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Staff Analysis Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Staff Analysis Report


The Staff Analysis Report analyzes historical staff levels compared to transport request demand.


Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.

The report displays only records associated with employees or transporters selected in the report criteria whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report. If the user who generated the report has a variable membership, then the user's current membership is used to determine the employee (or transporter) list.

If no individual employees or transporters, or employee categories were selected in report criteria, then the report displays records associated with all employees or transporters whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report.

Only employees or transporters who meet the membership criteria listed above and who meet the following criteria appear on the report:

  • If the employees or transporters have variable membership (or no membership has been designated for them), then their base unit must be within the membership of the user who is generating the report.

  • Employees or transporters must have:

    • A base location base unit that is associated with the campus selected in the report criteria.

    • The Transporter Call Flow (Responsible for Executing Transport Jobs) permission. Supervisors who have the Transporter Call Flow permission may be included.

    • A valid, saved TransportTracking™ assignment type (fixed, fixed & exclusive, variable, all, or none).

    • Performed an action through the IVR or the TransportTracking™ application during the date range selected in the report criteria (for example, signing in or signing out of the IVR or TransportTracking™ application).

Only transport jobs whose status is Completed appear on the report.

The parameters that were selected when the report was generated (such as the goal number of jobs that were to be dispatched per hour) appear on the report.

The following information is displayed on the report.




Hour of the day

Total Pending Requests

Number of transport jobs that have reached either a Completed or Cancelled status whose status became Pending during this hour.

Cancelled While Pending

Number of jobs cancelled this hour prior to transporters being dispatched to them or putting them in the In Progress status.

Dispatched Requests

Number of employees who were assigned transport jobs whose status became Dispatched during this hour.

Assistance Requests

Number of transport jobs whose status became Assist during this hour.

Actual Staffing

Number of employees (transporters) who are signed in to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the TransportTracking™ application.

Projected Staffing

Number of Pending Requests / Goal Dispatched per Hour (entered when report was generated) rounded to a whole number.

Adjustment Needed

Projected Staffing minus Actual Staffing

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