icon displays job status details. Icon meanings may vary depending on the transport phase, such as Pending, Dispatched, or Delayed.

User Permissions

  • View Transport Details:

    • Users with User May Edit Patient Transports or User May View Patient Transports permission can click the transport status name or icon to view job details.

  • Create Transport Job Requests:

    • Users with User May Edit Patient Transports permission can click within the Transport Status column to create a transport job request for the patient.


Transporters, essential for hospital operations, are notified about transport jobs as they complete their current tasks. They use the IVR to accept jobs and can update job statuses through the IVR or the TransportTracking™ application. Assignments vary: some transporters work exclusively in specific sections and zones (fixed and exclusive assignments), others have fixed zones but may be dispatched elsewhere as needed (fixed assignments), and some can accept jobs hospital-wide (all assignments). Transporters with variable assignments select their work zones upon signing in. The TransportTracking™ application accommodates these assignment types when dispatching transport jobs.

Administrators or designated staff can view transporter information if they have the appropriate permissions and membership for the transporters' locations.

Permissions, such as the Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions - TransportTracking™ Application Functions - Console Transporters Tab, are required to access the Transporters tab or Transporter Dashboard, with membership scope limiting the records displayed.

To Access Information About Transporters

  1. Permissions and Membership Requirements

    To access the Transporters tab or Transporter Dashboard, you need:

    • Permission: Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions - TransportTracking™ Application Functions - Console Transporters Tab

    • Membership Scope: Only transporters within your assigned membership scope will be visible.

Steps to Access TransportTracking™ Console

  1. Navigation:

    • Go to TransportTracking™, Care Support > TransportTracking™, or Care Support > TransportTracking™ > [Instance Name] for multiple instances.

  2. Selecting Transporters:

    • On the console, click the Transporters tab or go to Transporter Dashboard.

    • In the first column, choose a category to view transporters:

      • Campus

      • Building

      • Floor

      • Cluster

      • Section

      • Unit

      • Zone

    • Click the name (e.g., campus or zone) to list associated transporters whose current locations fall within your membership.

    • To reverse the order, click the triangle next to Status.

Transporter Information Displayed

  • Job #: Current transport job number.

  • Status: Transporter’s job status.

  • Empl ID: Transporter's unique employee ID.

  • Device ID: IVR ID code of the pager assigned to the transporter.

  • Reject: Count of rejected transport jobs, including multiple rejections of the same job.

    • Important Notes:

      • If a rejected job is later completed, it still counts as rejected.

      • Multiple rejections of the same job by a transporter count as separate rejections.

      • Jobs are marked rejected if:

        • The transporter exceeds the Max Review Job setting for job detail replays.

        • The transporter does not respond after three IVR job offers.

      • If batched jobs are rejected together, it counts as one rejection.

      • Rejected jobs remain counted even if subsequent sequence jobs are canceled.

  • Adjust: Number of flagged jobs where any of the following are true:

    • In Progress to Completed Time: Exceeds the Outlier In Progress Time.

    • Pending to Completed Time: Falls below Outlier Completed Under Time.

    • Pending to Completed Time: Exceeds Outlier Completed Over Time.

  • Time: Time of the last instructions received from IVR.

  • Act (Active): Transporter’s sign-in status:

    • Y: Yes

    • N: No

    • B: Yes but currently on break

    • Note: Transporters with variable devices must enter valid IDs upon sign-in, while fixed-device transporters do not.

  • IVR ID: Assigned user identification code for IVR.

  • Zones: Transporter’s assigned zones. If exclusive, it displays Exclusive with a list of assigned zones.

  • Current Location: Assumed location of the transporter at the time of the report.

Viewing Transporter Employee Status, Statistics, and Transport Job Schedule in TransportTracking™

Instructions to Access Transporter Information

  1. Access Transporter Data:
    Follow the steps outlined in Accessing Information About Transporters.

  2. View Transporter Status:

    • Navigate to the Status column to see the status of each transporter.

  3. View Individual Transporter’s Job Schedule:

    • In the Empl ID column, click the transporter's User ID.

  4. Select Date Range:

    • Click the calendar icon next to the From box. Select the month, year, and day to define the start of the range.

