Census Analysis by Hour of Day Report Description
Permission Required
At least one of the following permissions is required to generate this report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Census Analysis by Hour of Day Report displays for the one selected date for each hour of the day, for each unit selected OR for all selected units as a group, counts of:
Physical beds in each status (such as Clean, Dirty, or Suspended). Dirty status includes Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, and UDEF-9.
Beds that have been assigned and requested.
Physical beds (both occupied and unoccupied).
Permanent and non-physical beds that are occupied.
Staffed beds.
Patients who are in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status.
All requests and assignments to transfer patients from the unit or units to another unit (outgoing placements).
In addition, the percentages of physical beds that are also census beds and staffed beds that are also census beds appear. If data is displayed for individual units, then averages for all hours of the day for each category are displayed. Graphs depicting bed status counts, transfer and discharge counts, and census bed counts are also included.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
Only units included in the membership of the user who generated the report appear.
The user who generates the report can select to include specific units that are within the selected campus. If no specific units are selected, all units within the selected campus and the user's membership will be included.
The user who generates the report can select to display data for each unit included on the report or to display only an overall summary for all units displayed on the report.
Only one date (called the Statistics Date) can appear on the report. The user who generates the report can select a date. All hours for that date appear on the report (0 through 23).
The counts are from the beginning of the hour shown.
The last column shows the average count for all hours included on the report for each item (for example, the average number of pending discharges for all hours on the report).
The percentage of beds that are both physical beds and census beds and the percentage of beds that are both staffed beds and census beds appears in the last two rows for each unit and in the last two rows of the overall summary.
At the end of the report, three graphs appear. One depicts the approximate number of beds in each status for each hour. One depicts the approximate number of pending discharges, confirmed discharges, and outbound placements for each hour. One depicts the approximate number of permanent census beds and staffed census beds for each hour.
Spill cleaning jobs do not affect counts, averages, and percentages for clean, blocked, and occupied beds. A spill cleaning job does not initiate a bed status change. Therefore, a clean, occupied, or blocked bed that has a spill cleaning request or job associated with it is still in Clean, Blocked, or Occupied status.
Section for Each Unit (Appears if Include Unit Details is selected)
Information is displayed for each unit shown, for each hour of the date that was selected on the Report Criteria page.
Overall Summary (If Include Unit Details is NOT selected, only this section appears)
A summary of information for all units shown appears, for each hour of the date that was selected on the Report Criteria page.
Name | Description (Unit Section, if Unit Details is Selected) | Description (Overall Summary, if Unit Details is NOT Selected, only this section appears) |
Unit | The unit associated with the bed or the status involved in the event or change. For a bed status change, a bed request, or a bed assignment, this is the unit where the bed is located. For an occupied bed, staffed bed, or physical bed, this is the unit where the bed is located. For a patient status change, this is the unit where the patient's home location is. For an outbound placement, this is the unit from which the patient is being transferred or discharged. | N/A |
For each hour, the following appear. | For each hour and all units included on the report, the following appear. | |
Clean Beds | Number of physical beds in Clean status for this hour, for this unit. | Number of physical beds in Clean status for this hour for all units included on the report. |
Dirty Beds | Number of physical beds in Dirty, Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, or UDEF-9 status for this hour, for this unit. | Number of physical beds in Dirty, Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, or UDEF-9 status for this hour for all units included on the report. |
Blocked | Number of physical beds in Blocked status for this hour, for this unit. | Number of physical beds in Blocked status for this hour, for all units included on the report. |
In Progress Beds | Number of physical beds in the In Progress status for this hour, for this unit. | Number of physical beds in the In Progress status for this hour for all units included on the report. |
Suspended Beds | Number of physical beds in Suspended status for this hour, for this unit. | Number of physical beds in Suspended status for this hour for all units included on the report. |
Occpd Physical Beds | Number of physical beds that are also census beds that were occupied in this hour, for this unit. If a patient who does NOT have a home location was occupying a specialty location, at the time of the count, the specialty location is included in the count. Otherwise the patient's home location is included in the count. | Number of physical beds that are also census beds that were occupied in this hour, for all units included on the report. If a patient who does NOT have a home location was occupying a specialty location at the time of the count, the specialty location is included in the count. Otherwise the patient's home location is included in the count. |
Occpd Non-Physical Beds | Number of census beds that do NOT have the physical bed setting that were occupied in this hour, for this unit. If a patient who does NOT have a home location was occupying a specialty location at the time of the count, the specialty location is included in the count. Otherwise the patient's home location is included in the count. | Number of census beds that do NOT have the physical bed setting that were occupied in this hour for all units included on the report. If a patient who does NOT have a home location was occupying a specialty location at the time of the count, the specialty location is included in the count. Otherwise the patient's home location is included in the count. |
Assigned Beds | Number of placements in Assigned status that had an assigned bed from this unit during this hour. If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included in the calculation. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand.If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included. | Number of placements in Assigned status that had assigned beds from any unit included on the report during this hour. If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included in the calculation. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand.If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included. |
Pending Discharges | Number of patients with home locations in this unit who were in Pending Discharge status during this hour. | Number of patients with home locations in all units included on the report who were in Pending Discharge status during this hour. |
Confirmed Discharges | Number of patients with home locations in this unit who were in Confirmed Discharge status during this hour. | Number of patients with home locations in all units included on the report who were in Confirmed Discharge status in this hour. |
Outbound Placements | Number of patients with home locations in this unit who had requested or assigned placement requests in this hour to be transferred to another unit. | Number of patients with home locations in all units included on the report who had requested or assigned placement requests in this hour to be transferred to another unit. |
Requests | Number of placements in Requested status that have this unit selected as the target unit in this hour. If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included in the calculation. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand.If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included. | Number of placements in Requested status that have any unit included on the report selected as the target unit in this hour. |
If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included in the calculation. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand.If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included. |
| Physical Beds | Number of physical beds on this unit, in this hour. | Number of physical beds on all units included on the report in this hour. |
| Staffed Beds | Number of staffed beds on this unit, in this hour. | Number of staffed beds on all units included on the report in this hour. |
| Census (Physical) % | Percentage of physical beds that are also census beds on this unit, in this hour. Blocked beds are excluded from the calculation. Calculation: Average ratio of occupied census beds divided by (number of physical beds minus number of blocked beds) | Percentage of physical beds that are also census beds on all units included on the report, in this hour. Blocked beds are excluded from the calculation. Calculation: Average ratio of occupied census beds divided by (number of physical beds minus number of blocked beds) |
| Census (Staffed) % | Percentage of staffed beds that are also census beds on this unit, in this hour. Calculation: Average ratio of occupied census beds divided by (number of staffed beds minus number of blocked beds) | Percentage of staffed beds that are also census beds on all units included on the report, in this hour. Calculation: Average ratio of occupied census beds divided by (number of staffed beds minus number of blocked beds) |
Average (Avg.)
For each item listed in the first column, the Avg. column shows the average for that item. For example, for Clean Beds on the detailed report, the Avg. column shows the average number of clean beds for each unit shown on the report for the selected date. For the overall summary, the Avg. column shows the average number of clean beds for all units included on the report for the selected date.
Summary Graphs
There are three summary graphs at the end of the report. One depicts the approximate number of beds in each status for each hour. One depicts the approximate number of pending discharges, confirmed discharges, and outbound placements for each hour. One depicts the approximate number of permanent census beds and staffed census beds for each hour.