Patient Order Priority
Patient Order Priority is a feature in the PatientTracking Portal™ application that provides staff members with information about four types of patient orders: lab orders, radiology orders, medication orders, and "other" orders. "Other" orders include clinical orders that are not lab or radiology, such as EKG, Wound Care, Vital Signs, Teaching, IV Monitor, and Pain Assessment. This feature is used by healthcare staff to prioritize patient orders, ensuring urgent orders are treated with the appropriate level of urgency.
Where you can find this feature: PatientTracking Portal™ application under Dictionary Management.
How Patient Order Priority Works
Patient Order Priority allows specific order types to be designated as "STAT" (urgent) within each campus. This designation ensures that certain orders, such as lab orders, are always treated as urgent.
Creating a Patient Order Priority:
Under Dictionary Management, select Patient Order Priority.
Click Add on the top right-hand side.
Select the Campus in the Campus drop-down.
Select the type of order in the Order Type drop-down.
Select the priority for the order in the Order Priority drop-down.
Enter the Value in the ADTID box.
Enter the Value in the Description box.
Click on Save.
Modifying a Patient Order Priority:
Under Dictionary Management, select Patient Order Priority.
Find the Patient Attribute to modify, click on the name, and update the Patient Order Priority.
Click on Save.
Deleting a Patient Order Priority:
Under Dictionary Management, select Patient Order Priority.
Find the Patient Order Priority to delete and click the box in the left column.
Click on Delete Selected Records.
Note: The Patient Order Priority you want to delete cannot be associated with a patient in the last 7 days.
Note: Even though the Patient Order Priority was deleted, it will still be visible in historical reports.
Patient Order Specimen Action
Patient Order Specimen Action is used by healthcare staff to manage the collection of specimens for various patient orders. This feature exists to ensure that specimens are collected by the appropriate personnel, whether it be nurses, lab technicians, or other qualified staff members. It is used whenever a specimen needs to be collected for a patient order.
Where you can find this feature: PatientTracking Portal application.
How Patient Order Specimen Action Works
If your organization has a license for Order Entry, the PatientTracking Portal application provides information about four types of patient orders:
Lab orders
Radiology orders
Medication orders
"Other" orders (e.g., EKG, Wound Care, Vital Signs, Teaching, IV Monitor, Pain Assessment)
Specimen collection for patient orders can be managed as follows:
Specimens may need to be collected by the patient's nurse or another qualified staff member instead of a lab or testing site.
Administrators can specify which types of patient orders require samples collected by nurses or other qualified staff members. This is known as associating a patient order type with a specimen action type.
At some campuses, lab technicians might draw blood samples for most patient orders.
At other campuses, nurses or other qualified staff members might be required to draw blood samples in patients' rooms.
Administrators can configure specimen action types for each campus:
For instance, lab orders can be associated with the "Nurse Collected" specimen action type if specimens need to be collected by nurses or other qualified staff members.
Patient Order Status
Patient Order Statuses are used to track lab, radiology, medication, and other clinical orders within the PatientTracking Portal. This feature is utilized by users with appropriate permissions to access and manage patient order histories. It is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of patient orders.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
How Patient Order Status Works
Patient Order Statuses are configured in the Dictionary Management page. Users with the necessary permissions can associate an order status (e.g., InProcess), an order type (e.g., Lab), and a description (e.g., Lab In Process) with an ADT ID from the ORC 5 or OBR 25 HL7 field in the ADT system. When an order is sent, the associated description, order status, and order ID code appear in the history, along with the details of who ordered the work and the date it was created.
Permissions Required
Admin Tool Menu permission: Required to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Patient Order Statuses permission: Required to configure patient order statuses. Edit rights are needed to make changes, while View rights allow viewing without making changes.
Configuration Steps
Access Dictionary Management:
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management.
Or, go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Add Patient Order Statuses:
Click Add to create a new row.
Select the campus in the Campus column.
Choose the order type in the Order Type column (Lab, Radiology, Medication, Other).
Select the higher-level status name in the Order Status column (e.g., InProcess).
Enter an ADT ID in the ADT ID column.
Type the description in the Description column.
Optionally, select the Show Icon checkbox to display an icon for the order type.
Save Changes:
Click Save to apply the changes.
Edit Existing Patient Order Statuses:
Modify the information in the relevant rows and columns.
Click Save to update the changes.
Delete Associations:
To delete all patient order statuses, select the checkbox in the first row and column.
To delete specific statuses, select the checkboxes for the desired rows.