    • Repeat the same process for the To box to set the end date.

    • Note: Information is limited to transporter activity within the selected date range.

Transport Schedule Information Displayed

The following data is shown for each transporter job (if not in Available, Break, Lunch, or Out statuses):

  • Status: Current transporter status.

    Important: A transporter may appear as Completed for a later job while showing InProgress for an earlier job if that job was completed by another transporter.

  • Job #: Unique job numbers associated with the transporter.

  • Patient #/Name:

    • Displays either patient ID or name based on administrative settings.

  • Trv Reqs:

    • IVR IDs associated with patient transport jobs. Hover over the IDs to display full travel requirement names.

  • Origin and Destination:

    • Starting and ending points of each transport job.

  • Disp > InPrg & InPrg > Comp:

    • Time taken for job status changes from Dispatched to In Progress and In Progress to Completed.

  • Assist & Delay:

    • Time spent in Assist or Delayed statuses.

  • Time Started & Completed:

    • For non-job statuses like Break, Available, or Out, this shows the start and completion time of that status.

    • For job statuses like Dispatched, it shows the time when work on the job started and finished.

Transporter Statistics at the Top of the Page

  • Transporter: Name of the transporter.

  • Completed Trips Today: Number of completed transport jobs.

  • Average Trip Time: Average time to complete a transport job.

  • Auto-Location Level:

    • Displays when the transporter's status is Available.

    • Indicates how long the transporter has remained in their last known location and their logical position within the campus (e.g., unit, zone, or section).

    • Based on the Auto-Location Assessment value in the dispatch set.

  • Total Break Time & Total Avail Time:

    • Cumulative time spent in Break and Available statuses.

  • Total Task Tracking:

    • Number of mini tasks worked on within the selected date range.

  • Last Known Location:

    • The most recent location associated with the transporter.

Returning to Transporters Dashboard

To return to the dashboard:

  • Click the Transporters tab or go to TransportTracking™ > Transporters Dashboard.

Error Logging Transporter or EVS Employee Out

WhenError Message:

"You are not allowed to log this user out for the day due to the user's current status."


The employee currently has a job in progress.


  1. Complete or Delay the Job:

    • Ensure the in-progress job is either completed or marked as delayed.

  2. Log Out the Employee:

    • Once the job is no longer in the In Progress state, the administrator can successfully log the user out.

Transporter Unable to Log Out


This issue typically occurs when the user is logged into the application both through the desktop and the app simultaneously, creating multiple sessions.


  • Access the User Profile:

    • The internal admin or manager should open the user's profile in the system.

  • Initiate Log Out:

    • Click Log out for the day on the user's profile.

  • Ensure the user is logged into the application on the desktop.

  • Have the user click Sign Out within the application.

Important: DO NOT close the application by clicking the "X."

  • This will not end the session and will result in multiple sessions being created.

Transport Summary: Return Patient Option

About "Return Patient"

The Return Patient feature allows a requester to create a sequential transport request to return a patient to their home location (room) after the original transport job is completed.

How It Works:

  1. Initial Transport:

    • The transporter moves the patient from the origin to a destination.

  2. Return Transport:

    • When it is time to return the patient, the transporter (or another transporter) will go to the destination location and transport the patient back to their home location.


  • No need to create a separate transport request for the return trip.

Important Note:

  • The Return Patient Request does not activate automatically.

  • A requester or another user with the appropriate permissions must release the return request when it is time for the patient to be returned.

TransportTracking Alerts

About TransportTracking Alerts

  • TransportTracking Alerts are automatic notices sent to supervisors under specific conditions to ensure job and employee status efficiency within healthcare facilities. Alerts are triggered when there is no response to a transport job request or when a job or employee remains in a particular status for longer than acceptable.

    If the issue persists after the initial alert, it can escalate through up to five levels, notifying supervisors at higher levels to prompt necessary action and resolution.


  • Administrators can customize alert settings within the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. Customizable options include:

    • Trigger Minutes: The time threshold before an alert is sent.

    • Retries: The number of times an alert is resent if the issue is not resolved.

    • Interval Minutes: The time between alert retries.

