We’ll cover understanding the case layout which is broken up into 5 sections. There are 4 Tabs where you’ll enter standardized information and then a Case Log for non specific information. Though mainly used by Patient Placement Specialists, others may interact with the Case Log.
We’ll overview the Patient, Communication, Outcome, and Document Tabs then the Case Log.
Patient Tab
The Patient Tab includes general information about the requesting caller and more depth information about the transfer patient. This tab includes the following sections:
Caller Information
Fields about the referring facility contact who’s making transfer arrangements.
Referring Information
Fields about the referring facility requesting the transfer of patients.
Basic Information
Covers patient demographic information, primary care physician, patient identifiers, and payor information.
Clinical Details
Covers additional Demographic information and other clinical fields.
Covers behavioral health assessment information.
Communication Tab
Information about the Patient Placement Specialist's communications with the physicians and facilities involved in the transfer case decision.
Physician Communication
Information about the physicians that the Patient Placement Specialist contacts to conference about, consult about, and accept the patient.
Facility Communication
Information about the facilities that the Patient Placement Specialist contacts to accept the patient.
Information about people contacted to assist in the facilitation of a patient transfer.
Outcome Tab
Information about the final decision regarding the transfer case
Bed Request Details
Information about the request for a bed in the destination facility.
Case Disposition Information
Information about the status of the transfer case, such as Accepted or Declined.
Patient Transport Information
Information about transportation arrangements for the patient.
Document Tab
Attachments that are supply supporting information about the patient.
Case Log
Additional information that is not captured in a specific field in the case tabs. The Case Log pane appears to the right of all of the tabs in the case details. Patient placement specialists can add notes about the case in general, about communication events, and issues. Events are automatically generated by selections in the Communication tab. Notes can include issues pertaining to the case.
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