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Comparing the Scorecard Report to Other Reports
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Comparing the Scorecard Report to Other Reports


You can compare the data on the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report to the data on other reports.

To compare:

  1. Generate the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance report.

  2. Generate the other reports, selecting the report criteria that is noted in this document.

  3. Compare the data for each month in each measure of the Scorecard report to the data in these reports.

  • Note

All duration values in the Scorecard report are displayed in minutes. When comparing the Scorecard report to other reports, convert values that are displayed in those reports as hours and minutes to minutes.

Reports to Which Scorecard Can Be Compared

Scorecard Report Category


Compare to this Report

Placement Time Indicators

Bed Request to Bed Assigned, Bed Assigned Until Clean, Clean Until Transfer into Bed, RTM/Clean Until Transfer into Bed

Processing Time Analysis

Early Discharges

Average Discharge Percent 00:00-xx:00

Average Discharge/Transfers

Early Discharges

Percentage of Actual Discharges Preceded by <Pending, Confirmed, or Total> Compliance

Pending Status Compliance

Early Discharges

Percentage of Beds Dirtied by Transport



Transport Trip Volume

Cost Center Response/Transport Summary


Transport Trip Time (Request to Complete)

Cost Center Response/Transport Summary


Average Bed Turnover Time

Average Response/Turn Time


Percentage of Adjusted Clean

Average Response/Turn Time

Placement Time Indicators and Processing Time Analysis

Compare the Bed Request to Bed Assigned, Bed Assigned Until Clean, Clean Until Transfer into Bed, and RTM/Clean Until Transfer into Bed measures listed under the Placement Time Indicators category of the Scorecard report to the Req-Assn, Assn-Clean, Clean-Occpd, and RTM & Clean-Occupied values in the Group Statistics section of the Processing Time Analysis report.

Generate the Processing Time Analysis Report with The Following Criteria

  • Note

The Scorecard Configuration page is accessed through this path: Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration. Only users with the administrative permission called Scorecard Configuration may access it.

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated

Group by

Same Group by selection made in the Placement Time Indicator section on the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management (either Occupied Unit or Origin Unit).


Same unit selections made in the Placement Time Indicators section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management (either Occupied Unit or Origin Unit, based on the Group by selection).

Patient Display Field

Name. Patient will always display as last name, first name, medical record number, and visit number.

Request Date Time

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month. Set the start time at 12:00 AM (00:00) on the first day of the month and the end time at 11:59 PM (23:59) on the last day of the month.

Time Period

Select 1 from the Periods list. For Begin Time, enter 12:00 AM (00:00). For End Time, enter 11:59 PM (23:59).

Include Standard Deviation?


Include Special Placement

Select all options in the list. Selecting no options will have the same effect.

Placement Types

Same placement type selections made in the Placement Time Indicators section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component.

Include Target Summary


Request to Assign Target

Leave default value. Do not change.

Clean to Occupied Target

Leave default value. Do not change.

Request to Occupied Target

Leave default value. Do not change.

Request to Assign Maximum

Make the same as Bed Request to Bed Assigned in the Placement Time Indicators section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component.

Clean to Occupied Maximum

Make the same as Clean Until Transfer Info Bed in the Placement Time Indicators section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Request to Occupied Maximum


Sort by

Use the default selection of Request Date/Time in Ascending order


Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Processing Time Analysis Report to Scorecard Placement Time Indicators-Bed Request to Bed Assigned, Bed Assigned Until Clean, Clean Until Transfer into Bed, and RTM/Clean Until Transfer Into Bed

For each unit listed on the Processing Time Analysis report, in the Group Statistics section, view the Averages for Req-Assn, Assn-Clean, Clean-Occpd, and Clean & RTM-Occpd.

  • Note

The Processing Time Analysis report does not list units if there was no activity in those units during the selected date range. The Scorecard report lists the selected occupied units or origin units even if there is no activity for any given month. If a month had no activity, there will be no values listed for that month.

Compare the Bed Request to Bed Assigned, Bed Assigned Until Clean, Clean Until Transfer into Bed, and RTM/Clean Until Transfer Into Bed measures in the Placement Time Indicators category of the Scorecard report to the highlighted values in the Group Statistics section of the Processing Time Analysis report for the specific month that you want to analyze.

  • Note

The Processing Time Analysis report shows data in hours and minutes. The Scorecard report shows data in minutes. To compare, you will need to convert the hours and minutes on the Processing Time Analysis report to minutes or convert the minutes on the Scorecard report to hours and minutes.