    • For example, suppose the administrator has configured settings so that trigger minutes = 25, retries = 2, and interval minutes = 10. If a transport job remains in an “In Progress” status for 26 minutes, then each supervisor will receive an alert 3 times (1 initial alert and 2 retries) at 10-minute intervals as long as the job status remains In Progress.

User Settings

  • Users can configure notifications in the My Notifications section to receive alerts under the following conditions:

    • When the origin and/or destination of the transport job falls within their assigned sections or zones.

    • Within their base ward assignments for transport job alerts.

  • If transport job alerts are configured so that they are sent when the origin of the transport job is in the recipient's assigned sections and zones, then users will receive that alert when any transport job's origin is within a section or zone that they are assigned to.

  • Also, users receive employee alerts when the statuses of employees who are assigned to sections and zones that, (match or are within the user's section and zone assignments), meet the employee status alert criteria configured in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

TransportTracking Item Requester


TransportTracking™ is an essential tool used by healthcare support staff, transport coordinators, and logistics personnel to efficiently manage the movement of items within healthcare facilities. This system is accessed through the TeleTracking platform, part of the Care Support suite available on the healthcare facility's network. It is used whenever there is a need to transport essential items, such as medical supplies, patient belongings, or other materials, to or from different locations within a healthcare campus. By providing a streamlined process for requesting, managing, and monitoring item transport jobs, TransportTracking™ ensures timely and accurate deliveries, which is vital to maintaining smooth operations in healthcare environments.

Steps to Create a New Item Transport Request

Logging In

  1. Launch the TeleTracking application.

  2. Input your User Login ID and Password.

  3. Click the Sign In button.

  4. From the Care Support menu, select TransportTracking™.

Creating an Item Request

  • Click on the Item Trans icon in the toolbar.

  • The Item Transport Request form will appear.

  • Select the Campus, if applicable.

  • Choose the Item Type for transport.

  • Select the small magnifying glass icon to add the Origin and/or Destination.

  • Enter the Location Name in the Search Text Field (Tip: Enter less text for broader search results).

  • Click the Check All box.

  • Click the Click to Search button.

  • In the Location Results section, click the desired location (it will be highlighted in blue).

  • Click Select Location to confirm the selection.

  • Use the small magnifying glass icon to search for the patient.

  • Perform the search by Last Name or other patient identifiers.

  • Select Job Status

    • Pending: An on-demand request for the item to be transported.

    • Possible: Use if the job does not need to be dispatched immediately. Possible jobs must be manually released.

    • Appointment Date/Time: Select this if the item needs to be transported at a specific future date and/or time.

  • Click Save.

  • Click Close to finalize the request. The item request will now be created.

Item Job Status Type Definitions

  • Possible: Job requests without a date or time assigned. Must be released (to pending status) or canceled

  • Appointment: Job requests are scheduled for a specific date and time. Will become pending automatically at the lead time of the job destination.

  • Pending: Job requests are currently in the queue, waiting to be dispatched.

  • Assigned: A transporter has been assigned to the request and is on the way to retrieve the item.

  • Dispatched Delay: The transporter has entered a delay while dispatched, and the item has not yet been moved.

  • In Progress: The transporter is now moving the item to the destination.

  • In Progress Delay: The transporter has entered a delay while moving towards the destination.

  • Help Needed: The transporter has requested assistance, causing a delay.

  • Complete: The transporter has reached the destination, and the job is finished.

  • Canceled: The job request has been canceled.

How To

Release a Possible Job

A Possible job exists for an item. To release the job:

  1. Click on the Possible Status (Poss) button.

  2. Select Release.

Cancel a Job

The job can be canceled any time before the In Progress status.

  1. Click on the Status Box of the job.

  2. Select Cancel.

  3. Choose a cancellation reason if required.

Note: If the job is in an In Progress status, only the transporter has the ability to cancel.

