Assist Jobs Report Description
The Assist Jobs report provides data about transport jobs where the primary or original transporter requested help from other transporters through TransportTracking™. The following types of data are shown:
Status Date and Time—The date and time that a job status (such as Dispatched) began.
Assistance Request and Request Acceptance Date and Time—At what time and during which status the transporter requested assistance and another transporter accepted the request for assistance.
Transporter Requesting Assistance—The employee who requested assistance with a job.
Transporter Responding to Assistance Request—The employee who responded to the request for assistance.
Job Delayed Date and Time—When a Dispatched or In Progress job was delayed or was delayed after a request for assistance was accepted (Dispatch Delayed, In Progress Delayed, Dispatch Assist Delayed, In Progress Assist Delayed).
Total Number of Transporters After Assistance Request Accepted—The total number of transporters on the job during Dispatched or In Progress status after a request for assistance has been accepted. This number increases by one each time an additional transporter accepts a request for assistance. The TransportTracking™ global setting called Max Transporters per Job determines the maximum number of transporters who can be on a job at once. For example, if the Max Transporters per Job global setting is 4, then 4 total transporters can be on a job at once—the primary transporter and up to 3 assistants.
Rescheduled Information—When a job was rescheduled and the transporter who rescheduled it.
Completed or Cancelled Information—When a job was completed or cancelled and the transporter who completed or cancelled it.
Assistants Removed from Job—The number of assisting transporters who were removed from the job. For example, the primary transporter initially thought that 2 assistants were needed, and then indicated that a total of 3 transporters were required for the job. Later, the primary transporter realized that only 1 assistant was needed and indicated that only 2 total transporters were required for the job. As a result, 1 assisting transporter was removed from the job.
Requester—User who requested the transport job.
Patient—The patient who was transported.
Origin—Location where the patient was picked up to be transported.
Destination—Location to which the patient was transported.
Wait Time—The total time spent waiting for assistance after it was requested.
Employee Totals—Total time that each employee spent on the job.
Grand Totals—Total number of jobs in the report where assistance was requested, total number of jobs that had 2, 3, or 4 or more employees over time, and total amount of time spent waiting for assistance after it was requested for all jobs in the report. This can be helpful in evaluating trends in requesting assistance. For example, if a large number of jobs in certain cost centers had 4 or more transporters over time, perhaps the jobs in this cost center can be evaluated further.
Permissions Required
You must have the Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.
Report Parameters
The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as date and time range and patient and employee names) appear on the report.
About the Data
The report includes only transport jobs where assistance was requested:
Where the transport job's origin or destination is within the membership of the user who generated the report.
That were requested within the date and time range selected when the report was generated.
Where the job has been completed or cancelled.
Where the selected employees were the primary transporters or assistants. Only employees who have the Transporter Workflow, Responsible for Executing Transport Jobs permission and who have a base unit in the chosen campus can be selected.
Where the selected patients or items were transported. Only patients or items associated with the chosen campus can be selected.
If a specific job ID number was entered when the report was generated, then only data for that job appears on the report.
Grand totals for all jobs included on the report appear at the end of the report.
If the report is blank, please check the criteria selected when the report was generated:
If specific employees are selected, then select only patients and job ID numbers associated with transport jobs that those employees worked on or assisted with. Or, do not select any patients or job ID number.
If specific patients are selected, then select only employees who worked on or assisted with jobs associated with those patients. If a specific job ID number is to be entered, then select only the patient who is associated with that job. Or, do not select any employees or job ID number.
If a specific job ID number is entered, select only the patient associated with that job and the employees who worked on or assisted with that job. Or, do not select any employees or patients.
If specific origin or destination cost centers are selected, select only the patients, employees, and job ID associated with jobs that started in those origin cost centers and ended in those destination cost centers. Or, do not select specific cost center origins and destinations.
