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Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report Description
Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report Description
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Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report Description

Generating a Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report

About the Scorecard—Capacity Management Performance Report

If your organization has the PreAdmitTracking® application, then users who have the Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission can generate a report called the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report. This report displays measures that can help to evaluate performance over a 12-month period for specific units or for an entire campus in the categories of:

  • Demand indicators. (The team completing the evaluation enters this data manually on the report.)

  • Patient placement indicators. (Data is at the unit level. Specific origin or occupied units are selected in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management to be included on the report. The units cannot be changed when the report is generated.)

  • Early discharge. (Data is at the unit level. Specific units are selected in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management to be included on the report. The units cannot be changed when the report is generated.)

  • Transport/housekeeping.

The data on this report can be compared to data on other Capacity IQ®solution reports. For example, data from the PreAdmitTracking® application Processing Time Analysis report, the BedTracking® application Compliance report, and the TransportTracking™ application Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report can be compared to data on the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report.

Before users can generate the report, Scorecard settings must be configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. The settings determine parameters for the report. For example, the settings determine whether the report groups placement time indicators by origin units or occupied units and the units that are included on the report. (An example of placement time indicators are the hours and minutes that elapse between bed requested time and the time that the bed is assigned.)

To learn how to compare data on the Scorecard report to other reports, see the document Comparing Scorecard to Other Reports

Before the report is generated for the first time, an administrator in your organization must configure the settings through Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration.

To generate a report you:

  1. Select the campus for which you want to see the data.

  2. Select the last month of the 12-month period for which you want to see data.

    Note: You cannot select the current month.

The report is available as a Microsoft® Excel® file (.xls file) only.

Report Data

  • The report includes data for a 12-month period. The month and year that is selected when the report is generated is the end of the 12-month period.

  • All data is from the archive database—not the production database.

  • When the report is generated, one campus is selected. Only data from that campus appears on the report.

  • The settings that the administrator configures for each campus determine the data that will appear on the report.

The settings determine:

  • Whether the data on the report will be grouped by:

    • Occupied Unit — Data will be grouped by units that are selected to receive the patients who are being transferred or admitted.

    • Origin unit — Data will be grouped by the units from which patients are being sent.

  • The specific occupied units or origin units that will appear on the report. Only data from the units that the administrator selected will appear on reports. The administrator can exclude any units about which users do not need to see placement time data or any units that should not affect placement time data.

  • Whether the report will include placement time data about placements for preadmitted patients, for inhouse transfers, or for both.

  • Bed Request to Bed Assign time limit value. The report will include only placements where the time that elapsed between bed requested time and the time that the bed was assigned is less that the value the administrator entered.

  • Bed Cleaned to Bed Occupied time limit value (Clean until Transfer Into Bed). The report will include only placements where the time that elapsed between when the bed was marked Clean and the time that the bed was occupied is less that the value that the administrator entered.

  • The units that will appear in the Early Discharge section of the report. These are the units that include the discharged patients' home locations. They are the units that patients are being discharged from.

  • The time of day that will be considered the end of the early discharge time period. (12:00 AM is always the beginning of the early discharge time period.) For example, if the administrator entered 11:00 AM, then all discharges that occurred between 12:00 AM and 11:00 AM will be considered early discharges. If the administrator entered 1:00 PM, then all discharges that occur between 12:00 AM and 1:00 PM will be considered early discharges.

  • The report includes information about the percentage of actual discharges that were preceded by the patients being in 1) Pending Discharge status, or 2) Confirmed Discharge status, or 3) both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status (total compliance). The administrator selects whether the report will include information about discharges preceded by Pending Discharge status or Confirmed Discharge status or by both Pending and Confirmed discharge statuses.

  • The maximum clean time, minimum clean time, and maximum reports time settings.

The housekeeping portion of the Scorecard report will exclude those bed cleaning jobs:

  • That were completed in more than the maximum clean time that the administrator entered.

  • That were completed in less than the minimum clean time that the administrator entered.

  • Where the original response time is more that the maximum response time that the administrator entered.