TransportTracking Transport Portal and PAT Requester Reference Guide


The TransportTracking Transport Portal and PAT Requester Reference Guide serves as a comprehensive resource designed to support healthcare staff in managing and coordinating patient and item transport efficiently. It provides step-by-step instructions for essential functions, including requesting, managing, and canceling transport jobs. The guide is particularly relevant for inpatient nursing and charge staff who rely on streamlined transport processes to ensure timely patient transfers and the delivery of critical items across hospital departments. By enabling accurate data input and workflow management, the guide plays a pivotal role in improving overall patient flow and operational efficiency in healthcare settings.


Patient Transport Functionality

Requesting Patient Transport from PatientTracking Portal

  1. Locate Patient: Find the appropriate patient and click the Transport Status icon.

  1. Access Transport History: The Patient Transport History dialog displays. Click Add Patient Request.

Complete the Transport Request: Fill in the following fields:

  • Origin: Verify if auto-populated.

  • Destination: Enter destination details.

  • Mode of Travel: Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Isolation Type: Verify for accuracy; defaults if set in the patient record.

  • Job Status: Choose from:

    • Pending: The job was sent to the first available transporter.

    • Appointment: Scheduled for a specific time.

    • Possible: Remains inactive until manually released.

  • Travel Requirements: Highlight from the Available box and move to the Selected box using the arrow button.

Set Origin or Destination:

  • Click the magnifying glass icon next to the field.

  • In the Find a Location dialog:

    • Enter the location name/room number in the Search Text field.

    • Select Check All to include all units.

    • Click Click to Search to view results.

    • Highlight the location in Blue and click Select Location.

  • The location will now display in the corresponding field.

  • Save the Request: Click Save. The job will display with the selected Job Status.

Mode of Travel

  1. Select the appropriate “Mode of Travel” from the menu.

Isolation Type

  1. Verify that the “Isolation Type” is correct:

NOTE: If the patient has an isolation set in their record, this field will already display an Isolation.

Job Status

  • Pending – The Job will be sent to the first available transporter.

  • Appointment – The Job is entered for a specific time. The system will release the job prior to the scheduled time to ensure the patient arrives on time.

  • Possible – The Job is entered into the system but will not be an active request until the job is manually released.

Travel Requirements

  1. To set, highlight requirements in the “Available” box.

  2. Use the arrow to move to the “Selected” box.

  3. This can also be done in reverse to remove items.

  1. Now that the fields are completed, click on “Save” to complete the request. At the top of the Transport Request box, you will now see the job displaying the Job Status you selected.

Other Patient Transport Functionality

Adding Jobs To Sequence

  • Allows users to add an additional stop to the transport request (e.g., CT and MRI before returning to the room).

    1. Click the Add to Sequence button.

    2. Enter the additional destination.

    3. The second job will remain in Possible status until released.

Adding A Return Patient Job

  • Allows you to add a job in the system to return the patient to the Origin location of the first job. For example, if a patient goes to CT and they will be returning to their room once the CT is over. The second job will remain in a “Possible” status until it is “Released”.

  1. Once the request is entered, click the “Return Patient” button.

  2. The Return Job will now display as a Possible job.

Cancelling A Transport Job

  • Allows for the Transport job to be canceled and removed from the list of transport requests.

  1. Click on the “Cancel” button in the Transport Request.

  2. You will now be prompted to select a “Reason Code” to explain why the job needs to be canceled.

Item Transport Functionality

Requesting Item Transport

  • Access Item Transport: In TransportTracking™, click the Item Trans icon on the toolbar.

  • Complete the Request: Fill in the following fields:

    • Item Type: Select from the drop-down menu.

    • Origin: Specify item pickup location.

    • Destination: Specify item delivery location.

Note: Selecting origins and destinations follows the same process as in patient transport requests.

  • Save the Request: Click Save. The job will display in Pending status.

Requesting Patient Transport from PreAdmitTracking with the Electronic Bedboard

Locate Patient: Find the appropriate patient and click the Transport Status field.

  • If the patient is not in the current view, use Patient Search to find their record.

  1. Access Transport History: The Patient Transport History dialog displays. Click Add Patient Request.

Complete the Transport Request: Address the following fields:

  • Origin: Verify if auto-populated.

  • Destination: Enter the destination.

  • Mode of Travel: Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Isolation Type: Verify for accuracy. Defaults to the patient record if set.