Column Descriptions
Column | Description |
Job ID | The job number of the transport job. |
Requestor | The user who requested the transport job. This could be a nurse, technician, or other staff member who has permission to request transport jobs. |
Origin | The abbreviation (short name) of the origin location of the transport job (where the patient or item was picked up, such as BR1000). |
Destination | The abbreviation (short name) of the destination location of the transport job (Where the patient or item was taken, such as X-Ray_1). |
Patient/Item | The last and first name and either MRN or visit number of the patient who was transported. If an outpatient was transported, then Outpatient appears. If an item was transported, the item appears. |
Event and Event Date/Time | The event that occurred and the date and time of the event. The following could appear: |
Pending | The date and time that the job entered Pending status. |
Dispatched | The date and time that the job entered Dispatched status. |
Dispatch Assist (Requested) | Date and time that assistance was requested for a dispatched job. |
Dispatch Assist (#) | Number of transporters on a dispatched job after the request for assistance during Dispatched status was accepted. The TransportTracking™ global setting called Max Transporters per Job determines the maximum number of transporters who can be on a job at once. For example, if the Max Transporters per Job global setting is 4, then 4 total transporters can be on a job at once—the primary transporter and up to 3 assistants. |
In Progress | The date and time that the job entered In Progress status. |
In Progress Assist (Requested) | Date and time that assistance was requested for an In Progress job. |
In Progress Assist (#) | Number of transporters on an In Progress job after the request for assistance during In Progress status was accepted. The TransportTracking™ global setting called Max Transporters per Job determines the maximum number of transporters who can be on a job at once. For example, if the Max Transporters per Job global setting is 4, then 4 total transporters can be on a job at once—the primary transporter and up to 3 assistants. |
Remove | Number of assisting transporters who were removed from the job after they accepted the request for assistance. For example, the primary transporter indicated that a total of 3 transporters were required for the job. Two transporters accepted the request for assistance. Later, the primary transporter realized that only 2 total transporters were required for the job. The primary transporter changed the number of total transporters required to 2. As a result, 1 transporter was removed from the job. |
Dispatch Delayed | The date and time that a job in Dispatched status was delayed. A transporter can delay a dispatched job when something unexpected happens and the job cannot be put into In Progress status. The job status changes to Dispatch Delay. When the issues are resolved, the transporter can change the job status back to Dispatched and continue with the job. |
Dispatch Assist Delayed | The date and time that a job in Dispatched status was delayed after a request for assistance was accepted. |
In Progress Delayed | The date and time that a job in the In Progress status was delayed. A transporter can delay an In Progress job when something unexpected happens and the job cannot be completed right away. The job status changes to In Progress Delay. When the issues are resolved, the transporter can change the job status back to In Progress and continue with the job. |
In Progress Assist Delayed | The date and time that a job in the In Progress status was delayed after a request for assistance was accepted. |
Complete | Date and time that job was completed. |
Canceled | Date and time that job was cancelled. If the requestor cancelled the job, then the Employee column is blank. |
Employee | Last and first name of the employee who caused the event. For example, if Chris Smith requested assistance while the job was in Dispatched status, then Chris Smith's name appears in the Employee column for Dispatch Assist (Request). If Robin Greene accepted the request for assistance, then Robin Greene's name appears in the Employee column for Dispatch Assist (2). If a requestor cancelled a job, then the Employee column is blank. |
Wait Time | The total amount of time for the job that transporters had to wait for assistance after it was requested. Calculation: Time when the primary transporter requested assistance minus ONE of the following: 1) Time that all assisting transporters become dispatched or 2) If job is rescheduled or cancelled, time that at least one assisting transporter became dispatched. |
Employee Totals | Amount of time that each transporter (employee) spent on the job. Calculation: Time when the primary transporter requested assistance minus ONE of the following: 1) If job is rescheduled, cancelled, or completed and the employee was not removed from the job, time that at least one assisting transporter became dispatched or 2) If employee was removed from the job, time that the employee was removed. |
Grand Totals
If you selected Summary View in the report criteria, the following Grand Totals appear at the end of the report details:
Jobs Where Assistance was Requested—Total of all completed jobs where two or more employees were on the job at the same time.
Total Time Waiting for Assistance—Sum of wait time for all jobs on the report.
Jobs with 2, 3, or 4 or More Employees—Total number of jobs where 2, or 3, or 4 or more different employees were dispatched to the job during the entire time span of the job. For example, the primary transporter indicated that the job required 3 total transporters. Then, 1 transporter was removed (for example, the primary transporter released himself or herself from the job). At a later time on the same job, another transporter was added. In the Grand Totals section, this job would be included in the Jobs with 4 or More Employees because during the entire time span of the job, 4 employees were associated with the job.
Summary Only Report
If you selected Yes in the Summary Only section of the report criteria, the following information is displayed on the summary only report for each campus for each day within the selected date range. The report does not include the details.
Column | Description |
Jobs Where Assistance was Requested | Total of all completed jobs where two or more employees were on the job at the same time. |
Total Time Waiting for Assistance | Sum of wait time for all jobs on the report. |
Jobs with 2, 3, or 4 or more employees | Total number of jobs where 2, or 3, or 4 or more different employees were dispatched to the job during the entire time span of the job. For example, the primary transporter indicated that the job required 3 total transporters. Then, 1 transporter was removed (for example, the primary transporter released himself or herself from the job). At a later time on the same job, another transporter was added. In the Grand Totals section, this job would be included in the Jobs with 4 or More Employees because during the entire time span of the job, 4 employees were associated with the job. |