About the Report Data

The report is divided into the following categories: Demand Indicators, Placement Time Indicators, Early Discharge, and Transport/Housekeeping.

Before the report is generated for the first time, an administrator in your organization must configure the settings through Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration.

  • The report includes data for a 12-month period. The month and year that is selected when the report is generated is the end of the 12-month period.

  • All data is from the archive database—not the production database.

  • When the report is generated, one campus is selected. Only data from that campus appears on the report.

  • The settings that the administrator configures for each campus determine the data that will appear on the report.

The settings determine the following.

For Placement Time Indicators

  • Whether the data on the report will be grouped by:

    • Occupied Unit — Data will be grouped by units that are selected to receive the patients who are being transferred or admitted.

    • Origin unit — Data will be grouped by the units from which patients are being sent.

  • The specific occupied units or origin units that will appear on the report. Only data from the units that the administrator selected will appear on reports. The administrator can exclude any units about which users do not need to see placement time data or any units that should not affect placement time data.

  • Whether the report will include placement time data about placements for preadmitted patients, for inhouse transfers, or for both.

  • Bed Request to Bed Assign time limit value. The report will include only placements where the time that elapsed between bed requested time and the time that the bed was assigned is less that the value the administrator entered.

  • Bed Cleaned to Bed Occupied time limit value (Clean until Transfer Into Bed). The report will include only placements where the time that elapsed between when the bed was marked Clean and the time that the bed was occupied is less that the value that the administrator entered.

For Early Discharge

  • The units that will appear in the Early Discharge section of the report. These are the units that include the discharged patients' home locations. They are the units that patients are being discharged from.

  • The time of day that will be considered the end of the early discharge time period. (12:00 AM is always the beginning of the early discharge time period.) For example, if the administrator entered 11:00 AM, then all discharges that occurred between 12:00 AM and 11:00 AM will be considered early discharges. If the administrator entered 1:00 PM, then all discharges that occur between 12:00 AM and 1:00 PM will be considered early discharges.

  • The report includes information about the percentage of actual discharges that were preceded by the patients being in 1) Pending Discharge status, or 2) Confirmed Discharge status, or 3) both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status (total compliance). The administrator selects whether the report will include information about discharges preceded by Pending Discharge status or Confirmed Discharge status or by both Pending and Confirmed discharge statuses.

For Transport/Housekeeping

  • The maximum clean time, minimum clean time, and maximum reports time settings.

The housekeeping portion of the Scorecard report will exclude those bed cleaning jobs:

  • That were completed in more than the maximum clean time that the administrator entered.

  • That were completed in less than the minimum clean time that the administrator entered.

  • Where the original response time is more that the maximum response time that the administrator entered.



  • The report includes a column for each of the 12 months for which data will appear.

  • In addition, there are the following columns that display the type of data that is shown for each column:

    • Type — In the Placement Time Indicators category, this column lists either the origin unit or occupied unit about which data is displayed (depending on the administrator's selection) in alphabetical order. In the Early Discharge category, this column displays origin units in alphabetical order. This column is blank in the Demand Indicators and the Transport/Housekeeping category.

    • Measure — This column lists areas that are being measured in each category of the report. Examples are: in the Early Discharge category, Average Discharge Percent; in the Transport/Housekeeping category, Transport Trip Volume; in the Placement Time Indicators category, Bed Request to Bed Assigned time. The staff members who are creating the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report will complete manually the data for the measures listed in the Demand Indicators category. This is data that is generated from other applications at your organization.

    • Source — Shows the abbreviations for the applications and reports that display the data shown for each month. The following abbreviations appear in the column.





PreAdmitTracking® application

Processing Time Analysis


PreAdmitTracking® application

Average Discharges/Transfers


PreAdmitTracking® application

Pending Status Compliance






Cost Center Response Transport Summary



Average Response/Turn Time


The following categories are included on the report:

  • Demand Indicators

    The staff members who are preparing the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report will enter data in this category manually. The data in this section is from other applications in your organization.

  • Placement Time Indicators

    This section lists data by origin unit (unit that is sending a transfer patient) or occupied unit (unit that is receiving a patient).

