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Patient Order History Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient Order History Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Patient Order History Report provides a list of the selected patients' orders that have status date changes within the selected date and time range.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report must select specific patients to appear on the report.

  • The report can display lab orders, radiology orders, medication orders, or "other" orders, depending on the selections made when the report was generated. "Other" orders are clinical orders that are not lab or radiology orders.

  • The user who generates the report can select to display a summary view. If the summary view is selected, then one line for each order identification code will appear on the report. The most recent status date and status for each order will appear. If the summary view is NOT selected, then one line will appear for each status date and/or status change for each order. The same order identification code could appear multiple times (one time for each status change or status date).

Patient Order Report Column Descriptions

This column...

Displays for each patient...

Order Type

Whether the order is a lab order, radiology order, medication order, or other clinical order.

Order ID

The identification code for the order. If the summary view is selected, each order ID appears only once. If the summary view is NOT selected, the same order ID can appear multiple times (once for each status change or status date).


The description of the order type from the ADT system. If the summary view is NOT selected, then the same description can appear more than once for the same order identification code.


The date and time that the order status listed in the Order Status column took effect.

Order Status

The order status description for this order type. For example, if this is a lab order and the status of the lab order is In Process, the description might be LabInProcess. The descriptions are associated with the statuses and order types in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. The order priority and specimen action type are shown with the status description. Example: The lab order is in process. All lab orders are associated with the STAT priority and with the "Nurse Collected" specimen action type. In the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, the STAT priority is associated with the description called "Rush." Also, the "Nurse Collected" specimen action is associated with the description "Caregiver Collects." This column displays LabInProcessRushCaregiverCollects.

Ordered Date

The date that the work was ordered.

Ordered by

The last and first name of the provider who initiated the order.

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