Click Delete Selected Records and confirm the action.
Adding Patient Order Statuses
Access the Dictionary Management page.
Click Add to create a new row.
Fill in the required fields (Campus, Order Type, Order Status, ADT ID, Description).
Optionally, select the Show Icon checkbox.
Click Save.
Editing Patient Order Statuses
Access the Dictionary Management page.
Modify the information in the relevant rows and columns.
Click Save to update the changes.
Deleting Patient Order Statuses
Access the Dictionary Management page.
Select the checkboxes for the statuses to be deleted.
Click Delete Selected Records.
Confirm the deletion.
Patient Order Types
Patient Order Types are used to categorize different types of patient orders within the PatientTracking Portal application. This feature is used by healthcare staff to manage and prioritize orders such as lab, radiology, medication, and other clinical orders. It exists to ensure that orders are processed efficiently and with the appropriate level of urgency.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
How Patient Order Types Work
Patient Order Types can be associated with priorities and specimen action types to ensure proper handling and urgency.
Associating Patient Order Types with a Priority
Permission Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
PatientTracking Portal Functions permission (Patient Order Statuses).
Edit rights to make changes; View rights to see but not change statuses.
Steps to Associate a Patient Order Type with a Priority:
Navigate to Dictionary Management via Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Click the Patient Order Priority link.
Click Add to add a new row.
Select a campus in the Campus column.
Select the order type (Lab, Radiology, Med, Other) in the Order Type column.
Select STAT in the Order Priority column.
Enter an ADT ID from the OBR 27.6 HL7 field in the ADT system in the ADT ID column.
Type the priority description in the Description column.
Click Save.
Editing and Deleting Associations:
To edit, change the information in the appropriate rows and columns, then click Save.
To delete, select the checkboxes for the associations and click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion.
Associating Patient Order Types with Specimen Action Types
Permission Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
PatientTracking Portal Functions permission (Patient Order Statuses).
Edit rights to make changes; View rights to see but not change statuses.
Steps to Associate a Patient Order Type with a Specimen Action Type:
Navigate to Dictionary Management via Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Click the Patient Order Specimen Action link.
Click Add to add a new row.
Select a campus in the Campus column.
Select the order type (Lab, Radiology, Med, Other) in the Order Type column.
Select Nurse Collected in the Order Specimen Action column.
Enter an ADT ID from the OBR 11 HL7 field in the ADT system in the ADT ID column.
Type the specimen action description in the Description column.
Click Save.
Editing and Deleting Associations:
To edit, change the information in the appropriate rows and columns, then click Save.
To delete, select the checkboxes for the associations and click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion.
Associating Patient Order Types with a Priority
Navigate to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Click the Patient Order Priority link.
Click Add to add a new row.
Select a campus in the Campus column.
Select the order type in the Order Type column.
Select STAT in the Order Priority column.
Enter an ADT ID in the ADT ID column.
Type the priority description in the Description column.
Click Save.
Associating Patient Order Types with Specimen Action Types
Navigate to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Click the Patient Order Specimen Action link.
Click Add to add a new row.
Select a campus in the Campus column.
Select the order type in the Order Type column.
Select Nurse Collected in the Order Specimen Action column.
Enter an ADT ID in the ADT ID column.
Type the specimen action description in the Description column.
Click Save.
Columns for four types of orders can appear in PatientTracking Portal® list views: Lab, Radiology, Medication, or Other. "Other" means any clinical order that is not a lab or radiology order (such as EKG or Pain Assessment). The column headings have icons to represent the order type.
Who, Why, When: This feature is used by healthcare professionals to track and manage various types of clinical orders for patients. It exists to provide a clear and organized view of patient orders, ensuring timely and accurate processing. It is used whenever there is a need to view or update the status of patient orders.
Where you can find this feature: PatientTracking Portal® list views.
How Orders Work
Lab Orders
Lab order status can appear in the Lab Orders column in a patient row:
Blank: Indicates no orders for the patient, lack of a PatientTracking Portal® ADT Lab Order license, or icons not being used to represent orders. If there is order history and you have the necessary permission, the blank cell appears as a silver or blue button, which can be clicked to view order history.
STAT/Urgent: The patient has at least one STAT or urgent order.
Nurse Collected: The patient has at least one lab order requiring specimen collection by the patient's nurse or other qualified staff member.
Ordered: The patient has at least one order in the Ordered status.
In Process: The patient has at least one order in the In Process status.
Resulted: The patient has at least one order in the Resulted status.
