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Transports by Response and Transport Time Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Transports by Response and Transport Time Report


Response Time — is the number of minutes it takes for transport jobs to go from Pending status to In Progress status.

Transport Time — is the number of minutes it takes for transport jobs to go from In Progress status to Completed status.

The Transports by Response and Transport Time Report displays response time and transport time information about transport jobs that are:

  • To discharge locations.

  • To exam or specialty locations (such as an X-Ray room) from patient rooms.

  • To patient rooms from test locations.

  • To test locations from other test locations (for example, from X-Ray to a blood test location).

  • To other locations (any location that is not a home location [patient room], a discharge location, a specialty location, or an exam location).

  • Patient transfers.


Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.

Only transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated appear on the report.

The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as the whether the transport jobs were patient transports, item transports, or both) appear on the report.

Sections on the Report

There are three sections on the report:

Response—For each category, displays the total number of trips (transport jobs) included in the response time statistics and the number of trips that had response times in various ranges (for example, the number of trips with response times of 10 to 15 minutes).

Transport—For each category, displays the total number of trips (transport jobs) included in the transport time statistics and the number of trips that had transport times in various ranges (for example, the number of trips with transport times of 15 to 20 minutes).

Delays—For each category, displays the total number of trips (transport jobs) included in the delay statistics, the number of trips that had delays of more than five minutes, and the average time of the delays.

Categories of Transport Jobs (Trips) Displayed

Each section of the report displays the following categories of transport jobs (trips):




Transport job to a location from which the patient will be discharged.


Transport job to any location other than a home location, a discharge location, or an exam or specialty location (such as an X-Ray room or procedure room).

Room to Test

Transport job from a patient room (home location) to an exam location or a specialty location (test location) (such as an X-Ray room or procedure room).

Test to Room

Transport job from an exam location or a specialty location to a patient room (home location).

Test to Test

Transport job from one exam or specialty location to another (for example, from an X-Ray room to a blood test location).


Transport job to transfer a patient from one patient room (home location) to another.

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