There is a PreAdmit Global setting that impacts what patient records can show in Patient Tracking Portal Bed Rows, as well as PreAdmit List Views. We’ll review where to find the setting and adjust it.
About the Setting
This setting limits the number of days from the requested date that the placement request will appear on these views.
Patients with active transport jobs to be moved to the units are also limited by this.
The requests appear throughout the end of the day regardless of shift.
Changing the setting
Navigate to the Global Settings for a campus by:
Selecting Admin Tool → Enterprise Management → Enterprise Information → Select a Campus → Select the Global Settings Tab.
Review the setting, Default number of days to show on placement listviews.
The administrator has configured the Default Number of Days to Show on Placement List Views setting so that placements appear on list views for 2 days from the requested date. A placement request for a patient has a requested date of June 1st. A unit displayed on the list view is the target unit for the placement request. The placement request appears in list views where the target unit is the selected unit through the end of the day on June 1st and June 2nd. On June 3rd, the status of the placement request has not changed and this patient does not appear on the list views.