Early Discharge-Average Discharge Percent and Average Discharges/Transfers

Compare the Average Discharge Percent 00:00-xx:00 measure in the Early Discharge category of the Scorecard report to the Period 1-Tot. value divided by the Summary-Tot. value on the Average Discharges/Transfers report for the same unit.

Generate the Average Discharges/Transfers Report with the Following Criteria

  • Note

The Scorecard Configuration page is accessed through this path: Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration. Only users with the administrative permission called Scorecard Configuration may access it.

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated.


Same unit selections made in the InPatient Unit list in the Early Discharges section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component (Origin Unit).

Discharge/Transfer Date

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month. Set the start time at 12:00 AM (00:00) for the first day of the month and the end time at 11:59 PM (23:59) for the last day.

Time Period

The Periods list is used to divide a twenty-four-hour day into separate periods that begin and end at selected times. For example, the Periods list could be used to divide a twenty-four-hour day into 3 periods of 8 hours each. Select 3 from the Periods list. In the first list, for Begin Time, enter 12:00 AM (00:00) and for End Time, enter a time that is one minute before the time entered in the % Discharge Before box in the Early Discharges section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, if the administrator has selected 11:00 AM as the early discharge period end time and discharges occurring before 11:00 AM are considered early discharges, then enter 10:59 AM for the End Time. In the second list, for Begin Time, enter a time that is one minute later than the end time entered for the first period. In the third list, enter a begin time that is one minute later than the end time entered for the second period.

Events to Include

Discharges only

Include Weekends?



Your choice.

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Average Discharge Transfer Report to Scorecard Average Discharge Percent Data

Assume that in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, the administrator selected 11:00 AM (11:00) as the end of the early discharge period. For each unit listed on the Average Discharge/Transfer report, view the ALL-Count. column for Period 1 (Based on your report criteria selections, Period 1 begins at 12:00 AM (00:00:00) and ends at 10:59 AM \[10:59:59\].) Divide the ALL-Count value for Period 1 by the ALL-Count value for Total Discharges/Transfers for the unit to calculate the average discharges for that unit for Period 1. In the example below, for unit 10100, you would divide 2 by 16. Compare this to the Average Discharge Percent for the unit in the Scorecard report.

  • Note

The Average Discharges/Transfers report does not list units if there was no activity in those units during the selected date range. The Scorecard report lists the selected units even if there is no activity for any given month. If a month had no activity, there will be no values listed for that month.

Early Discharge-Percentage of Actual Discharges Preceded by <Confirmed, Pending, or Total> Compliance and Pending Status Compliance

Compare the Early Discharge category of the Scorecard report to the Pending Compliance, Confirmed Compliance, and Total Compliance values in the Pending Status Compliance report.

Generate the Pending Status Compliance Report with the Following Criteria

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated.


Same unit selections made in the InPatient Unit list in the Early Discharges section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management (Origin Unit).

Discharge/Transfer Date

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month.

Shift Time

For Start, select 12:00 AM (00:00) for the first day of the month. For End, select 11:59 PM (23:59) for the last day of the month.


Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Pending Status Compliance Report to Scorecard Percentage of Actual Discharges Preceded by Pending, Confirmed, or Total Compliance

Under Discharges in the Pending Status Compliance report, for each unit, view the percentages in the Pending Compliance, Confirmed Compliance, or Total Discharge Compliance columns. The column that you compare to the Scorecard report depends on whether the Scorecard report was configured to display the pending discharge compliance, confirmed discharge compliance, or total compliance measure. These selections are made in the Early Discharges > Discharge Compliance section of the Scorecard Configuration page.

  • Note

Pending compliance, confirmed compliance, and total compliance percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number on the Pending Status Compliance report. However, the compliance percentages on the Scorecard report have a precision of one decimal.

Early Discharge-Percentage of Beds Dirtied by Transport and Compliance

Compare the Early Discharge category of the Scorecard report to the values and calculations derived from the values in the Source – TT Disch, Source – TT Trans, Source – Interface Disch, Source – Interface Trans, and Source – Capacity IQ® columns on the Compliance report.

Generate the Compliance Report with the Following Criteria

  • Note

The Scorecard Configuration page is accessed through this path: Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration. Only users with the administrative permission called Scorecard Configuration may access it.

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated.

Date Time Range

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month.

Shift Time

For Start, enter 12:00 AM (00:00). For End, enter 11:59 PM (23:59).


All locations.

