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Discharge Efficiency Report Description
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Discharge Efficiency Report Description (formerly Real Time Auto-Discharge Report)

Generating an Automated Patient Discharge or Discharge Efficiency Report (formerly Real Time Auto-Discharge Report)


Your organization must have a Patient Tracking license before you can generate the Automated Patient Discharges report.

Automated Patient Discharges Report Column Descriptions

The report is grouped into two sections: RTLS Badge not dropped into Discharge Drop Box and RTLS Badge dropped into Discharge Drop Box. The following information appears on the report.

PDF File or Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output

To Select the Report Criteria:

  1. On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.

  2. Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Automated Patient Discharge or Discharge Efficiency to display the Report Selection page for the report.

  3. Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:

    • Is still in the production database, select Production.

    • Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.

    Important Note!

If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them. Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report. Only campuses to which you have membership are available to select. The report will include information only about discharges that occurred in this campus.

  2. Select the following:

    • Date Time Range—Select the date and time range for the report.

  3. Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.

  4. Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.

  5. In the box next to the From calendar, type the start time of the time range. In the box next to the To calendar, type the end time of the time range. For example, in the From box type 08:00 for 8 AM. In the To box, type 23:59 for 11:59 PM).


If the report should include all discharges that occurred between May 1, 2016 and May 15, 2016, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2016 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2016 appears, then in the calendar, click 15. In the time format used at your campus, type the time range in the boxes next to the calendars (for example, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM or 0800 and 1700). Only discharges that occurred between these times on the dates that are included in the date range will appear on the report.

  • Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the campus that you selected. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus will be included.

  • (For Discharge Efficiency Report Only) Include Mobile Discharges Under TransportTracking? — If you select No, then both a TransportTracking Discharges column and a Mobile Discharges column will appear on the report. The TransportTracking Discharges column will show all patient discharges that occurred because a patient was moved to a discharge location as the result of a transport job that was accepted, placed in progress, and completed through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The Mobile Discharges column will show all patient discharges that occurred because a patient was moved to a discharge location as the result of an action on the TeleTracking mobile™ app, such as completing a transport job or placing a found bed in progress. If you select Yes, then a TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column appears. It shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the IVR and through the TeleTracking mobile™ app. If your hospital purchased mobile devices to use for patient transports, then selecting No and having separate columns on the report is a good way to see data about transport jobs facilitated only through mobile devices. However, if you prefer to see combined data about all transport jobs, then select Yes.

  • (For Discharge Efficiency Report Only) Summary View? — If you want to see a summary report that features calculations of revenue opportunity and potential revenue opportunity based on a bed cost per day that you enter, select Yes. If you want to see a detailed report, select No. If you want the summary and the details to appear on one report, select Both. If you select Yes or Both, then the report is available only in .pdf format.

  • (For Discharge Efficiency Report Only) Daily Bed Cost — If you selected Yes or Both for Summary View, enter a number representing the cost-per-day of a bed in the campus that you selected (for example, 250). The amount that you enter will be used to calculate revenue opportunity and potential revenue opportunity (if TeleTracking solutions were used for discharge 100% of the time) that will be displayed on the summary report.

To Select the Output Type and Run the Report

  1. In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:

    • Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)

    • Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.

  2. Click Run Report.

  3. If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.

  4. When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:

    • To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.

    • To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.

Discharge Efficiency Report Description (formerly Real Time Auto-Discharge Report)


  • You must have the PreAdmitTracking® application permission called Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information to generate an Automated Patient Discharge report.

  • You must have the PreAdmitTracking® application permission called Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information to generate Discharge Efficiency report.

  • At least one of the following permissions is required to generate this report:

    • Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information

    • Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Discharge Efficiency report (formerly Real-Time Auto-Discharge report) shows a snapshot of patient discharge information, broken down by the source of discharge, during a specific time period. Sources of discharge include the Admit Discharge, Transfer (ADT) system, TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS), User Interface (UI) for the PatientTracking Portal® application and PreAdmitTracking® application, the TransportTracking™ application It includes a bed utilization and cost savings statistics summary. The report can be run for all units or a selection of specific units. It includes the count and percentage of discharges that happened in each unit for each discharge source. The report can be helpful in gauging the utilization of different methods to discharge patients. It can show you where the Capacity IQ® solution and TeleTracking RTLS auto discharge features could have been used for discharges, but were not.

There is both a detailed and a summary version of the Discharge Efficiency report. The summary version shows revenue opportunities and potential revenue opportunities based on a daily bed cost that you enter when you generate the report. You can choose to have the summary and the details in one report. You can also generate the summary and the detailed report separately.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The report only includes the discharges of badged patients.

  • Only discharges that occurred within the selected campus and units are included.

  • The report includes all patient discharges that took place within the specified time range.

Discharge Efficiency Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears on the report.

PDF File Output





The abbreviation of the unit.


The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report for the specified discharge source. This column appears under each discharge source heading.


The number of discharges for the specified discharge source divided by the total number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report. This column appears under each discharge source heading.

TransportTracking Discharges

All patient discharges that occurred because a patient was moved to a discharge location as the result of a transport job that was accepted, placed in progress, and completed through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Starting in version 2017.1, you can choose to include mobile discharges and TransportTracking discharges in one column. If the person who generated the report chose this option, then a TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column appears. It shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the IVR.