    The following table shows the data that is displayed for each unit and each month.

Label in Measure Column

For each unit and each month, shows...

Bed Request to Bed Assigned

Average number of minutes between the bed requested time and the time that the beds were assigned. The report includes only placements where the time that elapsed between bed requested time and the time that the bed was assigned is less that the value the administrator entered.

Bed Assigned Until Clean

Average number of minutes from the time that the beds were assigned and the time that they were marked Clean (status changed to Clean).

Clean Until Transfer Into Bed

Average number of minutes from the time that the beds were marked Clean (status changed to Clean) and the beds became occupied (status changed to Occupied). the report includes only placements where the time that elapsed between when the bed was marked Clean and the time that the bed was occupied is less that the value that the administrator entered.

RTM/Clean Until Transfer Into Bed

Average number of minutes from the time that the patients were marked Ready-to-Move and the time that they began to occupy the beds.

  • Early Discharge

    This section lists the units that the patients are being discharged from. These are the units where the patients' home locations are, or the origin units.

    The following table shows the data that is displayed for each unit and each month.

Label in Measure Column

For each unit and each month, shows...

Average Discharge Percent 00:00 - hh:mm (for example, 00:00-11:00)

The administrator defines the time of day that is considered the early discharge period for the campus. The early discharge period always starts at midnight and ends at the time selected by the administrator. For example, the administrator might have selected 11:00 AM as the end of the early discharge period. In that case, all discharges that occurred between midnight and 11:00 AM are considered early discharges. For each unit, the report shows the average percentage of early discharges for each month.

Percentage of Actual Discharges Completed by (Pending Compliance, Confirmed Compliance, or Pending/Confirmed Compliance)

The percentage of actual discharges that were preceded by the patient being in Pending Discharge status or in Confirmed Discharge status or in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status. The administrator selected whether the report shows Pending Compliance, Confirmed Compliance, or Pending/Confirmed Compliance.

Percentage of Beds Dirtied by Transport

Percentage of beds that were marked Dirty because a patient was moved from them.

  • Transport/Housekeeping

    This category lists total transport and cleaning statistics for the campus for each month.

    The housekeeping portion of the Scorecard report will exclude those bed cleaning jobs:

    • That were completed in more than the maximum clean time that the administrator entered.

    • That were completed in less than the minimum clean time that the administrator entered.

    • Where the original response time is more that the maximum response time that the administrator entered.

    The following table shows the data that is displayed for each unit and each month.

Label in Measure Column

For each month, shows...

Transport Trip Volume

Total number of transport jobs.

Transport Trip Time (Request to Complete)

The average number of minutes it took for transport jobs to go from Pending status to Completed status (rounded to the nearest minute). The average may differ from the value on the Cost Center Response/Transport summary report if the campus has locations that do not have cost centers associated with them.

Average Bed Turnover Time

The average number of minutes from when a bed enters the Dirty status to when the bed cleaning job is completed. This value is the same as the Avg Turn value on the Average Response/Turn Time report when that report is based on the original request, suspended and delayed times are included in calculations, and the adjusted max clean, adjusted min clean, and adjusted max response values selected match those that the administrator selected for the Scorecard report in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Percentage of Adjusted Clean

Percentage of bed cleaning jobs that are considered adjusted bed cleaning jobs. This value is comparable to the percentage value for Total Adjusted Cleans on the Average Response/Turn Time report when that report is based on the original request, suspended and delayed times are omitted from calculations in that report, and the adjusted max clean, adjusted min clean, and adjusted max response values selected for that report match those that the administrator selected for the Scorecard report in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.


You must have the PreAdmitTracking® application permission called Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information to generate a Scorecard report.

To Select the Report Criteria:

  1. On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.

  2. Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance to display the Report Selection > Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance page.

  3. In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report.

  4. Next to the Statistics End Month box, click the calendar icon, and then select the last month and year that should appear on the report. Data for a 12-month period ending with the month and year that you select will appear on the report.

    Note: You cannot select the current month.

  5. Click Run Report.

    Note: You cannot select an option in the Output list. The only available output is a Microsoft® Excel® file (.xls file).

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