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Hand Hygiene Index Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Hand Hygiene Index Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Hand Hygiene Index Report provides data about hand-washings per qualifying room trips by location, by unit, by staff type, or by name of individual users (staff members). Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians. The Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) per date for each location, unit, staff type, or user is provided. This can help management to see where action might need to be taken to improve hand hygiene compliance in order to prevent the spread of infection. Actions could include educating staff, ensuring that soap or gel holders are filled and working properly, and ensuring that monitors are in good working condition.

This report can only have data if the selected campus has a Hand Hygiene license from TeleTracking.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

What is the Hand Hygiene Index?

  • The Hand Hygiene Index, or HHI, is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit.

  • The HHI takes into consideration the parameters that have been configured in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. For example, if the parameters dictate that a hand-washing that occurred when a staff member was leaving one patient location also counts as a hand-washing when they entered the next patient location, then this is considered in the calculation.

  • The hand hygiene index calculation includes only qualifying room trips. This means that the calculation includes only instances where the staff member entered the room and stayed a certain minimum amount of time, but left before a specified maximum amount of time, without re-entering. A contiguous trip could be included within a qualifying room trip, but it does not count as a separate trip in and out of a room. This means that a staff member could enter a room, leave briefly (for example, to put on a gown and gloves), and then re-enter the room, and this would not be considered a separate trip.

  • Only staff members who wore electronic staff badges are counted in the calculation. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

  • Only hand-washings completed with gel or soap holders that were affixed with working hand hygiene monitors are counted.

  • A compliant hand-washing is one where the staff member cleansed their hands when entering and exiting a patient location in accordance with the parameters set in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings. Hand washings completed with soap or gel holders not affixed with monitoring devices are not considered. This means staff members could wash their hands in the staff lounge and those hand washings might not be counted.

  • The staff member's staff badge must interact with the hand hygiene monitor in order for the hand washing to be recorded. When a green light flashes on the hand hygiene monitor, this indicates that the badge and monitor have interacted. When staff members cleanse their hands, they should look for the green light on the monitor to ensure that their hand washing is being counted.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can group the data by unit by location, by staff type, or by user (staff member). Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

  • Depending on how the user who generates the report chooses to group the data, they can select specific units or locations, or staff types, or users (staff members) to include on the report. If no specific items were selected, then data about all units or locations, or staff types, or staff members associated with the selected campus.

  • Only units that have at least one location that has the Hand Hygiene setting enabled can appear on the report.

  • Only staff members who wear TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ staff badges and who are associated with the selected campus can appear on reports. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

  • Only hand-washings related to qualifying room trips where the patient location exit time was within the selected date range and time period are included on the report. If the end of the selected time period extends to the day after the end of the selected date range, the relevant data from the next day will be included on the report. For example, if the selected date range ends on May 5, 2014, but the selected time range ends at 1:00 AM, then data from May 6 from midnight until 1:00 AM will be included on the report.

  • Data is in ascending order by date.

  • Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).

Hand Hygiene Index Report Row and Column Descriptions

.PDF Output

  • If data is grouped by user (staff member), the staff member's name, TeleTracking RTLS badge identification number, and staff type will appear above the data. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians.

  • If data is grouped by location, the location abbreviation and the unit associated with the location will appear above the data.

The following data will appear for each unit or location, or staff type, or user (staff member).

This column...



Date when the qualifying room trip was completed.

Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that occurred when a staff member entered a room for each date. Compliant means that badged staff members cleansed their hands when entering a patient location in accordance with the parameters configured in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that were expected to occur when a staff member entered a room for each date. This will equal the number of completed room trips on the report.

Entry Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more details, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Entry Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events divided by Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that occurred when a staff member exited a room for each date. Compliant means that badged staff members cleansed their hands when exiting a patient location in accordance with the parameters configured in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that were expected to occur when a staff member exited a room for each date. This will equal the number of completed room trips on the report.

Exit Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more details, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Exit Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events divided by Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

Overall Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more detailed information about the calculation, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Overall Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events + Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events) divided by (Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events + Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

Unformatted .XLS Output

The following data will appear. The order of the columns depends on whether the report was grouped by unit or location, or staff type, or user.

This column...



Last and first name of the user (staff member) associated with the hand-washing. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ® solution users and physicians. If the report is grouped by user, this column will be the first column.

Staff Type

Staff type of the user (staff member) associated with the hand-washing (for example, physician). If the report is grouped by staff type, this column will be the first column.


The unit in the hospital where the hand-washing occurred (for example, Unit A). If the report is grouped by unit, this column will be the first column.


The specific location or bed where the hand-washing occurred (for example, A1234). If the report is grouped by location, this column will be the first column.


Date when the qualifying room trip was completed.

Badge ID

The identification number of the electronic staff badge worn by the user associated with the hand-washing. The badge and the hand-hygiene monitors work together to determine whether a hand-washing was completed.

Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that occurred when a staff member entered a room for each date. Compliant means that badged staff members cleansed their hands when entering a patient location in accordance with the parameters configured in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that were expected to occur when a staff member entered a room for each date. This will equal the number of completed room trips on the report.

Entry Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more details, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Entry Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events divided by Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that occurred when a staff member exited a room for each date. Compliant means that badged staff members cleansed their hands when exiting a patient location in accordance with the parameters configured in the Unit Hand Hygiene settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events

Number of compliant hand-washings associated with the completed qualifying room trips, that were expected to occur when a staff member exited a room for each date. This will equal the number of completed room trips on the report.

Exit Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more details, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Exit Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events divided by Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

Overall Hand Hygiene Index

The Hand Hygiene Index is a numeric representation of how closely staff members comply with appropriate hand hygiene practices around the patients who are associated with a unit or with a specific location within a unit. For more detailed information about the calculation, see What is the Hand Hygiene Index?. The calculation for the Overall Hand Hygiene Index is: (Actual Entry Hand Hygiene Events + Actual Exit Hand Hygiene Events) divided by (Expected Entry Hand Hygiene Events + Expected Exit Hand Hygiene Events) x 100.

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