The Activity Detail by Job Number Report displays details about each job that meets the selected criteria such as:
Time the job entered each status (for example, Pending).
Transport job's origin and destination.
The requester, the transporter, and the patient or item name.
Whether the job was an outlier.
Any delay reason codes that are associated with the job (if the job was in any delay status, such as In Progress/Delayed).
The following information is displayed on the report. Only transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated appear on the report.
The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as the locations) appear on the report. Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.
If Protected Health Information (PHI) was excluded, a line will appear in place of the excluded PHI.
The user who generates the report can select Item, Patient, or Both in the Job Type list.
Item—Only item transport jobs appear on the report.
Patient—Only patient transport jobs appear on the report.
Both—Both patient and item transport jobs appear on the report.
Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).
.PDF and Formatted Microsoft Excel-Columns
Activity Detail by Job Number Report
Name | Description |
Job Number | The identification code of the transport job. |
Requester | Name of the user who requested the transport job. |
Origin | The location where the transport job started. |
Destination | The location where the transport job ended. |
Patient/Item | Displays the patient last, first name or the item name that is being transported. In case of an outpatient transport job, this column will display “Outpatient”. |
Appt. | The time that the transport job status became Appointment. |
Pend. | The time that the transport job status became Pending. |
Disp. | The time that the transport job status became Dispatched. |
InPrg | The time that the transport job's status became In Progress. |
Comp. | The time that the transport job's status became Completed. |
Outlier | If a * appears for a transport job in this column, then either 1) the transport job was in the In Progress status for over or under the time limit established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or 2) the transport job was completed under the time limit established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Examples: The established time limit for completing a job is 20 minutes and the transport job was completed in 27 minutes. The established time limit for In Progress status is 10 minutes and the job was in In Progress status for 12 minutes. |
Transporter | Names of the transporters who were dispatched to the job. |
Delay Code | If a transport job was in any delay status (such as In Progress/Delayed or Dispatched/Delayed) and a reason code was selected for the delay, then the reason code appears in this column. |
Ovr | The number of minutes entered in the Completion Time box on the Report Criteria page appears in the Completion Time Objective from Pending to Completion section at the bottom of the report. If a * appears for a transport job in the Ovr column, then the transport job completion time exceeded the time limit displayed in the Completion Time Objective from Pending to Completion section. Example: The Completion Time Objective from Pending to Completion is 15 minutes and the transport job was completed in 18 minutes. A * appears in the Ovr column for that transport job. |
Unformatted Excel Output
The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
If you would like to perform your own calculations and analysis in Microsoft® Excel, then Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) is a good option.
The unformatted Excel output for the Activity Detail by Job Number report contains the following columns.
Unformatted Excel-Columns
This column... | Displays for the selected date range... |
Job # | This field displays a formatted transport job number. The format is + “-“ + . (Example: 1290 – > displayed when the job is a non-sequential, 1289 – 1 –> indicates that it is the first job on a sequential job.) |
Requester | Displays the name of job requester in a LastName, FirstName format. |
Origin | Displays the Origin Location name. This is the origin location of the transport job. |
Destination | Displays the Destination Location name. This is the destination location of the transport job. |
Patient/Item | Displays the patient last, first name or the item name that is being transported. In case of an outpatient transport job, this column will display “Outpatient”. |
Appt. | If the job was created as an appointment, this field displays the appointment date and time of the appointment. |
Pend. | Displays the date and time when the job went into a pending status. |
Disp. | Displays the date time when an employee was dispatched to the job. |
InProg. | Displays the date time when the employee put the job in progress. |
Comp. | Displays the date time when the job was completed. |
Transporter | Displays the name of the primary transporter who completed this job in a LastName, FirstName format. |
Delay Code | If applicable, displays the Reason Code for the job’s delay status. |
Inprog Outlier | Displays Y if the job is flagged as an InProgress Outlier, N if job is not flagged as an InProgress Outlier. |
Completion Outlier | Displays Y if the job is flagged as Completed Under or Completed Over based upon the Pending to Completed Time, N if job is not flagged as Completed Under or Completed Over. |
Over Threshold | Displays an asterisk if the job was flagged as Over Threshold based upon the Completion Time filter value. The Completion Time filter value (in minutes) is compared to the time the transport job took (from Pending to Complete status). If the transport job duration exceeds the Completion Time filter value, then the job is flagged as Over Threshold. |