Cost Centers

Select all cost centers


Select all three check boxes. For Minutes, enter the same values that were entered for Adj. Max Clean, Adj. Min Clean, and Adj. Max Response in the Transport/Housekeeping section of the Scorecard Configuration page.

Summary View?



Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Compliance Report to the Scorecard Percentage of Beds Dirtied by Transport in the Scorecard Report

On the Compliance report:

To learn...

Do this for each unit...

Total number of beds dirtied by transport

View the value under Source-TT-Disch

Total number of compliant bed cleaning jobs created

Add together the values in Source – TT Disch, Source – TT Trans, Source – Interface Disch, Source – Interface Trans, and Source – XT

Percentage of beds dirtied by transport

Divide the total number of beds dirtied by transport by the total number of compliant bed cleaning jobs created and multiply the quotient by 100.

Transport/Housekeeping-Transport Trip Volume and Cost Center Response/Transport Summary

Compare the Transport Trip Volume measure of the Scorecard report to the Total Jobs value in the Group Statistics section of the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report.

Generate the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report with the Following Criteria

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated.

Date Time Range

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month. Set the start time at 12:00 AM (00:00:00) on the first day and the end time at 11:59 PM (23:59) on the last day.

Origin Cost Center

Select all cost centers.

Std. Response Minutes

Do not change

Std. Transport Minutes

Do not change


Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report to Scorecard Transport/Housekeeping-Transport Trip Volume

In the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report, view the Total Jobs column and the Report Totals row. See the darker highlighted cell in the example below.

  • Note

If the Scorecard report was generated for a campus containing locations that do not have associated cost centers, then the transport trip volume in the Scorecard report might not match the total jobs value in the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report.

Transport/Housekeeping-Transport Trip Time (Request to Complete) and Cost Center Response/Transport Summary

Compare the Transport Trip Time measure of the Scorecard report to the Avg Transport Minutes value for Report Totals of the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report.

Generate the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report with the Following Criteria

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated.

Date Time Range

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month. Set the start time at 12:00 AM (00:00) on the first day and the end time at 11:59 PM (23:00) on the last day.

Origin Cost Center

Select all cost centers

Std. Response Minutes

Do not change

Std. Transport Minutes

Do not change


Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report to Scorecard Transport Trip Time (Request to Complete)

In the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report, view the Avg Transport Minutes column and the Report Totals row. See the lighter highlighted cell in the example below.

  • Note

In the Scorecard report, the average is rounded to the nearest minute.

  • Note

If the Scorecard report was generated for a campus containing locations that do not have associated cost centers, then the transport trip time in the Scorecard report might not match the average transport minutes value in the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary report.

Transport/Housekeeping-Average Bed Turnover Time and Percentage of Adjusted Clean and Average Response/Turn Time

Compare the Avg Turn value in the Grand Total section of the Average Response/Turn Time report to the Average Bed/Turnover Time measure on the Scorecard report. Compare the Total Adjusted Cleans value in the Grand Total section of the Average Response/Turn Time report to the Percentage of Adjusted Cleans measure in the Scorecard report.

Generate the Average Response/Turn Time Report with the Following Criteria

  • Note

The Scorecard Configuration page is accessed through this path: Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > [campus name] > Global Settings > Scorecard Configuration. Only users with the administrative permission called Scorecard Configuration may access it.

For this Criteria

Select or Enter this Value...




Campus for which Scorecard report was generated

Date Time Range

For the month that you want to compare to the Scorecard data, select the first day of the month and the last day of the month.

Shift Time

For Start, enter 12:00 AM (00:00). For End, enter 11:59 PM (23:59).

Detail by Bed


Bed Cleaner

All Bed Cleaners

Patient Unit

Select all units.

Exclude from Averages

Select all three check boxes. For Minutes, enter the same values that were entered for Adj. Max Clean, Adj. Min Clean, and Adj. Max Response in the Transport/Housekeeping section of the Scorecard Configuration page in the Admin Tool or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Base on Original Request?


Omit Delay Times?


Omit Suspended Times?


Group By



Your choice

Run Report

Click Run Report.

Compare Average Response/Turn Time Report to Scorecard Average Bed Turn Over Time and Adjusted Clean

Compare the Avg Turn value in the Grand Total section of the Average Response/Turn Time report to the Average Bed/Turnover Time measure on the Scorecard report. See the lighter highlighted cell in the following example.

Compare the Total Adjusted Cleans value in the Grand Total section of the Average Response/Turn Time report to the Percentage of Adjusted Cleans value on the Scorecard report. See the darker highlighted cell in the following example.

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