Patient Isolation History Report Description
Permission Required
The Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.
The Patient Isolation History report displays details about isolation types that were associated with patients in selected units during a specified date range.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated can be chosen to appear on the report.
Only information about isolation types that were associated with patients during the selected date range appears.
Only information about isolation types that were selected when the report was generated appears. At least one isolation type must be selected.
Data is displayed by unit. A Unit Summary section appears under each unit and displays the total number of patients who were associated with each isolation type included on the report for that unit for the date range selected and the average duration (length of time) across all patients for that isolation type in days, hours, and minutes (for example, 1/02:30 is one day, 2 hours, and 30 minutes). Patients with a 0 length of time for a duration are excluded from the calculation.
A Report Averages section appears at the end of the report and displays the total number of patients who were associated with each isolation type included on the report for the date range selected and the average duration (length of time) across all patients for that isolation type in days, hours, and minutes (for example, 6/12:30 is 6 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes). Patients with a 0 length of time for a duration are excluded from the calculation.
The user who generates the report can select to include or exclude patients whose status is Inhouse.
If the report is in unformatted .xls format, then data appears in simple rows and columns and is not totaled, summarized, or grouped. This format is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis.
The information on the report is grouped by unit. The following columns appear for each unit.
Name | Description |
Patient, Visit Number, MRN | Name, medical record number, and visit number of the patient associated with the placement. |
Occupied Location | The abbreviation of the patient's home location. |
Occupy Bed Date Time | Date and time that the patient began occupying the bed listed under Occupied Location. |
Isolation Type | Name of the isolation type. |
Patient Status | Patient's status at the time that the isolation type became associated with the patient. |
Isolation Start and Isolation End | Time that isolation type became associated with the patient and time that the isolation type stopped being associated with the patient. If the patient was discharged, this is the discharge time. If the Isolation End column is blank, then the isolation type is still associated with the patient. |
Duration | Days, hours, and minutes that the isolation type has been associated with the patient. |