  • Job Status: Choose from:

    • Pending: Sent to the first available transporter.

    • Appointment: Scheduled for a specific time.

    • Possible: Manually released.

  • Travel Requirements: Highlight from the Available box and move to Selected.

Set Origin or Destination:

  • Click the magnifying glass icon next to the field.

  • In Find a Location, enter the location in Search Text.

  • Select Check All to search across all units.

  • Click Click to Search to view results.

  • Highlight the location in Blue and click Select Location.

  • Save the Request: Click Save. The request will display with the selected Job Status.

Mode of Travel

  1. Select the appropriate Mode of Travel from the drop-down menu.

Isolation Type

  1. Verify that the Isolation is correct.

NOTE: If the patient has an isolation set in their record, this field will already display an Isolation.

Job Status

  • Pending – The Job will be sent to the first available transporter.

  • Appointment – The Job is entered for a specific time. The system will release the job prior to the scheduled time to ensure the patient arrives on time.

  • Possible – The Job is entered into the system but will not be an active request until the job is manually released.

Travel Requirements

  1. To set, highlight requirements in the Available box.

  2. Use the arrow to move to the Selected box.

  3. This can also be done in reverse to remove items.

  1. Now that the fields are completed, click on Save to complete the request. At the top of the Transport Request box, you will now see the job displaying the Job Status you selected.

TransportTracking - Patient Requester Reference Guide


Patient transport requests in TransportTracking™ are managed by hospital staff responsible for coordinating and tracking patient movement within a healthcare facility. Transport requests are created when a patient needs to be moved from one location to another for appointments, procedures, or transfers. These requests are managed within the TransportTracking™ application, accessed through the Care Support menu. Accurate and timely transport requests ensure patient flow efficiency and reduce delays in care delivery.

Creating a Transport Request

Steps to Submit a Transport Request

  • Log in to the System:

    • Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click Sign In.

  • Access TransportTracking™:

    • From the Care Support menu, select the TransportTracking™ option.

  • Navigate to the Patients Tab:

    • Click on the Patients tab.

  • Search for the Patient:

    • Choose your search method (either Last Name or ID) and enter the patient's information.

    • Click Search.

  • Select the Patient:

    • Review the search results and click on the patient's name to select them.

    • If the patient has a transport history, the Patient Transport History page will display.

    • If no active job exists (Pending, Dispatched, or In Progress), click Add Patient Request to open the transport request form.

Enter Request Details:

  • Origin and Destination:

    • Click the magnifying glass next to the Origin or Destination fields.

    • In the Search Text field, enter the location name (using minimal text for best results).

    • Check the "Check All" box and click Search.

    • Highlight the location and click Select Location.

  • Mode of Travel, Isolation Type, and Travel Requirements:

    • Select these fields as appropriate based on the patient's requirements.

  • Job Status:

    • Select Pending if the patient needs to be moved immediately.

    • Choose Appointment to schedule the transport for a specific time.

  • Save the Request:

    • Click Save and then Close.

Job Status Type Definitions

  • Possible: Job requests without a date or time assigned. Must be released or canceled.

  • Appointment: Jobs scheduled for a specific date and time. They automatically become pending at the job destination's lead time.

  • Pending: Jobs in the queue waiting for dispatcher assignment

  • Dispatched: A transporter has been assigned and is on the way to retrieve the patient/item.

  • Delay - Dispatched: Transporter has entered a delay while dispatched.

  • In Progress: Transporter is moving the patient/item to the destination.

  • Delay - In Progress: Transporter has entered a delay while moving.

  • Assist: Transporter has requested assistance, causing a delay.

  • Complete: Transporter has reached the destination, and the job is finished.

  • Canceled: The job has been canceled.