Mobile Discharges

All patient discharges that occurred because a patient was moved to a discharge location such as completing a transport job or placing a found bed in progress. Starting in version 2017.1, you can choose to include mobile discharges and TransportTracking discharges in one column. If the person who generated the report chose this option, then a TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column appears. It shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the IVR

RTLS Discharges

All patient discharges that occurred due to a patient badge being placed in a discharge drop box or a badged patient moving to a discharge location. This column only has data if the Capacity IQ® solution is fully integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

User Interface Discharges

All patient discharges that occurred due to a user action on a computer in the PreAdmitTracking® application or the PatientTracking Portal® application, such as changing the status of a bed from Occupied to Clean.

ADT Discharges

All patient discharges that occurred due to a transaction in your hospital's Admit, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) system. If there are multiple ADT discharge messages for the same patient visit number, only the ADT discharge message that was received first for a given visit number will be included.

Total Count

The total number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report.

Total Time

The total difference between the Capacity IQ® solution/TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions discharge time and the ADT discharge receipt time for all non-ADT discharges for the unit.

Average Time

The Total Time divided by the Total Count for the unit.



Average Time Gained

Average difference between Capacity IQ® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions discharge time and ADT discharge receipt time for each discharge type for all units, only for TransportTracking, Mobile, RTLS, and User Interface discharge types.

Total Time Gained

Total difference between Capacity IQ® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions discharge time and ADT discharge receipt time for each discharge type for all units, only for TransportTracking, Mobile, RTLS, and User Interface discharge types.

Bed Days Gained

Sometimes a patient is discharged through Capacity Management Suite® solution/TeleTracking RTLS auto discharge features at a certain time. However the ADT system shows that the patient was discharged at a later time. This can result in a bed appearing to be unavailable for another patient when it actually is available. Bed Days Gained means time (in days) that was gained in the units or wards shown on the report because your organization discharged patients using PatientTracking Portal® application / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions auto discharge features instead of the hospital's ADT system. The time could be used to accommodate other patients. The Bed Days Gained number is calculated by considering the difference between 1) Capacity Management Suite/ TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions Auto Discharges — When a discharge was recorded because a transport job resulted in a patient being taken to a discharge location or because the patient had a badge that was placed in a discharge drop-box or that was detected in a discharge location or because of an action that a user took in the PreAdmitTracking® application or the PatientTracking Portal® application user interface (such as changing a bed's status from Occupied to Clean) or because of an action in the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app (such as placing a found bed in progress or completing a transport job) AND 2) ADT System Discharges — When the ADT system recorded that the patient was discharged. The differences (in minutes) for all units on the report are added together, then divided by 60 minutes, and then divided by 24 hours to determine a number of days. This shows the total time gained in days.

Example: For all units on the report, there is a difference of 1200 minutes between when the ADT system recorded that patients were discharged and when patients were noted as being discharged because of Capacity Management Suite® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions auto discharge features. 1200 is divided by 60 to arrive at a number of hours between the time that the patients were discharged through auto discharge features and the time that the ADT system noted that the patients were discharged. In this example, 1200/60 = 20 hours for all units in the report. The total number of hours is divided by 24 to determine the number of days that were gained by discharging patents using Capacity Management Suite® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions auto discharge features instead of the ADT system. In this example, 60/24 = 2.5 days. For all units and all discharges shown on the report, 2.5 bed days were gained by discharging patients using the Capacity Management Suite® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions auto discharge features instead of the ADT system.

Calculation: Total Time Gained/60/24

If You Used TeleTracking Automated Discharge on 100% of Discharges, You Would Gain an Additional

Time (in days) you could have gained to accommodate patients in the units on the report had your organization used Capacity IQ® solution / TeleTracking RTLS auto discharge features instead of the ADT system for 100% of the time for all discharges on the report. Calculation: Total Time Gained x Count of ADT Discharges/60/24

Bed Days for Time Period

For the time period selected for the report, time (in days) that was gained for the units on the report because your organization used Capacity IQ® solution / TeleTracking RTLS auto discharge features to discharge patients. The time could be used to accommodate other patients.


The summary displays the following pie chart and data.

Microsoft Excel Unformatted Output

If you chose to generate only a detailed report in the Summary View? section on the Report Selection page, then the report can be generated as unformatted Microsoft Excel output. The following columns appear.






The abbreviation of the unit.

of Discharges

The total number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report.

TransportTracking Discharges

The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report because a patient was moved to a discharge location as the result of a transport job that was accepted, placed in progress, and completed through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Starting in version 2017.1, you can choose to include mobile discharges and TransportTracking discharges in one column. If the person who generated the report chose this option, then a TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column appears. It shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the IVR

ADT Discharges

The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame due to a transaction in your hospital's Admit, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) system. If there are multiple ADT discharge messages for the same patient visit number, only the ADT discharge message that was received first for a given visit number will be included.

Mobile Discharges

The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report because a patient was moved to a discharge location as the result of an action in the TeleTracking mobi™ app, such as completing a transport job or placing a found bed in progress. Starting in version 2017.1, you can choose to include mobile discharges and TransportTracking discharges in one column. If the person who generated the report chose this option, then a TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column appears. It shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the IVR

RTLS Discharges

The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report due to a patient badge being placed in a discharge drop box or a badged patient moving to a discharge location. This column only has data if the Capacity IQ® solution is fully integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

UI Discharges

The number of discharges that occurred in this unit during the time frame of the report due to a user action on a computer in the PreAdmitTracking® application or the PatientTracking Portal® application, such as changing the status of a bed from Occupied to Clean.

Total Time

The total difference between the Capacity IQ® solution / TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions discharge time and the ADT discharge receipt time for all non-ADT discharges for the unit.

Average Time

The Total Time divided by the Total Count for the unit.

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