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Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones Report Description - PreAdmit
Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones Report Description - PreAdmit
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones Report Description

Permission Required

The Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.


The Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones report displays details about incoming and outgoing patients with placement requests that were completed within a selected number of hours for a selected requested date range. Data is shown by either patient, assigned bed, assigned unit, origin unit or admit source. This information can help to identify situations where long waits for beds occurred and possible reasons for any delays.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated can be chosen to appear on the report.

  • The user who generates the report can select to display the data by patient, admit source, origin unit, assigned unit, or assigned bed.

  • If data is displayed by patient, then data about a maximum of 5 patients can appear.

  • If data is displayed by assigned bed, data about a maximum of 5 beds can appear.

  • If data is displayed by unit, only one unit can be selected.

  • Two sections appear: Incoming Patients and Outgoing Patients.


The information on the report is grouped by one of the categories listed above (patient, origin unit, assigned unit, assigned bed, or admit source). It has two sections: Incoming Patients and Outgoing Patients. The following columns appear in each section.

Incoming Patients




Name, medical record number and visit number of the patient associated with the placement.

Origin Bed

The abbreviation of the patient's home location or last known home location before the placement was completed.

Assigned Bed

The abbreviation of the location that has been assigned to the patient.

Occupied Bed

The patient's occupied bed. This could be different from the assigned bed.

Request Date

The requested date of the placement request.

Request Time

The requested time of the placement request.

Assigned Time

The time that the assigned bed was assigned.


If the placement request was created because of a pending transfer, transfer milestones that were not yet completed and were associated with the placement request at the time that it was completed appear. This can help to identify delays in transferring patients from the origin bed.

Projected RTM Time

The time that the patient will be ready to move. If this column is blank, then a Ready-to-Move time was not selected.

Clean Time

This column displays either 1) the bed's clean time OR 2) if the time the bed was assigned (if the bed was clean before it was assigned).

Transport Request Time

Time that the transport request to move the patient to the bed was created.

Transport In-Progress Time

Time that the transporter first started moving the patient to the bed.

Transport Complete Time

Time that the transporter finished moving the patient to the bed.

Occupied Time

Time that the patient began to occupy the bed.

Dead Bed Time

Span of time between when a bed became dirty because of a discharge or transfer and when the next patient moved into the bed. (Occupied Time minus Dirty Bed Time). If the incoming patient's assigned bed is not the same as the bed they occupied, this column is blank. (The Outgoing Patient section will show the patient who left the incoming patient's assigned location.)

Outgoing Patients




Name, medical record number and visit number of the patient who left the incoming patient's assigned bed before the incoming patient occupied it.


The abbreviation of the bed from which the patient was discharged or transferred.

Pending Transfer

Time that the request to transfer the patient was created. If the patient was discharged rather than transferred, this column is blank.

Pending Discharge Time

If the patient was discharged, the earlier of the time that the patient status became 1) Pending Discharge or 2) Confirmed Discharge. If the patient was transferred rather than discharged, this column is blank.


Transfer or discharge milestones that were not yet completed and were associated with the placement request at the time discharge or transfer. This can help to identify delays in transferring patients from the origin bed.

Destination Bed

The abbreviation of the bed that the patient was transferred to.

Transport Request Time

Time that the transport request to move the patient to the bed was created.

Transport In-Progress Time

Time that the transporter first started moving the patient to the bed.

Dirty Bed Time

Date and time that the bed became dirty because the patient was transferred out of it or discharged from it.

ADT Discharge Time

If the patient was discharged, the time that the discharge message was received from the ADT system. If the patient was transferred, this column is blank.

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