Cancelled: At least one order for this patient has been cancelled.
If you have the Access Lab Order permission, click to display the patient's lab order history.
Med Orders
Medication order status can appear in the Med Orders column in a patient row:
Blank: Indicates no orders for the patient, lack of a medication order entry interface, or icons not being used to represent orders. If there is order history and you have the necessary permission, the blank cell appears as a silver or blue button, which can be clicked to view order history.
Ordered: The patient has at least one order in the Ordered status.
In Process: The patient has at least one order in the In Process status.
Resulted: The patient has at least one order in the Resulted status.
Cancelled: At least one order for this patient has been cancelled.
If you have the Access Med Order permission, click to display the patient's medication order history.
Other Orders
Other orders are clinical orders that are not lab or radiology orders. Examples include EKG, Wound Care, Vital Signs, Teaching, and IV Monitor. The Other Orders column shows the status of these orders for patients:
Blank: Indicates no orders for the patient, lack of a medication order entry interface, or icons not being used to represent orders. If there is order history and you have the necessary permission, the blank cell appears as a silver or blue button, which can be clicked to view order history.
Ordered: The patient has at least one order in the Ordered status.
In Process: The patient has at least one order in the In Process status.
Resulted: The patient has at least one order in the Resulted status.
Cancelled: At least one order for this patient has been cancelled.
If you have the Access Other Orders permission, click the button to display the patient's other order history.
Radiology Orders
Radiology order status can appear in the Radiology Orders column in a patient row:
Blank: Indicates no orders for the patient, lack of a PatientTracking Portal® ADT Radiology Order license, or icons not being used to represent orders. If there is order history and you have the necessary permission, the blank cell appears as a silver or blue button, which can be clicked to view order history.
STAT/Urgent: The patient has at least one STAT or urgent order.
Ordered: The patient has at least one order in the Ordered status.
In Process: The patient has at least one order in the In Process status.
Resulted: The patient has at least one order in the Resulted status.
Cancelled: At least one order for this patient has been cancelled.
If you have the Access Radiology Orders permission, click to display the patient's radiology order history.
Viewing a Patient's Order History
Viewing a Patient's Order History allows healthcare professionals to access and review a patient's past orders, including lab, radiology, medication, and other clinical orders. This feature is essential for tracking patient care and ensuring accurate and timely treatment. It is used by clinicians, nurses, and other authorized staff members.
Where you can find this feature: PatientTracking Portal® application.
How Viewing a Patient's Order History Works
List views in the PatientTracking Portal® application can include columns for Lab Orders, Radiology Orders, Medication Orders, and Other Orders. These columns can be added through the View Options > Configure Columns button. The columns display the status of orders and use colors and symbols to indicate different statuses.
Lab Orders: Displays lab order status.
Blank: No orders, no license, or icons not used.
STAT or urgent: !STAT
Nurse Collected: !Nurse Collected
Ordered: !Ordered
In Process: !In Process
Resulted: !Resulted
Cancelled: !Cancelled
Permission: Access Lab Order permission required to view history.
Radiology Orders: Displays radiology order status.
Blank: No orders, no license, or icons not used.
STAT or urgent: !STAT
Ordered: !Ordered
In Process: !In Process
Resulted: !Resulted
Cancelled: !Cancelled
Permission: Access Radiology Orders permission required to view history.
Medication Orders: Displays medication order status.
Blank: No orders, no interface, or icons not used.
Ordered: !Ordered
In Process: !In Process
Resulted: !Resulted
Cancelled: !Cancelled
Permission: Access Med Order permission required to view history.
Other Orders: Displays status of other clinical orders (e.g., EKG, Wound Care).
Blank: No orders, no interface, or icons not used.
Ordered: !Ordered
In Process: !In Process
Resulted: !Resulted
Cancelled: !Cancelled
Permission: Access Other Orders permission required to view history.
Viewing Order History:
Locate the patient row in the list view.
Click the cell corresponding to the patient and the desired order column (Lab Orders, Medication Orders, Other Orders, Radiology Orders).
The respective dialog box will display the order history.
Understanding the Order History:
The most recent order appears first.
Columns in the history include:
Order ID: Identification code for the order. Hover to view details (order date, time, status, creation date).
Red: Order or Order Started status.
Yellow: In Progress status.
Green: Resulted status.
White: Cancelled status.
Order Status: Status concatenated with priority and specimen action.
Description: Description from the ADT system.
Ordered by: Physician or provider who ordered the work.
Ordered Date: Date the order was created.