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Round Trip Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Round Trip Report


The Round Trip Report displays data about round trip transport jobs such as the patient involved, the origins and destinations of the jobs, when the jobs entered each status, which employee requested the job, and how long the employee had to wait between trips. This report can help supervisors determine how much time elapses between trips in round trip transport jobs.

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.

Report Parameters

The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as date and time range and patient and employee names) appear on the report.

About the Data

  • The report includes only round trip transport jobs:

    • Where the transport job's origin or destination is within the membership of the user who generated the report.

    • That were requested within the date and time range selected when the report was generated.

    • Where the first trip of the job has been completed and the second trip has been completed or cancelled.

    • That were requested by the selected employees and are associated with the selected patients. Only employees who have the Transporter Workflow, Responsible for Executing Transport Jobs permission and who have base units in the chosen campus can be selected. Only patients associated with the chosen campus can be selected.

    • Data is displayed in alphabetical order by the name of the employee who requested the round trip. For each employee, the jobs appear in numeric order by job number. The two trips of a round trip job each have a job number. The trips will be paired in one row with the name of the requester who requested the first job.

    • Outpatient and item transport jobs are included.

    • The total number of round trip jobs included on the report is displayed at the end of the report.


Each subsection of the report displays the name of a transporter (employee). For each transporter, the following information appears.




The user who requested the first job of the round trip. This could be a nurse, technician, or other staff member who has permission to request transport jobs.

Job ID

The job numbers of the first trip and the second trip of the round trip job. The first trip was requested by the user listed in the Requester column. The second trip was requested by the primary transporter who completed the first trip (but might have been completed by a different transporter).


The abbreviation (short name) of the origin location of the first and second trip of the round trip transport job.


The abbreviation (short name) of the destination location of the first and second trip of the round trip transport job.


The patient who was transported. If an outpatient was transported, then Outpatient appears.


The last date and time that the first and second trip of the round trip job entered Pending status.


The last date and time that the first and second trip of the round trip job entered Dispatched status.

In Progress

The last date and time that the first and second trip of the round trip job entered In Progress status.


Date and time that the first trip of the round trip job was completed and the second trip of the round trip job was completed or cancelled. If the second trip was cancelled, then "Cancelled" appears in parentheses.

Assisting Employees

Transporters who assisted with the jobs.

Time Waiting

  • Calculation: Amount of time that the transporter (employee) had to wait between the first and second trip of the round trip job. If the second trip was cancelled after the In Progress status or if it was completed, the calculation is In Progress Date and Time of the second trip minus the Completed date and time of the first trip. If the second trip was cancelled before it reached the In Progress status, then the calculation is the Cancelled date and time of the second job minus the completed date and time of the first job.

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