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Location Master List Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Location Master List Report Description

Permissions Required

The Run Master Reports permission is required to generate this report.


The Location Master List Report displays all locations within the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page and that meet all the criteria selected when the report was generated.

You can determine which locations are displayed by selecting report criteria on the Report Criteria page.

About the Data

Only locations that are within the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page when the report was generated appear on the report.


For each location that meets the criteria selected when the report was generated, the following information is displayed on the report.

.PDF or Formatted Microsoft® Excel Output



Location Name

The location's name.


The location's IVR ID number.

Location Type

The location’s type (for example, Home, Exam, Admit).

Facility ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the facility associated with the location.

Nurse Stn. ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the nurses' station associated with the location.


The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the room associated with the location.

Location ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the location.


The unit that contains the location.

Cost Center

The cost center that contains the location.


The building that contains the location.


The zone that contains the location.


The section that contains the location.

Census Bed

Yes indicates that the Count in Census bed setting was configured for this bed.

Prevent Minutes

The prevent time set for this bed (in minutes).

Shown on Bedboard

Yes indicates that the Show on Bedboard bed setting was configured for this bed and this bed can appear on the electronic bedboard® view view.

Allow Bed Stacking

Yes indicates that the Allow Bed Stacking bed setting was configured for this bed. Multiple patients may occupy this location at once, although the ADT system has only one ADT ID for it.

Holding Bed

Yes indicates that the Holding Bed bed setting was configured for this bed. This bed is considered a temporary location for a patient.

EVS Service

Yes indicates that the EVS Service bed setting was configured for this bed. EVS department employees clean this bed after a patient is discharged from it.

Physical Bed

Yes indicates that the Count as Physical Bed bed setting was configured for this bed. In counts, the bed is considered a regular home location within a nursing unit.

Origin Priority

The origin priority of the location. Origin priority is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Lead Time

The lead time (in minutes) of the location. Lead time is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Dest. Priority

The destination priority of the location. Destination priority is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Auto Return

The auto return time (in minutes) of the location. Auto return is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Unformatted Microsoft® Excel Output

The unformatted Excel output is only available when the All Products option is selected from the Products list.

The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized. If you would like to perform your own calculations and analysis in Microsoft® Excel, then Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) is a good option.

Unformatted Excel-Columns

The unformatted Excel output for the Location Master List report contains the following columns.

This column...

Displays for the selected date range...

Location Name

The name of the location.

Location Abbreviation

The abbreviation for the location.


The IVR ID number for the location.

Facility ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the facility associated with the location.

Nurse Station ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the nurses' station associated with the location.


The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the room associated with the location.

Location ADT ID

The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the location.

RTLS Location ID

If floor plans are used at your hospital, then this is the identification code for the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ location that is associated with this location in the Capacity IQ® solution. This information is only available if the Master Configuration setting called RTLS Integration is enabled. Only a TeleTracking representative can enable this setting. Your organization must also have a Patient Tracking license to make RTLS location information available. This column appears on the report only if All Products was selected when the report was generated.


Name of the building in which the location exists.


The unit associated with the location.

Cost Center

Cost center with which the location is associated.

Location Type

The location’s type (for example, Home, Exam, Admit). Location type is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Holding Bed

Yes indicates that the Holding Bed bed setting was configured for this bed. This bed is considered a temporary location for a patient.

EVS Service

Yes indicates that the EVS Service bed setting was configured for this bed. EVS department employees clean this bed after a patient is discharged from it.

Physical Bed

Yes indicates that the Count as Physical Bed bed setting was configured for this bed. In counts, the bed is considered a regular home location within a nursing unit.

Census Bed

Yes Indicates that this bed is included in the hospital Census Count. The Census Bed bed setting has been enabled for this location.

Allow Bed Stacking

Yes indicates that the Allow Bed Stacking bed setting was configured for this bed. Multiple patients may occupy this location at once, although the ADT system has only one ADT ID for it.

Shown On Bedboard

Yes indicates that the Show on Bedboard bed setting was configured for this bed and this bed can appear on the electronic bedboard® view view.

BT Prevent Minutes

The prevent time set for this bed (in minutes).

BT Zone

The location is within this zone in the BedTracking® application.

BT Section

The location is within this section in the BedTracking® application.

TT Zone

The location is within this zone in the TransportTracking™ application.

TT Section

The location is within this section in the TransportTracking™ application.

TT Lead Time

The lead time (in minutes) of the location. Lead time is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

TT Dest Priority

The destination priority of the location. Destination priority is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

TT Origin Priority

The origin priority of the location. Destination priority is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

TT Auto Return

The auto return time (in minutes) of the location. Auto return is specified in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Bed Size

Displays the location's bed size. Displays whether this bed is for an adult, a child, or an infant.

Bed Attributes

Displays the location's bed attributes. (Examples: Negative Air Flow, Bariatric.)

Hand Hygiene

Yes means that the Hand Hygiene setting has been enabled for this location. This location is eligible to be monitored for appropriate hand hygiene practices if your organization has a Hand Hygiene license. No means that the Hand Hygiene setting is disabled for this location.

Isolated Location

Yes means that the Isolated Location setting has been enabled for this location. This is a location, such as a bathroom or shower room, where a patient might be alone for a period of time. A staff member might need to check on the patient to see if they need assistance. If the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then this location can have an isolated location alarm that will sound to indicate that a badged patient has been in the location without a badged staff member for a designated period of time and a staff member might need to check on the patient. No means that the Isolation Location setting is disabled for this location

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