How To Manage Transport Jobs

Release a Possible Job

  1. Identify the job with the Possible (Poss) status.

  2. Click the Poss status button and select Release to initiate the transport when the patient is ready.

Handle Sequential Transport Requests

  1. Open an existing Pending, Dispatched, or In-progress job by clicking the job number.

  2. Click Add to Sequence to create a subsequent transport request.

Update Patient Location

  1. If the patient's current location is not correct, verify and correct the Origin field.

  2. Follow Step 5 of the "Creating a Transport Request" section to update the location.

Travel Requirements


Travel Requirements in the Capacity Management application are managed by administrators and system users responsible for configuring transport requests within healthcare facilities. This process takes place in the Capacity Management Administration page under Dictionary Management > Travel Requirements. Updates to the list are necessary during system changes or campus-specific requests to improve operational efficiency. By default, Travel Requirements are sorted by IVR ID, which may cause confusion when selecting options for transport jobs. Since the list order is hardcoded, administrators must use a manual workaround to reorganize the entries alphabetically by deleting and re-adding them in the desired order. This ensures a more user-friendly and efficient process for staff handling transport requests.

  • List of Travel Requirements when creating a new transport request:

  • List of Travel Requirements found in Dictionary Management when sorted by IVR ID:

When choosing a travel requirement, some of them are not in alphabetical order.

Workaround to Alphabetize Travel Requirements

Although the list is hard-coded, there is a workaround to organize Travel Requirements alphabetically:

Step 1: Determine the Campus

Ask which Campus the Travel Requirements are associated with.

Step 2: Review Current Travel Requirements

  • Navigate to Dictionary Management > Travel Requirements and locate the group for the relevant Campus.

  • Run the Transport Travel Requirements Report (or take a screenshot) to capture the current list of Travel Requirements.

Step 3: Identify Changes

  • Notate the new Travel Requirements that need to be added.

  • Identify where the new entries should be alphabetically inserted in the list.

Step 4: Remove Existing Requirements

  • Select and check off all Travel Requirements that alphabetically fall after the new entries.

  • Click Delete Selected Records to remove them temporarily.

Step 5: Add Requirements Alphabetically

  • Re-enter the Travel Requirements in alphabetical order, mixing the new and existing entries.

  • Ensure that IVR IDs are correctly mapped and maintained.

Step 6: Save and Verify

  • Click Save to confirm changes.

  • Review a transport job for the selected Campus to ensure the Travel Requirements now appear in the desired alphabetical order.

Additional Notes

  • Maintaining accurate IVR IDs is essential for proper system mapping.

  • This workaround provides a manual solution but requires careful planning and attention to detail to avoid errors in the configuration.

Adding, Editing, or Deleting Travel Requirements

Travel requirements in the Capacity Management system play a critical role in creating accurate transport job requests. These requirements ensure that essential details are included when scheduling and managing transport tasks. Authorized users must configure travel requirements at the campus level by accessing the appropriate administrative pages within the system.

Permissions Required

To manage travel requirements, users must have the following permissions:

  • Capacity Management Administration Page Menu Permission: Access to the Capacity Management Administration menu.

  • Global Admin Permission-TransportTracking™ Application Functions-Travel Requirements: Required to add, edit, or delete travel requirements.

  • Edit Rights: Necessary to make changes (view-only rights are insufficient).

  • Membership Requirements: Either:

    • Membership Type "All" with administrative rights enabled, or

    • Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and administrative rights enabled for that campus.

Note: Default travel requirements provided by the system cannot be edited or deleted.

To add, edit, or delete travel requirements:

Adding Travel Requirements:

  1. Navigate to Capacity Management Administration > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. Select the desired campus from the filtering field.

  3. Click Add to create a new row.

  4. Complete the following information:

    • Campus: Select the appropriate campus for transport jobs using this requirement.

    • IVR Code: Enter a numeric IVR code (greater than 0) that meets the system’s character requirements.

    • Travel Requirements Name: Enter a unique name (up to 50 characters) for the requirement.

  5. Click Save to confirm the new requirement.

Editing Travel Requirements:

  1. Navigate to the Travel Requirements dictionary page and select the desired campus.

  2. Update the appropriate columns for existing travel requirements.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.
    Note: Default or already-in-use travel requirements cannot be edited.

Deleting Travel Requirements:

  1. Select the desired campus from the filtering field.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select the checkbox to delete specific travel requirements.

    • Use the Select All checkbox to delete all listed requirements (non-default and unused only).

  3. Click Delete Selected Records and confirm the deletion.
    Note: Default travel requirements or those already in use cannot be deleted.

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