Location Dwell Time Report
The Location Dwell Time report displays the amount of time that patients occupy an Ancillary location or the amount of time patients spend outside of their home unit.
The report’s data comes from a badged patient in the TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System or from TransportTracking™ application information.
Starting in v2023.08, text has been added to the help to clarify the Location Dwell Time Report. To be considered for inclusion in the report, a unit/ward must be configured with a unit/ward type of either ancillary or inhouse.
Permissions Required
To generate this report, users must belong to a group that has permission, Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information.
Unit Requirement
To be considered for inclusion in this report, a unit must be configured with a Unit Type of either Ancillary or InHouse in the unit's configuration page in the Admin section. For more information, refer to: How to Add or Edit a Unit.
This report will provide information on patient occupancy (or lack of) by location.
When run by Unit Type of Ancillary the report provides length of time a patient was in a selected unit. that is not their home unit. This is determined by the Arrival and Departure time set by either the TeleTracking RTLS, the TransportTracking™ application, or both methods. If within the Date Time range selected in the report only an Arrival or only a Departure event exists, the record will be flagged as an Exception and excluded from averages and totals.
When run by Unit Type of InHouse the report will provide length of time a patient(s) was off the home unit. This is determined by the Departure and Return time set by either TeleTracking RTLS, TransportTracking™ application, or both methods. If within the selected Date Time range only an Arrival or only a Departure event exists, the record will be flagged as an Exception and excluded from averages and totals.
Column Descriptions of Summary Grouped By Location Report
Ancillary Unit Type (PDF or XLS Output)
InHouse Unit Type (PDF or XLS Output)
Unit Name – The abbreviation for one of the following:
The ancillary unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
The patient’s home unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Location Name – The abbreviation for one of the following during the selected time period of the report:
The patient’s location (bed) within the ancillary unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
The patient’s home unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Average Duration – The average time that the patient spent:
In the ancillary units if the report’s selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
Off the patient’s home unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Note: Exceptions are not included in the average calculation.
Longest Stay – The number of minutes that was for the longest time a patient spent in a location (not to be confused with overall Length of Stay (LOS) which pertains to patient’s time in the hospital).
Visit Number – The visit number for the patient who had the longest stay in a location.
Shortest Stay – The number of minutes that was for the shortest time a patient spent in a location
Visit Number – The visit number for the patient who had the longest shortest stay in a location.
Exception – The total number of records within the Date Time range that have one of the following:
Only an Arrival event
Only a Departure event
Exceptions are noted in the Exception column of the report but are excluded from averages and totals.
Column Descriptions of Detailed Grouped By Location Report
Location - Detailed - Ancillary Unit Type (XLS Output)
Location – Detailed - InHouse Unit Type (XLS Output)
Unit Name – The abbreviation for one of the following:
The ancillary unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
The patient’s home unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Location Name – The abbreviation for one of the following during the selected time period of the report:
The patient’s location (bed) within the ancillary unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
The patient’s home unit if the report’s selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Visit Number - The number of the patient’s visit to the facility. Multiple visit numbers can appear for one Medical Record Number.
Medical Record Number - The patient’s unique identifying number in the health system.
RTLS - The patient’s badge number in the TeleTracking RTLS.
Name - The patient’s name in Last name, First name format.
Arrival – The patient’s arrival in the ancillary unit if the selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
Departure – one of the following:
The patient’s departure from the ancillary unit if the selected Unit Type is Ancillary.
The patient’s departure from the home unit that is not the home unit if the selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Return – The Date Time that the patient arrived back in the home location if the selected Unit Type is InHouse.
Source Arrival – Select one of the following to indicate how the arrival data was gathered for the report:
RTLS – The admission or transfer data came from the patient's TeleTracking RTLS badge movements.
Workstation – The admission or transfer data came from the Capacity IQ® solution used on a browser.
Windows Service – The admission or transfer data came from the Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) and the Health Level Seven (HL7) system.
Handheld – The admission or transfer data came from the transporter using a Capacity IQ® solution mobile app.
Source Departure – Select one of the following to indicate how the departure data was gathered for the report:
RTLS – The admission or transfer data came from the patient's TeleTracking RTLS badge movements.
Workstation – The admission or transfer data came from the Capacity IQ® solution used on a browser.
Windows Service – The admission or transfer data came from the Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) and the Health Level Seven (HL7) system.
Handheld – The admission or transfer data came from the transporter using a Capacity IQ® solution mobile app.
Exception – The total number of records within the Date Time range that have one of the following:
Only an Arrival event
Only a Departure event
Exceptions are noted in the Exception column of the report but excluded from averages and totals.
Column Descriptions of Detailed Grouped by Patient Report
Visit Number - The number of the patient’s visit to the facility. Multiple visit numbers can appear for one Medical Record Number.
Medical Record Number - The patient’s unique identifying number in the health system.
RTLS - The patient’s badge number in the TeleTracking RTLS.
Name - The patient’s name in Last name, First name format.
Unit Name– The abbreviation for the unit which includes the patient’s home location.
Location Name - The abbreviation for the name of the patient’s home location (bed).
Departure Time – The date time when the patient left the home location.
Unit Name - The unit that is not the patient’s home unit and in which the patient spent time.
Location Name - The location that is not the patient’s home unit and in which the patient spent time.
Arrival Time - The date/time when the patient arrived at the location that was not the home location.
Source Arrival - Select one of the following to indicate how the arrival data was gathered for the report:
RTLS – The admission or transfer data came from the patient's TeleTracking RTLS badge movements.
Workstation – The admission or transfer data came from the Capacity IQ® solution used on a browser.
Windows Service – The admission or transfer data came from the Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) and the Health Level Seven (HL7) system.
Handheld – The admission or transfer data came from the transporter using a Capacity IQ® solution mobile app.
Source Departure – Select one of the following to indicate how the departure data was gathered for the report:
RTLS – The admission or transfer data came from the patient's TeleTracking RTLS badge movements.
Workstation – The admission or transfer data came from the Capacity IQ® solution used on a browser.
Windows Service – The admission or transfer data came from the Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) and the Health Level Seven (HL7) system.
Handheld – The admission or transfer data came from the transporter using a Capacity IQ® solution mobile app.
Exception – The total number of records within the date time range that have one of the following:
Only an Arrival event Only a Departure event
Exceptions are noted in the Exception column of the report but excluded from averages and totals.