Mode of Travel Frequency Report
The Mode of Travel Frequency Report displays the number of completed and cancelled transport jobs within a selected date range for which each mode of travel (such as a wheelchair or stretcher) were used. This can help supervisors determine how often specific types of equipment are used to transport patients.
Permissions Required
You must have either the Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.
Report Parameters
The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as date and time range and campus) appear on the report.
About the Data
The report includes only modes of travel:
Where the transport job's origin or destination is within the membership of the user who generated the report.
That were used in transport jobs that were completed or cancelled within the date and time range selected when the report was generated.
Data is displayed in numeric order by the IVR ID number of the mode of travel.
The total number of completed jobs, cancelled jobs, and completed AND cancelled jobs combined included on the report is displayed at the end of the report.
The following information appears.
Column | Description |
Mode of Travel | The mode of travel used in each transport job (for example, Stretcher). |
IVR ID | The IVR ID of the mode of travel. This is the code used on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to identify this mode of travel. |
Total Completed | The total number of completed jobs for which the mode of travel was used. Jobs must be completed within the selected date range and must have origins or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report to be included. |
Total Cancelled | The total number of cancelled jobs for which the mode of travel was used. Jobs must be cancelled within the selected date range and must have origins or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report to be included. |
Total Completed/Cancelled | The total number of completed and cancelled jobs combined where the mode of travel was used. Jobs must be completed or cancelled within the selected date range and must have origins or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report to be included. |
Grand Total | Totals of all completed jobs, cancelled jobs, and completed and cancelled jobs combined that are included on the report. Jobs must be completed or cancelled within the selected date range and must have origins or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report to be included in the grand total. |