Average Discharges/Transfers Report Description
Permission Required
At least one of the following permissions is required to generate this report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Average Discharges/Transfers report displays totals and average numbers of patient transfers and/or discharges per origin unit by up to 10 selected time periods (for example, 7:00 AM to 7:59 AM, 8:00 AM to 8:59 AM, and 9:00 AM to 9:59 AM) for a selected date range.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
Only units included in the membership of the user who generated the report appear.
The user who generates the report selects the time periods that are included on the report. The Report Parameter section displays the time represented by each period (for example, Period 1: 00:00:00 to 07:59:59 and Period 2: 08:00:00 to 15:59:59). The selected time periods are listed in the first column of the Microsoft Excel or .pdf output and in the second column of the Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) output.
The user who generates the report can select to include only transfers and/or discharges associated with specific origin units that are within the selected campus. If no specific units are selected, all transfers and/or discharges associated all origin units within the selected campus and the user's membership will be included.
The user who generates the report can choose to include or exclude weekends on the report. This is helpful when organizations have very few transfers and discharges during the weekends. Those organizations can exclude weekend transfers and discharges to avoid skewing data.
Data appears by origin unit.
If a patient is discharged from a unit, but then transferred to another unit, the transaction is reported as a transfer rather than a discharge.
Details (.PDF or Microsoft Excel Output)
For each unit and each time period, the following appear:
This... | Displays |
Time period listings | Time periods selected when the report was generated are listed in the first column. For example, 15:00:00 to 23:59:59. |
Day of week columns | Each day of the week is a column heading. If Yes was selected for Include Weekends?, then Monday through Sunday appear as column headings. If not, then Monday through Friday appear as column headings. |
Day of week (Count) | Number of discharges and/or transfers for this time period and this day of the week for each time that this day of the week appears on the report. For example, if two Mondays are included on the report and 12 appears for Monday, 11:00 to 14:59 for Unit A, then there were 12 total transfers and/or discharges from Unit A between 11:00 AM and 2:59 PM for both Mondays combined. Only discharges and transfers that meet the selected report criteria are included in counts. |
Day of week (Percentage) columns | Percentages of all discharges and/or transfers that occurred in this time period on this day of the week Calculation: The number that appears under <Day of Week> (Count) for this row divided by the number that appears in the ALL (Count) column. |
ALL (Count) column | Total discharges and/or transfers that meet the selected criteria and that occurred for this unit in this time period. |
ALL (Percentage) column | The number in the ALL (Count) column for this row divided by the total discharges and/or transfers from all units on the report during the selected date range. |
ALL (Average/Day) column | The number in the ALL (Count) column for this row divided by the total number of days for which the report was generated (total number of days included on the report). |
Total Discharges/Transfers per day of week | Total discharges and transfers for this unit that occurred on each date of the week within the selected date range. For example, if two Mondays are included on the report and there were a total of 20 discharges for both Mondays in Unit A, then 20 appears in the Monday column under Count for Total Discharges/Transfers. |
Average/Day per day of week | The number in the Total Discharges/Transfers row for this day of the week divided by the number of times that this day is included in the report. For example, if two Mondays are included on the report and there were a total of 20 discharges for both Mondays in Unit A, then 10 appears in the Monday column for Total Discharges/Transfers (20 divided by 2). |
Total Discharges/Transfers (ALL) | Total discharges and transfers for the unit during the selected date range. |
Average/Day (ALL) | The number in the Total Discharges/Transfers row in the ALL (Count) column divided by the total number of days for which the report was generated (total number of days included on the report). For example, if 30 total days are included on the report and there were a total of 300 discharges during those 30 days in Unit A, then 01.00 appears in the ALL (Count) column for Total Discharges/Transfers (300 divided by 30). |
Report Summary (.PDF or Microsoft Excel Output)
The information described in Details (.PDF or Microsoft Excel Output) appears in the report summary. However, all discharges and transfers for all units on the report within the selected date range are included in the counts and the calculations for percentages and averages.
Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output
The Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output contains a row for each unit and each time period on the report. The following information appears. Only discharges and transfers that meet the selected criteria are included.
Name | Description |
Unit | Abbreviation of unit where discharge or transfer occurred. |
Day of Week (Count) | Number of discharges and/or transfers for this time period and this day of the week for each time that this day of the week appears on the report. For example, if two Mondays are included on the report and 12 appears for Monday, 11:00 to 14:59 for Unit A, then there were 12 total transfers and/or discharges from Unit A between 11:00 AM and 2:59 PM for both Mondays combined. |
Day of week (Percentage) | Percentages of all discharges and/or transfers that occurred in this time period on this day of the week Calculation: The number that appears in the Day of Week (Count) column divided by the number that appears in the ALL (Count) column. |
ALL (Count) | Total discharges and/or transfers that meet the selected criteria and that occurred for this unit in this time period. |
ALL (Percentage) | The number in the ALL (Count) column divided by the total discharges and/or transfers from this unit for the selected date range. |
ALL (Average/Day) | The number in the ALL (Count) column divided by the total number of days for which the report was generated (total number of days included on the report). |