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Cancellation Activity Detail by Job Number Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Cancellation Activity Detail by Job Number Report


The Cancellation Activity Detail by Job Number Report displays details about each cancelled job that meets the selected criteria such as:

  • Date and time of cancellation.

  • Name of the user who cancelled the transport job.

  • Transport job's origin and destination.

  • The transporter and the patient or item name.

  • Reason code that was selected for cancelling the job and the descriptions of the reason code.


  • Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.

  • Only cancelled transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated appear on the report.

  • Rescheduled jobs are included on the report. Rescheduled and cancelled jobs appear in two separate sections.

  • If a job was both rescheduled and cancelled, it appears in the Rescheduled Jobs and in the Cancelled Jobs section.

  • The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as the Origin locations) appear on the report. Only data that is within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.

  • If Protected Health Information (PHI) was excluded, a line will appear in place of the excluded PHI.

  • Note: Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).

The following information is displayed on the report.

Column Descriptions



Job ID

The identification code of the transport job.

Date Time

Date and time that the transport job was cancelled or rescheduled.


The name of the patient or item being transported.


The location where the transport job started.


The location where the transport job ended.


Names of the transporters who were dispatched to the job.

Reason Code

The reason selected for cancelling or rescheduling the job.


Detailed text about the selected reason code.

Summary Information



Total Cancelled Jobs

Total number of cancelled jobs.

Total Rescheduled

Total number of rescheduled jobs. If one job was rescheduled multiple times, each time is counted as a rescheduled job. For example, if one job is rescheduled three times, that is three rescheduled jobs.

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