Equipment Return Job Report Description
The Equipment Return Jobs report provides data about equipment return transport jobs including details about completed and canceled equipment return jobs along with the associated patient jobs for a selected date range in a given campus. This report may be useful for the Transport Manager or Transport Supervisor to see how much time is spent in returning equipment after a transporter has completed a patient transport requests.
Permissions Required
You must have the Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Data
The PDF and formatted Excel versions of this report display details about patient transport jobs and equipment return jobs including Job ID, origin and destination locations, the date and time a job was in various statuses (Pending, Dispatched, InProgress and Complete), names of assisting employees. For patient transport jobs, the patient's name, mode of travel, and travel requirements appear. All of the information in the report is grouped by transporter and displays the transporter's IVR ID.
The unformatted Excel version of the report shows the same information found on the PDF version. The difference between PDF and formatted versus unformatted is the fact that the unformatted version does not group the information by transporter. However, the report does list the transporter.
Column Descriptions
PDF Output and Formatted Excel
This column... | Displays for each unit for the selected date range... |
Requester | User who requested the transport job. This will be blank for an equipment return job as the requester will always be the primary transporter who completed the patient transport job. |
Job ID | The job identification number. |
Origin | Location where the patient or equipment was picked up to be transported. |
Destination | Location to which the patient or equipment was transported. |
Patient | The patient who was transported. This will be blank for equipment jobs. |
Pending | The most recent date and time when the transport job became pending. |
Dispatched | The most recent date and time when the transport job went to Dispatched status. |
InProgress | The most recent date time when the transport job went to InProgress status. |
Complete | The date time when the transport job was Completed or Canceled. |
Assisting Employees | The names of other employees who also worked on the transport job. |
Mode of Travel | The mode of travel by which the patient was transported. This will be blank for equipment return jobs. |
Travel Requirements | Any travel requirements for the patient transport job. This will be blank for equipment return jobs. |
Equipment Return Duration | The total elapsed time (Completion/Cancel date time – InProgress date time) of the equipment return job. This will be blank for patient transport jobs. |
Total Equipment Return Duration | The sum total of all elapsed times (Completion/cancel date time – InProgress date time) for all Completed/Canceled equipment return jobs for the specified date time range. |
Number of Equipment Return Jobs | The total number of Completed/Canceled equipment return jobs for the specified date time range. |
Unformatted Excel
This column... | Displays for each unit for the selected date range... |
Primary Transporter | The transporter who completed the patient transport job and requested the equipment return job. |
Transporter IVR ID | The IVR ID of Primary Transporter |
Requester | User who requested the transport job. This will be blank for an equipment return job as the requester will always be the primary transporter who completed the patient transport job. |
Job ID | The job identification number. |
Origin | Location where the patient or equipment was picked up to be transported. |
Destination | Location to which the patient or equipment was transported. |
Patient | The patient who was transported. This will be blank for equipment jobs. |
Pending | The most recent date and time when the transport job became pending. |
Dispatched | The most recent date and time when the transport job went to Dispatched status. |
InProgress | The most recent date time when the transport job went to InProgress status. |
Complete | The date time when the transport job was Completed or Canceled. |
Assisting Employees | The names of other employees who also worked on the transport job. |
Mode of Travel | The mode of travel by which the patient was transported. This will be blank for equipment return jobs. |
Travel Requirements | Any travel requirements for the patient transport job. This will be blank for equipment return jobs. |
Equipment Return Duration | The total elapsed time (Completion/Cancel date time – InProgress date time) of the equipment return job. This will be blank for patient transport jobs. |
Is Equipment Return Job? | Displays Yes if the job was an equipment return job and No if the job was a patient transport job. |